52 research outputs found

    Aproximación a las ventajas y desventajas que ofrecen los acuerdos comerciales firmados por Colombia en el marco de la comunidad andina

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    En la nueva economía del conocimiento, es indispensable disponer de información integral sobre el alcance y estado actual de los diferentes compromisos de la integración andina. Esta investigación se realiza con el fin de proporcionar una información clara y precisa de las ventajas y desventajas que tienen los empresarios Colombianos al momento de realizar negociaciones con algún país miembro de la Comunidad Andina. Permite adicionalmente darle a cualquier persona interesada, un marco de referencia que le permita tomar decisiones al momento de exportar o importar, definir cuales serán sus estrategias de mercado, realizar estudios de investigaciones de mercados y todas las decisiones que sean necesarias para realizar dicho proceso.Incluye conclusiones y glosari

    Construcción de 87 Viviendas para la Comunidad Embera -Chami en El Dovio-Valle del Cauca

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    La violencia vivida en Colombia en los últimos 50 años, ha ocasionado que las comunidades Embera Chami se hayan visto obligadas a desplazarse a otros lugares, abandonando sus territorios y formas ancestrales de vida. Según informes proporcionados por la ONU para los Refugiados, más de 70.000 indígenas han tenido que desplazarse huyendo de la violencia y en busca de una mejor calidad de vida. Los Embera son una población indígena vulnerable compuesta por más 1500 miembros. Dada la situación actual que enfrentan estas familias, el gobierno y diferentes entidades gubernamentales dispusieron un lote como albergue, sin embargo, al momento de elegir el predio para dicho albergue, no se tuvo en cuenta las necesidades reales de la comunidad ni se determinó si el lote cumplía con los requisitos mínimos para habitación y subsistencia básica, obligando a que las entidades públicas busquen soluciones alternas a los problemas descritos anteriormente. Por tal motivo surge la necesidad de implementar un proyecto que aporte a la solución en la construcción de una vivienda digna a esta comunidad, acomodándose tanto a las condiciones reales del predio, como a las tradiciones y costumbres de la comunidad que la habitará.The violence experienced in Colombia in the last 50 years has caused the Embera Chami communities to be forced to move to other places, leaving their territories and ancestral ways of life. According to reports provided by the UN for Refugees, more than 70,000 indigenous people have had to move away from violence and in search of a better quality of life. The Embera are a vulnerable indigenous population composed of more than 1500 members. Given the current situation faced by these families, the government and different government entities arranged a lot as a shelter, however, at the time of choosing the property for that shelter, the real needs of the community were not taken into account nor was it determined whether the lot It met the minimum requirements for room and basic subsistence, forcing public entities to seek alternative solutions to the problems described above. For this reason, the need arises to implement a project that contributes to the solution in the construction of a decent home to this community, accommodating both the real conditions of the property, as well as the traditions and customs of the community that will inhabit it


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    4. RESUMEN La OMS clasifica la obesidad como una pandemia. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad es mayor en mujeres, representando un 63% de mujeres por grupo de edad, así como el 50% de las mujeres embarazadas presentan obesidad o sobrepeso. En mujeres gestantes el sobrepeso y la obesidad se han asociado a un mayor número de complicaciones durante el embarazo, como son la diabetes gestacional, la enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo, la preeclampsia, las infecciones maternas (urinarias o endometritis) la enfermedad tromboembólica, el asma y la apnea del sueño. OBJETIVO: Conocer la asociación existente en pacientes con obesidad y sobrepeso con las complicaciones maternas en el embarazo y puerperio en el Hospital General de Cuautitlán “General José Vicente Villada” Se realizó un estudio: Descriptivo, Observacional, Retrospectivo, Transversal. Se analizaron expedientes, de las pacientes con obesidad y sobrepeso durante el embarazo, las cuales fueron captadas a su ingreso a la unidad toco quirúrgica de esta unidad, para analizar la evolución así como la resolución del embarazo en un periodo de 01 Julio 2016 al 31 de Diciembre 2016

    Thickness effect on the solvent sensing parameters of carbon black-polymer composites

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    investigación realizada en proyecto de Red TemáticaStudy of the sensing parameters: sensibility, response and recuperation times to hexane vapors for layers of different thickness of poly(butadiene) + carbon black (CB) composites is presented. The results show that sensibility increases as the CB- weight percent diminishes, being in agreement with reported results by several researches. In this work another variable was studied on the sensing parameters, the thickness. The initial electrical resistance of the studied layers increases until three magnitude orders as diminish theirs thickness and the sensibility in this study increases until one magnitude order as the layer thickness diminishes around 0.25 μm.Programa de Mejoramiento al Profesorado (PROMEP, México), proyecto de red PROMEP 2013-2014

    Role of the vaccum pressure and temperature in the shape of metal Zn nanoparticles

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    Artículo especializado en revista indexadaZinc (Zn) nanoparticles were fabricated by the high-vacuum thermal evapouration technique. The vacuum pressure was modified from 10−6 to 15 Torr and the substrate temperature was increased from room temperature to 100◦C in order to evaluate the changes in the morphological and structural characteristics of the Zn nanoparticles. Well-faceted hexagonal disk shaped nanoparticles were formed at a vacuum pressure of 10−6 Torr with the substrate kept at room temperature. Aggregation and surface irregularities at the edges of the hexagonal nanodisks were observed with further increases in the vacuum pressure. The nanoscale characteristics of the nanodisks were lost at a vacuum pressure of 10−6 Torr and heating the substrate at 100◦C. The nanodisks were transformed into Zn wires at a vacuum pressure of 15 Torr with a substrate temperature of 100◦C. It is suggested that the initial stages of the growth of the Zn wires are governed by the agglomeration of the Zn nanodisks since the structure of the wires was observed to be composed by stacked nanodisks.CONACYT and PRODEP proyecto de red 2014-201

    Optical properties of carbon nanostructures produced by laser irradiation on chemically modified multi-walledcarbon nanotubes

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    Apoyo a la Red Temática de Colaboración Académica: Desarrollo de Materiales Compuestos con propiedades Ópticas, Eléctricas , Magnéticas y sus aplicacionesThis research focused on the nanosecond(Nd:YAG-1064 nm) laser pulse effect on the optical and morphological properties of chemically modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNT).Two sus- pensions of MWCNT in tetrahydrofuran (THF) were prepared,one was submitted to laser pulses for 10 min while the other (blank) was only mechanically homogenized during the same time. Following the laser irradiation, the suspension acquired a yellow-amber color,in contrast to the black translucent appearance of the blank. UV-vis spectroscopy confirmed this observation, showing the blank a higher absorption. Additionally, photoluminescence measurements exhibited a broad blue-green emission band both in the blank and irradiated suspension when excited at 369 nm, showing the blank a lower intensity. However, a modification in the excitation wave length produced a violet to green tuningin the irradiated suspension, which did not occurin the blank. Lastly, the electron microscopy analysis of the treated nanotubes showed the abundant formation of amorphous carbon, nanocages, and nanotube unzipping, exhibiting the intense surface modification produced by the laser pulse. Nanotube surface modification and the coexistence with the new carbon nanostructures were considered as the conductive conditions for optical properties modification.PROME

    Propuesta de implementación de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el lavadero de autos la maría del municipio de Pradera Valle

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    Anexo A. Enlace al Código de Ética https://editor-storage.reedsy.com/books/618db71f1ae37e57ce2b2bdd/exports/success/0ff262d3- 3e1c-4eaf-8c2b-06ba83c2f702/202111281322-codigo-de-etica-para-la-empresa-lavadero-deautos- la-maria.zip Anexo B. Formato de Recolección de Información Encuesta Gerente o Socios https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3BpdGYTP_KGykAj82fkQs6jKOPvWz5en- 0dwzkqLuTKp2Ig/viewform Encuesta Colaboradores https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsg_FFU2GD3AGM568yXUHiXGrHB8SdAfhDh OyPd8X7GZU1WQ/viewform Encuesta Clientes https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMvjodk9bprVSTdt8RX1RnM21PEOwIGBXQgC _nfls1bDDoww/viewformLa Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) contribuye al desarrollo humano sostenible y es analizada desde diferentes ámbitos como el económico, social y ambiental, tomando fuerza en los últimos años, buscando ejercer un rol importante en la sociedad como generador de valor, es por esto que el presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo desarrollar una propuesta de implementación de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el Lavadero de Autos La María del municipio de Pradera Valle, convirtiéndola en una microempresa que contribuya al desarrollo sostenible, siendo social y ambientalmente responsable, pues debido a la informalidad de su actividad ésta no está incluida en su política organizacional. La metodología utilizada para el abordaje de la problemática corresponde a un estudio cualitativo descriptivo mediante el diseño y uso de la encuesta, que permitió la obtención de información primaria enmarcada en la percepción de los encuestados mediante respuestas a preguntas desarrolladas desde las materias fundamentales de la RSE dispuestas por la norma ISO 26000, permitiendo obtener la visión del panorama completo de la organización empresarial buscando identificar posibles oportunidades de mejora al implementar la bases y políticas de la norma, al igual que el código de Ética de la empresa. Por último, se establece el análisis de los resultados, identificando el mapa estratégico y un plan de acción y de seguimiento.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contributes to sustainable human development and is analyzed from different areas such as economic, social and environmental, gaining strength in recent years, seeking to play an important role in society as a generator of value, that is why The objective of this research project is to develop a proposal for the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the La María Car Wash in the municipality of Pradera Valle, turning it into a microenterprise that contributes to sustainable development, being socially and environmentally responsible, because due to the informality of its activity is not included in its organizational policy. The methodology used to address the problem corresponding to a descriptive qualitative study the design and use of the survey, which obtained the obtaining of primary information framed in the perception of the respondents through answers to questions developed from the fundamental subjects of CSR established by the ISO 26000 standard, allowing to obtain the vision of the complete panorama of the business organization seeking to identify possible opportunities for improvement when implementing the bases and policies of the standard, as well as the company's code of Ethics. Finally, the analysis of the results is established, identifying the strategic map and an action and follow-up plan

    Determinación de los estadios de maduración esquelética por medio de análisis de Baccetti

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    Objetivo: identificar el estadio de maduración esquelética según la edad cronológica de los pacientes pediátricos con rango de edad de 8 a 12 años que asistieron al Programa de Odontología de la Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez.Metodología: estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en el periodo 2012 - 2013, con niños de 8 a 12 años que presentaban radiografías digitales cefálicas laterales. Se identificaron las vértebras C2, C3 y C4; se realizaron los trazos de las vértebras con lápiz de grafito en papel de calco. Resultados:en un total de 100 pacientes pediátricos estudiados, el 49 % equivalente a 49 niños de género masculino y el 51% a 51 niñas de género femenino. El promedio de edad  tanto de las niñas como de los niños  fue de 9.1 ± 1.02. Deun total de 100 pacientes pediátricos estudiados, el 48% se encontraba en estadio 1 (CMV1), el 38% en estadio 2 (CMV2) y el 14% en estadio 3 (CMV3). Conclusión:las mujeres presentaban cambios más tempranos que los hombres. La radiografía cefálica lateral es método útil, económico, fácil y confiable para valorar el grado de osificación, es estadísticamente fiable y válido

    Bacterial Diversity and the Geochemical Landscape in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico

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    Marine sediments are an example of one of the most complex microbial habitats. These bacterial communities play an important role in several biogeochemical cycles in the marine ecosystem. In particular, the Gulf of Mexico has a ubiquitous concentration of hydrocarbons in its sediments, representing a very interesting niche to explore. Additionally, the Mexican government has opened its oil industry, offering several exploration and production blocks in shallow and deep water in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico (swGoM), from which there are no public results of conducted studies. Given the higher risk of large-scale oil spills, the design of contingency plans and mitigation activities before oil exploitation is of growing concern. Therefore, a bacterial taxonomic baseline profile is crucial to understanding the impact of any eventual oil spill. Here, we show a genus level taxonomic profile to elucidate the bacterial baseline, pointing out richness and relative abundance, as well as relationships with 79 abiotic parameters, in an area encompassing ∼150,000 km2, including a region where the exploitation of new oil wells has already been authorized. Our results describe for the first time the bacterial landscape of the swGoM, establishing a bacterial baseline “core” of 450 genera for marine sediments in this region. We can also differentiate bacterial populations from shallow and deep zones of the swGoM based on their community structure. Shallow sediments have been chronically exposed to aromatic hydrocarbons, unlike deep zones. Our results reveal that the bacterial community structure is particularly enriched with hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the shallow zone, where a greater aromatic hydrocarbon concentration was determined. Differences in the bacterial communities in the swGoM were also observed through a comprehensive comparative analysis relative to various marine sediment sequencing projects, including sampled sites from the Deep Water Horizon oil spill. This study in the swGoM provides clues to the bacterial population adaptation to the ubiquitous presence of hydrocarbons and reveals organisms such as Thioprofundum bacteria with potential applications in ecological surveillance. This resource will allow us to differentiate between natural conditions and alterations generated by oil extraction activities, which, in turn, enables us to assess the environmental impact of such activities

    Obstetric outcomes of sars-cov-2 infection in asymptomatic pregnant women

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    Altres ajuts: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)Around two percent of asymptomatic women in labor test positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Spain. Families and care providers face childbirth with uncertainty. We determined if SARS-CoV-2 infection at delivery among asymptomatic mothers had different obstetric outcomes compared to negative patients. This was a multicenter prospective study based on universal antenatal screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection. A total of 42 hospitals tested women admitted for delivery using polymerase chain reaction, from March to May 2020. We included positive mothers and a sample of negative mothers asymptomatic throughout the antenatal period, with 6-week postpartum follow-up. Association between SARS-CoV-2 and obstetric outcomes was evaluated by multivariate logistic regression analyses. In total, 174 asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive pregnancies were compared with 430 asymptomatic negative pregnancies. No differences were observed between both groups in key maternal and neonatal outcomes at delivery and follow-up, with the exception of prelabor rupture of membranes at term (adjusted odds ratio 1.88, 95% confidence interval 1.13-3.11; p = 0.015). Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive mothers have higher odds of prelabor rupture of membranes at term, without an increase in perinatal complications, compared to negative mothers. Pregnant women testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 at admission for delivery should be reassured by their healthcare workers in the absence of symptoms