1,256 research outputs found

    Calculation of HELAS amplitudes for QCD processes using graphics processing unit (GPU)

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    We use a graphics processing unit (GPU) for fast calculations of helicity amplitudes of quark and gluon scattering processes in massless QCD. New HEGET ({\bf H}ELAS {\bf E}valuation with {\bf G}PU {\bf E}nhanced {\bf T}echnology) codes for gluon self-interactions are introduced, and a C++ program to convert the MadGraph generated FORTRAN codes into HEGET codes in CUDA (a C-platform for general purpose computing on GPU) is created. Because of the proliferation of the number of Feynman diagrams and the number of independent color amplitudes, the maximum number of final state jets we can evaluate on a GPU is limited to 4 for pure gluon processes (gg→4ggg\to 4g), or 5 for processes with one or more quark lines such as qqˉ→5gq\bar{q}\to 5g and qq→qq+3gqq\to qq+3g. Compared with the usual CPU-based programs, we obtain 60-100 times better performance on the GPU, except for 5-jet production processes and the gg→4ggg\to 4g processes for which the GPU gain over the CPU is about 20

    Prompt atmospheric neutrinos and muons: dependence on the gluon distribution function

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    We compute the next-to-leading order QCD predictions for the vertical flux of atmospheric muons and neutrinos from decays of charmed particles, for different PDF's (MRS-R1, MRS-R2, CTEQ-4M and MRST) and different extrapolations of these at small partonic momentum fraction x. We find that the predicted fluxes vary up to almost two orders of magnitude at the largest energies studied, depending on the chosen extrapolation of the PDF's. We show that the spectral index of the atmospheric leptonic fluxes depends linearly on the slope of the gluon distribution function at very small x. This suggests the possibility of obtaining some bounds on this slope in ``neutrino telescopes'', at values of x not reachable at colliders, provided the spectral index of atmospheric leptonic fluxes could be determined.Comment: 20 pages including 8 figure

    Measuring the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux with down-going muons in neutrino telescopes

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    In the TeV energy region and above, the uncertainty in the level of prompt atmospheric neutrinos would limit the search for diffuse astrophysical neutrinos. We suggest that neutrino telescopes may provide an empirical determination of the flux of prompt atmospheric electron and muon neutrinos by measuring the flux of prompt down-going muons. Our suggestion is based on the consideration that prompt neutrino and prompt muon fluxes at sea level are almost identical.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Path-Integral bosonization of a non-local interaction and its application to the study of 1-d many-body systems

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    We extend the path-integral approach to bosonization to the case in which the fermionic interaction is non-local. In particular we obtain a completely bosonized version of a Thirring-like model with currents coupled by general (symmetric) bilocal potentials. The model contains the Tomonaga-Luttinger model as a special case; exploiting this fact we study the basic properties of the 1-d spinless fermionic gas: fermionic correlators, the spectrum of collective modes, etc. Finally we discuss the generalization of our procedure to the non-Abelian case, thus providing a new tool to be used in the study of 1-d many-body systems with spin-flipping interactions.Comment: 26 pages LATEX, La Plata 94-0

    Droplet actuation induced by coalescence: experimental evidences and phenomenological modeling

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    This paper considers the interaction between two droplets placed on a substrate in immediate vicinity. We show here that when the two droplets are of different fluids and especially when one of the droplet is highly volatile, a wealth of fascinating phenomena can be observed. In particular, the interaction may result in the actuation of the droplet system, i.e. its displacement over a finite length. In order to control this displacement, we consider droplets confined on a hydrophilic stripe created by plasma-treating a PDMS substrate. This controlled actuation opens up unexplored opportunities in the field of microfluidics. In order to explain the observed actuation phenomenon, we propose a simple phenomenological model based on Newton's second law and a simple balance between the driving force arising from surface energy gradients and the viscous resistive force. This simple model is able to reproduce qualitatively and quantitatively the observed droplet dynamics

    Higgs Boson Production in Association with Three Jets

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    The scattering amplitudes for Higgs + 5 partons are computed, with the Higgs boson produced via gluon fusion in the large top-quark mass limit. A parton-level analysis of Higgs + 3 jet production via gluon fusion and via weak-boson fusion is presented, and the effectiveness of a central-jet veto is analysed.Comment: 26 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    Measurement of the gluon PDF at small x with neutrino telescopes

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    We analyze the possibility that neutrino telescopes may provide an experimental determination of the slope lambda of the gluon distribution in the proton at momentum fractions x smaller than the accelerator reach. The method is based on a linear relation between lambda and the spectral index (slope) of the down-going atmospheric muon flux above 100 TeV, for which there is no background. Considering the uncertainties in the charm production cross section and in the cosmic ray composition, we estimate the error on the measurement of lambda through this method, excluding the experimental error of the telescopes, to be ~ +/- 0.2Comment: 16 pages with 16 figures - new version, comments added, same results and figure

    Electronic structure of nuclear-spin-polarization-induced quantum dots

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    We study a system in which electrons in a two-dimensional electron gas are confined by a nonhomogeneous nuclear spin polarization. The system consists of a heterostructure that has non-zero nuclei spins. We show that in this system electrons can be confined into a dot region through a local nuclear spin polarization. The nuclear-spin-polarization-induced quantum dot has interesting properties indicating that electron energy levels are time-dependent because of the nuclear spin relaxation and diffusion processes. Electron confining potential is a solution of diffusion equation with relaxation. Experimental investigations of the time-dependence of electron energy levels will result in more information about nuclear spin interactions in solids

    Higgs-Boson Production Associated with a Single Bottom Quark in Supersymmetric QCD

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    Due to the enhancement of the couplings between Higgs boson and bottom quarks in the minimal sypersymmetric standard model (MSSM), the cross section of the process pp(p\bar{p}) \to h^0b(h^0\bar{b})+X at hadron colliders can be considerably enhanced. We investigated the production of Higgs boson associated with a single high-p_T bottom quark via subprocess bg(\bar{b}g) \to h^0b(h^0\bar{b}) at hadron colliders including the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections in MSSM. We find that the NLO QCD correction in the MSSM reaches 50%-70% at the LHC and 60%-85% at the Fermilab Tevatron in our chosen parameter space.Comment: accepted by Phys. Rev.

    ALPGEN, a generator for hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions

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    This paper presents a new event generator, ALPGEN, dedicated to the study of multiparton hard processes in hadronic collisions. The code performs, at the leading order in QCD and EW interactions, the calculation of the exact matrix elements for a large set of parton-level processes of interest in the study of the Tevatron and LHC data. The current version of the code describes the following final states: (W -> ffbar') QQbar+ N jets (Q being a heavy quark, and f=l,q), with N f fbar)+QQbar+Njets (f=l,nu), with N ffbar') + charm + N jets (f=l,q), N f fbar') + N jets (f=l,q) and (Z/gamma* -> f fbar)+ N jets (f=l,nu), with N<=6; nW+mZ+lH+N jets, with n+m+l+N<=8 and N<=3 including all 2-fermion decay modes of W and Z bosons, with spin correlations; Q Qbar+N jets (N b f fbar' decays and relative spin correlations included if Q=t; Q Qbar Q' Qbar'+N jets, with Q and Q' heavy quarks (possibly equal) and N b f fbar' decays and relative spin correlations included if Q=t; N jets, with N<=6. Parton-level events are generated, providing full information on their colour and flavour structure, enabling the evolution of the partons into fully hadronised final states.Comment: 1+38 pages, uses JHEP.cls. Documents code version 1.2: extended list of processes, updated documentation and bibliograph
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