2,872 research outputs found

    Muscle strength and mortality while on a liver transplant waiting list

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a força de músculos respiratórios e de mão em pacientes na lista de espera para o transplante de fígado e associá-los a mortalidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente 132 pacientes submetidos à avaliação fisioterapêutica de rotina e que esperavam o transplante de fígado. A força dos músculos ventilatórios foi avaliada por meio das pressões inspiratória e expiratória máximas e a força do membro superior por meio de dinamometria. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo A, com 51 pacientes (14 mulheres, 50,1±12,3 anos) que morreram enquanto estavam na lista de espera e grupo B, com 81 pacientes (31 mulheres, 45,0±3,8 anos) que sobreviveram até o transplante de fígado. Foi utilizado o teste de t de Student com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios da pressão inspiratória máxima (PImax) dos grupos A e B foram 65,7±28,0 e 77,5±33,8mmHg (p=0,04), respectivamente, e as pressões expiratórias máximas foram 72,9±32,9 e 84,4±33,1mmHg (p=0,07), respectivamente. Os valores médios da força da mão esquerda dos grupos A e B foram 18,5±8,1 e 21,5±10,5kgf (p=0,08), respectivamente, e da força da mão direita foram 20,2±9,7 e 23,5±12,5kgf (p=0,10), respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A PImax é menor nos pacientes que morreram enquanto aguardavam o transplante. No mesmo grupo, foi observado que a pressão expiratória máxima e a força da mão direita e esquerda foram menores, apesar de não apresentarem diferenças estatisticamente significante.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate respiratory muscle strength and hand strength in patients on a liver transplant waiting list and to associate these with mortality. METHODS: one hundred and thirty-two patients who underwent routine physical therapy evaluation while waiting for liver transplantation were studied retrospectively. Respiratory muscle strength was assessed by measuring the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), and upper-limb strength was evaluated by dynamometry. The patients were divided into two groups: group A, consisting of 51 patients (14 females, 50.1±12.3 years) who died while on the waiting list; and group B, consisting of 81 patients (31 females, 45.0±3.8 years) who survived until the time of liver transplant. Student’s t test was used with a 5% significance level. RESULTS: The mean MIP values for groups A and B were 65.7±28.0 and 77.5±33.8mmHg (p=0.04), respectively, and the mean MEP values were 72.9±32.9 and 84.4±33.1mmHg (p=0.07), respectively. The mean values for left-hand strength in groups A and B were 18.5±8.1 and 21.5±10.5kgf (p=0.08), and the mean values for right-hand strength were 20.2±9.7 and 23.5±12.5kgf (p=0.10), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: MIP was lower in the patients who died while waiting for liver transplantation. In the same group, it was observed that the MEP values and right and left-hand strength were numerically lower, although they did not reach statistically significant differences

    Analysis of Boltzmann-Langevin Dynamics in Nuclear Matter

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    The Boltzmann-Langevin dynamics of harmonic modes in nuclear matter is analyzed within linear-response theory, both with an elementary treatment and by using the frequency-dependent response function. It is shown how the source terms agitating the modes can be obtained from the basic BL correlation kernel by a simple projection onto the associated dual basis states, which are proportional to the RPA amplitudes and can be expressed explicitly. The source terms for the correlated agitation of any two such modes can then be extracted directly, without consideration of the other modes. This facilitates the analysis of collective modes in unstable matter and makes it possible to asses the accuracy of an approximate projection technique employed previously.Comment: 13 latex pages, 4 PS figure

    Processo e jurisprudência: uma análise da contribuição da Corte Permanente de Justiça Internacional

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    Na primeira metade do século XX, a Comunidade Internacional observou o surgimento e o funcionamento da primeira jurisdição internacional permanente de vocação universal: a Corte Permanente de Justiça Internacional. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo busca compreender, a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, de que maneira dois elementos (processo e jurisdição) são abordados na construção da referida Corte, salientando a importância de tais elementos na própria ideia de permanência que esse órgão buscava. Palavras-chave: História do Direito Internacional. Corte Permanente de Justiça Internacional. Jurisprudência Internacional

    Preseason Training Improves Perception of Fatigue and Recovery From a Futsal Training Session.

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    Purpose: To compare the posttraining recovery timeline of elite Brazilian futsal athletes before (Pre-PS) and after 10 weeks of the preseason (Post-PS) period of high-intensity technical–tactical training. Methods: At the start (n = 13) and at the end of the preseason (n = 7), under-20 male futsal players undertook fitness testing for maximal aerobic power, the countermovement jump (CMJ), and the 10-m sprint with change of direction. Furthermore, at both Pre-PS and Post-PS, the players participated in a training session where performance and psychophysiological measures were recorded before, immediately, 3, 24, and 48 hours postsession. The measures included CMJ, 10-m sprint, creatine kinase, Total Quality Recovery Scale, and Brunel Mood Scale. Effect size (ES) analyses compared fitness and posttraining recovery values for each parameter at Pre-PS versus Post-PS. Results: Only trivial ES (−0.02 to 0.11) was evident in maximal aerobic power, CMJ, and 10-m sprint at Post-PS compared with Pre-PS. For the timeline of recovery, only trivial and small ESs were evident for the 10-m sprint (−0.12 to 0.49), though CMJ recovery was improved at 3 hours (0.87) and 48 hours (1.27) at Post-PS and creatine kinase was lower at 48 hours (−1.33) at Post-PS. Perception of recovery was improved in Post-PS at 3 hours (1.50) and 24 hours postsession (0.92). Furthermore, perception of effort was lower immediately after the session (−0.29), fatigue was lower at 3 hours (−0.63), and vigor responses were improved in all postseason assessments (0.59 to 1.13). Conclusion: Despite minimal changes in fitness, preseason training attenuated players' perception of effort and fatigue and improved their recovery profile following a high-intensity technical–tactical training session

    Formação de Joint venture pelas distribuidoras de combustíveis como estratégica para vantagem competitiva

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    O planeta passa por uma transição energética e uma busca por produção de combustíveis de baixo nível de emissão de carbono. O objetivo do estudo, é investigar consequências de ações esg idealizadas para obtenção de vantagem competitiva por joint ventures formadas por empresas de combustíveis. O método está dividido em três etapas: pesquisa docum tal, revisão bibliográfica e análise dos relatórios. Este estudo é relevante, para a prática gerencial e mostra que empresas que unem forças, através de coopetição, tem mais chances de sobrevivência e expansão de seus negócios. Os estudos evidenciam que grandes players do mercado buscam parcerias, com base em uma gestão sustentável
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