423 research outputs found

    Sensing human hand motions for controlling dexterous robots

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    The Dexterous Hand Master (DHM) system is designed to control dexterous robot hands such as the UTAH/MIT and Stanford/JPL hands. It is the first commercially available device which makes it possible to accurately and confortably track the complex motion of the human finger joints. The DHM is adaptable to a wide variety of human hand sizes and shapes, throughout their full range of motion

    Paper Session III-C - Hawaii\u27s Initiatives in Space

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    Activities related to space exploration and development have been identified by many in Hawaii as offering unique opportunities for the State of Hawaii to broaden and diversify its economic base. Although there have been many space-related programs and projects underway in Hawaii, few realized the extent to which this had occurred. In February 1987, the Department of Business and Economic Development of the State of Hawaii asked Arthur D. Little, Inc., to evaluate Hawaii\u27s potential for more extensive efforts in connection with space. The study team evaluated world-wide developments and Hawaii\u27s competitive position in eight segments of space-related activities: satellite communication, remote sensing, navigation, space science, materials processing, on-orbit services, defense and launch services. Specific recommendations were put forth to enhance the State\u27s position. Further evaluation was conducted to select two alternative sites as possible locations for a commercial launch facility to be potentially developed on the island of Hawaii. An environmental impact statement and a master plan are being formulated as a precursor to development of one or the other site

    Space Transportation System Meteorological Expert

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    Computers are being used today to build the expert systems of tomorrow. Expert systems are computer programs that are smart about a domain in the way that people are smart. Expert systems technology is being applied to weather forecasting to support Shuttle operations for launch and for ground processing at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. The Space Transportation System Meterological ExperT (STSMET) is a long term project, now-in its third year, to capture general Shuttle operational weather forecasting expertise specific to our locale, to apply it to Shuttle operational weather forecasting tasks at the Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility (CCFF) at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), and to ultimately provide an on-line, real-time operational aid to the duty forecasters in performing their tasks. The first domain addressed by the project has been summer thunderstorms. The effort to represent this knowledge and a control structure to reason about it has resulted in an approach that we call scenario-based reasoning. Other meteorological domains on our agenda are frontal weather phenomena, visibility including fog, and wind shear. We believe that scenario-based reasoning is also applicable to these other meteorological domains. The specific operational tasks to which to apply the general knowledge about summer thunderstorms are being identified during this phase of the contract. The project is being developed using state-of-the-art hardware and software: a Symbolics Lisp Machine, Zetalisp and Automated Reasoning Tool (ART), an expert system shell. Scenario-based reasoning appears to have applications outside of weather forecasting. The abilities of a scenario-based system to reason qualitatively, to reason over time, and to reason across scale are all applicable to planning in autonomous systems. With further research, we expect to add analogical reasoning to the abilities of scenario-based reasoning

    The Income Tax Compliance Cost of Big Business

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    A survey of 1,329 of the largest corporations m the United States reveals that the average annual cost of compliance with federal and subfederal corporation income taxes is approximately 1.565million,implyinganaggregateannualcompliancecostofover1.565 million, implying an aggregate annual compliance cost of over 2 billion. As a fraction of revenue raised, these compliance costs are lower than estimates that have been made for the individual income tax. The cost-to-revenue ratio is higher for state corporate tax systems than it is for the federal tax system, presumably reflecting the nonuniformity of state tax systems There is near unanimity among senior corporate tax officers that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 added complexity to the tax system, resulting in a combination of higher compliance costs and less accurate information transmission. They point to, in particular, the alternative minimum tax, inventory capitalization rules, and the taxation of foreign-source income as growing sources of complexity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69154/2/10.1177_109114219602400401.pd

    Earnings Benefits of Tulsa's Pre-K Program for Different Income Groups

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    This paper estimates future adult earnings effects associated with a universal pre-K program in Tulsa, Oklahoma. These informed projections help to compensate for the lack of long-term data on universal pre-K programs, while using metrics that relate test scores to valued social benefits. Combining test-score data from the fall of 2006 and recent findings by Chetty et al. (forthcoming) on the relationship between kindergarten test scores and adult earnings, we generate plausible projections of adult earnings effects and a partial cost-benefit analysis of the Tulsa pre-K program. We find substantial projected earnings benefits for program participants who differ by income and by program dosage. The dollar effects and benefit-cost ratios are similar across groups, with benefit-to-cost ratios of approximately 3 or 4 to 1. Because we only consider adult earnings benefits, actual benefit-cost ratios are likely higher, especially for disadvantaged children

    Student Employment: Linking College and the Workplace

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    The focus of National Student Employment Association (formerly the National Association of Student Employment Administrators, or NASEA) publications has always been on students in transition. From the freshman moving from high school to higher education, to the senior attempting the transition to professional employment and financial independence, we always have explored how students can better accomplish these linking experiences. Student employment is a hybrid, serving as a bridge between work and school, and ultimately, a link between school and full-time work. Student employment links elements of financial aid, career development, academic learning, experiential education, and personal development. Student employment, in all of these ways, is a bridge, moving the student from point A to point B. Because of this variety, any publication on student employment must necessarily speak to diverse themes. We have organized this publication in four sections: an introduction followed by three themed sections.https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/bookshelf/1000/thumbnail.jp
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