602 research outputs found

    A Physical Model for Co-evolution of QSOs and of their Spheroidal Hosts

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    At variance with most semi-analytic models, in the Anti-hierarchical Baryon Collapse scenario (Granato et al. 2001, 2004) the main driver of the galaxy formation and evolution is not the merging sequence but are baryon processes. This approach emphasizes, still in the framework of the hierarchical clustering paradigm for dark matter halos, feedback processes from supernova explosions and from active nuclei, that tie together star formation in spheroidal galaxies and the growth of black holes at their centers. We review some recent results showing the remarkably successful predictive power of this scenario, which allows us to account for the evolution with cosmic time of a broad variety of properties of galaxies and active nuclei, which proved to be very challenging for competing models.Comment: Invited talk at the Specola Vaticana Workshop on "AGN and Galaxy Evolution", Castel Gandolfo, 3-6 October 2005, 10 pages, 2 figure

    A Stochastic Theory of the Hierarchical Clustering III. The Non-universality and Non-stationarity of the Halo Mass Function

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    In the framework of the stochastic theory for hierarchical clustering, we investigate the time-dependent solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation describing the statistics of dark matter halos, and discuss the typical timescales needed for these to converge toward stationary states, far away enough from initial conditions. Although we show that the stationary solutions can reproduce the outcomes of state-of-the-art NN-body simulations at z0z\approx 0 to a great accuracy, one needs to go beyond to fully account for the cosmic evolution of the simulated halo mass function toward high-redshift. Specifically, we demonstrate that the time-dependent solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation can describe, for reasonable initial conditions, the non-universal evolution of the simulated halo mass functions. Compared to standard theoretical estimates, our stochastic theory predicts a halo number density higher by factor of several toward z10z\gtrsim 10, an outcome which can be helpful in elucidating early and upcoming data from JWST. Finally, we point out the relevance of our approach in designing, interpreting and emulating present and future NN-body experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figures. Accepted by Ap

    The dramatic size evolution of elliptical galaxies and the quasar feedback

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    Observations have evidenced that passively evolving massive galaxies at high redshift are much more compact than local galaxies with the same stellar mass. We argue that the observed strong evolution in size is directly related to the quasar feedback, which removes huge amounts of cold gas from the central regions in a Salpeter time, inducing an expansion of the stellar distribution. The new equilibrium configuration, with a size increased by a factor >~ 3, is attained after ~ 40 dynamical times, corresponding to ~ 2 Gyr. This means that massive galaxies observed at z >~ 1 will settle on the Fundamental Plane by z ~ 0.8-1. In less massive galaxies (M_star <~ 2 10^10 M_sun), the nuclear feedback is subdominant, and the mass loss is mainly due to stellar winds. In this case, the mass loss timescale is longer than the dynamical time and results in adiabatic expansion that may increase the effective radius by a factor of up to ~ 2 in 10 Gyr, although a growth by a factor of ~ 1.6 occurs within the first 0.5 Gyr. Since observations are focused on relatively old galaxies, with ages >~ 1 Gyr, the evolution for smaller galaxies is more difficult to perceive. Significant evolution of velocity dispersion is predicted for both small and large galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, uses REVTeX4 + emulateapj.cls and apjfonts.sty. Accepted by ApJ

    The impact of the FMR and starburst galaxies on the (low metallicity) cosmic star formation history

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    The question how much star formation is occurring at low metallicity throughout the cosmic history appears crucial for the discussion of the origin of various energetic transients, and possibly double black hole mergers. We revisit the observation-based distribution of birth metallicities of stars (fSFR(Z,z)), focusing on several factors that strongly affect its low metallicity part: (i) the method used to describe the metallicity distribution of galaxies (redshift-dependent mass metallicity relation - MZR, or redshift-invariant fundamental metallicity relation - FMR), (ii) the contribution of starburst galaxies and (iii) the slope of the MZR. We empirically construct the FMR based on the low-redshift scaling relations, which allows us to capture the systematic differences in the relation caused by the choice of metallicity and star formation rate (SFR) determination techniques and discuss the related fSFR(Z,z) uncertainty. We indicate factors that dominate the fSFR(Z,z) uncertainty in different metallicity and redshift regimes. The low metallicity part of the distribution is poorly constrained even at low redshifts (even a factor of ∼200 difference between the model variations) The non-evolving FMR implies a much shallower metallicity evolution than the extrapolated MZR, however, its effect on the low metallicity part of the fSFR(Z,z) is counterbalanced by the contribution of starbursts (assuming that they follow the FMR). A non-negligible fraction of starbursts in our model may be necessary to satisfy the recent high-redshift SFR density constraints

    The Role of the Dust in Primeval Galaxies: A Simple Physical Model for Lyman Break Galaxies and Lyman Alpha Emitters

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    We explore the onset of star formation in the early Universe, exploiting the observations of high-redshift Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) and Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs), in the framework of the galaxy formation scenario elaborated by Granato et al. (2004) already successfully tested against the wealth of data on later evolutionary stages. Complementing the model with a simple, physically plausible, recipe for the evolution of dust attenuation in metal poor galaxies we reproduce the luminosity functions (LFs) of LBGs and of LAEs at different redshifts. This recipe yields a much faster increase with galactic age of attenuation in more massive galaxies, endowed with higher star formation rates. These objects have therefore shorter lifetimes in the LAE and LBG phases, and are more easily detected in the dusty submillimeter bright phase. The short UV bright lifetimes of massive objects strongly mitigate the effect of the fast increase of the massive halo density with decreasing redshift, thus accounting for the weaker evolution of the LBG LF, compared to that of the halo mass function, and the even weaker evolution between z~6 and z~3 of the LAE LF. LAEs are on the average expected to be younger, with lower stellar masses, and associated to less massive halos than LBGs. Finally, we show that the intergalactic medium can be completely reionized at redshift z~6-7 by massive stars shining in protogalactic spheroids with halo masses from a few 10^10 to a few 10^11 M_sun, showing up as faint LBGs with magnitude in the range -17<M_1350<-20, without resorting to any special stellar initial mass function.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, uses REVTeX 4 + emulateapj.cls and apjfonts.sty. Title changed and text revised following referee's comments. Accepted by Ap

    A direct and robust method to observationally constrain the halo mass function via the submillimeter magnification bias: Proof of concept

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    Aims. The main purpose of this work is to provide a proof-of-concept method to derive tabulated observational constraints on the halo mass function (HMF) by studying the magnification bias effect on high-redshift submillimeter galaxies. Under the assumption of universality, we parametrize the HMF according to two traditional models, namely the Sheth and Tormen (ST) and Tinker fits, derive posterior distributions for their parameters, and assess their performance in explaining the measured data within the \u39b cold dark matter model. We also study the potential influence of the halo occupation distribution (HOD) parameters in this analysis and discuss two aspects regarding the HMF parametrization, namely its normalization and the possibility of allowing negative values for the parameters. Methods. We measure the cross-correlation function between a foreground sample of GAMA galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.2 &lt; z &lt; 0.8 and a background sample of H-ATLAS galaxies with photometric redshifts in the range 1.2 &lt; z &lt; 4.0 and carry out a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm in the context of Bayesian inference to check this observable against its mathematical prediction within the halo model formalism, which depends on both the HOD and HMF parameters. Results. Under the assumption that all HMF parameters are positive, the ST fit only seems to fully explain the measurements by forcing the mean number of satellite galaxies in a halo to increase substantially from its prior mean value. The Tinker fit, on the other hand, provides a robust description of the data without relevant changes in the HOD parameters, but with some dependence on the prior range of two of its parameters. When the normalization condition for the HMF is dropped and we allow negative values of the p1 parameter in the ST fit, all the involved parameters are better determined, unlike the previous models, thus deriving the most general HMF constraints. While all the aforementioned cases are in agreement with the traditional fits within the uncertainties, the last one hints at a slightly higher number of halos at intermediate and high masses, raising the important point of the allowed parameter range

    Evolution of Galaxy Star Formation and Metallicity: Impact on Double Compact Object Mergers

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    In this paper, we study the impact of different galaxy statistics and empirical metallicity scaling relations on the merging rates and properties of compact object binaries. Firstly, we analyze the similarities and differences of using the star formation rate functions versus stellar mass functions as galaxy statistics for the computation of cosmic star formation rate density. We then investigate the effects of adopting the Fundamental Metallicity Relation versus a classic Mass Metallicity Relation to assign metallicity to galaxies with given properties. We find that when the Fundamental Metallicity Relation is exploited, the bulk of the star formation occurs at relatively high metallicities, even at high redshift; the opposite holds when the Mass Metallicity Relation is employed, since in this case the metallicity at which most of the star formation takes place strongly decreases with redshift. We discuss the various reasons and possible biases giving rise to this discrepancy. Finally, we show the impact of these different astrophysical prescriptions on the merging rates and properties of compact object binaries; specifically, we present results for the redshift-dependent merging rates and for the chirp mass and time delay distributions of the merging binaries

    Black hole and galaxy coevolution from continuity equation and abundance matching

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    We investigate the coevolution of galaxies and hosted supermassive black holes (BHs) throughout the history of the universe by a statistical approach based on the continuity equation and the abundance matching technique. Specifically, we present analytical solutions of the continuity equation without source terms to reconstruct the supermassive BH mass function from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) luminosity functions. Such an approach includes physically motivated AGN light curves tested on independent data sets, which describe the evolution of the Eddington ratio and radiative efficiency from slim- to thin-disk conditions. We nicely reproduce the local estimates of the BH mass function, the AGN duty cycle as a function of mass and redshift, along with the Eddington ratio function and the fraction of galaxies with given stellar mass hosting an AGN with given Eddington ratio. We exploit the same approach to reconstruct the observed stellar mass function at different redshift from the ultraviolet and far-IR luminosity functions associated with star formation in galaxies. These results imply that the build-up of stars and BHs in galaxies occurs via in situ processes, with dry mergers playing a ☉marginal role at least for stellar masses ≤ 3 × 1011 M☉ and BH masses 109 M where the statistical data are more secure and less biased by systematic errors. In addition, we develop an improved abundance matching technique to link the stellar and BH content of galaxies to the gravitationally dominant dark matter (DM) component. The resulting relationships constitute a testbed for galaxy evolution models, highlighting the complementary role of stellar and AGN feedback in the star formation process. In addition, they may be operationally implemented in numerical simulations to populate DM halos or to gauge subgrid physics. Moreover, they may be exploited to investigate the galaxy/AGN clustering as a function of redshift, mass, and/or luminosity. In fact, the clustering properties of BHs and galaxies are found to be in full agreement with current observations, thus further validating our results from the continuity equation. Finally, our analysis highlights that (i) the fraction of AGNs observed in the slim-disk regime, where most of the BH mass is accreted, increases with redshift; and (ii) already at z\gtrsim 6$ a substantial amount of dust must have formed over timescales 108 yr in strongly star-forming galaxies, making these sources well within the reach of ALMA surveys in (sub)millimeter bands

    The growth of the nuclear black holes in submillimeter galaxies

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    We show that the ABC scenario we proposed for the co-evolution of spheroids and QSOs predicts accretion rates and masses of supermassive black holes in sub-mm galaxies in keeping with recent X-ray determinations. These masses are well below the local values, and those predicted by alternative models. The observed column densities may be mostly due to ISM in the galaxy. The contribution of the associated nuclear activity to the X-ray background is likely negligible, while they may contribute a sizeable fraction 10\sim 10 % to hard-X cumulative counts at the faintest observed fluxes.Comment: 5 pages 4 figures, MNRAS letters, accepte

    Observability of the virialization phase of spheroidal galaxies with radio arrays

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    In the standard galaxy formation scenario plasma clouds with a high thermal energy content must exist at high redshifts since the protogalactic gas is shock heated to the virial temperature, and extensive cooling, leading to efficient star formation, must await the collapse of massive haloes (as indicated by the massive body of evidence, referred to as downsizing). Massive plasma clouds are potentially observable through the thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects and their free-free emission. We find that the detection of substantial numbers of galaxy-scale thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signals is achievable by blind surveys with next generation radio telescope arrays such as EVLA, ALMA and SKA. This population is even detectable with the 10 per cent SKA, and wide field of view options at high frequency on any of these arrays would greatly increase survey speed. An analysis of confusion effects and of the contamination by radio and dust emissions shows that the optimal frequencies are those in the range 10-35 GHz. Predictions for the redshift distributions of detected sources are also worked out