8 research outputs found

    Modelling sustainable intensification in Brazilian agriculture

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    At the United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change COP15 (2009) Brazil presented ambitious commitments or Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), to reduce greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs) mitigation by 2020. At COP21 (2015), the country presented new commitments and a framework to achieve further mitigation targets by 2030 as so-called Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). Both NAMAs and INDCs focus on the land use change and agricultural sectors, but the INDCs include a commitment of zero illegal deforestation in the Amazon by 2030. This research focuses on the contribution of the livestock sector to reducing GHGs through the adoption of sustainable intensification measures. A detailed linear programming model, called Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Gases for Livestock Emissions (EAGGLE), of beef production was developed to evaluate environmental trade-offs. The modelling encompasses pasture degradation and recovery processes, animal and deforestation emissions, soil organic carbon dynamics and upstream life-cycle inventory. The model was parameterized for the Brazilian Cerrado, Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes and further developed for farm-scale and regional-scale analysis. Different versions of the EAGGLE model was used to: (i) Evaluate the GHG mitigation potential and economic benefit of optimizing pasture management through the partitioning of initially uniform pasture area; (ii) to define abatement potential and cost-effectiveness of key mitigation measures applicable to the Brazilian Cerrado; (ii) to demonstrate the extent of cost-effective mitigation that can be delivered by the livestock sector as part of INDCs, and to show a result that underpins the national INDC target of zero deforestation; and (iv) to evaluate the consequences of reducing (or increasing) beef production on GHGs in the Cerrado. Counter-intuitively, a sensitivity analysis shows that reducing beef consumption could lead to higher GHG emissions, while increasing production could reduce total GHGs if livestock is decoupled from deforestation

    Climate change responses benefit from a global food system approach

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    A food system framework breaks down entrenched sectoral categories and existing adaptation and mitigation silos, presenting novel ways of assessing and enabling integrated climate change solutions from production to consumption.Peer reviewe

    Caracterização da silagem de milho, produzida em propriedades rurais do sudoeste do Paraná

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a produção e utilização da silagem, nos sistemas produtivos, em propriedades leiteiras do sudoeste do Paraná. A coleta dos dados foi realizada de março a maio de 2009, em propriedades produtoras de leite, em sete municípios paranaenses, totalizando 108 propriedades visitadas. O questionário, de caráter qualiquantitativo, compreendia 28 questões pré-definidas. A produção leiteira pode ser ampliada pela utilização de técnicas de manejo, como a escolha correta do híbrido e o planejamento e escalonamento adequado da semeadura. A região sudoeste do Paraná caracteriza-se por apresentar pequenas propriedades rurais (agricultura familiar), com 15,65 vacas em lactação e 17,2 litros de leite/dia, em média, e que armazenam a silagem em silos trincheira, em sua maioria. As lavouras cultivadas para confecção de silagem produzem em média 40 a 50 ton ha-1 de matéria verde. Além disso, os principais híbridos utilizados para a confecção da silagem são do grupo semi-duro e precoce, com sementes certificadas e tratadas