24 research outputs found

    Human femur assessment using isotropic and orthotropic materials dependent of bone density

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    The bone mass reduction and the deterioration of the tissue micron-architecture lead to a bigger fragility of the bone and to the consequent increase of the fracture risk. For this fact, it is considered excellent the quantification of the mass density and the verification of its influence in the bone resistance assessment. The apparent density is defined as the density without fluid influence, being the effective density at that includes the marrow mass, essentially fluid. This measurement is made through the use of a gray scale values on the medical image in study. The values in Hounsfield units are determined, being this scale later converted into measure of the bone density. With this measure an exponential relation will be used allowing calculate the biomechanics properties dependence for cortical and trabecular bone. With this work it is intended to assessment the susceptible weak zones, for a human femur with 70 years old, using the finite element method through ANSYS® program. The main objective is obtaining the stresses distributions, using different values of bone density and their relation with exponential laws for isotropic and orthotropic materials properties

    The thickness of the cortical bone in different maxillae using medical images

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between the thickness of the cortical bone of mandible human and the age and the sex of patient. In this work the measure of the cortical bone thickness was obtained in different computed tomography (CT). Different human mandibles were scanned using high resolution micro-CT instrument in which many axial slices were obtained. A total of four medical images were studied and observed. Two different groups were characterized. The first one, with two female maxillae (F): an old and a young patient. The second group of two males mandibles (M), with similar age. A comparison between the male and female sex was also obtained. The cortical bone thickness of the mandible may be affected by tooth extraction, age and sex patient. The use of this type of information is useful for complementary diagnostic information and treatment planning

    The thickness of the cortical bone in different maxillae using medical images

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between the thicknesses of the cortical bone of mandible human and the age and the sex of patient. In this work the measure of the cortical bone thickness was obtained in different computed tomography (CT) dental of medical images. Different human mandibles were scanned using high resolution micro‐CT instrument in which many axial slices were obtained, see figure 1. Pixel by pixel for each slice and using image control system software, different layers were measured. A total of four medical images were studied and observed. Two different groups were characterized. The first one, with two female mandibles (F): an old and a young patient. The second group of two males mandibles (M), with similar age. A comparison between the male and female sex was also obtained. The cortical bone thickness of the mandible may be affected by tooth extraction, age and sex patient. The use of this type of information is useful for complementary diagnostic information and treatment planning


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    Foram estudados a origem, o número e a ordenação dos ramos arteriais destinados à bolsa cloacal em 30 exemplares de Gallus gallus, da linhagem Label Rouge, machos e fêmeas, com idade entre oito e dez semanas. Após injetado o sistema arterial desses animais com solução corada de Neoprene látex, seguido de fixação em solução aquosa de formol a 10 % e ulteriormente dissecados, verificou-se que: a) uma artéria bursocloacal direita esteve presente em 24 dos casos (80,00%), ao passo que a artéria bursocloacal esquerda foi confirmada em 29 dos exemplares (96,66%); b) a bolsa cloacal foi irrigada por um ou dois ramos cloacais, oriundos da artéria bursocloacal ipsilateral; c) a artéria cloacal direita ocorreu em 20 casos (66,66%) e a artéria cloacal esquerda em 9 casos (30,00%), ocasiões em que cediam apenas um ramo; d) o número de ramos arteriais, independentemente de sua origen, variou de dois a quatro, sendo a sua disposição de maneira própria para cada exemplar examinado. Arterial supply for the cloacal bursa of the Rouge Lineage fowl Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) Abstract A study has been carried out on the origin, number and disposition of the cloacal bursa arterial branches from tirthy male and female fowls (Gallus gallus), of the Label Rouge lineage, ageing between eight and ten weeks. After being injected the arterial system of those animals with a colored solution of Neoprene latex, they were soon after fixed in an 10% aqueous solution of formalin and dissected. The following observations were carried out: a) a right burso cloacal artery was present in 24 of the cases (80.00%), while the left bursocloacal artery was confirmed in 29 of the cases (96.66%); b) the cloacal bursa was irrigated by one or two cloacal branches of the ipsilateral bursocloacal artery; c) the right cloacal artery is present in 20 cases (66.66%) and the left cloacal artery in 9 cases (30.00%), with only one branch; d) the number of arterial branches, independent of origin

    Mapping density, diversity and species-richness of the Amazon tree flora

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    Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we mapped tree species-diversity and tree species-richness at 0.1-degree resolution, and investigated drivers for diversity and richness. Using only location, stratified by forest type, as predictor, our spatial model, to the best of our knowledge, provides the most accurate map of tree diversity in Amazonia to date, explaining approximately 70% of the tree diversity and species-richness. Large soil-forest combinations determine a significant percentage of the variation in tree species-richness and tree alpha-diversity in Amazonian forest-plots. We suggest that the size and fragmentation of these systems drive their large-scale diversity patterns and hence local diversity. A model not using location but cumulative water deficit, tree density, and temperature seasonality explains 47% of the tree species-richness in the terra-firme forest in Amazonia. Over large areas across Amazonia, residuals of this relationship are small and poorly spatially structured, suggesting that much of the residual variation may be local. The Guyana Shield area has consistently negative residuals, showing that this area has lower tree species-richness than expected by our models. We provide extensive plot meta-data, including tree density, tree alpha-diversity and tree species-richness results and gridded maps at 0.1-degree resolution

    Topografia do cone medular em gatos sem raça definida Topography of the medullar cone in the domestic non-defined breed cat

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    Estudou-se a topografia post mortem do cone medular em 30 gatos adultos sem raça definida. Procedeu-se à remoção da pele e da musculatura dorsal da coluna vertebral e expuseram-se a medula espinhal e seus envoltórios, após a secção dos arcos vertebrais. O cone medular foi evidenciado e mensurado. Avaliou-se a sua relação com as vértebras lombares (L), sacrais (S) e caudais (Cd). O cone medular variou de 3,40 a 8,00cm (média=5,08cm). A esqueletopia foi variável, pois em 24 (80%) animais o cone medular iniciou-se na vértebra L6; em quatro (13,3%), na L7; e em dois (6,7%), na L5. Em 12 (40%) animais terminou na vértebra S2; em 10 (33,3%), na S3; em cinco (16,7%), na Cd1; em dois (6,7%), na S1; e em um (3,3%) na Cd2.It was studied the post mortem topography of the medullar cone in 30 adult non-defined breed cats. The dorsal skin and muscles from the vertebral column were removed and the spinal cord and its wrappers were visualized, after the section of the vertebral arcs. The medullar cone was then exposed and measured. Its relationship with lumbar (L), sacral (S), and caudal (Cd) vertebrae was determined. The length of the medullar cone presented a variation from 3.40 to 8.00cm (average 5.08cm). Its skeletopy was variable; since in 24 animals (80%), the medullar cone began at the L6 vertebra; in four (13.3%), at the L7; and in two (6.7%) at the L5 vertebra. It ended in 12 (40%) animals at the S2 vertebra; in 10 (33,33%), at the S3; in five (16.7%) at the caudal (Cd) vertebra; in two (6.7%), at the S1; and in one (3.3%), at the Cd2

    A influência da densidade óssea aparente na simulação de um fémur humano

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    A redução da massa óssea e a deterioração da micro-arquitectura do tecido leva a uma maior fragilidade do osso e ao consequente aumento de risco de fractura. Por este facto, considera-se relevante a quantificação da densidade de massa óssea e a verificação da sua sua influência de fluído, sendo a densidade efectiva a que inclui a massa de medula, essencialmente fluída. Essa medição é efectuada através da utilização de uma escala de valores cinza sobre a imagem médica em estudo. Inicialmente são determinados os valores de cálculo em unidades de densidade Hounsfield, sendo esta escala posteriormente convertida em medida da densidade óssea. Com base nesse registo, utilizar-se-á uma relação exponencial que permita calcular a dependência das propriedades biomecânicas do osso cortical e do osso trabecular da estrutura. Com este trabalho pretende-se verificar as zonas mais susceptíveis de fractura, no colo do fémur de um paciente de 70 anos utilizando o método de elementos finitos através do programa ANYSIS, para a obtenção das distribuições das tensões e deformações, nas diferentes situações de densidade óssea calculada

    Distribuição configurada pela artéria celíaca em papagaios-verdadeiros (Amazona aestiva)

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    Foram descritas a origem e a distribuição da artéria celíaca em 20 papagaios-verdadeiros (Amazona aestiva), por meio do preenchimento do sistema arterial com solução de látex corado, fixado em solução de formol, para posterior dissecação de seus ramos colaterais. Como primeiro ramo, a artéria célica emitiu a artéria proventricular dorsal, que seguiu para o ventrículo como artéria gástrica dorsal e, em seguida, enviou a artéria proventricular ventral, que em 85% dos exemplares se originou diretamente da artéria celíaca, ou do seu ramo esquerdo em 15%. Em 25% dos casos, a artéria esplênica foi emitida antes da bifurcação em ramo esquerdo e direito. O ramo esquerdo foi responsável pela origem de ramos proventriculares, ramos pilóricos, artéria esplênica e artéria proventricular ventral, a qual emitiu ramos ao proventrículo e ao esôfago. A artéria celíaca também originou as artérias gástrica ventral e gástrica esquerda, que foram responsáveis pela emissão da artéria hepática esquerda. O ramo direito emitiu artérias esplênicas - que variaram de uma a sete -, duodenal - destinada ao segmento mais caudal da alça ascendente do duodeno, hepática direita - para o lobo direito do fígado. Em seu segmento terminal, o ramo direito dividiu-se em artérias gástrica direita - para o ventrículo -, pancreaticoduodenal - para o pâncreas, alças ascendente e descendente do duodeno e segmentos cranial do íleo e caudal do jejuno. A irrigação determinada pela artéria celíaca nos papagaios segue o que é proposto para aves de outros gêneros, apresentando divergências como ausência das artérias vesicular e ileocecal, bem como da vesícula biliar e ceco