510 research outputs found

    Reframing conduct: a critical analysis of the statutory requirement for registration of the social work workforce

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    The relationship between the statutory registration of a workforce and impact upon practice and practitioners is unclear. Little empirical research in relation to the efficacy of existing professional registers has been undertaken. No research has so far been undertaken in relation to the impact of UK legislated registration upon social work practice. A number of high profile cases in health care such as the Bristol, Shipman, Ayling and Allit inquiries (DH, 1994; Crown Office, 2001 & 2005) have drawn attention to the inadequacies of workforce registration systems. Regulatory approaches to modifying the behaviours of the regulated are widely viewed as problematic in a broad range of theoretical literature from diverse disciplinary bases and methodologies. Literatures caution that just as ‘markets’ may behave imperfectly, so may regulatory mechanisms such as workforce registration systems (Ayres & Braithwaite, 1992; Baldwin, Scott & Hood, 1998; Haines, 1999; Sparrow, 2000; Ashworth & Boyne, 2002; Johnstone & Sarre, 2004; Haines & Gurney, 2004; Walshe & Boyd, 2007). The UK Better Regulation Task Force cautions that some regulatory interventions can make a situation worse (2003b). The potential of professional registers generally and the social work register specifically to impact upon quality and improve protection has been questioned since 1982 when the first meetings about the development of a national social work regulatory council were held (Malherbe, 1982). The regulatory body for social work in England, the General Social Care Council (GSCC) came into being in 2002. The first UK register of social workers came into force in 2005 with protection of title implemented shortly after. The first three conduct cases applying sanctions to registrants were heard within a year of the social work register opening. Using a grounded theory approach, in the context of the first three conduct case outcomes, this study sought to elicit the perceptions of qualified social workers on the positive and negative impact(s) of the statutory requirement to register, for both the individuals and the organisations in which they work. This study finds that the first registration conduct case outcomes triggered a reframing of the concept of conduct and that as a consequence, respondents in this study re-positioned their allegiance to registration, and engagement with conduct matters in the workplace. The study considers the relevance of research findings in the context of a changing policy and political landscape

    Beşinci ölüm yılında Nazım Hikmet

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Nazım Hikmetİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033)Nazım Hikmet'e:Ağıt yerineNazım Hikmet'in şiirinde dünya görüşüNazım Hikmet, Yermolova Tiyatrosu ve "Enayi" oyunu üstün

    Karakterisasi Bakteri Potensial Pendegradasi Oli Bekas Pada Tanah Bengkel Di Kota Padang

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    The research objective is to locate and determine the morphological and biochemical characteristics of the bacteria that could potentially degrade the used lubricant oil in the workshops in Padang. The research was conducted March to October 2016. The bacteria obtained from the workshop is cultured on selective media MSM and transferred to LB medium to obtain pure isolates. Morphological and biochemical characterization indicate three types of bacteria that live in workshop's soil contaminated used lubricant oil, namely Bacillus sp1, sp2 and Alcaligenes Bacillus s

    Quantifying the carbon sequestration costs for Pinus elliottii afforestation project of China greenhouse gases voluntary emission reduction program: a case study in Jiangxi province

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    Afforestation and reforestation (AR) is an important component of China’s Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Voluntary Emission Reduction Program, acting as a valuable nationwide carbon sink. Although a number of studies have explored the costs of creating a carbon sink, such an assessment is lacking for China’s GHG Voluntary Emissions Reduction Program. This study develops an economic carbon sink costs measurement model for the Pinus elliottii afforestation project, based on the land opportunity cost method, which incorporates carbon sink transaction costs and leakage costs. From this, an empirical analysis on the carbon sink costs and its sensitivity factors was conducted. The results show that, firstly, the carbon sequestration costs of afforestation projects are generally high, ranging from 44.2 Yuan/tCO2e to 425.4 Yuan/tCO2e with and without considering the benefits of wood, respectively. This is higher than the current average carbon sink price of 20 Yuan/tCO2e. Secondly, forestry carbon sink transaction costs have a positive impact on carbon sequestration costs, but the impact is weak. Thirdly, carbon sequestration costs are negatively affected by timber prices but positively influenced by increasing labor prices and discount rate, which is not conductive to the development of carbon sink afforestation projects. In order to strengthen role of forestry in combating climate change, the study holds that the government departments should take measures to reduce carbon sink transaction costs, establish and improve the forestry carbon sink compensation mechanism in the future, and encourage wood-processing companies to make technological innovations to produce and sell durable wood products. The project owners can explore multiple operating models to increase their revenue, including market and non-market benefits, when the carbon sink afforestation project has been launched according to relevant methodologies


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    ABSTRAK Masjid digunakan sebagai tempat melakukan berbagai jenis aktivitas seperti tempat berkumpul, beristirahat, dan yang paling penting sebagai tempat beribadah. Pembersihan yang kurang baik berpotensi menjadi media penularan penyakit yang dapat merugikan pengunjung dan masyarakat disekitar masjid. Lantai menjadi salah satu media timbulnya bakteri penyebab penyakit. Misalnya bakteri bacillus sp. yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit kulit. Penyakit kulit dapat menular akibat bersentuhan langsung dengan lantai, alas shalat dan perlengkapan shalat yang dibersihkan dengan kurang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung jumlah koloni bakteri pada lantai masjid, mengidentifikasi genus bakteri pada lantai masjid, dan mengetahui pengaruh pembersihan lantai masjid dengan jumlah koloni bakteri. Sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan cara teknik usap (swab) pada lantai marmer, kayu dan keramik. Hasil pengamatan pada seluruh sampel lantai pada ketiga masjid menunjukkan bahwa adanya koloni bakteri. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa jumlah koloni bakteri ditemukan lebih sedikit pada lantai yang telah dibersihkan. Penyisihan jumlah koloni bakteri pada lantai marmer adalah 150 CFU/ml, lantai kayu adalah 113 CFU/ml, dan lantai keramik adalah 157 CFU/ml. Bakteri yang teridentifikasi adalah Bacillus sp, Staphylococcus sp, Klebsiella sp, Hafnia sp, Pseudomonas sp, Citrobacter sp dan Serratia sp. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa proses pembersihan lantai berpengaruh dalam penurunan jumlah koloni bakteri, akan tetapi jenis lantai tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Kata kunci: Identifikasi Bakteri, Koloni Bakteri, Masjid, Pembersihan Lantai, Teknik Usap (Swab), Lantai Marmer, Lantai Kayu, Lantai Keramik

    Synthesis of homo- and heteromultivalent carbohydrate-functionalized oligo(amidoamines) using novel glyco-building blocks

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    We present the solid phase synthesis of carbohydrate-functionalized oligo(amidoamines) with different functionalization patterns utilizing a novel alphabet of six differently glycosylated building blocks. Highly efficient in flow conjugation of thioglycosides to a double-bond presenting diethylentriamine precursor is the key step to prepare these building blocks suitable for fully automated solid-phase synthesis. Introduction of the sugar ligands via functionalized building blocks rather than postfunctionalization of the oligomeric backbone allows for the straightforward synthesis of multivalent glycoligands with full control over monomer sequence and functionalization pattern. We demonstrate the potential of this building-block approach by synthesizing oligomers with different numbers and spacing of carbohydrates and also show the feasibility of heteromultivalent glycosylation patterns by combining building blocks presenting different mono- and disaccharides