45 research outputs found

    Narrativas diplomáticas em ciência, tecnologia e inovação: poder, cooperação e perspectivas do brasil como país em desenvolvimento

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    Science diplomacy has recently become a buzzword in policy and in academic discussions. Definitions and approaches have been informed by literature produced by practitioners of science diplomacy situated in developed countries. This article maps and systematizes narratives authored by Brazilian diplomats on science, technology and innovation (STI) and their connections with international relations dynamics and issues, such as power, cooperation, development, security and the environment. By addressing pieces produced by practitioners as narratives, rather than as scientific categories that describe and analyze social phenomena, the article explores how STI is perceived and framed by Brazilian diplomats. The methodology included the selection and systematization of publications authored by ministers of Foreign Affairs, in whose diplomatic writings the words “science”, “technology”, “innovation” and their variants were searched; and pieces on STI produced by career diplomats. Writing from the perspective of Brazil as a developing country, most of reviewed pieces hold a highly critical view towards the international dimensions of STI, which are not seen as politically neutral. However, none of the diplomats disagree on the need for Brazil and other developing countries to build STI capacities as a means to accumulate power and/or to develop. International cooperation on different geometries is seen as crucial for that though perceptions on the effectiveness of North-South and South-South STI cooperation can vary.A diplomacia científica se tornou recentemente um chavão em discussões políticas e acadêmicas. Definições e abordagens têm sido informadas pela literatura produzida por indivíduos e organizações que atuam na prática da diplomacia científica situados em países desenvolvidos. Este artigo mapeia e sistematiza narrativas de diplomatas brasileiros sobre ciência, tecnologia e inovação (CT&I) e suas conexões com dinâmicas e temas das relações internacionais, como poder, cooperação, desenvolvimento, segurança e meio-ambiente. Ao abordar as obras produzidas por practitioners como narrativas, e não como categorias científicas que descrevem e analisam fenômenos sociais, o artigo explora como a CT&I é percebida e enquadrada por diplomatas brasileiros. A metodologia incluiu seleção e análise de publicações de ministros das Relações Exteriores, em cujos escritos diplomáticos trechos contendo as palavras “ciência”, “tecnologia”, “inovação” e seus variantes foram buscados; e obras sobre CT&I produzidas por diplomatas de carreira. Escrevendo da perspectiva do Brasil como país em desenvolvimento, a maior parte das obras analisadas sustenta uma visão altamente crítica em relação às dimensões internacionais da CT&I, as quais não são vistas como politicamente neutras. Contudo, nenhum dos diplomatas discorda da necessidade de que o Brasil e outros países em desenvolvimento construam capacidades em CT&I como meio para acumular poder e/ou se desenvolver. A cooperação internacional em diferentes geometrias é vista como crucial para tanto, embora as percepções sobre a efetividade da cooperação Norte-Sul e Sul-Sul em CT&I possam variar

    O Brasil e a Cooperação Sul-Sul: Contribuições e Desafios

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    Devido a seu engajamento na transferência, para outros países em desenvolvimento, de um conjunto de conhecimentos técnicos e de soluções que tiveram impacto positivo sobre o desenvolvimento nacional, o Brasil se consolidou como um dos protagonistas da Cooperação Sul-Sul. Contudo, o país ainda não possui uma política consolidada na área, sendo este o principal desafio para sua sustentação a longo prazo.Devido a seu engajamento na transferência, para outros países em desenvolvimento, de um conjunto de conhecimentos técnicos e de soluções que tiveram impacto positivo sobre o desenvolvimento nacional, o Brasil se consolidou como um dos protagonistas da Cooperação Sul-Sul. Contudo, o país ainda não possui uma política consolidada na área, sendo este o principal desafio para sua sustentação a longo prazo

    The Interplay Between International Relations and Science, Technology and Innovation: An Analysis of Embraer’s International Partnerships

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    International partnerships have been fundamental to Embraer’s technological advancement. The very creation of the company was only possible due to prior support received from specialized institutions in countries such as the United States, with governmental support. Even so, academic works on Embraer focus very little on its international agreements. This article maps and systematizes literature on international partnerships involving Embraer retrieved by Scopus, Scielo and the CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Catalog. In addition to presenting quantitative data that corroborates the finding on low participation of specific literature on international partnerships involving Embraer, this article demonstrates that almost none of the articles retrieved by the search are from the field of International Relations. In general, concepts and theories on which the mapped literature relies assume a purely transnational component in the partnerships without taking into account, for instance, the role of states in supervising international knowledge flows. Contributions made by the literature, while relevant to understanding business partnerships involving knowledge flows, do not necessarily consider the uniqueness of such flows when they cross national borders. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the mapped literature does not take the partnership axis (North-South or South-South) as a relevant variable for effectiveness

    Considerações acerca da territorialização dos serviços na cidade de Montes Claros/MG

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    O processo de produção e reprodução do espaço urbano é caracterizado principalmente pela urbanização que se concretiza, sobretudo, pela expansão da malha urbana e pela implantação de novos empreendimentos econômicos. Sendo assim, cada cidade é tomada pela singularidade, constituída por contradições e ideologias específicas, que viabilizam o sistema de redes de consumo construindo uma relação de troca de bens e serviços entre cidades e seu entorno regional. Nesta perspectiva, destaca-se Montes Claros, considerada cidade média e polo regional, tanto pelos serviços prestados à população de cidades circunvizinhas, quanto pelo comércio, fatores que ampliam o fluxo diário de pessoas. Essa centralidade regional afeta o espaço intra-urbano, pois há uma organização espacial dos serviços no propósito de atender à demanda regional.  Neste contexto, o presente artigo busca analisar a territorializaçao dos serviços no espaço intra-urbano da cidade de Montes Claros, decorrente do papel de centro polarizador que a mesma exerce na região Norte de Minas. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do artigo consistiu em revisão bibliográfica, pesquisas documentais e empíricas para identificar a territorializaçao. Os resultados permitem refletir sobre a dinâmica destes múltiplos territórios no espaço urbano da referida cidade

    Use of Medicines by Infants with Microcephaly Caused by Congenital Zika Virus Infection and Implications to Oral Health

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    Objective: To analyze the use of continued-use medications by Brazilian children with microcephaly caused by Congenital Zika Virus Infection. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study with 76 children of both genders. Information on age, use of continued-use medications, number and type of drugs used was collected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Continued-use medications were used by 89.4% of the children, anticonvulsants / antiepileptics (88.1%), and those indicated for behavioral disorders (27.1%) were the most frequent. Sodium saccharin, sucrose, and sorbitol are the most common sugars in the composition of these drugs. Conclusion: The use of medicines is high, predominantly anticonvulsants and antiepileptics, which contain sugars in their composition. These drugs can lead to irreversible dental problems, such as tooth decay if proper oral hygiene is not present. Therefore, parents/guardians should be advised about adopting healthy oral hygiene habits after the administration of these drugs

    Comparison of diets for rearing the larvae of Mediterranean fruit fly: nutritional and economic aspects

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the main pest of fruit crops worldwide due to its broad distribution, direct damages, and adaptation to different hosts. Developing diets for the rearing fruit flies is essential for integrated management of this pest. Mass rearing of parasitoids, selection of preferred hosts, and mass rearing of genetically modified C. capitata strains subsidize methods of biological control, cultural control, and the sterile insect technique (SIT), respectively, depending directly on the mass rearing of the Mediterranean fruit fly. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of artificial diets for rearing C. capitata larvae considering the cost of those most appropriate diets. Nine diets containing different combinations of protein and energy sources (brewer’s yeast, yeast extract, pollen, soybean extract, oatmeal, corn meal, and wheat germ) were formulated. The parameters immature development time (hatching), pupal viability (emerged adults), size and weight of pupae, and adult size (wing length) were assessed. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory under controlled conditions of temperature (26 ± 1 °C) and relative humidity (70% ± 10%). Statistical analysis was performed by using ANOVA with the Tukey’s test for comparison of means. Diets based on oatmeal and soybean extract, both added with brewer’s yeast, yeast extract, or pollen satisfactorily meet the nutritional requirements of C. capitata. Moreover, diets enriched with brewer’s yeast or yeast extract presented the lowest costs; therefore, they could be used in a continuous mass-scale rearing of C. capitata. Diets based on corn meal and soybean extract, both associated with brewer’s yeast, yeast extract, or pollen are more economical, but they should not be used for rearing C. capitata because they decrease the percentage of hatching and extend life cycle. Diets based on wheat germ and oatmeal, both added with brewer’s yeast, yeast extract, or pollen are not adequate for rearing C. capitata

    Systemic Manifestations, Tooth Eruption and Enamel Defects in Children with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome: 36-Month Follow-up Case Series

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    Objective: To describe systemic manifestations, the characteristics related to tooth eruption, and the occurrence of enamel defects in children with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome (CZS). Material and Methods: Prospective case series based on nine children with confirmed CZS diagnosis assisted at a reference center in a municipality in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Through a structured interview directed to mothers, information related to prenatal, delivery, and postpartum periods was collected. Tooth eruption was monitored through clinical examinations for 36 months. The modified developmental defect of enamel index (DDE) was used to identify opacities and hypoplasia. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Results: A high proportion (77.8%) had microcephaly, and 55.5% had low birth weight. Musculoskeletal disorders, swallowing difficulty, and self-injury practices were present in all children. Among the systemic findings, visual impairment (77.8%) and seizures (77.8%) were widely reported. Concerning disorders related to the stomatognathic system, bruxism (66.7%) and difficulty in sucking (33.3%) were present. For most children (77.8%), the deciduous right lower central incisor was the first tooth to erupt (minimum 8 months and maximum 17 months). Enamel defects were diagnosed in only two children (22.2%). Conclusion: A wide range of systemic manifestations was observed in children with CZS, including visual impairment and musculoskeletal disorders. Delayed eruption of the first deciduous tooth was also observed. Enamel defects were present in a small proportion of children