699 research outputs found

    Detecting COVID-19 infection hotspots in England using large-scale self-reported data from a mobile application: a prospective, observational study

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    BACKGROUND: As many countries seek to slow the spread of COVID-19 without reimposing national restrictions, it has become important to track the disease at a local level to identify areas in need of targeted intervention. METHODS: In this prospective, observational study, we did modelling using longitudinal, self-reported data from users of the COVID Symptom Study app in England between March 24, and Sept 29, 2020. Beginning on April 28, in England, the Department of Health and Social Care allocated RT-PCR tests for COVID-19 to app users who logged themselves as healthy at least once in 9 days and then reported any symptom. We calculated incidence of COVID-19 using the invited swab (RT-PCR) tests reported in the app, and we estimated prevalence using a symptom-based method (using logistic regression) and a method based on both symptoms and swab test results. We used incidence rates to estimate the effective reproduction number, R(t), modelling the system as a Poisson process and using Markov Chain Monte-Carlo. We used three datasets to validate our models: the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Community Infection Survey, the Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT-1) study, and UK Government testing data. We used geographically granular estimates to highlight regions with rapidly increasing case numbers, or hotspots. FINDINGS: From March 24 to Sept 29, 2020, a total of 2 873 726 users living in England signed up to use the app, of whom 2 842 732 (98·9%) provided valid age information and daily assessments. These users provided a total of 120 192 306 daily reports of their symptoms, and recorded the results of 169 682 invited swab tests. On a national level, our estimates of incidence and prevalence showed a similar sensitivity to changes to those reported in the ONS and REACT-1 studies. On Sept 28, 2020, we estimated an incidence of 15 841 (95% CI 14 023-17 885) daily cases, a prevalence of 0·53% (0·45-0·60), and R(t) of 1·17 (1·15-1·19) in England. On a geographically granular level, on Sept 28, 2020, we detected 15 (75%) of the 20 regions with highest incidence according to government test data. INTERPRETATION: Our method could help to detect rapid case increases in regions where government testing provision is lower. Self-reported data from mobile applications can provide an agile resource to inform policy makers during a quickly moving pandemic, serving as a complementary resource to more traditional instruments for disease surveillance. FUNDING: Zoe Global, UK Government Department of Health and Social Care, Wellcome Trust, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK National Institute for Health Research, UK Medical Research Council and British Heart Foundation, Alzheimer's Society, Chronic Disease Research Foundation

    La adhesión de las enfermeras al Método Canguro: subvención para la administración del cuidado de enfermería

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    ;;OBJETIVO:;; construir um modelo teórico explicativo acerca da adesão das enfermeiras ao Método Canguru na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, a partir dos significados e interações para a gerência do cuidado.;;;;MÉTODO:;; pesquisa qualitativa, guiada pelo referencial da Grounded Theory. Foram entrevistadas oito enfermeiras de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A análise comparativa dos dados percorreu as etapas de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva, sendo construído um modelo teórico do tipo condicional-causal.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; emergiram quatro categorias principais que compuseram o paradigma de análise: Vestindo a camisa do Método Canguru; Trabalhando com a complexidade do Método Canguru; Encontrando (des)motivação para aplicar o Método Canguru; e Deparando-se com os desafios para a adesão e aplicação do Método Canguru.;;;;CONCLUSÕES:;; o fenômeno central revelou que cada enfermeira e profissional da equipe possui um papel de multiplicador de valores e práticas que podem ou não ser construtivas, influenciando potencialmente na (des)continuidade do Método Canguru na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Os achados podem ser utilizados para o delineamento de estratégias gerenciais que ultrapassem os cursos e treinamentos e garantam o fortalecimento do modelo assistencial.;;;;OBJECTIVE:;; construct an explanatory theoretical model about nurses' adherence to the Kangaroo Care Method at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, based on the meanings and interactions for care management.;;;;METHOD:;; qualitative research, based on the reference framework of the Grounded Theory. Eight nurses were interviewed at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The comparative analysis of the data comprised the phases of open, axial and selective coding. A theoretical conditional-causal model was constructed.;;;;RESULTS:;; four main categories emerged that composed the analytic paradigm: Giving one's best to the Kangaroo Method; Working with the complexity of the Kangaroo Method; Finding (de)motivation to apply the Kangaroo Method; and Facing the challenges for the adherence to and application of the Kangaroo Method.;;;;CONCLUSIONS:;; the central phenomenon revealed that each nurse and team professional has a role of multiplying values and practices that may or may not be constructive, potentially influencing the (dis)continuity of the Kangaroo Method at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The findings can be used to outline management strategies that go beyond the courses and training and guarantee the strengthening of the care model.;;;;OBJETIVO:;; construir un modelo teórico explicativo acerca de la adhesión de las enfermeras al Método Canguro en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, a partir de los significados e interacciones para la administración del cuidado.;;;;MÉTODO:;; investigación cualitativa, guiada por el referencial de la Grounded Theory. Fueron entrevistadas ocho enfermeras de una Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro. El análisis comparativo de los datos recorrió las etapas de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, siendo construido un modelo teórico del tipo condicional-causal.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; surgieron cuatro categorías principales que compusieron los paradigmas del análisis: Vistiendo la camisa del Método Canguro; Trabajando con la complejidad del Método Canguro; Encontrando (des)motivación para aplicar el Método Canguro; y Encontrando los desafíos para la adhesión y aplicación del Método Canguro.;;;;CONCLUSIONES:;; el fenómeno central reveló que cada enfermera y profesional del equipo posee un papel de multiplicador de valores y prácticas que pueden o no ser constructivas, influenciando potencialmente en la (des)continuidad del Método Canguro en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Los hallazgos pueden ser utilizados para el delineamiento de estrategias de administración que sobrepasen los cursos y entrenamientos y garanticen el fortalecimiento del modelo asistencial.;

    Therapeutic communication between health workers and patients concerning diabetes mellitus care

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    The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze therapeutic communication techniques used by health workers with patients under care for diabetes mellitus. Data were collected in 2010 in a public facility in the interior of Ceará, Brazil using video camera equipment and direct observation. Results showed that the most frequently used techniques within the "expression" group were: asking questions, voicing interest, and using descriptive phrases. The most frequently used technique within the "clarification" group was: asking the patient to specify the agent of action. Finally, in regard to the "validation" group, only the technique "summarizing content of the interaction" was employed. The conclusion is that despite the use of communication techniques on the part of professionals, there is still an alarming gap concerning communication skills. Such skills should be allied with technical expertise to enable the delivery of qualified care to individuals with diabetes mellitus.Este estudio transversal tuvo como objetivo analizar las técnicas de comunicación terapéutica entre profesionales y pacientes en la atención en diabetes mellitus. Los datos se recogieron en una institución pública de Ceará-Brasil, en 2010, con equipos de video y observación directa. Los resultados mostraron que las técnicas del grupo de expresión más utilizadas fueron: hacer preguntas, expresar interés y usar frases descriptivas. Con relación a las del grupo de clarificación sobresalió solicitar al paciente que necesite el agente de la acción. Con relación a las de validación, apenas se utilizó las de organizar el contenido de la interacción. Se concluye que a pesar del uso de técnicas de comunicación por los profesionales, aun es preocupante la laguna con relación a la habilidad en comunicación, que debe ser aliada a la capacidad técnica, para así propiciar el cuidado calificado a las personas con diabetes mellitus.Objetivou-se, por este estudo transversal, analisar as técnicas de comunicação terapêutica entre profissionais e pacientes na atenção em diabetes mellitus. Os dados foram coletados em uma instituição pública de um município no interior do Ceará, Brasil, em 2010, por meio de equipamentos de vídeo e observação direta. Os resultados mostraram que as técnicas do grupo de expressão mais utilizadas foram: fazer perguntas, verbalizar interesse e usar frases descritivas. Quanto às do grupo de clarificação, sobressaiu solicitar ao paciente que precise o agente da ação. Em relação às de validação, apenas foi utilizada a técnica de sumarizar o conteúdo da interação. Conclui-se que, apesar do emprego de técnicas comunicacionais pelos profissionais, ainda é preocupante a lacuna referente à habilidade em comunicação, a qual deve ser aliada à competência técnica, para assim propiciar o cuidado qualificado às pessoas com diabetes mellitus

    Attributes and predictors of long COVID

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    Reports of long-lasting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms, the so-called ‘long COVID’, are rising but little is known about prevalence, risk factors or whether it is possible to predict a protracted course early in the disease. We analyzed data from 4,182 incident cases of COVID-19 in which individuals self-reported their symptoms prospectively in the COVID Symptom Study app. A total of 558 (13.3%) participants reported symptoms lasting ≥28 days, 189 (4.5%) for ≥8 weeks and 95 (2.3%) for ≥12 weeks. Long COVID was characterized by symptoms of fatigue, headache, dyspnea and anosmia and was more likely with increasing age and body mass index and female sex. Experiencing more than five symptoms during the first week of illness was associated with long COVID (odds ratio = 3.53 (2.76–4.50)). A simple model to distinguish between short COVID and long COVID at 7 days (total sample size, n = 2,149) showed an area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic curve of 76%, with replication in an independent sample of 2,472 individuals who were positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. This model could be used to identify individuals at risk of long COVID for trials of prevention or treatment and to plan education and rehabilitation services

    Secured Communication over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels: a practical Vandermonde precoding

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    In this paper, we study the frequency-selective broadcast channel with confidential messages (BCC) in which the transmitter sends a confidential message to receiver 1 and a common message to receivers 1 and 2. In the case of a block transmission of N symbols followed by a guard interval of L symbols, the frequency-selective channel can be modeled as a N * (N+L) Toeplitz matrix. For this special type of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, we propose a practical Vandermonde precoding that consists of projecting the confidential messages in the null space of the channel seen by receiver 2 while superposing the common message. For this scheme, we provide the achievable rate region, i.e. the rate-tuple of the common and confidential messages, and characterize the optimal covariance inputs for some special cases of interest. It is proved that the proposed scheme achieves the optimal degree of freedom (d.o.f) region. More specifically, it enables to send l <= L confidential messages and N-l common messages simultaneously over a block of N+L symbols. Interestingly, the proposed scheme can be applied to secured multiuser scenarios such as the K+1-user frequency-selective BCC with K confidential messages and the two-user frequency-selective BCC with two confidential messages. For each scenario, we provide the achievable secrecy degree of freedom (s.d.o.f.) region of the corresponding frequency-selective BCC and prove the optimality of the Vandermonde precoding. One of the appealing features of the proposed scheme is that it does not require any specific secrecy encoding technique but can be applied on top of any existing powerful encoding schemes.Comment: To appear in EURASIP journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue on Wireless Physical Security, 200