10 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis of Ca2+ Signaling in Rat Ventricular Myocytes with Realistic Transverse-Axial Tubular Geometry and Inhibited Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

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    The t-tubules of mammalian ventricular myocytes are invaginations of the cell membrane that occur at each Z-line. These invaginations branch within the cell to form a complex network that allows rapid propagation of the electrical signal, and hence synchronous rise of intracellular calcium (Ca2+). To investigate how the t-tubule microanatomy and the distribution of membrane Ca2+ flux affect cardiac excitation-contraction coupling we developed a 3-D continuum model of Ca2+ signaling, buffering and diffusion in rat ventricular myocytes. The transverse-axial t-tubule geometry was derived from light microscopy structural data. To solve the nonlinear reaction-diffusion system we extended SMOL software tool (http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/smol/). The analysis suggests that the quantitative understanding of the Ca2+ signaling requires more accurate knowledge of the t-tubule ultra-structure and Ca2+ flux distribution along the sarcolemma. The results reveal the important role for mobile and stationary Ca2+ buffers, including the Ca2+ indicator dye. In agreement with experiment, in the presence of fluorescence dye and inhibited sarcoplasmic reticulum, the lack of detectible differences in the depolarization-evoked Ca2+ transients was found when the Ca2+ flux was heterogeneously distributed along the sarcolemma. In the absence of fluorescence dye, strongly non-uniform Ca2+ signals are predicted. Even at modest elevation of Ca2+, reached during Ca2+ influx, large and steep Ca2+ gradients are found in the narrow sub-sarcolemmal space. The model predicts that the branched t-tubule structure and changes in the normal Ca2+ flux density along the cell membrane support initiation and propagation of Ca2+ waves in rat myocytes

    Examination of the Effects of Heterogeneous Organization of RyR Clusters, Myofibrils and Mitochondria on Ca2+ Release Patterns in Cardiomyocytes

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    Spatio-temporal dynamics of intracellular calcium, [Ca2+]i, regulate the contractile function of cardiac muscle cells. Measuring [Ca2+]i flux is central to the study of mechanisms that underlie both normal cardiac function and calcium-dependent etiologies in heart disease. However, current imaging techniques are limited in the spatial resolution to which changes in [Ca2+]i can be detected. Using spatial point process statistics techniques we developed a novel method to simulate the spatial distribution of RyR clusters, which act as the major mediators of contractile Ca2+ release, upon a physiologically-realistic cellular landscape composed of tightly-packed mitochondria and myofibrils.We applied this method to computationally combine confocal-scale (~ 200 nm) data of RyR clusters with 3D electron microscopy data (~ 30 nm) of myofibrils and mitochondria, both collected from adult rat left ventricular myocytes. Using this hybrid-scale spatial model, we simulated reaction-diffusion of [Ca2+]i during the rising phase of the transient (first 30 ms after initiation). At 30 ms, the average peak of the simulated [Ca2+]i transient and of the simulated fluorescence intensity signal, F/F0, reached values similar to that found in the literature ([Ca2+]i 1 μM; F/F0 5.5). However, our model predicted the variation in [Ca2+]i to be between 0.3 and 12.7 μM (~3 to 100 fold from resting value of 0.1 μM) and the corresponding F/F0 signal ranging from 3 to 9.5. We demonstrate in this study that: (i) heterogeneities in the [Ca2+]i transient are due not only to heterogeneous distribution and clustering of mitochondria; (ii) but also to heterogeneous local densities of RyR clusters. Further, we show that: (iii) these structureinduced heterogeneities in [Ca2+]i can appear in line scan data. Finally, using our unique method for generating RyR cluster distributions, we demonstrate the robustness in the [Ca2+]i transient to differences in RyR cluster distributions measured between rat and human cardiomyocytes

    Coupling of SK channels, L-type Ca2+ channels, and ryanodine receptors in cardiomyocytes

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    Abstract Small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK) channels regulate the excitability of cardiomyocytes by integrating intracellular Ca2+ and membrane potentials on a beat-to-beat basis. The inextricable interplay between activation of SK channels and Ca2+ dynamics suggests the pathology of one begets another. Yet, the exact mechanistic underpinning for the activation of cardiac SK channels remains unaddressed. Here, we investigated the intracellular Ca2+ microdomains necessary for SK channel activation. SK currents coupled with Ca2+ influx via L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) continued to be elicited after application of caffeine, ryanodine or thapsigargin to deplete SR Ca2+ store, suggesting that LTCCs provide the immediate Ca2+ microdomain for the activation of SK channels in cardiomyocytes. Super-resolution imaging of SK2, Cav1.2 Ca2+ channel, and ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) was performed to quantify the nearest neighbor distances (NND) and localized the three molecules within hundreds of nanometers. The distribution of NND between SK2 and RyR2 as well as SK2 and Cav1.2 was bimodal, suggesting a spatial relationship between the channels. The activation mechanism revealed by our study paved the way for the understanding of the roles of SK channels on the feedback mechanism to regulate the activities of LTCCs and RyR2 to influence local and global Ca2+ signaling

    A unified theory of calcium alternans in ventricular myocytes

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    Intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)) alternans is a dynamical phenomenon in ventricular myocytes, which is linked to the genesis of lethal arrhythmias. Iterated map models of intracellular Ca(2+) cycling dynamics in ventricular myocytes under periodic pacing have been developed to study the mechanisms of Ca(2+) alternans. Two mechanisms of Ca(2+) alternans have been demonstrated in these models: one relies mainly on fractional sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release and uptake, and the other on refractoriness and other properties of Ca(2+) sparks. Each of the two mechanisms can partially explain the experimental observations, but both have their inconsistencies with the experimental results. Here we developed an iterated map model that is composed of two coupled iterated maps, which unifies the two mechanisms into a single cohesive mathematical framework. The unified theory can consistently explain the seemingly contradictory experimental observations and shows that the two mechanisms work synergistically to promote Ca(2+) alternans. Predictions of the theory were examined in a physiologically-detailed spatial Ca(2+) cycling model of ventricular myocytes

    Reading the patterns in living cells —the physics of ca 2+

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