55 research outputs found

    User-Centred BCI Videogame Design

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    International audienceThis chapter aims to offer a user-centred methodological framework to guide the design and evaluation of Brain-Computer Interface videogames. This framework is based on the contributions of ergonomics to ensure these games are well suited for their users (i.e., players). It provides methods, criteria and metrics to complete the different phases required by ae human-centred design process. This aims to understand the context of use, specify the user needs and evaluate the solutions in order to define design choices. Several ergonomic methods (e.g., interviews, longitudinal studies, user based testing), objective metrics (e.g., task success, number of errors) and subjective metrics (e.g., mark assigned to an item) are suggested to define and measure the usefulness, usability, acceptability, hedonic qualities, appealingness, emotions related to user experience, immersion and presence to be respected. The benefits and contributions of the user centred framework for the ergonomic design of these Brain-Computer Interface Videogames are discussed

    3D-LIVE : live interactions through 3D visual environments

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    This paper explores Future Internet (FI) 3D-Media technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) in real and virtual environments in order to sense and experiment Real-Time interaction within live situations. The combination of FI testbeds and Living Labs (LL) would enable both researchers and users to explore capacities to enter the 3D Tele-Immersive (TI) application market and to establish new requirements for FI technology and infrastructure. It is expected that combining both FI technology pull and TI market pull would promote and accelerate the creation and adoption, by user communities such as sport practitioners, of innovative TI Services within sport events

    3D-LIVE : live interactions through 3D visual environments

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    This paper explores Future Internet (FI) 3D-Media technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) in real and virtual environments in order to sense and experiment Real-Time interaction within live situations. The combination of FI testbeds and Living Labs (LL) would enable both researchers and users to explore capacities to enter the 3D Tele-Immersive (TI) application market and to establish new requirements for FI technology and infrastructure. It is expected that combining both FI technology pull and TI market pull would promote and accelerate the creation and adoption, by user communities such as sport practitioners, of innovative TI Services within sport events

    L’approche Living Lab : proposition et application d’une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique pour mieux prendre en compte les aspects humains dans la conception de produits logiciels

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    Dans cet article, nous dĂ©crivons une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique de conception utilisant des technologies Ă©mergentes et s’inscrivant dans la continuitĂ© de l’approche Living Lab. Label qui repose sur l’innovation et la co-crĂ©ation, les Living Labs permettent d’intĂ©grer l’utilisateur final dĂšs les premiĂšres Ă©tapes de la conception d’un produit nouveau. Nous avons constatĂ© que les organisations dĂ©tentrices du label Living Lab ne possĂšdent pas de dĂ©marche opĂ©rationnelle et formalisĂ©e permettant de mieux prendre en compte les aspects humains dans la conception de logiciels d’une part, et que la phase d’identification des besoins n’est pas trĂšs dĂ©taillĂ©e dans les mĂ©thodes de l’ingĂ©nierie comparativement aux phases de rĂ©alisation technique d’autre part. Ainsi, nous proposons une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique opĂ©rationnelle Ă©tablie sur la base de la littĂ©rature ergonomique. Cette dĂ©marche, dont la gĂ©nĂ©ricitĂ© la destine Ă  tous types d’artefacts (matĂ©riels, logiciels, services) a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e dans le cadre de trois projets de conception d’artefacts logiciels basĂ©s les technologies de la RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle : Appli-Viz’3D, Apticap et Tactimerlin. Nous concluons sur les apports et les limites de la dĂ©marche proposĂ©e, ainsi que sur les perspectives de recherche qui en dĂ©coulent

    How Designers conceive utility, usefulness and needs construction in design: an exploratory study with three contrasted designers’ profiles

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    Usefulness is considered as a major criterion in ergonomics design. Our objective is to show that heterogeneity and diversity of designers’ profiles could lead to a partially shared representation of the utility and usefulness, methods and tools. To do this, we explore the representations of engineers, graphic designers and ergonomists on the utility, usefulness and needs construction in the design. The methodology developed for studying these representations is a categorical analysis of verbalisations produced during semi-structured interviews. We provide elements of understanding on the relationship between the designer’s profiles and the representations on the definitions of utility and usefulness, and on the needs construction process (design phases, methods, tools and stakeholders involved)

    Vers un modĂšle de l’expĂ©rience utilisateur en environnement virtuel Immersif : une analyse de la littĂ©rature

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    L’expĂ©rience utilisateur fait aujourd’hui l’objet de nombreuses recherches dans la communautĂ© IHM au travers de la proposition de plusieurs modĂšles. En parallĂšle, de nouvelles Interactions Homme-Environnement Virtuel Immersif (IHEVI) ne cessent d’émerger. Toutefois, la question de la mesure de l’expĂ©rience utilisateur en environnement virtuel immersif reste peu traitĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature. Ces constats nous ont amenĂ©s Ă  proposer un modĂšle holistique de l’expĂ©rience utilisateur dans un environnement virtuel immersif, en nous basant sur non seulement les composants constitutifs des modĂšles prĂ©conisĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature en rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle, mais aussi sur les mĂ©triques et les mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©s pour les Ă©valuer

    Towards a usefulness-centered design: an analysis of participative and continuous co-construction of requirements in the context of emerging technologies

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    L‟objectif de cette thĂšse est d‟assister et d‟amĂ©liorer la prise en compte de l‟utilitĂ© dans le processus de conception des artefacts issus des technologies Ă©mergentes. Elle a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le contexte d‟une Recherche-Action menĂ©e dans le cadre d‟un projet rĂ©el de conception appelĂ© 3DChild et ayant abouti Ă  la rĂ©alisation du logiciel Appli-Viz'3D. Deux axes ont guidĂ© ce travail de recherche. Le premier a Ă©tĂ© d‟analyser la prise en compte de l‟utilitĂ© et des besoins dans la conception. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s aux modĂšles, mĂ©thodes et outils utilisĂ©s ou prĂ©conisĂ©s en marketing, en gĂ©nie industriel, en ingĂ©nierie des exigences, en gĂ©nie logiciel, en design et en ergonomie des activitĂ©s de conception. Nous avons Ă©galement explorĂ© les reprĂ©sentations qu‟ont trois catĂ©gories de concepteurs quant Ă  la notion d‟utilitĂ© et aux Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du processus de construction de besoins. Le second axe a Ă©tĂ© dâ€ŸĂ©tudier la contribution rĂ©elle des acteurs - concepteurs et utilisateurs - Ă  la conception d‟artefacts innovants au travers dâ€ŸĂ©tudes empiriques dans lesquelles nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  analyser la dynamique globale du processus de co-construction participative et continue des besoins, avant de nous focaliser sur des points plus spĂ©cifiques du processus. En particulier, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l‟identification des besoins et la proposition de spĂ©cifications par diffĂ©rents profils de concepteurs. Nous avons ensuite Ă©tudiĂ© la priorisation des besoins par diffĂ©rents profils d‟utilisateurs et lâ€ŸĂ©laboration des besoins lors de sĂ©ances dâ€ŸĂ©valuation du logiciel Appli-Viz'3D dans un contexte participatif. AprĂšs avoir discutĂ© les rĂ©sultats de nos Ă©tudes, nous proposons un modĂšle de la conception qui formalise les relations entre l‟univers prospectif et l‟univers rĂ©trospectif de l‟utilitĂ©, l‟utilitĂ© potentielle et l‟utilitĂ© rĂ©elle de l‟artefact. En conclusion, nous synthĂ©tisons les principaux apports de ce travail de recherche, et les perspectives qu‟ils ouvrent. Nos apports thĂ©oriques concernent la dĂ©monstration d‟une absence de reprĂ©sentation totalement partagĂ©e des notions d‟utilitĂ© et de besoins par les concepteurs, la mise en exergue d‟une complĂ©mentaritĂ© des modĂšles, des mĂ©thodes et des outils, utilisĂ©s ou prĂ©conisĂ©s, associĂ©s Ă  un processus de conception centrĂ©e sur l‟utilitĂ©, et la caractĂ©risation des contributions des concepteurs et des utilisateurs au processus de co-construction participative et continue des besoins. Notre apport mĂ©thodologique est l‟extension de la mĂ©thode I2I. Les trois perspectives de recherche sont lâ€ŸĂ©largissement de la portĂ©e de notre modĂšle, la validation de l‟extension proposĂ©e de la mĂ©thode I2I et la crĂ©ation d‟un Living Lab Ă  Laval.The main objective of this thesis is to assist and to improve the consideration of the usefulness in the design process of artifacts in the context of emerging technologies. It was realized in the context of an Action-Research led in the context of a real design project called 3DChild, which managed to the software named "Appli-Viz‟3D". Two main lines led our work. The first one was to analyze how usefulness and requirement are taken into account in design. From this viewpoint, we were interested in models, methods and tools used or advocated in marketing, industrial engineering, requirement engineering, software engineering, design and ergonomics of design activities. We also explored representations of designer‟s profiles on the usefulness and key elements of the process of construction of requirements. The second main line was to study the effective contribution of actors - designers and users - to the design of innovative artifacts through empirical studies which first aimed to analyze the global dynamics of the process of participative and continuous co-construction of requirements. We then focused on more specific issues of the process. Particularly, we were interested in identifying requirements and in the proposal of specifications by different designer‟s profiles. We then studied the prioritization of requirements by different user‟s profiles and development of requirements during sessions of evaluation of the software Appli-Viz'3D in a participative context. After discussing the results of our studies, we propose a model that formalizes the relationship between the retrospective and the prospective universes of the usefulness, the potential usefulness and the real usefulness of the artifact. In conclusion, we summarize the main contributions of this research and the perspectives they open. Our theoretical contributions concern the demonstration of a lack of a totally shared representation by the designers of the concepts of usefulness and requirements; the highlighting of the complementary nature of models, methods and tools, used or advocated, associated to an usefulness-centered design process, and the characterization of the process of participative and continuous co-construction of requirements. Our methodological contribution is the extension of the IÂČI method. The three perspectives are the broadening of the scope of our model, the validation of the proposed extension of the IÂČI method and the creation of a Living Lab in Laval

    VERS UNE CONCEPTION CENTRÉE SUR L'UTILITÉ : Une analyse de la co-construction participative et continue des besoins dans le contexte des technologies Ă©mergentes

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    The main objective of this thesis is to assist and to improve the consideration of the usefulness in the design process of artifacts in the context of emerging technologies. It was realized in the context of an Action-Research led in the context of a real design project called 3DChild, which managed to the software named "Appli-Viz‟3D". Two main lines led our work. The first one was to analyze how usefulness and requirement are taken into account in design. From this viewpoint, we were interested in models, methods and tools used or advocated in marketing, industrial engineering, requirement engineering, software engineering, design and ergonomics of design activities. We also explored representations of designer‟s profiles on the usefulness and key elements of the process of construction of requirements. The second main line was to study the effective contribution of actors - designers and users - to the design of innovative artifacts through empirical studies which first aimed to analyze the global dynamics of the process of participative and continuous co-construction of requirements. We then focused on more specific issues of the process. Particularly, we were interested in identifying requirements and in the proposal of specifications by different designer‟s profiles. We then studied the prioritization of requirements by different user‟s profiles and development of requirements during sessions of evaluation of the software Appli-Viz'3D in a participative context. After discussing the results of our studies, we propose a model that formalizes the relationship between the retrospective and the prospective universes of the usefulness, the potential usefulness and the real usefulness of the artifact. In conclusion, we summarize the main contributions of this research and the perspectives they open. Our theoretical contributions concern the demonstration of a lack of a totally shared representation by the designers of the concepts of usefulness and requirements; the highlighting of the complementary nature of models, methods and tools, used or advocated, associated to an usefulness-centered design process, and the characterization of the process of participative and continuous co-construction of requirements. Our methodological contribution is the extension of the IÂČI method. The three perspectives are the broadening of the scope of our model, the validation of the proposed extension of the IÂČI method and the creation of a Living Lab in Laval.L‟objectif de cette thĂšse est d‟assister et d‟amĂ©liorer la prise en compte de l‟utilitĂ© dans le processus de conception des artefacts issus des technologies Ă©mergentes. Elle a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le contexte d‟une Recherche-Action menĂ©e dans le cadre d‟un projet rĂ©el de conception appelĂ© 3DChild et ayant abouti Ă  la rĂ©alisation du logiciel Appli-Viz'3D. Deux axes ont guidĂ© ce travail de recherche. Le premier a Ă©tĂ© d‟analyser la prise en compte de l‟utilitĂ© et des besoins dans la conception. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s aux modĂšles, mĂ©thodes et outils utilisĂ©s ou prĂ©conisĂ©s en marketing, en gĂ©nie industriel, en ingĂ©nierie des exigences, en gĂ©nie logiciel, en design et en ergonomie des activitĂ©s de conception. Nous avons Ă©galement explorĂ© les reprĂ©sentations qu‟ont trois catĂ©gories de concepteurs quant Ă  la notion d‟utilitĂ© et aux Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du processus de construction de besoins. Le second axe a Ă©tĂ© dâ€ŸĂ©tudier la contribution rĂ©elle des acteurs - concepteurs et utilisateurs - Ă  la conception d‟artefacts innovants au travers dâ€ŸĂ©tudes empiriques dans lesquelles nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  analyser la dynamique globale du processus de co-construction participative et continue des besoins, avant de nous focaliser sur des points plus spĂ©cifiques du processus. En particulier, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l‟identification des besoins et la proposition de spĂ©cifications par diffĂ©rents profils de concepteurs. Nous avons ensuite Ă©tudiĂ© la priorisation des besoins par diffĂ©rents profils d‟utilisateurs et lâ€ŸĂ©laboration des besoins lors de sĂ©ances dâ€ŸĂ©valuation du logiciel Appli-Viz'3D dans un contexte participatif. AprĂšs avoir discutĂ© les rĂ©sultats de nos Ă©tudes, nous proposons un modĂšle de la conception qui formalise les relations entre l‟univers prospectif et l‟univers rĂ©trospectif de l‟utilitĂ©, l‟utilitĂ© potentielle et l‟utilitĂ© rĂ©elle de l‟artefact. En conclusion, nous synthĂ©tisons les principaux apports de ce travail de recherche, et les perspectives qu‟ils ouvrent. Nos apports thĂ©oriques concernent la dĂ©monstration d‟une absence de reprĂ©sentation totalement partagĂ©e des notions d‟utilitĂ© et de besoins par les concepteurs, la mise en exergue d‟une complĂ©mentaritĂ© des modĂšles, des mĂ©thodes et des outils, utilisĂ©s ou prĂ©conisĂ©s, associĂ©s Ă  un processus de conception centrĂ©e sur l‟utilitĂ©, et la caractĂ©risation des contributions des concepteurs et des utilisateurs au processus de co-construction participative et continue des besoins. Notre apport mĂ©thodologique est l‟extension de la mĂ©thode I2I. Les trois perspectives de recherche sont lâ€ŸĂ©largissement de la portĂ©e de notre modĂšle, la validation de l‟extension proposĂ©e de la mĂ©thode I2I et la crĂ©ation d‟un Living Lab Ă  Laval

    Using Web 3D technologies for involving consumers within the innovation process: an example through an e-commerce application

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    This paper aims to show to what extent the Web3D is an advantage for implementing the Living Lab approach. In order to achieve this objective, we develop a project the context of an Action-Research. A state-of-the-art of Web3D solutions for e-commerce enabled us to select the most suitable functionalities and properties for designing a 3D gates configurator for consumers. A panel of Twenty-seven participants evaluated this tool. Results show that an interactive 3-dimensional visualization of the object is an advantage for the sale, because a single image does not usually allow user to imagine the product in its future environment. The use of Web3D for e-commerce enables consumers to be involved in the design process for co-creating solutions, which is one of the main aspects of the Living Lab approach
