21 research outputs found

    O BNDES e a agroindústria

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    Texto elaborado em 1984

    A Reforma Sampaio Dória: professores, poder e figurações

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    As reformas de ensino são objetos de pesquisa em Educação. Analisou-se a Reforma de 1920 da instrução pública paulista, dirigida por Sampaio Dória, do ponto de vista das prescrições legais e de sua implantação em uma realidade específica, a Escola Normal de Piracicaba/SP. A implantação contou com um grupo de professores que é o nosso objeto privilegiado. Dele apreendemos a formação de uma figuração social produtora de gradientes de poder a partir de reconhecidos domínios pedagógicos, literários, artísticos e político-nacionalistas. Os conceitos de figuração e de poder propostos por Norbert Elias nos dão suporte teórico. A Reforma de 1920, uma rede de pessoas interdependentes e seus desdobramentos são analisados neste artigo

    Apropriações dos saberes pedagógicos no início da formação: manuais e provas da Escola Normal de São Paulo (década de 1870)

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    O artigo que aqui se apresenta examina manuais e provas feitas pelos estudantes da Escola Normal de São Paulo nos anos de 1870. Isso significa perguntar quais temas, conteúdos e referências eram ensinados no início da docência e como esses saberes eram lidos, interpretados, citados, enfim, de que modo eram apropriados. Os livros e exames analisados são indícios exemplares do que se ensinava e do que se aprendia num curso ainda em consolidação. Os livros e as provas em pauta foram, em suma, produtos e produtores de uma institucionalização e formalização dos saberes do início do magistério, revestindo-se dos temas previstos para estudo na Escola Normal, dos modos como foram desenvolvidos e da maneira como foram selecionadas e mobilizadas as referências do curso

    Voice Disorder in Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    <div><p>Cystic fibrosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder with drastic respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath and chronic cough. While most of cystic fibrosis treatment is dedicated to mitigating the effects of respiratory dysfunction, the potential effects of this disease on vocal parameters have not been systematically studied. We hypothesized that cystic fibrosis patients, given their characteristic respiratory disorders, would also present dysphonic symptoms. Given that voice disorders can severely impair quality of life, the identification of a potential cystic fibrosis-related dysphonia could be of great value for the clinical evaluation and treatment of this disease. We tested our hypothesis by measuring vocal parameters, using both objective physical measures and the GRBAS subjective evaluation method, in male and female cystic fibrosis patients undergoing conventional treatment and compared them to age and sex matched controls. We found that cystic fibrosis patients had a significantly lower vocal intensity and harmonic to noise ratio, as well as increased levels of jitter and shimmer. In addition, cystic fibrosis patients also showed higher scores of roughness, breathiness and asthenia, as well as a significantly altered general grade of dysphonia. When we segregated the results according to sex, we observed that, as a group, only female cystic fibrosis patients had significantly lower values of harmonic to noise ratio and an abnormal general grade of dysphonia in relation to matched controls, suggesting that cystic fibrosis exerts a more pronounced effect on vocal parameters of women in relation to men. Overall, the dysphonic characteristics of CF patients can be explained by dysfunctions in vocal fold movement and partial upper airway obstruction, potentially caused by the accumulation of mucus and chronic cough characteristic of CF symptomatology. Our results show that CF patients exhibit significant dysphonia and suggest they may potentially benefit from voice therapy as a parallel treatment strategy.</p></div

    Conflit de juridictions, commerce électronique et consommateur en Europe

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    <p>Horizontal lines and error bars represent median±IQR for all variables. Subjects were pooled independently of their sex. <b>A:</b> Values of F<sub>0</sub> for each group. <b>B:</b> Values of intensity for each group; note the significant reduction in intensity in the CF group. <b>C:</b> Values of jitter for each group; note the significant increase in jitter in the CF group. <b>D:</b> Values of shimmer for each group; note the significant increase in shimmer in the CF group. <b>E:</b> Values of HNR for each group; note the significant reduction in this variable in the CF group. ***  = <i>P</i><0.0001.</p

    Representative voice recordings and spectrograms of female patients with CF (red) and healthy controls (blue).

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    <p>A: Sound recordings of/a/vowel phonations from a female control subject (A1) and a female patient with CF (A2); note the markedly reduced amplitude range of the signal from the CF patient in relation to the control. B: Amplified views of the recordings presented in A1 and A2; note the irregularity of the voice signal from the CF patient in relation to the control. C: Spectrogram (frequency domain) representations of the recordings presented in A1 and A2; note the higher level of background noise and low formant segregation in the CF patient in relation to the healthy control.</p

    Dysfunctional suction dynamics in newborns with ankyloglossia

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    ABSTRACT Purpose Compare infant suction in babies with and without ankyloglossia using a microprocessor-controlled pressure sensor coupled to a pacifier. Methods Fifty-five infants from 0 to 2 months of age underwent clinical examination for ankyloglossia, after which they were offered a silicone pacifier connected to the pressure acquisition device and suction activity was recorded. Thus, we extracted the frequency of sucks within a burst, the average suck duration, the burst duration, the number of sucks per burst, the maximum amplitude of sucks per burst and the inter-burst interval. Results The key difference in newborns with ankyloglossia in relation to control was that they perform longer bursts of suction activity. Conclusion The longer burst durations are likely a compensatory strategy and may underlie the pain reported by mothers during breastfeeding. We therefore propose a method for objectively quantifying some parameters of infant suction capacity and demonstrate its use in assisting the evaluation of ankyloglossia

    Properties of glass-ceramics obtained from crystallization of the SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-Li2O system with addition of ZrO2

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    This paper presents the study results with glass-ceramics obtained from base glass (MgO-Al2O3- SiO2-Li2O system) with addition of ZrO2 as nucleating agent. The glass was melted at 1650 degrees C for 3 h and at a heating rate of 10 degrees C/min. The molten glass was poured into a graphite mold to obtain monolithic samples and also in water in order to obtain particulate material. Such material was grinded and then pressed by both uniaxial and isostatic pressing methods before being sintered. Both the monolithic and pressed samples were performed under two different conditions of heat treatment so that their nucleation and crystallization occurred. In the first one, the samples were heated to 1100 degrees C with a heating rate of 10 degrees C/min. In the second one, there was an initial heating rate of 10 degrees C/min up to 780 degrees C, which was kept for 5 minutes. After that, the samples were heated to 1100 degrees C at a heating rate of 1 degrees C/min. Microhardness analyses showed that base glass presented values around 7.0 GPa. The glass-ceramics obtained from the powder sintering showed microhardness values lower than those obtained from monolithic samples. The highest hardness values were observed in the samples which were treated with two heating rates, whose values were around 9.2 +/- 0.5 GPa. Moreover, the glass-ceramics which were produced with an only heating rate, presented values around 7.1 +/- 0.2 GPa, very close to those observed in the base glass