14 research outputs found

    Interferon beta-1a in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: case report Interferon beta en polineuropatía crónica inflamatoria desmienlinizante: caso clínico

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    Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is an acquired immune-mediated neuropathy. It presents with a course of progression which may be slow and steady or step-wise or relapsing. Sensory ataxic polyneuropathy may be the only clinical manifestation of this disease. Treatment with interferon beta1a (INF beta1a) has been tried with different results in patients who were refractory to other, more conventional, immunomodulatory therapies. Here we report on a patient who had a relapsing form of pure sensory ataxic CIDP and who failed to respond to intravenous human immunoglobulin. He was put on INF beta1a for 3 years. During this period he suffered no relapses while his condition stabilized.<br>La polineuropatía crónica inflamatoria desmielinizante (PCID) es una neuropatía inmuno-mediada, que presenta un curso clínico primariamente progresivo o en forma de recaídas. Las manifestaciones sensoriales pueden ser su unica forma de expresión clínica. El tratamiento con interferon beta 1a (IFN beta1a) ha sido ensayado en varias oportunidades, con diferentes respuestas terapéuticas, en pacientes refractarios a las terapias inmunomoduladoras convencionales. Nosotros comunicamos un paciente con una forma ataxica recurrente de PCID, que no respondió al tratamiento con inmunoglobulina endovenosa. Posteriormente fue tratado con IFN beta 1 a por tres años. Durante el período de seguimiento no mostró nuevas recaídas y su cuadro neurológico se estabilizó

    Enhanced mRNA cap methylation increases Cyclin D1 expression and promotes cell transformation

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    Cap-dependent mRNA translation requires the methylation of the mRNA guanosine cap by RNA guanine-7-methyltransferase (RNMT). mRNA cap methylation was recently described to be rate-limiting for a subset of mRNAs, and to be enhanced by expression of c-Myc and E2F1, although the biological significance of this finding was not investigated. Here it is reported that increased RNMT expression enhances cellular mRNA cap methyltransferase activity, promotes mammary epithelial cell transformation and co-operates with H-RasV12 or c-Myc to promote fibroblast cell transformation. Cyclin D1 is a prominent oncogene in epithelial tumours. A significant fraction of Cyclin D1 mRNA was found to be unmethylated on the mRNA cap and thus dormant in mammary epithelial cells. Cyclin D1 expression was increased by enhanced mRNA cap methylation. In summary, this report demonstrates that mRNA cap methylation is rate-limiting for expression of an oncogene and cell transformation

    Burkitt’s lymphoma-associated c-Myc mutations converge on a dramatically altered target gene response and implicate Nol5a/Nop56 in oncogenesis

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    Burkitt's lymphomas (BLs) acquire consistent point mutations in a conserved domain of Myc, Myc Box I. We report that the enhanced transforming activity of BL-associated Myc mutants can be uncoupled from loss of phosphorylation and increased protein stability. Furthermore, two different BL-associated Myc mutations induced similar gene expression profiles independently of T58 phosphorylation, and these profiles are dramatically different from MycWT. Nol5a/Nop56, which is required for ribosomal RNA methylation, was identified as a gene hyperactivated by the BL-associated Myc mutants. We show that Nol5a is necessary for Myc-induced cell transformation, enhances MycWT-induced cell transformation and increases the size of MycWT-induced tumors. Thus, Nol5a expands the link between Myc-induced regulation of nucleolar target genes, which are rate limiting for cell transformation and tumor growth.Oncogene advance online publication, 9 September 2013; doi:10.1038/onc.2013.338