2,148 research outputs found
On Transverse-Momentum Dependent Light-Cone Wave Functions of Light Mesons
Transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) light-cone wave functions of a light
meson are important ingredients in the TMD QCD factorization of exclusive
processes. This factorization allows one conveniently resum Sudakov logarithms
appearing in collinear factorization. The TMD light-cone wave functions are not
simply related to the standard light-cone wave functions in collinear
factorization by integrating them over the transverse momentum. We explore
relations between TMD light-cone wave functions and those in the collinear
factorization. Two factorized relations can be found. One is helpful for
constructing models for TMD light-cone wave functions, and the other can be
used for resummation. These relations will be useful to establish a link
between two types of factorization.Comment: add more discussions and reference
Intrinsic Charm in B-Meson Decays
Light cone hadron wave functions support Fock states of arbitrarily high
particle number: their heavy quark content arises naturally through QCD
interactions. We discuss what role c\bar c pairs, intrinsic to a hadron's
structure, can play in B-meson decays. The effects can be prominent in hadronic
decays for which the tree-level contributions are Cabibbo-suppressed, as in
B\to \pi K decay, and they mimic ``charming penguin'' contributions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figs, invited talk at the 5th Int'l Conf. on Hyperons,
Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2002), Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver,
June 25-29,2002, to appear in the proceeding
Intrinsic Charm Contribution to Double Quarkonium Hadroproduction
Double production has been observed by the NA3 collaboration in and collisions with a cross section of the order of 20-30 pb. The
pairs measured in nucleus interactions at 150 and 280
GeV are observed to carry an anomalously large fraction of the projectile
momentum in the laboratory frame, at 150 GeV and
at 280 GeV. We postulate that these forward pairs
are created by the materialization of Fock states in the projectile containing
two pairs of intrinsic quarks. We calculate the overlap of the
charmonium states with the
Fock state as described by the intrinsic charm model and find that the longitudinal momentum and invariant mass distributions
are both well reproduced. We also discuss double production in
interactions and the implications for other heavy quarkonium production
channels in QCD.Comment: Revtex, APS style, 7 pages, 3 figures in uuencoded fil
Nonlocal PMD compensation in the transmission of non-stationary streams of polarization entangled photons
We study the feasibility of nonlocally compensating for polarization mode
dispersion (PMD), when polarization entangled photons are distributed in
fiber-optic channels.We quantify the effectiveness of nonlocal compensation
while taking into account the possibility that entanglement is generated
through the use of a pulsed optical pump signal
The systematic study of form factors in pQCD approach and its reliability
The study of exclusive B decays in perturbative QCD are complicated by the
endpoint problem. In order to perform the perturbative calculation, the Sudakov
effects are introduced to regulate the endpoint singularity. We provide a
systematic analysis with leading and next-to-leading twist corrections for
form factors in pQCD approach. The intrinsic transverse momentum
dependence of hadronic wave function and threshold resummation effects are
included in pQCD approach. There are two leading twist B meson distribution
amplitudes (or generally wave functions) in general. The QCD equations of
motion provide important constraints on B meson wave functions. The reliability
of pQCD approach in \bpi form factors is discussed. 70% of the result comes
from the region and 38% comes from the region where the
momentum transfer t\geq 1\GeV. The conceptual problems of pQCD approach are
discussed in brief. Our conclusion is that pQCD approach in the present form
cannot provide a precise prediction for \bpi transition form factors.Comment: 30 pages, latex, some typos corrected, to appear in Nucl. Phys.
Study of electromagnetic decay of and to vector and pseudoscalar
The electromagnetic decay contributions to , where
and stand for vector and pseudoscalar meson, respectively, are
investigated in a vector meson dominance (VMD) model. We show that can be constrained well with the available
experimental information. We find that this process has significant
contributions in and may play a key role in understanding
the deviations from the so-called "12% rule" for the branching ratio fractions
between and . We also address that the "12%
rule" becomes very empirical in exclusive hadronic decay channels.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 1 eps figure; further discussions about the
helicity conservation rule and exp. constraints are included; version to
appear in Phys. Lett.
Two-parton twist-3 factorization in perturbative QCD
We prove collinear factorization theorem for the process
at the twist-3 level in the covariant gauge by means of the Ward identity,
concentrating on the two-parton case. It is shown that soft divergences cancel
and collinear divergences are grouped into the pseudo-scalar and pseudo-tensor
two-parton twist-3 pion distribution amplitudes. The delicate summation of a
complete set of diagrams for achieving factorization in momentum, spin, and
color spaces is emphasized. The proof is then extended to the exclusive
semileptonic decay , assuming the hard scale to be of
, where is a hadronic scale and
the meson mass. We explain the distinction between the factorization of
collinear divergences for a pion distribution amplitude and of soft divergences
for a meson distribution amplitude. The gauge invariance and universality
of the two-parton twist-3 pion distribution amplitudes are confirmed. The proof
presented here can accommodate the leading twist-2 case. We then compare our
proof with that performed in the framework of soft-collinear effective theory.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures, many parts rewritten and updated reference
QCD Mechanisms for Double Quarkonium and Open Heavy Meson Hadroproduction
Double production on the order of 20-30 pb has been observed by the
NA3 collaboration. These pairs, measured in interactions
at 150 and 280 GeV and in interactions at 400 GeV, carry a large
fraction of the projectile momentum, for the 150
GeV beam and at 280 GeV. We examine several sources of pair production within QCD, including
production, leading-twist production and decay, and the
materialization of heavy-quark Fock states in the projectile. We estimate the
production cross section and the single and double momentum and mass
distributions for each, comparing the results with the NA3 data, and predict
production in interactions at 800 GeV, accessible to
current fixed-target experiments. We also discuss the observable implications
of open heavy meson pair production from the intrinsic heavy quark Fock states.Comment: Revtex, APS style, 16 pages, 15 figures available as uuencoded
postscript files (or ps files) from the Autho
Hamiltonian light-front field theory within an AdS/QCD basis
Non-perturbative Hamiltonian light-front quantum field theory presents
opportunities and challenges that bridge particle physics and nuclear physics.
Fundamental theories, such as Quantum Chromodynmamics (QCD) and Quantum
Electrodynamics (QED) offer the promise of great predictive power spanning
phenomena on all scales from the microscopic to cosmic scales, but new tools
that do not rely exclusively on perturbation theory are required to make
connection from one scale to the next. We outline recent theoretical and
computational progress to build these bridges and provide illustrative results
for nuclear structure and quantum field theory. As our framework we choose
light-front gauge and a basis function representation with two-dimensional
harmonic oscillator basis for transverse modes that corresponds with
eigensolutions of the soft-wall AdS/QCD model obtained from light-front
holography.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Light-Cone 2009: Relativistic
Hadronic and Particle Physics, July 8-13, 2009, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazi
Sudakov effects in BBNS approach
The end-point singularity is an unsolved problem in BBNS approach.
Incorporating the partonic transverse momentum and the Sudakov form factor,
this problem can be solved model-independently. We discuss the Sudakov effects
in BBNS approach. The BBNS approach is compared with the modified PQCD
approach. The main idea of Sudakov form factor is briefly discussed. Our
conclusion is that the twist-3 contribution for the hard spectator scattering
is numerically not important in decays, compared with the twist-2
contribution.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, two figures, some typos correcte
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