41 research outputs found

    Исследование семантических распределенных параметров информационных компонент системы защиты

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    A real time quantitative PCR combined with propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment of samples was implemented to quantify live C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari on broiler chicken carcasses at selected processing steps in the slaughterhouse. The samples were enumerated by culture for comparison. The Campylobacter counts determined with the PMA-qPCR and the culture method were not concordant. We conclude that the qPCR combined with PMA treatment of the samples did not fully reduce the signal from dead cells

    Висвітлення діяльності опозиційного руху в УРСР у ІІ пол. 1960-х – поч. 1980-х рр. у наукових дослідженнях

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    В статті досліджуються основні історіографічні тенденції вивчення діяльності опозиційного руху в УРСР в другій половині 1960-х – початку 1980-х рр.В статье исследуются основные историографические тенденции изучения оппозиционного движения в УССР во второй половине 1960-х – начале 1980-х гг.The article is dedicated to the main historiographical trends in the investigations of oppositional movements in Soviet Ukraine during second half of 1960th – at the beginning 1980th

    Диференційна діагностика жінок з полікістозною та мультіфолікулярною стукрурою яєчників

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    Синдром полікістозних яєчників (СПКЯ) є найчастішою ендокринопатією у жінок репродуктивного віку як в Україні ,так і за кордоном і становить гетерогенну групу порушень із широкою клінічною і біохімічною варіабельністю. Частота СПКЯ в популяції складає від 4 до 15 % і зустрічається однаково часто в різних етнічних групах: в Україні – від 0,6 до 11 %, у країнах ближнього зарубіжжя -1,8-11%, в Європі - 15-20%, в США - 6-10%.Більшість пацієнток репродуктивного віку з СПКЯ страждають на безпліддя, частота якого складає 35-74%

    Inleiding tot de levensmiddelenhygiëne : Achtergronden en feiten

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    Capnocytophaga canimorsus

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    International audienceis a commensal bacterium in the oral flora of dogs and cats. The bacterium is a zoonotic agent and has been isolated from humans, infected by dog or cat bites, scratches, licks or simply exposure to dogs or cats. Here the infectious agent, its pathogenicity and potential virulence factors, infection in animals and humans, diagnostic methods, prevalence, therapy and prevention are described. Suggestions for future research are given

    Integrating the issues of global and public health into the veterinary education curriculum: a European perspective.

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    Veterinary public health is an essential field in public health activities, based upon veterinary skills, knowledge and resources and which aims to protect and improve human health and welfare. This discipline has evolved through three stages, beginning with the fight against animal diseases, moving on to include meat inspection and control of zoonoses and now encompassing a much broader health sciences education, with the goal of guaranteeing a safe and wholesome food supply, protecting human wellbeing and conserving the environment. Within the veterinary medicine curriculum, veterinary public health has undergone a similar development. At first, it was mainly concerned with slaughterhouse-based courses but in time it included the teaching of such subjects as epidemiology, the control of communicable (zoonotic) diseases and emergency preparedness. Veterinary medical faculties in Europe have adjusted their curricula over the past few years to reflect these changes in the subject and to meet the need for specialisation. It could be said that veterinary public health education has literally moved from the local abattoir to the global community. In this paper, the authors briefly discuss examples of veterinary medicine curricula at different universities. The veterinary public health curriculum of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, is then discussed in detail, as an example of the European perspective on integrating global and public health issues into the veterinary curriculum

    The use of digital games and simulators in veterinary education: an overview with examples

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    In view of current technological possibilities and the popularity of games, the interest in games for educational purposes is remarkably on the rise. This article outlines the (future) use of (digital) games and simulators in several disciplines, especially in the veterinary curriculum. The different types of game-based learning (GBL)-varying from simple interactive computer board games to more complex virtual simulation strategies-will be discussed as well as the benefits, possibilities, and limitations of the educational use of games. The real breakthrough seems to be a few years away. Technological developments in the future might diminish the limitations and stumbling blocks that currently exist. Consequently, educational games will play a new and increasingly important role in the future veterinary curriculum, providing an attractive and useful way of learning

    Low risk of transmission of Clostridium difficile to humans at petting farms

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    Molecular basis of bacterial pathogenesis, virulence factors and antibiotic resistanc