230 research outputs found

    A preliminary study about treg cells phenotypic alteration

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    Las células T reguladoras son una subpoblación de los linfocitos T CD4+ de gran importancia en el establecimiento y mantenimiento de la tolerancia y la homeostasis del sistema inmune. Muchos estudios han analizado la frecuencia de las Treg en pacientes infectados por VIH. Sin embargo, los resultados no son concluyentes y existe una gran controversia sobre el papel que juegan las Treg en el curso de la infección. Recientemente se ha demostrado que el VIH puede infectar las células Treg. Trabajos previos de nuestro grupo demuestran que las Treg son susceptibles de infección por el VIH disminuyendo la expresión del Foxp3 en las células infectadas. Este fenómeno produce una alteración en la capacidad supresora de las células Treg. El objetivo de éste estudio es corroborar dicho comportamiento in vivo y determinar el fenotipo de las Treg en pacientes infectados por VIH. Los resultados preliminares indican que efectivamente la frecuencia de células Foxp3+ es inferior en los pacientes infectados por VIH que en los individuos sanos. El estudio sigue en curso para recopilar un número suficiente de muestras que permitan confirmar estos resultados. Este estudio permitirá conocer mejor el papel de las Treg en el curso de la infección por VIHRegulatory T cells (Treg) are a subpopulation of CD4+ T cells that play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining self-tolerance and immune homeostasis. Many studies have explored the frequency of Treg in HIV infected patients. However, there are controversial findings about the role of these cells in the HIV infection. Nowadays, different studies have showed that Treg cells are susceptible to the HIV infection. Our in vitro data has showed that HIV infects Treg and produces a downregulation of Foxp3 expression. This phenomenon also leads Treg cells to a loss of their immune suppressive capacity. The aim of this study is to corroborate if this behavior also occurs in vivo and determine the Treg phenotype in HIVinfected patients. Preliminary results indicate that frequency of Foxp3+ cells is lower in HIVinfected patients than in healthy volunteers. At present, we are recovering enough number of samples to confirm these results. A better understanding of these cells could serve for the effective exploitation of their suppressive functions for clinical benefit

    Total situs inversus and D- transposition of great arteries managed in 2 surgical stages. Case report

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    Pacientes con malformaciones cardiacas congénitasA case report of a pediatric patient in whom multiple congenital cardiac malformations coexist is presented below. The presentation of D-transposition of the great arteries (TGA) associated with total situs inversus and pulmonary artery atresia presented a challenge in surgical management, however, it could be carried out successfully using the Rastelli technique.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2568-4667https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4517-2837Revista Internacional - No indexadaN

    Yangian symmetry and bound states in AdS/CFT boundary scattering

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    We consider the problem of boundary scattering for Y=0 maximal giant graviton branes. We show that the boundary S-matrix for the fundamental excitations has a Yangian symmetry. We then exploit this symmetry to determine the boundary S-matrix for two-particle bound states. We verify that this boundary S-matrix satisfies the boundary Yang-Baxter equations.Comment: 17 page

    Analytic Solution of Bremsstrahlung TBA

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    We consider the quark--anti-quark potential on the three sphere or the generalized cusp anomalous dimension in planar N=4 SYM. We concentrate on the vacuum potential in the near BPS limit with LL units of R-charge. Equivalently, we study the anomalous dimension of a super-Wilson loop with L local fields inserted at a cusp. The system is described by a recently proposed infinite set of non-linear integral equations of the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) type. That system of TBA equations is very similar to the one of the spectral problem but simplifies a bit in the near BPS limit. Using techniques based on the Y-system of functional equations we first reduced the infinite system of TBA equations to a Finite set of Nonlinear Integral Equations (FiNLIE). Then we solve the FiNLIE system analytically, obtaining a simple analytic result for the potential! Surprisingly, we find that the system has equivalent descriptions in terms of an effective Baxter equation and in terms of a matrix model. At L=0, our result matches the one obtained before using localization techniques. At all other L's, the result is new. Having a new parameter, L, allows us to take the large L classical limit. We use the matrix model description to solve the classical limit and match the result with a string theory computation. Moreover, we find that the classical string algebraic curve matches the algebraic curve arising from the matrix model.Comment: 50 pages, 5 figures. v2: references added, JHEP versio

    Expression of p53, inducible nitric oxide synthase and vascular endothelial growth factor in gastric precancerous and cancerous lesions: correlation with clinical features

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    BACKGROUND: The growth and metastasis of tumors depend on the development of an adequate blood supply via angiogenesis. Recent studies indicate that the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the tumor suppressor p53 are fundamental play-markers of the angiogenic process. Overexpression of iNOS and VEGF has been shown to induce angiogenesis in tumors. P53 suppresses angiogenesis by down-regulating VEGF and iNOS. The correlation of expression of p53, VEGF and iNOS and clinical features in gastric carcinogenesis, however, has not been well characterized. METHODS: The expression of p53, iNOS and VEGF in gastric precancerous and cancerous lesions and its relation with the clinical features was determined with immunohistochemistry (avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method) on 55 randomly selected GC patients and 60 symptom-free subjects from the mass survey in the high-incidence area for GC in Henan, northern China. RESULTS: The positive immunostainig rates for p53, iNOS and VEGF in gastric carcinomas were 51%, 44% and 51%, respectively, and correlated well with TNM stages, but did not show significant difference among the groups with different degrees of gastric wall invasion depth by GC. A positive immunostaining reaction for the iNOS protein was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis (p = 0.019; Spearman correlation coefficient). P53 protein accumulation was higher in the poorly-differentiated gastric carcinoma than in well-differentiated one. In gastric biopsies, no positive immunosatining was observed for p53, iNOS and VEGF in the histologically normal tissue and chronic superficial gastritis (CSG). However, p53, iNOS and VEGF positive immunostaining was observed in the tissues with different severities of lesions of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), intestinal metaplasia (IM) and dysplasia (DYS), and the positive rates increased with the lesion progression from CAG to IM to DYS. A high coincidental positive and negative immunostaining rate for p53, iNOS and VEGF was observed both in biopsy samples with CAG, IM and DYS from the symptom-free subjects and in gastric cancer tissue from the GC patients. CONCLUSIONS: The present results indicated that p53 protein accumulation and increased expression of iNOS and VEGF might be responsible for gastric carcinogenesis and tumor aggressiveness of gastric cancer

    The impact of chemotherapy on cognitive outcomes in adults with primary brain tumors

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    There is growing recognition that chemotherapy may have short and long term impact on cognitive function of cancer patients. However, the impact of chemotherapy on the cognition of adult patients with primary brain tumor has not been extensively studied. This article will review the evidence for both positive and negative impact of chemotherapy on cognitive function of adult brain tumor patients as well as potential confounding factors

    The overmethylated genes in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric mucosa are demethylated in gastric cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The transitional-CpG sites between weakly methylated genes and densely methylated retroelements are overmethylated in the gastric mucosa infected with <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>(<it>H. pylori</it>) and they are undermethylated in the gastric cancers depending on the level of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) events. This study delineated the transitional-CpG methylation patterns of CpG-island-containing and -lacking genes in view of the retroelements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The transitional-CpG sites of eight CpG-island-containing genes and six CpG-island-lacking genes were semi-quantitatively examined by performing radioisotope-labelling methylation-specific PCR under stringent conditions. The level of LOH in the gastric cancers was estimated using the 40 microsatellite markers on eight cancer-associated chromosomes. Each gene was scored as overmethylated or undermethylated based on an intermediate level of transitional-CpG methylation common in the <it>H. pylori</it>-negative gastric mucosa.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The eight CpG-island genes examined were overmethylated depending on the proximity to the nearest retroelement in the <it>H. pylori</it>-positive gastric mucosa. The six CpG-island-lacking genes were similarly methylated in the <it>H. pylori</it>-positive and -negative gastric mucosa. In the gastric cancers, long transitional-CpG segments of the CpG-island genes distant from the retroelements remained overmethylated, whereas the overmethylation of short transitional-CpG segments close to the retroelements was not significant. Both the CpG-island-containing and -lacking genes tended to be decreasingly methylated in a LOH-level-dependent manner.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The overmethylated genes under the influence of retroelement methylation in the <it>H. pylori</it>-infected stomach are demethylated in the gastric cancers influenced by LOH.</p