113 research outputs found

    Donne immigrate nel Mediterraneo. Percorsi identitari e formativi

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    Today the multifaceted world of migrations seem to be more complex with reference to the female component, which has assumed different morphologies over decades. The current contribution highlights how female biographies, even when they are not bound to any story of privation and violence, bring the burden of stereotypes and biases related to a persisting cultural model, which continues to discriminate genders and cultures. Then, training is committed to combating them in different places and times.Il multiforme universo delle migrazioni appare oggi ancor più complesso in riferimento alla componente femminile che, nel corso dei decenni, ha assunto differenti morfologie. Il presente contributo sottolinea come le biografie femminili, anche quando non sono legate a storie di privazione e di violenza, portano comunque con sé il carico di stereotipi e pregiudizi legati a un persistente modello culturale che continua a discriminare generi e culture. In tal senso, alla formazione – nella pluralità dei tempi e dei luoghi – spetta il compito di contribuire ad abbatterli

    Investire pedagogicamente nel paradigma della sostenibilità

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    The essay shows the main feautures of sustainability according to the 2030 Agenda and National Sustainability Education Plan. More specifically, it highlights the complexity and the globality of the term, which includes the environmental, cultural and social dimensions.In this perspective, the essay argues on the role of knowledge and of lifelong education and training, including the goal of gender equality versus gender discrimination.Il saggio illustra le principali caratteristiche del tema della sostenibilità alla luce diquanto indicato dall’Agenda 2030 e dal Piano nazionale di educazione alla sostenibilità.In particolare, mette in evidenza la complessità e la globalità del termine, nonriferito solamente alla dimensione ambientale ma allargato anche a quella culturalee sociale. In tal senso, si approfondisce il ruolo del sapere e quindi dell’educazionee dell’istruzione, per tutta la vita, includendovi l’obiettivo dell’uguaglianza di generee del superamento delle forme di discriminazione nei riguardi delle donne

    Orientar a las personas adultas en una sociedad compleja

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    ABSTRACTThe article intends to explore the themes connected with adult age and the transformations that this life stage has seen, due to changes occurred in contemporary society characterized by continuous transition and permanent learning. Because of these transformations, adult training and guidance becomes an urgent need as a means to asproviding with the necessary cognitive and emotional tools that may help adults to face the challenge of uncertainty and continuous change. In order to manage these processes, it is necessary for training and guidance “professionals” to arrange specific interventions for adults. In particular, the present article goes into the aspects linked to methodological-didactic competences these “professionals” must have and, specifically, those methodologies that use narration as a tool for psychosocial investigation. One of the orientation practices which use the autobiographical method is the balance of competences. In the article, the main characteristics of balance of competences are described and reference is made to the experience of the Laboratory of Competences at the University of Foggia (Italy).RESUMENEl artículo profundiza en los temas de la edad adulta y en los cambios que ha sufrido esa etapa de la vida como consecuencia de los acontecimientos en la sociedad actual compleja, de la transición continua y del aprendizaje permanente. Frente a dichas transformaciones es preciso garantizar formación y orientación para los adultos, para facilitarles los instrumentos cognitivos y emocionales que les ayuden a hacer frente a los desafíos de la incertidumbre y al cambio continuo. Para gestionar dichos procesos hace falta planificar intervenciones deliberadamente orientadoras por parte de los profesionales de la formación y orientación para personas adultas. En concreto, el artículo estudia aspectos de las competencias metodológicas y didácticas de los profesionales y, específicamente, las metodologías que hacen uso de la narración como método de investigación psicosocial. Una de las prácticas de orientación que más utiliza la autobiografía es el Balance de competencias. Por eso este trabajo describe sus principales características y hace referencia a la experiencia del Laboratorio de Balance de Competencias en la Universidad de Foggia (Italia).ABSTRACTThe article intends to explore the themes connected with adult age and the transformations that this life stage has seen, due to changes occurred in contemporary society characterized by continuous transition and permanent learning. Because of these transformations, adult training and guidance becomes an urgent need as a means to asproviding with the necessary cognitive and emotional tools that may help adults to face the challenge of uncertainty and continuous change. In order to manage these processes, it is necessary for training and guidance “professionals” to arrange specific interventions for adults. In particular, the present article goes into the aspects linked to methodological-didactic competences these “professionals” must have and, specifically, those methodologies that use narration as a tool for psychosocial investigation. One of the orientation practices which use the autobiographical method is the balance of competences. In the article, the main characteristics of balance of competences are described and reference is made to the experience of the Laboratory of Competences at the University of Foggia (Italy)

    il dono la cura l educazione

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    The article explores the relationship between the dimensions of gift and care, analyzing their diffusion in contemporary society, also in order to enhance their educational value. So, the contribution underlines the multifaceted phenomenology of the gift, from antiquity to the present, until it assumes the characteristics of the care. In this way, the foundational characteristics of the gift and the relative education to the culture of giving are analyzed

    Persone, contesti, culture: per una pedagogia della coappartenenza

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    Contemporary society, even in the persistence of the current pandemic situation, highlights very complex aspects that move between risks and possibilities: the risk of an implosion and regression in human relations as well as with other living systems, but also the possibility of seeking new alliance practices, at a local level as well as in a planetary dimension. Education and its science - pedagogy - are committed to supporting people, in the different contexts of life, to build solidarity and responsible models of good governance of human, social, cultural, and environmental relations. La società contemporanea, anche nell’immanenza dell’attuale situazione pandemica, espone caratteri di grande complessità che si muovono tra rischi e possibilità: il rischio di una implosione e di una regressione nelle relazioni umane così come con gli altri sistemi viventi ma anche la possibilità di ricercare nuove logiche e pratiche di alleanza, a livello locale così come in dimensione planetaria. L’educazione e la sua scienza – la pedagogia – sono impegnate nella direzione di sostenere le persone, nei differenti contesti di vita, a costruire modelli solidali e responsabili di buon governo delle relazioni umane, sociali, culturali e ambientali

    Orientare tra formazione e lavoro: bilancio di competenze e servizi di placement all’Universitá di Foggia

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    As características da sociedade atual e as mais recentes publicações nacionais e internacionais mostram que a orientação é um processo de valor educacional superior e e é concebido como um sistema integrado ao longo da vida. As instituições de ensino têm um papel importante no que se refere à promoção da orientação, especialmente as universidades. A partir dessas premissas, a "Skills Laboratory Balance" de Foggia (Itália) fornece e executa diversos serviços para promover habilidades de orientação, com especial atenção para a pessoa e ao cidadão para o futuro profissional

    l alternanza scuola lavoro all universita di foggia un occasione di public engagement

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    The present paper describes the theoretical and methodological principles, the research perspectives and the first training experiences of work-related learning in the 2016-2017 academic year by the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Foggia. The intention, for the University, was to also be a place for the promotion of training/professional development projects for young students and the construction of territorial networks: therefore as an educative orientative community. In this perspective, the experiences of work-related learning can be placed within the broader and more complex task of the third mission of the university institution, which places itself at the service of the territory to build a social pact, a formative alliance for growth and the development of the young generations


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    Nella prefazione vengono introdotti e motivati i fondamenti teorici ed empirici della tematica oggetto del volum