1,649 research outputs found

    Produção e absorção de azoto e fósforo em agroecossistemas após a aplicação de resíduos orgânicos de pecuária

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    Só está disponível o resumo.O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o efeito residual da aplicação ao solo de resíduos orgânicos de pecuária na (i) produção do azevém, (2) absorção de N e P pelo azevém e (3) perdas de N e P por escoamento superficial. O trabalho decorreu no campo experimental de erosão hídrica da Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco, constituído por 18 talhões de 42 m2 cada e com declive de 9. Durante dois ciclos culturais de azevém (Lolium perenne L.), 2012-2013 e 2013-2014, foi adicionado o correspondente a 50 kg P/ha ao solo em cada talhão através dos seguintes fertilizantes: Estrume (M); fração sólida de chorume de suínos (P); fração sólida de chorume de pato (D); superfosfato (F); controlo, sem adição de P (C). Após o final deste ensaio, no ciclo cultural seguinte em 2014-2015 foi instalado de novo o azevém realizando-se apenas uma fertilização azotada em todas as modalidades numa quantidade de 40 kgN/ha repartido em duas aplicações. Os resultados indicam que a produção e a absorção de N e de P foram significativamente superiores na modalidade que tinha sido fertilizada com estrume (M). A proporção de N absorvido pela cultura relativamente ao total aplicado foi: 62%, 56%, 75%, 78 e 91% nas modalidades C, F, D, S e M respetivamente. A quantidade total de Pi perdido para as águas de escoamento superficial variou entre 0,084 e 0,012 kg/ha nas modalidades D e M respetivamente, enquanto a quantidade de N-total variou entre 0,15 e 0,015 kg/há nas modalidades F e M. A aplicação de estrume durante dois anos consecutivos resultou em condições de nutrição mais adequadas, que se mantiveram, comparando com os outros resíduos utilizados ou o fertilizante fosfatado. Esta modalidade foi a que proporcionou também menores perdas de N e P para as águas de escoamento superficial.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regime mapping and the role of the intermediate region in wall-coated microreactors

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    Operation of a wall-coated microreactor can occur in several mass transfer-reaction regimes. We define these regimes analytically in several planes of a multi-parametric map, taking into account the different degrees of concentration profile development, as well as the influence of non-unity orders of reaction and reactant inhibition in the kinetic law. It was found that the regions where conversion can be calculated from simplified mass transfer models are not discriminated by common results for entrance-length. We also illustrate the trade-offs that exist across this operating map concerning the catalyst design (costs associated with loading and volume) and overall system performance (evaluated in terms of reactant conversion, flow efficiency and microreactor effectiveness). It is shown that under certain conditions, the existence of moderate mass transfer resistance can be advantageous (even if internal limitations cannot be avoided), clarifying the role of the intermediate transport-reaction region

    AdS4 flux vacua in type II superstrings and their domain-wall solutions

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    We investigate the emergence of supersymmetric negative-vacuum-energy ground states in four dimensions. First, we rely on the analysis of the effective superpotential, which depends on the background fluxes of the internal manifold, or equivalently has its origin in the underlying gauged supergravity. Four-dimensional, supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua with all moduli stabilized appear when appropriate Ramond and Neveu--Schwarz fluxes are introduced in IIA. Geometric fluxes are not necessary. Then the whole setup is analyzed from the perspective of the sources, namely D/NS-branes or Kaluza--Klein monopoles. Orientifold planes are also required for tadpole cancellation. The solutions found in four dimensions correspond to domain walls interpolating between AdS4 and flat spacetime. The various consistency conditions (equations of motion, Bianchi identities and tadpole cancellation conditions) are always satisfied, albeit with source terms. We also speculate on the possibility of assigning (formal) entropies to AdS4 flux vacua via the corresponding dual brane systems.Comment: Acknowledgment replace

    Operation of a perfusive catalytic membrane with nonlinear kinetics

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    Operation of a perfusive catalytic curved membrane is systematized into different transport-reaction regimes. The internal viscous permeation improves the catalyst performance, measured here by the effectiveness factor and by its enhancement relative to purely diffusive conditions. A theoretical analysis is presented for nonlinear kinetic expressions, which are suitable to describe the consumption of a reactant in many (bio)catalytic systems. The kinetic and transport parameters required to attain maximum enhancement are related by simple design rules, which depend on the form of the reaction rate law (namely on the order of reaction and dimensionless inhibition constant). For zero-order reactions, these optimum conditions correspond to attaining negligible concentration at a position inside the membrane, while may be interpreted in general as separating situations of severe mass transfer resistance from cases of high effectiveness. It is important to incorporate the correct form of the kinetic expression in the analysis, so that the predictions can be used in a quantitative manner. The results for the different regimes are compiled in enhancement plots and in Peclet–Thiele diagrams. Moreover, the study also yielded new results for the nonlinear reaction–diffusion problem in a curved membrane with its two surfaces exposed to different concentrations, a case of relevance in membrane reactors

    Enrelvamento em vinha de encosta não regada: 2 - efeitos no crescimento vegetativo, produção e qualidade do mosto e vinho, casta Cabernet Sauvignon

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    Grapevine vegetative growth, yield, fruit composition and wine quality were studied in the Estremadura Winegrowing Region of Portugal in a ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ slopping non-irrigated vineyard. During three seasons three treatments were compared: soil tillage (control), permanent resident vegetation, and permanent sown cover crop. When compared to soil tillage, the inter-row sward treatments displayed a lower predawn leaf water potential from bloom to mid-ripening. These differences in vine water status did not affect vine yield or berry sugar accumulation; however, in the third season after experiment setup it induced a significant reduction in vegetative growth in the sward treatments, compared to soil tillage. This vegetative growth reduction had a positive effect on grape composition by reducing titratable acidity and increasing berry skin total phenols and anthocyanins. Those differences were also detected in the wines by the judges who gave a better classification to the wines from the sward treatments. Our results indicate that cover cropping can be a valuable tool for controlling vigour and enhancing wine quality in this winegrowing region

    Enrelvamento em vinha de encosta não regada: 1 - efeito na composição e dinâmica das infestantes

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    The influence of two sward treatments and soil cultivation on the composition, the structure, and the evolution of the biomass of vineyard weed communities was examined. The 3-year study (2002-2004) was carried out in a sloping, non-irrigated vineyard, cv. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, in the Estremadura winegrowing region of Portugal. The experimental treatments were: soil tillage (control); permanent sown cover crop - Lolium perenne ‘Nui’, L. multiflorum ‘Bartíssimo’, Festuca ovina ‘Ridu’, F. rubra ssp. rubra ‘Echo’, Trifolium incarnatum. ‘Red’, T. repens ‘Huie’ and T. subterraneum ‘Claire’; and permanent resident vegetation. Total weed biomass in the spring did not reveal significant differences between treatments, but varied annually. The management practices – e.g. time and number of soil cultivations and inter-row mowing – were determinant in weed biomass evolution. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed significant treatment effects on community structure. Three years after the experiment was set up, in the soil tillage treatment weed composition was dominated by annual broad-leaved species, namely five Geraniaceae species, Medicago polymorpha and Sonchus oleraceus. The perennial broad-leaved species Oxalis pes-caprae was also a dominant species in soil tillage. In both sward treatments there was an increase in the perennial broad-leaved and grass species. Compared to soil tillage, in the resident vegetation treatment there was a significant increase in perennial species, such as Rumex crispus, Veronica anagallis-aquatica and Polypogon monspeliensis, and in the annuals Melilotus indica and Avena sterilis. The increase in these perennial species, which are considered to compete with vines, requires more frequent mowing in the summer. In the permanent sown cover crop treatment, L. perenne and T. repens displayed the ability to re-establish successfully, and their abundance decreased or suppressed most of the annual and perennial weed species

    Effects of irrigation on the vigour, yield and berry composition of the red variety Touriga Nacional at the Dão winegrowing region, Portugal

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    Proceedings - 17 th International Symposium GIESCO, Asti, Italy, 2011In a field trial installed at the Centro de Estudos Vitivinícolas do Dão, Nelas, Portugal, the effect of three irrigation treatments on the agronomic behaviour of cv Touriga Nacional (Vitis vinifera L.) were studied during three growing seasons (2006-2008). Three irrigation treatments (DI30 - irrigation with 30% of ETc; DI50 - irrigation with 50% ETc, FI - full irrigation – 100% Etc) were compared to a control non-irrigated treatment (NI). Compared to NI, the deficit irrigation treatments (DI30 & DI50) showed no significant differences on the yield and its components. The full irrigation treatment induced a significantly higher yield due to a higher bunch weight, as compared with the others treatments. Compared to the control, the deficit irrigation treatments presented similar berry composition during all the three seasons. The FI treatment presented, in all seasons, a significantly higher total acidity and a significantly lower Brix and total anthocyanins concentration as compared to the other treatments. The pruning weight and shoot weight increased with the amount of irrigation water applied, but significant differences were found only between the FI and the NI treatments, the last presenting the lowest values. Despite the fact that in the non-irrigated vineyards of the Dão winegrowing region it is very common to observe vine water stress symptoms, mainly during the ripening period, during the three studied seasons (2006-2008), the deficit irrigation treatments showed no advantages relatively to the control non-irrigated. Despite the higher yield produced in the full irrigation, this treatment had the disadvantages of the excessive vine vigour and lower must quality produced

    Effect of vineyard floor management practices on water use: A case study at a terroir of the "Dão" winegrowing region in Portugal

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    Aiming to evaluate the effect of vineyard floor management practices on water use and vine performance, a field experiment was carried out at the Dão Wine Research Station, located at Nelas, Center Portugal. The experiment was set up in 2010 in a mature vineyard planted with the red grape variety ‘Touriga Nacional’, using a 2x2 factorial design with the following treatments: inter-row soil management (permanent resident vegetation vs. soil tillage) and undervine floor management (mulch vs. herbicide). In this paper it will be presented data from 2013 growing season (four seasons after experiment setup). The volumetric soil moisture, assessed with a capacitance probe to a 1.5 m depth, showed a decreasing pattern throughout the growing season in all treatments with the resident vegetation presenting lower values as compared to the tillage treatment, while no significant differences were observed between the two undervine floor management practices. From budburst to flowering the resident vegetation treatment showed a higher soil water depletion (up to 1.5 m depth) than the tillage treatment but the relative situation was reversed during the flowering-veraison period, while no significant differences were observed during the ripening period. Vine stem water potential values showed a decreasing pattern along the season attaining very low values during September but with no significant differences between treatments. In general the soil management practices did not significantly affect vine vigor, yield and berry composition however, since these results are only from one season, further data analysis in ongoing in order to allow stronger conclusions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Daily evolution of the components of the balance of radiation of vines in a vineyard in the Dão region

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    Proceedings - 17 th International Symposium GIESCO, Asti, Italy, 2011In order to validate a model of vine transpiration based on radiative surface temperature a field trial was conducted in a vineyard in the Dão region, centre of Portugal, with the cultivar “Touriga Nacional”. The model is based on the partition of net radiation between the components of the canopy (vines, soil, and grass cover), considering that the vines and the undercover (soil plus grass cover) act separately and in parallel. Thus, the latent heat flux from the vines to the atmosphere (lTc) is determined from vine net radiation (Rnc) and sensible heat flux (Hc). The partition of net radiation (Rn) between the undercover (Rns) and the vines (Rnc) is made considering the exponential form for radiation extinction, with the coefficient of extinction being corrected with a factor dependent on the zenital solar angle (j) while leaf area index (LAI) is corrected with a clumping factor, Ω(φ). Sensible heat flux from the vines (Hc) is calculated from radiative temperature (Tc) considering that the fluxes from the different origins are independent and that there are two resistances in series between the canopy and the atmosphere: the leaf boundary layer resistance (raHc) and the aerodynamic resistance of the crop (raH). Besides the estimation of the daily values of transpiration, the model allows to study the evolution of the different components of the radiation balance throughout the day. The daily evolution of the evaporation fraction from the vines (FEc) can be approximated by a concave curve. Values of FEc > 1 show that, under certain circumstances and periods of the day, energy used for transpiration (lTc) is greater than crop net radiation, which indicates that there are exchanges of energy between the several components of the surface, namely when evaporative demand from the atmosphere is high and there are no soil water restrictions. The model also shows that, regardless of the soil water status, transpiration is a big part of Rn when these values are low (in the beginning of the morning and late afternoon)

    Caged Gammarus fossarum (crustacea) as a robust tool for the characterization of bioavailable contamination levels in continental waters. Toward the determination of threshold values

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    We investigated the suitability of an active biomonitoring approach, using the ecologically relevant species Gammarus fossarum, to assess trends of bioavailable contamination in continental waters. Gammarids were translocated into cages at 27 sites, in the Rhône-Alpes region (France) during early autumn 2009. Study sites were chosen to represent different physico-chemical characteristics and various anthropic pressures. Biotic factors such as sex, weight and food availability were controlled in order to provide robust and comparable results. After one week of exposure, concentrations of 11 metals/metalloids (Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni, Zn, Cr, Co, Cu, As, Se and Ag) and 38 hydrophobic organic substances including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobiphenyles (PCBs), pentabromodiphenylethers (PBDEs) and organochlorine pesticides, were measured in gammarids. All metals except Ag, and 33 organic substances among 38 were quantified in G. fossarum, showing that this species is relevant for chemical biomonitoring. The control of biotic factors allowed a robust and direct inter-site comparison of the bioavailable contamination levels. Overall, our results show the interest and robustness of the proposed methodological approach for assessing trends of bioavailable contamination, notably for metals and hydrophobic organic contaminants, in continental waters. Furthermore, we built threshold values of bioavailable contamination in gammarids, above which measured concentrations are expected to reveal a bioavailable contamination at the sampling site. Two ways to define such values were investigated, a statistical approach and a model fit. Threshold values were determined for almost all the substances investigated in this study and similar values were generally derived from the two approaches. Then, levels of contaminants measured in G. fossarum at the 27 study were compared to the threshold values obtained using the model fit. These threshold values could serve as a basis for further implementation of quality grids to rank sites according to the extent of the bioavailable contamination, with regard to the applied methodology