32 research outputs found

    Electronic Outbreak Surveillance in Germany: A First Evaluation for Nosocomial Norovirus Outbreaks

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    BACKGROUND: In Germany, surveillance for infectious disease outbreaks is integrated into an electronic surveillance system. For 2007, the national surveillance database contains case-based information on 201,224 norovirus cases, three-quarters of which are linked to outbreaks. We evaluated the data quality of the national database in reflecting nosocomial norovirus outbreak (NNO) data available in 19 Hessian local public health authorities (LPHAs) and the influence of differences between LPHA's follow-up procedures for laboratory notifications of Norovirus positive stool samples on outbreak underascertainment. METHODS: Data on NNO beginning in 2007 and notified to the 19 LPHAs were extracted from the national database, investigated regarding internal validity and compared to data collected from LPHAs for a study on NNO control. LPHAs were questioned whether they routinely contacted all persons for whom a laboratory diagnosis of norovirus infection was notified. The number of outbreaks per 1,000 hospital beds and the number of cases within NNOs for acute care and rehabilitation hospitals were compared between counties with and without complete follow-up. RESULTS: The national database contained information on 155 NNOs, including 3,115 cases. Cases were missed in the national database in 58 (37%) of the outbreaks. Information on hospitalisation was incorrect for an estimated 47% of NNO cases. Information on county of infection was incorrect for 24% (199/820) of cases being forwarded between LPHAs for data entry. Reported NNO incidence and number of NNO cases in acute care hospitals was higher in counties with complete follow-up (incidence-rate ratio (IRR) 2.7, 95% CI 1.4-5.7, p-value 0.002 and IRR 2.1, 95% CI 1.9-2.4, p-value 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Many NNOs are not notified by hospitals and differences in LPHA procedures have an impact on the number of outbreaks captured in the surveillance system. Forwarding of case-by-case data on Norovirus outbreak cases from the local to the state and national level should not be required

    A rapid screening tool for psychological distress in children 3--6years old: results of a validation study.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The mental health needs of young children in humanitarian contexts often remain unaddressed. The lack of a validated, rapid and simple tool for screening combined with few mental health professionals able to accurately diagnose and provide appropriate care mean that young children remain without care. Here, we present the results of the principle cross-cultural validation of the "Psychological Screening for Young Children aged 3 to 6" (PSYCAa3-6). The PSYCa 3--6 is a simple scale for children 3 to 6 years old administered by non-specialists, to screen young children in crises and thereby refer them to care if needed. METHODS: This study was conducted in Maradi, Niger. The scale was translated into Hausa, using corroboration of independent translations. A cross-cultural validation was implemented using quantitative and qualitative methods. A random sample of 580 mothers or caregivers of children 3 to 6 years old were included. The tool was psychometrically examined and diagnostic properties were assessed comparing the PSYCa 3--6 against a clinical interview as the gold standard. RESULTS: The PSYCa 3--6 Hausa version demonstrated good concurrent validity, as scores correlated with the gold standard and the Clinical Global Impression Severity Scale (CGI-S) [rho = 0.41, p-value = 0.00]. A reduction procedure was used to reduce the scale from 40 to 22 items. The test-retest reliability of the PSYCa 3--6 was found to be high (ICC 0.81, CI95% [0.68; 0.89]). In our sample, although not the purpose of this study, approximately 54 of 580 children required subsequent follow-up with a psychologist. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first validation of a screening scale for children 3 to 6 years old with a cross-cultural validation component, for use in humanitarian contexts. The Hausa version of the PSYCa 3--6 is a reliable and a valuable screening tool for psychological distress. Further studies to replicate our findings and additional validations of the PSYCa 3--6 in other populations may help improve the delivery of mental health care to children

    Genome-Scale Reconstruction and Analysis of the Pseudomonas putida KT2440 Metabolic Network Facilitates Applications in Biotechnology

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    A cornerstone of biotechnology is the use of microorganisms for the efficient production of chemicals and the elimination of harmful waste. Pseudomonas putida is an archetype of such microbes due to its metabolic versatility, stress resistance, amenability to genetic modifications, and vast potential for environmental and industrial applications. To address both the elucidation of the metabolic wiring in P. putida and its uses in biocatalysis, in particular for the production of non-growth-related biochemicals, we developed and present here a genome-scale constraint-based model of the metabolism of P. putida KT2440. Network reconstruction and flux balance analysis (FBA) enabled definition of the structure of the metabolic network, identification of knowledge gaps, and pin-pointing of essential metabolic functions, facilitating thereby the refinement of gene annotations. FBA and flux variability analysis were used to analyze the properties, potential, and limits of the model. These analyses allowed identification, under various conditions, of key features of metabolism such as growth yield, resource distribution, network robustness, and gene essentiality. The model was validated with data from continuous cell cultures, high-throughput phenotyping data, 13C-measurement of internal flux distributions, and specifically generated knock-out mutants. Auxotrophy was correctly predicted in 75% of the cases. These systematic analyses revealed that the metabolic network structure is the main factor determining the accuracy of predictions, whereas biomass composition has negligible influence. Finally, we drew on the model to devise metabolic engineering strategies to improve production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, a class of biotechnologically useful compounds whose synthesis is not coupled to cell survival. The solidly validated model yields valuable insights into genotype–phenotype relationships and provides a sound framework to explore this versatile bacterium and to capitalize on its vast biotechnological potential

    Molecular control of HIV-1 postintegration latency: implications for the development of new therapeutic strategies

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    The persistence of HIV-1 latent reservoirs represents a major barrier to virus eradication in infected patients under HAART since interruption of the treatment inevitably leads to a rebound of plasma viremia. Latency establishes early after infection notably (but not only) in resting memory CD4+ T cells and involves numerous host and viral trans-acting proteins, as well as processes such as transcriptional interference, RNA silencing, epigenetic modifications and chromatin organization. In order to eliminate latent reservoirs, new strategies are envisaged and consist of reactivating HIV-1 transcription in latently-infected cells, while maintaining HAART in order to prevent de novo infection. The difficulty lies in the fact that a single residual latently-infected cell can in theory rekindle the infection. Here, we review our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the establishment and maintenance of HIV-1 latency and in the transcriptional reactivation from latency. We highlight the potential of new therapeutic strategies based on this understanding of latency. Combinations of various compounds used simultaneously allow for the targeting of transcriptional repression at multiple levels and can facilitate the escape from latency and the clearance of viral reservoirs. We describe the current advantages and limitations of immune T-cell activators, inducers of the NF-κB signaling pathway, and inhibitors of deacetylases and histone- and DNA- methyltransferases, used alone or in combinations. While a solution will not be achieved by tomorrow, the battle against HIV-1 latent reservoirs is well- underway

    Acquired mutations in TET2 are common in myelodysplastic syndromes.

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    Contains fulltext : 79550.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) represent a heterogeneous group of neoplastic hematopoietic disorders. Several recurrent chromosomal aberrations have been associated with MDS, but the genes affected have remained largely unknown. To identify relevant genetic lesions involved in the pathogenesis of MDS, we conducted SNP array-based genomic profiling and genomic sequencing in 102 individuals with MDS and identified acquired deletions and missense and nonsense mutations in the TET2 gene in 26% of these individuals. Using allele-specific assays, we detected TET2 mutations in most of the bone marrow cells (median 96%). In addition, the mutations were encountered in various lineages of differentiation including CD34(+) progenitor cells, suggesting that TET2 mutations occur early during disease evolution. In healthy tissues, TET2 expression was shown to be elevated in hematopoietic cells with highest expression in granulocytes, in line with a function in myelopoiesis. We conclude that TET2 is the most frequently mutated gene in MDS known so far

    Gamma probe and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology of the sentinel node (GULF) trial

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    PURPOSE: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) was introduced as a minimally invasive technique for nodal staging. Since associated morbidity is not negligible, it is highly relevant to pursue a more minimally invasive alternative. The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate the sensitivity of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) with combined gamma probe and ultrasound (US) guidance in comparison with the gold standard histology of the sentinel node (SN) after SLNB for detecting metastasis. METHODS: The study was designed as a prospective, multicentre, open-label, single-arm trial enrolling patients with newly diagnosed cutaneous melanoma or breast cancer between May 2015 and August 2017. Sample radioactivity was measured using a Mini 900 scintillation monitor. After FNAC, all patients underwent SLNB. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were estimated. RESULTS: Accrual was terminated early following an unplanned interim analysis indicating that a FNAC sensitivity of at least 80% could not be achieved. In total 58 patients of the originally planned 116 patients underwent FNAC with gamma probe and US guidance. There were no true-positive FNAC results, 14 false-negative results and one false-positive result, and thus the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of FNAC were 0%, 98%, 0% and 75%, respectively. At least 75% of the FNAC samples had a radioactivity signal higher than the background signal. CONCLUSION: FNAC with gamma probe and US guidance is not able to correctly detect metastases in the SN and is therefore not able to replace SLNB. Gamma probe-guided US is a highly accurate method for correctly identifying the SN, which offers possibilities for future research