11 research outputs found

    The patient experience

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    The impact of improved treatments for the management of hormone-sensitive breast cancer extends beyond clinical responses. Thanks to appropriate literature and access to the internet, patient awareness of treatment options has grown and patients are now, in many cases, able to engage their oncologists in informed conversations regarding treatment and what to expect in terms of efficacy and safety. Indeed, patients realize that although there is no cure for metastatic disease, treatment can greatly reduce the risk of progression and in the adjuvant setting, where treatment is administered with a curative intent, current treatment options reduce the risk of relapse. The approval of letrozole throughout the breast cancer continuum has provided patients with many reassuring options. The improvement in outcome with letrozole is achieved without a detrimental effect on overall quality of life. Adverse events such as hot flushes, arthralgia, vaginal dryness, and potential osteoporosis are most significant from the patient’s perspective, and it is important that caregivers pay attention to patients experiencing these events, as they can impact compliance unless effectively explained and managed. The major benefits of letrozole are to improve prospects for long-term survivorship in the adjuvant setting and to delay progression and the need for chemotherapy in the metastatic setting

    Determinants of the first decade of bone loss after menopause at spine, hip and radius.

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    This study documented bone loss at three different sites in the early postmenopausal period, and examined potential predictors. Forty-three women underwent repeated measurements of bone density at the lumbar spine, proximal femur and distal radius for up to 14 years. Individual rates of bone loss were calculated for the spine and hip; for radial trabecular bone, rates were calculated separately for two time periods, earlier and later after menopause. In the spine and radius, initially high rates of loss diminished with time after menopause. No positive correlations for bone loss were found between the three sites, suggesting that faster than average bone loss was specific to individual bones. High body mass index (BMI) was significantly protective against fast bone loss at the spine and radius; in the spine, each unit increase in BMI was associated with a approximately 5% reduction in the rate of bone loss. Of the other variables measured (maximum oxygen consumption, lean body mass, fat mass, mean psoas muscle area at the L3 level, hand grip strength as well as anthropometry) only bone densitometry was sufficiently predictive to help guidance on hormone replacement or other prophylactic therapy. The data suggest that the known relationship between excessive leanness and risk of osteoporosis and vertebral fracture after menopause might in part be due to fast post-menopausal bone loss. Because bulk of psoas muscle was associated with low spine loss rates, the data also support a role for applied muscular loading in local maintenance of bone density

    Live attenuated African swine fever viruses as ideal tools to dissect the mechanisms involved in viral pathogenesis and immune protection

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the causal agent of African swine fever, a hemorrhagic and often lethal porcine disease causing enormous economical losses in affected countries. Endemic for decades in most of the sub-Saharan countries and Sardinia, the risk of ASFV-endemicity in Europe has increased since its last introduction into Europe in 2007. Live attenuated viruses have been demonstrated to induce very efficient protective immune responses, albeit most of the time protection was circumscribed to homologous ASFV challenges. However, their use in the field is still far from a reality, mainly due to safety concerns. In this study we compared the course of the in vivo infection caused by two homologous ASFV strains: the virulent E75 and the cell cultured adapted strain E75CV1, obtained from adapting E75 to grow in the CV1 cell-line. Interestingly, the kinetics of both viruses not only differed on the clinical signs that they caused and in the virus loads found, but also in the immunological pathways activated throughout the infections. Furthermore, E75CV1 confirmed its protective potential against the homologous E75 virus challenge and allowed the demonstration of poor cross-protection against BA71, thus defining it as heterologous. The in vitro specificity of the CD8 + T-cells present at the time of lethal challenge showed a clear activation against the homologous virus (E75) but not against BA71. These findings will be of utility for a better understanding of ASFV pathogenesis and for the rational designing of safe and efficient vaccines against this virus.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government (project reference numbers AGL201022229 and AGL201348998C21R). Anna Lacasta and Paula López-Monteagudo were financially supported by an FPU fellowship and an FPI fellowship, respectively, both from the Spanish Government