96 research outputs found

    Atualização em etiologia, diagnóstico e manejo da precocidade sexual

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    Precocious puberty is defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 years in girls and 9 years in boys. Gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty (GDPP) results from the premature activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and mimics the physiological pubertal development, although at an inadequate chronological age. Hormonal evaluation, mainly through basal and GnRH-stimulated LH levels shows activation of the gonadotropic axis. Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty (GIPP) is the result of the secretion of sex steroids, independently from the activation of the gonadotropic axis. Several genetic causes, including constitutive activating mutations in the human LH-receptor gene and activating mutations in the Gs protein a-subunit gene are described as the etiology of testotoxicosis and McCune-Albright syndrome, respectively. The differential diagnosis between GDPP and GIPP has direct implications on the therapeutic option. Long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs are the treatment of choice in GDPP. The treatment monitoring is carried out by clinical examination, hormonal evaluation measurements and image studies. For treatment of GIPP, drugs that act by blocking the action of sex steroids on their specific receptors (cyproterone, tamoxifen) or through their synthesis (ketoconazole, medroxyprogesterone, aromatase inhibitors) are used. In addition, variants of the normal pubertal development include isolated forms of precocious thelarche, precocious pubarche and precocious menarche. Here, we provide an update on the etiology, diagnosis and management of sexual precocity.A puberdade precoce é definida como o desenvolvimento dos caracteres sexuais secundários antes dos 8 anos nas meninas e dos 9 anos nos meninos. A puberdade precoce dependente de gonadotrofinas (PPDG) resulta da ativação prematura do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-gonadal e mimetiza o desenvolvimento puberal fisiológico, embora em idade cronológica inadequada. A avaliação hormonal, principalmente os valores de LH basal e após estímulo com GnRH exógeno confirmam a ativação do eixo gonadotrófico. A puberdade precoce independente de gonadotrofinas (PPIG) é o resultado da secreção de esteróides sexuais independentemente da ativação do eixo gonadotrófico. Diversas causas genéticas, incluindo mutações ativadoras constitutivas no gene do receptor do LH humano e mutações ativadoras no gene da subunidade a da proteína G representam as etiologias da testotoxicose e da síndrome de McCune Albright, respectivamente. O diagnóstico diferencial entre PPDG e PPIG tem implicação direta na opção terapêutica. Análogos de GnRH de ação prolongada é o tratamento de escolha da PPDG. A monitorização do tratamento da PPDG é realizada pelo exame clínico, avaliação hormonal e exames de imagem. Para o tratamento da PPIG, são usadas drogas que bloqueiam a ação dos esteróides sexuais nos seus receptores específicos (ciproterona, tamoxifeno) ou bloqueiam a sua síntese (cetoconazol, medroxiprogesterona e inibidores da aromatase). Variantes do desenvolvimento puberal normal incluem as formas isoladas de telarca, pubarca e menarca precoces. Nesta revisão, atualizamos a etiologia, o diagnóstico e tratamento da precocidade sexual.Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - Fundação Faculdade de Medicin

    Primary malignant tumors of the adrenal glands

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    Malignancy must be considered in the management of adrenal lesions, including those incidentally identified on imaging studies. Adrenocortical carcinomas (ACCs) are rare tumors with an estimated annual incidence of 0.7–2 cases per year and a worldwide prevalence of 4–12 cases per million/year. However, a much higher incidence of these tumors (415 times) has been demonstrated in south and southeastern Brazil. Most ACCs cause hypersecretion of steroids including glucocorticoids and androgens. ACC patients have a very poor prognosis with a 5-year overall survival (OS) below 30% in most series. Pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma (PPGL) is a metabolically active tumor originating from the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. The incidence of PPGL is 0.2 to 0.9 cases per 100,000 individuals per year. Pheochromocytomas are present in approximately 4-7% of patients with adrenal incidentalomas. Classically, PPGL manifests as paroxysmal attacks of the following 4 symptoms: headaches, diaphoresis, palpitations, and severe hypertensive episodes. The diagnosis of malignant PPGL relies on the presence of local invasion or metastasis. In this review, we present the clinical and biochemical characteristics and pathogenesis of malignant primary lesions that affect the cortex and medulla of human adrenal glands

    Análise da expressão dos receptores do peptídeo insulinotrópico dependente de glicose (GIPR) e do hormônio luteinizante (LHCGR) nas hiperplasias adrenocorticais humanas

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the aberrant expression of the GIPR and LHCGR in different forms of adrenocortical hyperplasia: ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH), primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) and diffuse adrenal hyperplasia secondary to Cushing's disease (DAHCD). METHODS: We quantified GIPR and LHCGR expressions using real time PCR in 20 patients with adrenocortical hyperplasia (seven with AIMAH, five with PPNAD, and eight with DAHCD). Normal adrenals tissues were used as control and the relative expression was compared with β-actin. RESULTS: GIPR and LHCGR expressions were demonstrated in all tissues studied. Median GIPR and LHCGR mRNA levels were 1.6; 0.4; 0.5 and 1.3; 0.9; 1.0 in adrenocortical tissues from AIMAH, PPNAD and DAHCD respectively. There were no differences between GIPR and LHCGR expressions in all tissues studied. CONCLUSIONS: GIPR and LHCGR overexpression were not identified in the studied cases, thus suggesting that this molecular mechanism is not involved in adrenocortical hyperplasia in our patients.OBJETIVO: Analisar a expressão aberrante do GIPR e do LHCGR em diferentes formas de hiperplasias adrenocorticais: hiperplasia adrenal macronodular independente de ACTH (AIMAH), doença adrenocortical nodular pigmentada primária (PPNAD) e hiperplasia adrenal difusa secundária à doença de Cushing (DAHCD). MÉTODOS: Quantificou-se por PCR em tempo real a expressão desses receptores em 20 pacientes: sete com AIMAH, cinco com PPNAD e oito com DAHCD. Adrenais normais foram utilizadas como controle e a expressão relativa desses receptores foi comparada à expressão da β-actina. RESULTADOS: A expressão desses receptores foi demonstrada em todos os tecidos estudados. A mediana da expressão do GIPR e do LHCGR foi de 1,6; 0,4; 0,5 e de 1,3; 0,9; 1,0 nos tecidos dos pacientes com AIMAH, PPNAD e DAHCD, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa na expressão desses receptores nos tecidos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: Hiperexpressão do GIPR e do LHCGR não foi observada, sugerindo que esse mecanismo não está envolvido na patogênese molecular da hiperplasia adrenal nesses pacientes

    Aspectos clínicos e moleculares de tumor adrenocortical metacrônico pediátrico

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    The occurrence of metachronous adrenocortical carcinoma has rarely been described. We report a case of a child with virilizing adrenocortical metachronous tumors that, despite several metastases, presented long-term survival (15 years). We analyzed in this tumor IGF2, IGF1R and FGFR4 gene expression, and evaluated the presence of p.R337H germline p53 mutation and somatic CTNNB1 mutation. IGF2 gene was over-expressed in both left (Weiss score 5) and right (Weiss 7) adrenocortical tumors. IGF1R expression levels were higher in the right adrenocortical tumor. FGFR4 over-expression was also detected in the right adrenocortical tumor. In addition, this patient harbors the germline p.R337H p53 mutation and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was detected in the tumors. No somatic CTNNB1 mutations were found in both tumors. In conclusion, we demonstrated in this unusual case the over-expression of growth signaling pathways, which are molecular mechanisms previously related to adrenocortical tumorigenesis. Furthermore, the absence of somatic CTNNB1 mutations, which is a molecular marker of poor prognosis in adults, might be related to the long-term survival of this patient.A ocorrência de carcinomas adrenocorticais metacrônicos é raramente relatada. Descrevemos o caso de uma criança portadora de tumor adrenocortical virilizante metacrônico que, apesar das inúmeras metástases, apresentou uma longa sobrevida (15 anos). Analisamos nesse tumor a expressão gênica de IGF2, IGF1R e FGFR4 e avaliamos a presença da mutação germinativa R337H no p53 e mutação somática no gene CTNNB1. O gene IGF2 foi hiperexpresso nos tumores adrenocorticais esquerdo (Weiss 5) e direito (Weiss 7). Os níveis de expressão de IGF1R foram maiores no tumor direito. Hiperexpressão do gene FGFR4 também foi observada no tumor adrenocortical direito. Esse paciente é portador da mutação germinativa R337H no p53, e perda de heterozigose (LOH) foi observada em ambos os tumores. Não foram encontradas mutações no gene CTNNB1 nos tumores. Em conclusão, demonstramos neste caso a hiperexpressão de vias moleculares de crescimento, que são mecanismos previamente relacionados à tumorigênese adrenocortical. Além disso, não encontramos mutações somáticas no gene CTNNB1, que é um marcador molecular de mau prognóstico em adultos e poderia estar relacionado à longa sobrevida desse paciente

    Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor overexpression in adrenocortical hyperplasia in MEN1 syndrome without loss of heterozygosity at the 11q13 locus

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    BACKGROUND: The molecular mechanisms involved in the genesis of the adrenocortical lesions seen in MEN1 syndrome (ACL-MEN1) remain poorly understood; loss of heterozygosity at 11q13 and somatic mutations of MEN1 are not usually found in these lesions. Thus, additional genes must be involved in MEN1 adrenocortical disorders. Overexpression of the glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor has been shown to promote adrenocortical tumorigenesis in a mice model and has also been associated with ACTH-independent Cushing syndrome in humans. However, to our knowledge, the status of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor expression in adrenocortical lesions in MEN1 has not been previously investigated. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor expression in adrenocortical hyperplasia associated with MEN1 syndrome. MATERIALS/METHODS: Three adrenocortical tissue samples were obtained from patients with previously known MEN1 germline mutations and in whom the presence of a second molecular event (a new MEN1 somatic mutation or an 11q13 loss of heterozygosity) had been excluded. The expression of the glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor was quantified by qPCR using the DDCT method, and b-actin was used as an endogenous control. RESULTS: The median of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor expression in the adrenocortical lesions associated with MEN1 syndrome was 2.6-fold (range 1.2 to 4.8) higher than the normal adrenal controls (p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: The current study represents the first investigation of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor expression in adrenocortical lesions without 11q13 loss of heterozygosity in MEN1 syndrome patients. Although we studied a limited number of cases of MEN1 adrenocortical lesions retrospectively, our preliminary data suggest an involvement of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor overexpression in the etiology of adrenocortical hyperplasia. New prospective studies will be able to clarify the exact role of the glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor in the molecular pathogenesis of MEN1 adrenocortical lesions

    Ausência da perda de heterozigose do PRKAR1A em células capturadas por microdissecção a laser de tecido de nódulo pigmentoso adrenocortical de um paciente com complexo de Carney causado por uma nova mutação nonsense

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    OBJECTIVE: Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) is the main endocrine manifestation of Carney complex, a multiple neoplasia syndrome caused by PRKAR1A gene mutations. The presence of PRKAR1A loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in adrenocortical tumorigenesis remains controversial. The aim of the present study is to investigate the presence of PRKAR1A LOH in adrenocortical cells in a patient with Carney complex. METHODS: The LOH was investigated using a PRKAR1A informative intragenic marker by GeneScan software analysis in DNA obtained from laser-captured microdissected cells of several adrenal nodules. Patients: A young adult male patient with Carney complex and his family were studied. RESULTS: A novel heterozygous mutation (p. Y21X) was identified at PRKAR1A in blood DNA of the male proband and his relatives. No PRKAR1A LOH was evidenced in the laser-captured microdissected cells from PPNAD tissue by different methodologies. CONCLUSION: We identified a new PRKAR1A nonsense mutation and in addition we did not evidence PRKAR1A LOH in laser-captured nodules cells, suggesting that adrenocortical tumorigenesis in PPNAD may occurs apart from the second hit.OBJETIVO: A doença adrenocortical nodular pigmentosa primária (PPNAD) é uma das manifestações do complexo de Carney, uma neoplasia endócrina múltipla causada por mutações no PRKAR1A. A perda de heterozigose (LOH) do PRKAR1A na tumorigenese adrenal permanece controversa dada à possibilidade de contaminação com o tecido normal. Nosso objetivo foi investigar a presença de LOH no PRKAR1A a partir de células do nódulo adrenal de um paciente com complexo de Carney. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa da LOH do PRKAR1A foi realizada através do estudo de um marcador intragênico em DNA de células do nódulo adrenal microdissecadas a laser, evitando contaminação com o tecido normal. Pacientes: Um paciente com PPNAD e cinco familiares foram estudados. RESULTADOS: A nova mutação (p. Y21X) foi identificada no PRKAR1A sem evidência de LOH no tecido adrenal. CONCLUSÃO: Identificamos uma nova mutação no PRKAR1A e não evidenciamos LOH nas células dos nódulos adrenocorticais, sugerindo que a PPNAD possa ocorrer na ausência de um segundo evento molecular

    An ancient founder mutation in PROKR2 impairs human reproduction

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    Congenital gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency manifests as absent or incomplete sexual maturation and infertility. Although the disease exhibits marked locus and allelic heterogeneity, with the causal mutations being both rare and private, one causal mutation in the prokineticin receptor, PROKR2 L173R, appears unusually prevalent among GnRH-deficient patients of diverse geographic and ethnic origins. To track the genetic ancestry of PROKR2 L173R, haplotype mapping was performed in 22 unrelated patients with GnRH deficiency carrying L173R and their 30 first-degree relatives. The mutation's age was estimated using a haplotype-decay model. Thirteen subjects were informative and in all of them the mutation was present on the same ∼123 kb haplotype whose population frequency is ≤10%. Thus, PROKR2 L173R represents a founder mutation whose age is estimated at approximately 9000 years. Inheritance of PROKR2 L173R-associated GnRH deficiency was complex with highly variable penetrance among carriers, influenced by additional mutations in the other PROKR2 allele (recessive inheritance) or another gene (digenicity). The paradoxical identification of an ancient founder mutation that impairs reproduction has intriguing implications for the inheritance mechanisms of PROKR2 L173R-associated GnRH deficiency and for the relevant processes of evolutionary selection, including potential selective advantages of mutation carriers in genes affecting reproductio
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