372 research outputs found

    The Effect of Bariatric Surgery on Diabetic Retinopathy: Good, Bad, or Both?

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    Bariatric surgery, initially intended as a weight-loss procedure, is superior to standard lifestyle intervention and pharmacological therapy for type 2 diabetes in obese individuals. Intensive medical management of hyperglycemia is associated with improved microvascular outcomes. Whether or not the reduction in hyperglycemia observed after bariatric surgery translates to improved microvascular outcomes is yet to be determined. There is substantial heterogeneity in the data relating to the impact of bariatric surgery on diabetic retinopathy (DR), the most common microvascular complication of diabetes. This review aims to collate the recent data on retinal outcomes after bariatric surgery. This comprehensive evaluation revealed that the majority of DR cases remain stable after surgery. However, risk of progression of pre-existing DR and the development of new DR is not eliminated by surgery. Instances of regression of DR are also noted. Potential risk factors for deterioration include severity of DR at the time of surgery and the magnitude of glycated hemoglobin reduction. Concerns also exist over the detrimental effects of postprandial hypoglycemia after surgery. In vivo studies evaluating the chronology of DR development and the impact of bariatric surgery could provide clarity on the situation. For now, however, the effect of bariatric surgery on DR remains inconclusive

    Modeled Insulin Sensitivity and Interstitial Insulin Action from a Pilot Study of Dynamic Insulin Sensitivity Tests

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    An accurate test for insulin resistance can delay or prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes and its complications. The current gold standard test, CLAMP, is too labor intensive to be used in general practice. A recently developed dynamic insulin sensitivity test, DIST, uses a glucose-insulin-C-peptide model to calculate model-based insulin sensitivity, SI. Preliminary results show good correlation to CLAMP. However both CLAMP and DIST ignore saturation in insulin-mediated glucose removal. This study uses the data from 17 patients who underwent multiple DISTs to investigate interstitial insulin action and its influence on modeled insulin sensitivity. The critical parameters influencing interstitial insulin action are saturation in insulin receptor binding, αG, and plasma-interstitial difiusion rate, nI . Very low values of αG and very low values of nI produced the most intra-patient variability in SI. Repeatability in SI is enhanced with modeled insulin receptor saturation. Future parameter study on subjects with varying degree of insulin resistance may provide a better understanding of different contributing factors of insulin resistance

    Endogenous insulin secretion and suppression during and after sepsis in critically ill patients: implications for tight glycemic control protocols

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    Introduction: Insulin infusions over 2 U/hr can suppress endogenous insulin secretion in healthy subjects 30-45% [1]. Virtually all tight glycaemic control (TGC) protocols deliver insulin via infusion. This study examines the impact of bolus delivery of insulin in TGC on the endogenous insulin secretion of critically ill patients. Methods: 18 patients from the Christchurch Hospital ICU enrolled in a prospective clinical trial studying sepsis each had two sets of blood samples assayed for insulin and C-peptide. The first set was taken at the commencement of the SPRINT TGC protocol for patients with suspected sepsis. The second set was taken when their SIRS score was consistently below 2. Each set had 4 samples taken at: -1, 10, 40 and 60 min following bolus delivery of insulin as required by SPRINT to capture endogenous insulin secretion during the bolus profile. Bolus size was dictated by the protocol, but was in the range 2-6 units. Model-based methods [2] were used to calculate the endogenous insulin secretion rate for each set of samples. The level of suppression was calculated as the ratio of the secretion rate between 5-15 mins (just after peak plasma insulin) and average of the 0-5 min (basal) and 15-60 min (return to basal) secretion rates identified

    Differential effects of RYGB surgery and best medical treatment for obesity-diabetes on intestinal and islet adaptations in obese-diabetic ZDSD rats

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    Modification of gut-islet secretions after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass (RYBG) surgery contributes to its metabolic and anti-diabetic benefits. However, there is limited knowledge on tissue-specific hormone distribution post-RYGB surgery and how this compares with best medical treatment (BMT). In the present study, pancreatic and ileal tissues were excised from male Zucker-Diabetic Sprague Dawley (ZDSD) rats 8-weeks after RYGB, BMT (daily oral dosing with metformin 300mg/kg, fenofibrate 100mg/kg, ramipril 1mg/kg, rosuvastatin 10mg/kg and subcutaneous liraglutide 0.2mg/kg) or sham operation (laparotomy). Insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, PYY, GLP-1 and GIP expression patterns were assessed using immunocytochemistry and analyzed using ImageJ. After RYGB and BMT, body weight and plasma glucose were decreased. Intestinal morphometry was unaltered by RYGB, but crypt depth was decreased by BMT. Intestinal PYY cells were increased by both interventions. GLP-1- and GIP-cell counts were unchanged by RYGB but BMT increased ileal GLP-1-cells and decreased those expressing GIP. The intestinal contents of PYY and GLP-1 were significantly enhanced by RYGB, whereas BMT decreased ileal GLP-1. No changes of islet and beta-cell area or proliferation were observed, but the extent of beta-cell apoptosis and islet integrity calculated using circularity index were improved by both treatments. Significantly decreased islet alpha-cell areas were observed in both groups, while beta- and PYY-cell areas were unchanged. RYGB also induced a decrease in islet delta-cell area. PYY and GLP-1 colocalization with glucagon in islets was significantly decreased in both groups, while co-staining of PYY with glucagon was decreased and that with somatostatin increased. These data characterize significant cellular islet and intestinal adaptations following RYGB and BMT associated with amelioration of obesity-diabetes in ZDSD rats. The differential responses observed and particularly those within islets, may provide important clues to the unique ability of RYGB to cause diabetes remission

    A Comparison of Total Food Intake at a Personalised Buffet in People with Obesity, before and 24 Months after Roux-en-Y-Gastric Bypass Surgery

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    Long-term reductions in the quantity of food consumed, and a shift in intake away from energy dense foods have both been implicated in the potent bariatric effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery. We hypothesised that relative to pre-operative assessment, a stereotypical shift to lower intake would be observed at a personalised ad libitum buffet meal 24 months after RYGB, driven in part by decreased selection of high energy density items. At pre-operative baseline, participants (n = 14) rated their preference for 72 individual food items, each of these mapping to one of six categories encompassing high and low-fat choices in combination with sugar, complex carbohydrate or and protein. An 18-item buffet meal was created for each participant based on expressed preferences. Overall energy intake was reduced on average by 60% at the 24-month buffet meal. Reductions in intake were seen across all six food categories. Decreases in the overall intake of all individual macronutrient groups were marked and were generally proportional to reductions in total caloric intake. Patterns of preference and intake, both at baseline and at follow-up appear more idiosyncratic than has been previously suggested by verbal reporting. The data emphasise the consistency with which reductions in ad libitum food intake occur as a sequel of RYGB, this being maintained in the setting of a self-selected ad libitum buffet meal. Exploratory analysis of the data also supports prior reports of a possible relative increase in the proportional intake of protein after RYGB

    Medications Activating Tubular Fatty Acid Oxidation Enhance the Protective Effects of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery in a Rat Model of Early Diabetic Kidney Disease

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    Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) improves biochemical and histological parameters of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Targeted adjunct medical therapy may enhance renoprotection following RYGB. Methods: The effects of RYGB and RYGB plus fenofibrate, metformin, ramipril, and rosuvastatin (RYGB-FMRR) on metabolic control and histological and ultrastructural indices of glomerular and proximal tubular injury were compared in the Zucker Diabetic Sprague Dawley (ZDSD) rat model of DKD. Renal cortical transcriptomic (RNA-sequencing) and urinary metabolomic (1H-NMR spectroscopy) responses were profiled and integrated. Transcripts were assigned to kidney cell types through in silico deconvolution in kidney single-nucleus RNA-sequencing and microdissected tubular epithelial cell proteomics datasets. Medication-specific transcriptomic responses following RYGB-FMRR were explored using a network pharmacology approach. Omic correlates of improvements in structural and ultrastructural indices of renal injury were defined using a molecular morphometric approach. Results: RYGB-FMRR was superior to RYGB alone with respect to metabolic control, albuminuria, and histological and ultrastructural indices of glomerular injury. RYGB-FMRR reversed DKD-associated changes in mitochondrial morphology in the proximal tubule to a greater extent than RYGB. Attenuation of transcriptomic pathway level activation of pro-fibrotic responses was greater after RYGB-FMRR than RYGB. Fenofibrate was found to be the principal medication effector of gene expression changes following RYGB-FMRR, which led to the transcriptional induction of PPARα-regulated genes that are predominantly expressed in the proximal tubule and which regulate peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO). After omics integration, expression of these FAO transcripts positively correlated with urinary levels of PPARα-regulated nicotinamide metabolites and negatively correlated with urinary tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. Changes in FAO transcripts and nicotinamide and TCA cycle metabolites following RYGB-FMRR correlated strongly with improvements in glomerular and proximal tubular injury. Conclusions: Integrative multi-omic analyses point to PPARα-stimulated FAO in the proximal tubule as a dominant effector of treatment response to combined surgical and medical therapy in experimental DKD. Synergism between RYGB and pharmacological stimulation of FAO represents a promising combinatorial approach to the treatment of DKD in the setting of obesity.Health Research BoardHealth Service ExecutiveScience Foundation IrelandUniversity College DublinWellcome TrustSwedish Medical Research CouncilEuropean Foundation for the Study of Diabetes/Boehringer Ingelheim European Diabetes Research ProgrammeHealth and Social Care, Research and Development Division, Northern Irelan

    The GATA1s isoform is normally down-regulated during terminal haematopoietic differentiation and over-expression leads to failure to repress MYB, CCND2 and SKI during erythroid differentiation of K562 cells

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    Background: Although GATA1 is one of the most extensively studied haematopoietic transcription factors little is currently known about the physiological functions of its naturally occurring isoforms GATA1s and GATA1FL in humans—particularly whether the isoforms have distinct roles in different lineages and whether they have non-redundant roles in haematopoietic differentiation. As well as being of general interest to understanding of haematopoiesis, GATA1 isoform biology is important for children with Down syndrome associated acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia (DS-AMKL) where GATA1FL mutations are an essential driver for disease pathogenesis. <p/>Methods: Human primary cells and cell lines were analyzed using GATA1 isoform specific PCR. K562 cells expressing GATA1s or GATA1FL transgenes were used to model the effects of the two isoforms on in vitro haematopoietic differentiation. <p/>Results: We found no evidence for lineage specific use of GATA1 isoforms; however GATA1s transcripts, but not GATA1FL transcripts, are down-regulated during in vitro induction of terminal megakaryocytic and erythroid differentiation in the cell line K562. In addition, transgenic K562-GATA1s and K562-GATA1FL cells have distinct gene expression profiles both in steady state and during terminal erythroid differentiation, with GATA1s expression characterised by lack of repression of MYB, CCND2 and SKI. <p/>Conclusions: These findings support the theory that the GATA1s isoform plays a role in the maintenance of proliferative multipotent megakaryocyte-erythroid precursor cells and must be down-regulated prior to terminal differentiation. In addition our data suggest that SKI may be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of children with DS-AMKL