328 research outputs found

    Nursing assistance in child care in Brazil: an integrative literature review / Assistência de enfermagem na puericultura no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    INTRODUCTION: Childcare begins with nursing after prenatal care when the nurse accompanies the pregnant woman and performs actions and guidance on the care of the baby. OBJECTIVE: To describe the importance of the nurse's assistance in the child care consultation. METHODOLOGY: This is an integrative review of the literature. The inclusion criteria were: original articles, in the period of 2013-2017; in the Portuguese language. RESULTS: The studies revealed that through reception, bonding, qualified listening and prior scheduling it is possible to guarantee the quality of care and a better adherence of this family to the childcare program. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the role of nursing in childcare begins from its gestation, through guidelines for the care that this pregnant woman will have with her baby at birth, neonatal screening, such as the test of the foot, test of the ear, tongue test, eye and little heart test, immunization surveillance, body hygiene, guidance on breastfeeding and the child's first meals and follow-up of growth and development

    Fertigation of arugula crops grown in saline soils

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    Arugula is a leafy vegetable that has been standing out in terms of consumption due to its nutritional content. The crop has low tolerance to water salinity (ECw), and information on the management of fertilization in saline environments is scarce. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the nutritional aspects of arugula under different soil salinity levels and fertilization doses via fertigation. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse during two production cycles in 2021 in a randomized block design and a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of four soil salinity levels (ECse = 0.57, 1.3, 2.3, and 3.3 dS m−1) and three doses of a mineral fertilizer based on the recommended fertilization via fertigation (F1 = 100%, F2 = 50%, and F3 = 25%). The contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Na, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn were evaluated after harvesting. Salinity directly affected the concentration of mineral elements in arugula leaf during the first cycle, mainly Ca, Mg, Zn, and Mn. The fertigation strategy with 100% of the recommended fertilization showed better results than the other doses for N, P, K, and S. In the second cycle, all elements showed a reduction due to the high ECse, mainly the value of 3.3 dS m−1. The fertigation strategy that used 100% of the recommended fertilization promoted higher nutrient accumulation in arugula. The order of nutrient accumulation in arugula leaf was K>N>Ca>S>Mg>P>Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu.Arugula is a leafy vegetable that has been standing out in terms of consumption due to its nutritional content. The crop has low tolerance to water salinity (ECw), and information on the management of fertilization in saline environments is scarce. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the nutritional aspects of arugula under different soil salinity levels and fertilization doses via fertigation. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse during two production cycles in 2021 in a randomized block design and a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of four soil salinity levels (ECse = 0.57, 1.3, 2.3, and 3.3 dS m−1) and three doses of a mineral fertilizer based on the recommended fertilization via fertigation (F1 = 100%, F2 = 50%, and F3 = 25%). The contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Na, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn were evaluated after harvesting. Salinity directly affected the concentration of mineral elements in arugula leaf during the first cycle, mainly Ca, Mg, Zn, and Mn. The fertigation strategy with 100% of the recommended fertilization showed better results than the other doses for N, P, K, and S. In the second cycle, all elements showed a reduction due to the high ECse, mainly the value of 3.3 dS m−1. The fertigation strategy that used 100% of the recommended fertilization promoted higher nutrient accumulation in arugula. The order of nutrient accumulation in arugula leaf was K>N>Ca>S>Mg>P>Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu

    Respostas morfofisiológicas de Setaria viridis ao estresse por frio

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    The objective of this work was to determine the suitability of Setaria viridis as a model plant in studies to validate candidate genes for cold tolerance by evaluating the response of two of its accessions to different durations of abrupt or gradual cold stress in the vegetative and reproductive stages. Plants of accessions A10.1 and Ast-1, cultivated at 25°C, were subjected to the following cold stress treatments: gradual reduction in temperature from 25 to 0°C, 5°C at a time, every 24 hours in a same chamber; or abrupt reduction in temperature, by transferring plants from a chamber at 25°C to another at 0°C. Plants were kept at 0°C for 3, 5, or 10 days, after which temperature was increased back again to 25°C; a control group remained at 25ºC. Low temperatures – reduced abruptly or gradually – caused a decrease in the gas exchange rates and shoot and root biomass of the plants, besides damage to their photochemical apparatus; the longer the cold lasted, the more pronounced the effect was. Regardless of stress duration, plants recovered and completed their life cycle. The studied accessions are tolerant to cold and, therefore, are not suitable as a model plant in studies to validate candidate genes for cold tolerance.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a adequação de Setaria viridis como planta modelo em estudos de validação de genes candidatos à tolerância ao frio, ao avaliar a resposta de dois de seus acessos a diferentes durações de estresse por frio abrupto ou gradual, nas fases vegetativa e reprodutiva. Plantas dos acessos A10.1 e Ast-1, cultivadas a 25°C, foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos de estresse por frio: redução gradual da temperatura de 25 a 0°C, 5°C de cada vez, a cada 24 horas, em única câmera; ou redução abrupta da temperatura, pela transferência das plantas de uma câmera a 25°C para outra a 0°C. As plantas foram mantidas a 0°C por 3, 5, ou 10 dias, após os quais a temperatura foi aumentada novamente para 25°C; um grupo controle permaneceu a 25ºC. As baixas temperaturas – reduzidas gradual ou abruptamente – causaram redução nas taxas de troca gasosa e na biomassa da parte aérea e da raiz das plantas, além de prejuízos ao seu aparato fotoquímico; quanto mais o frio durou, mais pronunciado o efeito foi. Independentemente da duração do estresse, as plantas se recuperaram e completaram seu ciclo de vida. Os acessos estudados são tolerantes ao frio, e, portanto, não são adequados como planta modelo em estudos para validação de genes candidatos de tolerância ao frio

    A ten-year retrospective study of the clinical, sociodemographic, and survival characteristics of patients with oral and pharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas/ Estudo retrospectivo de dez anos das características clínicas, sociodemográficas e de sobrevida de pacientes com carcinomas epidermóides orais e faríngeos

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    Objective: This study evaluated the epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, as well compared oral and pharyngeal lesions regarding the survival of these patients. Material and Methods: Convenience sampling was employed to select the participants, who had their medical records of the period 200-2009 investigated. Sociodemographic and clinical-pathological data were collected and correlated with site of the lesion, TMN classification, of the tumor, and survival of the patients. Fisher’s and Chi-square tests, Kaplan-Meir curve associated with the Long Rank Mantel-Cox test, and Cox’s regression for survival analysis were performed to evaluate the results. Results: Sixty-year-old illiterate females presented higher prevalence of oral cancer with a more severe lymphonodular infiltration, worse tumor staging, and chemo and radiotherapy treatment. Meanwhile, sixty-year-old illiterate males presented higher prevalence of pharyngeal cancer, lower rates of lymphonodular infiltration, and chirurgical treatment. The survival of the patients with oral cancer was correlated with the lymphonodular infiltration level, while for patients with pharyngeal cancer the survival was correlated with chirurgical treatment. Thus, head and neck cancer are still diagnosed belatedly, mainly when it affects the pharynx.Conclusion: Therefore, preventive and educative strategies, as well as amplification of access to health care should be considered targets for achieving reduction in the mortality rates of populations with oropharyngeal cancer

    New Materials to Solve Energy Issues through Photochemical and Photophysical Processes: The Kinetics Involved

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    Kinetic rates of energy production are extremely controlled by the competing processes that occur in systems capable of energy transfer. Besides organic and inorganic compounds already known as electronically actives, supramolecular systems can be thought to form energy transfer complexes to efficiently convert, for instance, light into electricity and the mechanisms for that can be of any kind. Photophysical and photochemical processes can simultaneously occur in such systems to provide energy conversion, by competing mechanisms or collaborative ones. Thus, to investigate the kinetic rates of each process and to understand the dynamics of the electronic excited states population and depopulation in strategically structured materials, can offer important tools to efficiently make use of this not always so evident power of supramolecular materials. In this chapter, we present the state-of-the-art of the use of photophysical processes and photochemical changes, presented by new materials and devices to provide a control of energy transfer processes and enable distinct applications, since energy conversion to sensing and imaging techniques to material characterization

    Potencialidades da Eichhornia azurea (aguapé) na remoção do corante têxtil turquesa remazol em meio aquoso: Estudo dos mecanismos cinéticos de adsorção / Potentialities of Eichhornia azurea (water hyacinth) in the removal of the turquoise textile dye remazol in aqueous medium: Study of the kinetic mechanisms of adsorption

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    Um dos principais problemas ambientais na atualidade consiste no lançamento de efluentes têxteis em águas naturais. Os corantes têxteis são compostos indesejáveis no meio ambiente devido a difícil degradação, elevada DBO e DQO, caráter bioacumulativo além de toxidade aguda e crônica na biota. Neste trabalho a Eichornia azurea (raiz, caule e folha) in natura foi utilizada como adsorvente para a remoção do corante têxtil turquesa remazol em meio aquoso. Os adsorventes foram triturados, submetido a diversas lavagens com água destilada, secado e peneirado obtendo uma granulométrica entre 50 – 200 µm. Ensaios de adsorção foram realizados utilizando a técnica de batelada. As concentrações das soluções dos corantes foram determinadas por espectrofotometria no UV-visível em 625 nm. Estudos de influência do pH e determinação do pHzpc demonstraram uma melhor eficiência de remoção do corante em pH 1,0 para as três matrizes adsorventes. O pHzpc pôde ser estimado em 4,5, 5,0 e 4,6 para raiz, caule e folha, respectivamente. As cinéticas de adsorção demonstraram um mecanismo de segunda-ordem evidenciando que a adsorção do turquesa remazol é dependente tanto da concentração do adsorvente quanto da concentração dos adsorvatos. Estudos de difusão intraparticula demonstraram que este não é o único mecanismo predominante nas adsorções. As quantidades removidas de corante pelos bioadsorventes de aguapé foram superiores à 96 % sendo possível recuperar em média 20 % desta quantidade via mecanismo de adsorção. Conclui-se, portanto, que os bioadsorventes de aguapé possuem um grande potencial na remoção de corantes têxteis em efluentes industriais

    Motivação, autoestima e perfil socioeconômico dos praticantes de Sanda do Vale do São Francisco

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    Introdução: A autodeterminação tem sido apontada como um importante construtor de bem-estar, autoestima e competência. A Teoria da Autodeterminação (TAD) mostra a importância do desenvolvimento da autodeterminação para a melhora dos níveis de competência, desempenho e empenho em atletas e praticantes de exercício físico. Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre as regulações de motivação, a autoestima e o perfil socioeconômico de praticantes de Sanda do Vale do São Francisco. Métodos: Foram selecionados para participar do estudo todos os praticantes dos Centros de Treinamento de Petrolina (PE) e Juazeiro (BA), totalizando 48 indivíduos. Como instrumentos foram utilizados o Questionário de Regulação de Conduta no Exercício (BREQ-2), a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e o Questionário da Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa (ABEP). Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizados os testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, “U” de Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis e correlação de Spearman. A significância adotada foi de p0,05) na motivação e autoestima dos praticantes de Sanda em função sexo, estado civil, tempo de prática e nível socioeconômico. Foram encontradas as seguintes correlações significativas (

    Kangaroo Method: perception of the nursing team in a high-risk maternity hospital / Método Canguru: percepção da equipe de enfermagem em uma maternidade de alto risco

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    Objetivo: analisar a percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o método canguru em uma maternidade de alto risco. Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com enfermeiros de uma maternidade de alto risco de Recife (PE), desenvolvida entre janeiro e fevereiro de 2020. As entrevistas foram transcritas e submetida a análise através da técnica de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: ocorreu a formulação de duas categorias, assistência de enfermagem no método canguru e benefícios e desafios encontrados no Método Canguru. As participantes relataram que os cuidados de enfermagem se baseiam principalmente em orientações as mães, a escassez de profissionais e baixa adesão foram evidenciados como principais desafios. Conclusão: constatou-se que a atuação de enfermagem no método canguru é um complexo processo, necessitando de uma equipe de enfermagem motivada e especializada.

    Ecological Apparency Hypothesis and Availability of Useful Plants: Testing different seu values

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    The present study tested the ecological apparency hypothesis in a Brazilian rural community. It used the use value to test the information gained through three types of calculations (UVchange, UVgeneral, UVpotential). A vegetation inventory was performed in two areas near Capivara, Paraíba, Brazil, and 112 informants were interviewed. For the hypothesis test, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to correlate the phytosociological (vegetation) and ethnobotanical data (use value). The study recorded 25 useful species in the first site and 20 in the second site. Positive correlations were found in the first site, between the UVg to basal area and dominance, and between the UVc and basal area, dominance, and importance value. In the second site, between the UVg and both basal area and dominance and between UVc and basal area, density, and dominance. Apparency explained the local importance of useful plants in construction, technology, and fuel, but was not explanative of medicine. Also, important responses were observed for the different use values

    Artificial neural network model of soil heat flux over multiple land covers in South America

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    Soil heat flux (G) is an important component for the closure of the surface energy balance (SEB) and the estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) by remote sensing algorithms. Over the last decades, efforts have been focused on parameterizing empirical models for G prediction, based on biophysical parameters estimated by remote sensing. However, due to the existing models’ empirical nature and the restricted conditions in which they were developed, using these models in large-scale applications may lead to significant errors. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the ability of the artificial neural network (ANN) to predict mid-morning G using extensive remote sensing and meteorological reanalysis data over a broad range of climates and land covers in South America. Surface temperature (Ts), albedo (α), and enhanced vegetation index (EVI), obtained from a moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), and net radiation (Rn) from the global land data assimilation system 2.1 (GLDAS 2.1) product, were used as inputs. The ANN’s predictions were validated against measurements obtained by 23 flux towers over multiple land cover types in South America, and their performance was compared to that of existing and commonly used models. The Jackson et al. (1987) and Bastiaanssen (1995) G prediction models were calibrated using the flux tower data for quadratic errors minimization. The ANN outperformed existing models, with mean absolute error (MAE) reductions of 43% and 36%, respectively. Additionally, the inclusion of land cover information as an input in the ANN reduced MAE by 22%. This study indicates that the ANN’s structure is more suited for large-scale G prediction than existing models, which can potentially refine SEB fluxes and ET estimates in South America