1,616 research outputs found

    The Freedom of the Christian for Culture

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    (Excerpt) It is somewhat surprising for Timothy Lull to be invited to address a liturgical conference of any sort. I was talking to several of my colleagues at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary this week about what I would be saying, and one of them said, Ah! Is Lull among the liturgists? He seemed surprised These colleagues wondered if you knew, for example, that I describe myself as a recovering evangelical catholic, or if you would know that I have the reputation in my congregation as being the great complainer about matters like the length of service, the fact that we sing no hymns written after 1750, that the basis for preaching almost never includes either the Old Testament or the Epistle lesson, and the kind of frightened anxiety with which we do things liturgical in our very liturgical parish

    Adaptive design of delta sigma modulators

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    In this thesis, a genetic algorithm based on differential evolution (DE) is used to generate delta sigma modulator (DSM) noise transfer functions (NTFs). These NTFs outperform those generated by an iterative approach described by Schreier and implemented in the delsig Matlab toolbox. Several lowpass and bandpass DSMs, as well as DSM\u27s designed specifically for and very low intermediate frequency (VLIF) receivers are designed using the algorithm developed in this thesis and compared to designs made using the delsig toolbox. The NTFs designed using the DE algorithm always have a higher dynamic range and signal to noise ratio than those designed using the delsig toolbox

    Online Self-testing Resources Prepared by Peer Tutors as a Formative Assessment Tool in Pharmacology Courses

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    Objective. To assess the effectiveness of optional online quizzes written by peer tutors in a pharmacology course for doctor of pharmacy students. Methods. Online quizzes were written by peer tutors for second-year pharmacy students. Quizzes reflected the material taught during lecture and were in a format similar to that of the examinations. Data related to performance on each quiz and each examination were collected throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, students and peer tutors were surveyed to gather information on the utility and success of the quizzes. Results. Students taking online quizzes performed significantly better on examinations than those who did not take quizzes. In addition, students received higher scores on examinations than when practicing with the quizzes. Surveys suggest that students liked the quizzes and felt they increased their confidence and performance on examinations. Conclusion. The quizzes were beneficial to student performance on examinations as well as student perception of performance and confidence going into the examinations. Quizzes were also beneficial learning experiences for peer tutors

    Identifying Patterns in Health Care Disparities and Barriers to Health Care in Rural Tanzania

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    Tanzania is a country in East Africa with a population of 55 million people. HIV/AIDs, malaria and nutritional deficiencies claim the lives of many each year across Tanzania. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2013 that approximately 70 percent of the population of Tanzania live in more rural areas where access to healthcare, health education, and medications for these diseases may be limited. The objective of this study was to illuminate significant health disparities in rural Tanzania based on literature and direct observations to identify barriers to quality health care. A comprehensive literature evaluation was completed on reports published on healthcare and health statistics in Tanzania from 1995 to present using Google Scholar and PubMed searches. This information was compared to direct observations, clinic evaluations and pharmacy inventories completed during a two week service program to villages in rural Tanzania. During this two-week trip, local health systems were directly observed and publicly available information about healthcare disparities in the region was recorded. Inventories of major diseases treated, services offered, and medications at two hospitals, one medical clinic and two pharmacies were recorded in the towns of Iringa and Ipalamwa, Tanzania. Despite the need, many rural villages, like Ipalamwa, have no functional health clinic and limited pharmacies available to its people, preventing necessary care. In 2013 in Tanzania, there were 159 deaths per 100,000 people due to HIV/AIDs. Observations made in Iringa and Ipalamwa revealed that despite local pharmacies, antiretroviral therapies are not readily available. The WHO reported that 44 people per 100,000 people die every year from malaria and that in all regions of Tanzania, malaria is a major cause of health services for all ages. Observations made in rural Tanzania reveal that government run pharmacies only offer limited medications for malaria treatment, primarily Artequick (artemisinin/piperaquine), Lumiter (artemether/lumefantrine), and Coartem D (artemether/ lumefantrine). From 2010-2011 it was reported that for children in Tanzania under the age of 5 years old, 13.6 percent were underweight, 6.6 percent experienced wasting, and finally 38.4 percent experienced stunting. Initial observations indicate that rates in rural areas well over 50 percent. Rural Tanzanian locations like Iringa are the highest producing maize regions and diet in the areas observed consists mainly of carbohydrate rich foods, such as corn and rice. Nutrient-rich food groups are avoided or sold for income or because of cultural beliefs. Due to geographic location in rural regions of Tanzania, lack of resources present a barrier to health care. Lack of access to HIV/AIDs and malaria treatment raise concern. Due to the abundance of maize-heavy diets in rural settings, many have an imbalanced diet which leads to nutritional deficiencies and stunting. Despite access to other sources of food, many people do not take advantage due to lack of knowledge and cultural beliefs. Identification of unique issues in rural Tanzania along with specific barriers is critical as this will allow for programs and interventions to be more targeted in rural settings

    Masaharta, hijo del PSA y rey Painedjem I

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    El estudio de Masaharta sirve para introducirnos en la dinámica que parece regir el nombramiento de los PSA tebanos durante el gobierno de Painedjem I, modelo que después será igualmente aplicado durante el mandato de Menkheperra. La documentación existente de Masaharta y su análisis, además, amplía nuestro conocimiento sobre el origen e influencia de la familia de sacerdotes que dominaron el ámbito tebano durante la dinastía XXI y la importancia que para los PSA tebanos tuvieron lugares lejanos a Tebas como el-Hibeh.Masaharta serves to introduce us to the dynamic that seems to govern the appointment of the Theban High Priest of Amun during the government of Pinudjem I, model that will also be applied later during the mandate of HPA and King Menkheperre. Masaharta existing documentation and its analysis also serves to expand our understanding of the origin and influence of the family of priests who dominated the Theban area during XXIst Dynasty and the importance that places as far away from of Thebes as el-Hibeh had for the Theban HP

    Ética y arqueología

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    Vivimos entre objetos. Los objetos nos conducen y enseñan. Todo ellos, ajenos o propios nos hacen. La arqueología es el procedimiento más adecuado para dar cuenta de cómo y por qué constituimos objetos distinguidos de entre las cosas. Útil e instrumento no son lo mismo. Ahondar en la diferencia es una forma de restituir a la ciencia el ambiente ético de su origen y darle satisfacción. La ética de sentirse objeto es la consecuencia necesariaWe live among objects. Objects guide and teach us. All of them, whether owned by us or not, make us. Archaeology is the most suitable procedure if we are to explain how and why we become distinguished objects among the world of things. Useful things and tools are not the same as each other. To go deeply into this difference involves restoring to science its original ethical context and giving it satisfaction. The ethics of being an object is the necessary consequenc

    From ethnography to evolution

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    The author reflects on the development of his epistemic approach to the study of communication and culture first by recounting key experiences he had as a boy and young man, especially travel. He traces the trajectory of his empirical study of media, culture, and communication by citing key scholars and literature as well as his experiences as a professional communicator. Professor Lull’s doctoral dissertation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an innovative ethnography of family life with television, set him on the path of qualitative empirical research for much of his early career. He mentions his article “The Social Uses of Television” and his ethnography of the arrival of television in urban China as his major research accomplishments. In the late 1980s, his focus turned to Latin America, where he has given numerous presentations, seminars, and workshops. His collaboration with the Brazilian-American communications professor Eduardo Neiva helped bring about a transition to his most recent work, the introduction of evolutionary communication as a theoretical alternative in the field.O autor reflete sobre o desenvolvimento de sua abordagem epistêmica no estudo da comunicação e cultura, primeiramente, por meio de narrativas de experiências-chave que ele teve quando criança e jovem adulto, especialmente viagens. Ele traça a trajetória do seu estudo empírico sobre mídia, cultura e comunicação, citando os principais estudiosos e literatura, bem como suas experiências como comunicador profissional. A tese de doutorado do professor Lull, realizada na Universidade de Wisconsin-Madison, uma etnografia inovadora da vida familiar com a televisão, estabeleceu-o no caminho da pesquisa empírica qualitativa durante grande parte do seu início de carreira. Ele cita o artigo The social uses of television e sua etnografia sobre a chegada da televisão na China urbana como suas maiores realizações em pesquisa. No final da década de 1980, seu foco se voltou para a América Latina, onde participou de várias palestras, seminários e workshops. Seu trabalho colaborativo com Eduardo Neiva, professor de comunicação brasileiro-estadunidense, contribuiu para a transição do autor para seu mais recente trabalho: a introdução da comunicação evolutiva como uma alternativa teórica para a área