278 research outputs found


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    A Molecular Dynamics approach to investigate the tribological behaviour of Al-Si and α-Al2O3-Si interfaces at the nanoscale

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    The evolution of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Micro-Nano Electromechanical System (MEMS/NEMS) makes evident the trend towards the progressive miniaturisation of devices. The energy efficiencies at the nanoscale are, in turn, significantly lowered by friction force. The friction force depends not only on the tribological pair parameters and normal loads, but also on the crystalline structure of the materials in contact, their surface chemistry and roughness. Our research focuses on the nanometric friction force using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. An investigation of a system comprising a hemispheric silicon tip sliding on an aluminium oxide flat surface, aiming at understanding the interactions between the materials from an atomistic standpoint, was thus conducted

    Evaluation of extremal properties of GARCH(p,q) processes

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    Generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (GARCH) processes are widely used for modelling features commonly found in observed financial returns. The extremal properties of these processes are of considerable interest for market risk management. For the simplest GARCH(p,q) process, with max(p,q) = 1, all extremal features have been fully characterised. Although the marginal features of extreme values of the process have been theoretically characterised when max(p, q) >= 2, much remains to be found about both marginal and dependence structure during extreme excursions. Specifically, a reliable method is required for evaluating the tail index, which regulates the marginal tail behaviour and there is a need for methods and algorithms for determining clustering. In particular, for the latter, the mean number of extreme values in a short-term cluster, i.e., the reciprocal of the extremal index, has only been characterised in special cases which exclude all GARCH(p,q) processes that are used in practice. Although recent research has identified the multivariate regular variation property of stationary GARCH(p,q) processes, currently there are no reliable methods for numerically evaluating key components of these characterisations. We overcome these issues and are able to generate the forward tail chain of the process to derive the extremal index and a range of other cluster functionals for all GARCH(p, q) processes including integrated GARCH processes and processes with unbounded and asymmetric innovations. The new theory and methods we present extend to assessing the strict stationarity and extremal properties for a much broader class of stochastic recurrence equations

    Cerebral MRI on fetuses submitted to repeated cocaine administration during the gestation: an ovine model

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    The aim of this study was to determine the role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in investigating fetal cerebral lesions induced by long term exposure to cocaine during sheep pregnancy. Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Imaging was performed on two groups of fetuses at 125 days of gestation (normal gestation: 145 days). The control group consisted of eight fetuses of four pregnant ewes. The study group consisted of eight fetuses of four pregnant ewes receiving daily 140 mg/kg injection of cocaine from day 60 until delivery. The following MR sequences were applied: T1-weighted FLASH, and T2-weighted Fast-Spin-Echo. Cerebral images were evaluated semi quantitatively using the following criteria: Heterogenicity, contrast between grey and white matter, contours irregularity, hyposignal, lateral ventricle sizes. The brightness distribution and homogenicity of the images were analysed by means of edge pair distributions using a new computerized method originally designed for ultrasound images analysis developed by Ultrasight inc (USA). (1) Flash T1: Heterogenic areas and irregular contours were more frequent in cocaine exposed fetuses. The contrast between grey and white matter was more important in the cocaine group. Hyposignal was found only in the cocaine group. Enlarged lateral ventricle occurred more frequently in the cocaine group. (2) Spin echo T2: The contrast between grey and white matter was higher and the contours of the brain more irregular in the cocaine group. Heterogenicity and hyposignal were also more frequent in this group but the difference with the control group was not significant. The computerized analysis of the contrast density on the cerebral images showed that 88% of the areas exceeding the reference level concerned the cocaine group, while only 14% of the areas exceeding the reference level concerned the control group. Long term exposure to cocaine induces cerebral tissue modifications, in favor of an advanced maturation and the development of hypoxic lesions. The histology of the brains confirmed in the cocaine group, the existence of hypoxic lesions with gliosis, perivascular edema and hemorrhages, and neuronal death

    Emergence of highly-ordered hierarchical nanoscale aggregates on electrostatic binding of self-assembled multivalent (SAMul) cationic micelles with polyanionic heparin

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    We report three surfactants, with cationic N,N-di-(3-aminopropyl)-N-methylamine (DAPMA) head groups and aliphatic chains connected via an amide linkage, and investigate their ability to self-assemble and bind polyanionic heparin – a process of potential clinical importance in coagulation control. Modifying the hydrophobic chain length tunes the self-assembly event, with C16-DAPMA having the lowest critical micelle concentration and also being the optimal heparin binder. Remarkably highly structured hierarchical nanoscale aggregates are formed on binding between the spherical cationic micelles and linear polyanionic heparin. C14-DAPMA and C16-DAPMA yield organized polycrystalline assemblies as observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), predicted in solution by mesoscale simulations and characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). This confirms that the micelles remain intact during the hierarchical assembly process and become packed in a face-centered cubic manner. The nanoscale assembly formed by C16-DAPMA showed the highest degree of order. Importantly, these studies indicate the impact of hydrophobic modification on self-assembly and heparin binding, demonstrate remarkably high stability of these self-assembled micelles even when forming strong electrostatic interactions with heparin, and provide structural insights into nanoscale hierarchical electrostatic assemblies

    Applicazione di Reti Neurali Artificiali (ANN) sulla rilevazione del dolore postoperatorio in ambito ortopedico per l’individuazione di algoritmi di valutazione obbiettiva

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    Nel nostro reparto afferiscono circa 700 fratture di femore anno, mentre circa 400 risultano i ricoveri di protesica in elezione. Il trattamento del dolore riveste importanza in quanto condizionante il trattamento riabilitativo e l\u2019outcame, in relazione anche al controllo della risposta alla terapia per i soggetti meno responsivi. Abbiamo pensato di applicare strumenti di AI per individuare una risposta utile alle gestione del sintomo dolore. In questo contesto, sia gli algoritmi di machine learning (2), sia le reti neurali artificiali (1) possono rappresentare un supporto a: un'efficace intervento precoce; l\u2019identificazione di gruppi a rischio; l\u2019elaborazione della diagnosi (3); l\u2019ottimizzazione temporale ed economica delle azioni proattive e reattive (\u201cTecnologie cognitive e nuove strategie di realt\ue0 virtuale nel paziente anziano: diagnosi, prognosi e recupero funzionale\u201d Folgieri SIMFER2017). A seconda della dimensione e della complessit\ue0 dei dati, \ue8 possibile applicare differenti algoritmi di AI. In particolare, le Reti Neurali Artificiali (ANN) appaiono adatte allo studio per la peculiare capacit\ue0 di generalizzazione anche a fronte di dati incompleti, in una sorta di \u201cinsight\u201d, che le rende adatte all\u2019ambito considerato per la capacit\ue0 delle ANN di apprendere da esempi, in assenza di esplicita descrizione del problema. Dati gli input, le ANN possono determinare (relazione input-output) il peso dei criteri componenti la scala ricercata individuando il minimo sottoinsieme di parametri utili. Materiali e metodi Il campione analizzato consta di 65 pazienti di et\ue0 compresa tra i 45 e i 90 anni, di cui 30 di sesso maschile. Sono stati collezionati 45 parametri tra anamnesi, diagnosi, terapia, abitudini alimentari, stile di vita, stato neuropsicologico. I dati sono stati analizzati con una rete neurale artificiale (ANN) supervisionata con algoritmo di backpropagation. La rete presenta 44 neuroni di input, un hidden layer composto da cinque neuroni e un neurone di uscita. Il target error \ue8 risultato 0.01, mentre l\u2019average training error \ue8 stato di 0.0099. Una Rete Neurale \ue8 utilizzata per classificare un set di osservazioni composte da n differenti variabili. I neuroni (nodi), che rappresentano l\u2019unit\ue0 di base per processare i segnali, sono organizzati in strati (layer). Nello strato di input ogni neurone accetta un singolo e genera un valore di output che sar\ue0 usato quale input per i neuroni del livello successivo. Per il neurone j strato ricevente, il net input \ue8 calcolato mediante la formula: netj= 11_i\u2592\u3016WijIi \u3017 (1) Ii \ue8 il segnale dal neurone i dello strato che invia il segnale, netj \ue8 il segnale raccolto dal neurone ricevente j , e wi,j \ue8 il peso da sommare una volta moltiplicato per il corrispondente segnale ricevuto dal neruone di input. Il neurone ricevente crea l\u2019attivazione in risposta al segnale netj . Nel caso della rete neurale sviluppata, l\u2019attivazione avviene mediante la funzione sigmoidale: 1/(1+e^(-netj) ) (2) L\u2019attivazione diviene l\u2019input per lo strato successive. Le equazioni (1) e (2) possono essere usate per processare nuovamente il segnale. I processi di raccolta e attivazione continuano finch\ue9 i segnali finali raggiungono lo strato di output. Attraverso l\u2019algoritmo feedforward, la rete calcola i pesi per i nodi di input e per quelli nascosti verso i nodi di output. I pesi sono determinati tramite algoritmo di addestramento di back propagation (BP), l\u2019algoritmo si ferma quando il valore della funzione errore arriva alla soglia prevista. L\u2019algoritmo di back propagation seleziona i pesi iniziali in modo random e confronta l\u2019output ottenuto con il risultato atteso. La differenza tra questi valori \ue8 valutata mediante la mean squared error. Una volta che tutte le osservazioni sono state presentate alla rete, i pesi vengono modificati in accordo alla delta rule generalizzata, in modo che l\u2019errore totale sia distribuito tra i vari nodi della rete. Un sottoinsieme di dati di training viene utilizzato per ottenere i pesi ottimali iniziali. Discussione e risultati Il target error \ue8 stato impostato 0.01, e l\u2019average training error \ue8 risultato 0.0099. I risultati ottenuti, sebbene preliminari, sembrano consentire di individuare: i parametri significativi per misurazioni obiettive e meno soggettive; la graduazione del rischio, in relazione alla manifestazione di stati dolorosi acuti. Dai 45 parametri inizialmente utilizzati sono state selezionate tra le 9 e le 8 variabili realmente incidenti sull\u2019algoritmo di graduazione. Conclusioni A fronte di un ampliamento del campione analizzato, pensiamo di rivalutare il numero dei parametri mentre l\u2019ANN sviluppata potrebbe permettere di individuare: parametri significativi per l\u2019individuazione del rischio e l\u2019ottimizzazione della terapia graduazione obiettiva del trattamento del dolore Bibliografia Baxt, W. G. (1995). Application of artificial neural networks to clinical medicine. The lancet, 346(8983), 1135-1138. Kononenko, I. (2001). Machine learning for medical diagnosis: history, state of the art and perspective. Artificial Intelligence in medicine, 23(1), 89-109. Lucchiari, C., Folgieri, R., & Pravettoni, G. (2014). Fuzzy cognitive maps: a tool to improve diagnostic decisions. Diagnosis, 1(4), 289-293. Rojas R. (1996), Neural Networks, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Buscema, M. (1998). Back propagation neural networks. Substance use & misuse, 33(2), 233-270. Kantardzic M. (2011), Data mining: concepts, models, methods, and algorithms, John Wiley & Son

    An efficient semiparametric maxima estimator of the extremal index

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    The extremal index θ\theta, a measure of the degree of local dependence in the extremes of a stationary process, plays an important role in extreme value analyses. We estimate θ\theta semiparametrically, using the relationship between the distribution of block maxima and the marginal distribution of a process to define a semiparametric model. We show that these semiparametric estimators are simpler and substantially more efficient than their parametric counterparts. We seek to improve efficiency further using maxima over sliding blocks. A simulation study shows that the semiparametric estimators are competitive with the leading estimators. An application to sea-surge heights combines inferences about θ\theta with a standard extreme value analysis of block maxima to estimate marginal quantiles.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Minor edits made to version 1 prior to journal publication. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10687-015-0221-