1,156 research outputs found

    Maywood A-Bridged: a thesis about engagement

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    This is a thesis based on the idea that things in our environment, through neglect or ignorance, become invisible, despite an essence of virtue. The idea stems from the literary work of Fyoder Dostoevsky, particularly his depictions of fallen women. In stories such as “Notes from the Underground,” Liza, the prostitute, is his most virtuous character. My exploration of this idea culminates in the design of an advocacy center for the community of Maywood, California and the Los Angeles River, including a gathering center in which residents of the community and environmentalists may come together on equal social footing

    Women's Time and the Use of Health Services

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    Summary The premise of this paper is that services and information can only contribute to improving health to the extent that people are aware of them, are able to make use of them, and choose to do so. Many service?related factors, as well as social, economic and cultural aspects of people's lives, can interfere with the use of health services or the implementation of health practices. The specific issue with which this article is concerned, however, is the possible negative effect of time constraints on women's capacity to use health services or to engage in other health related activities. It attempts to disaggregate health services and practices along a number of dimensions, with the goal of identifying those health related activities that may be particularly vulnerable to non?utilization because of conflicting demands on women's time. Resumé Les femmes, leur temps disponible et leur utilisation des services de soins de santé Le présent article a pour thèse que les services et l'information ne peuvent contribuer à l'amélioration de la santé que dans la mesure où les gens se rendent compte de leur disponibilité; se sentent capables de les utiliser; et se décident à le faire. Un grand nombre de facteurs qui ont trait aux services mêmes, en plus des aspects sociaux, économiques et culturels de la vie des utilisateurs de ces services, sont susceptibles d'affecter négativement l'utilisation des services de soins de santé et même, la mise en vigueur des pratiques de santé correspondantes. Ceci dit, cet article s'adresse spécifiquement aux éventuels effets négatifs des contraintes temporelles sur les capacités d'exploitation des services de santé parmi les femmes, voire sur leurs capacités de participer à d'autres activités qui ont trait à la santé. L'article tente d'analyser les services et pratiques de soins de santé sur plusieurs axes, dans l'optique d'identifier quelles sont les activités concernant la santé les plus menacées de non?utilisation en raison des nombreuses contraintes imposées sur le temps disponible des femmes. Resumen El tiempo de las mujeres y el uso de los servicios sanitarios La principal premisa de este artículo es que los servicios y la información sólo pueden contribuir al mejoramiento de las condiciones de sanidad en tanto y en cuanto la gente esté enterada de su existencia, pueda hacer uso de ellos, y lo elijan así. Muchos factores relacionados con los servicios, así como aspectos culturales, sociales y económicos, pueden interferir con el uso de los servicios de salud o la implementación de prácticas sanitarias. Sin embargo, el punto específico que aborda este artículo es el posible efecto negativo de los apremios del tiempo en la capacidad de la mujer para usar servicios sanitarios o comprometerse en otras actividades relacionadas a la salud. Trata de segregar pra?ticas y servicios sanitarios en diferentes dimensiones, con el objetivo de identificar esas actividades relacionadas de sanidad que pueden ser particularmente vulnerables a no ser usadas a causa de los requerimientos conflictivos en el tiempo de las mujeres

    The Massachusetts RU4Kids Study: Using Evidence to Improve Medicaid Mental Health Services For Massachusetts Children and Youth [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files below. Research on effective child and adolescent mental health interventions has grown significantly over the past two decades. Through the Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI), Massachusetts policy makers, provider agencies, and advocacy groups are engaged in activities and decision-making on a daily basis that may involve the use of research evidence. The Massachusetts Research Use 4KIDS Study will examine the ways in which research evidence comes into play as children’s mental health services are transformed and implemented in the provider community. Originally published as: Research in the Works, Issue 4, 2011

    Práctica de valores y clima escolar en estudiantes del nivel primario de una I.E. de San Ignacio – Cajamarca, 2023

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general establecer la relación que existe entre la práctica de valores y el clima escolar en estudiantes del nivel primario de una I.E. de San Ignacio - Cajamarca, 2023. La metodología que se utilizó es de tipo básica, con un diseño no experimental, de enfoque cuantitativo y de nivel correlacional. La población fue de 88 estudiantes, seleccionando una muestra no probabilística de 50 estudiantes. La técnica utilizada para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento aplicado fueron los cuestionarios para cada variable. En los resultados descriptivos se expusieron que el 43.6% de los alumnos de la institución presentan práctica de valores en el nivel medio y clima escolar mediamente favorable, mientras el 90.9% de los alumnos muestran práctica de valores nivel alto y clima escolar favorable. Referente al resultado inferencial se consiguió un valor del Spearman el Rho= 0.298 de un valor de p= 0.036, lo cual el valor de p es menor a 0.05, se procedió a rechazar la Ho, indicando una correlación positiva baja entre la práctica de valores y clima escolar

    Navigating the Complexity of Using Research in Policy and Practice Decisions [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files below. Preliminary findings from this study call for heightened attention to the shifting and multi-dimensional complexity of decision-making that occurs in public service systems. Attention to this complexity will allow for the use of research evidence in coherent, relevant and effective ways

    Intermediaries Promote the Use of Research Evidence in Children\u27s Behavioral Health Systems Change [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files below. In this Issue Brief, we provide background on the use of research to inform policy and practice, describe the use of evidence in the context of Massachusetts-wide systems change in children’s behavioral health services, and discuss the key role of intermediaries in facilitating knowledge exchange

    Timing the evolution of antioxidant enzymes in cyanobacteria

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    How early photosynthesizers managed oxidative stress remains relatively unresolved. Analyses of enzymes dealing with reactive oxygen species traces the evolutionary history of superoxide dismutases and finds evidence of CuZnSOD in the ancestor of all cyanobacteria, dating back to the Archaean

    Housing space divisions for living and for storage suggested by thirty-six homemakers who lived in split-level houses

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    This study was planned to determine how homemakers, who lived in split-level houses, preferred to have the existing space in their houses allocated for storage and for living. Nine house plans, each with the same number and kinds of rooms, were used. Two sizes of house plans were included because a sufficient number of house plans of approximately the same size were not available. Five plans were for smaller split-level houses which ranged from 1515.85 to 1657.08 square feet and four plans were for larger split-level houses which ranged from 1798.89 to 1926.23 square feet. Thirty-six homemakers were interviewed--four for each of the nine different house plans. When the homemakers suggested changes in living and storage space in their houses, they were not allowed to suggest changes in the overall size of their houses, since the focus of this study was the space allocations in their present houses and not their desires for a larger or smaller house

    Elementary Statistical Methods and Measurement Error

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    How the sources of physical variation interact with a data collection plan determines what can be learned from the resulting dataset, and in particular, how measurement error is reflected in the dataset. The implications of this fact are rarely given much attention in most statistics courses. Even the most elementary statistical methods have their practical effectiveness limited by measurement variation; and understanding how measurement variation interacts with data collection and the methods is helpful in quantifying the nature of measurement error. We illustrate how simple one- and two-sample statistical methods can be effectively used in introducing important concepts of metrology and the implications of those concepts when drawing conclusions from data