5,758 research outputs found

    Análisis de las repercusiones energéticas del cambio de aplicación del documento básico de ahorro de energía del 2013 frente al 2019 en viviendas unifamiliares

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    [ES] El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en un estudio comparativo, relativo al consumo y a la demanda energética, entre el Documento Básico de Ahorro de energía del 2013 frente al de 2019. Para realizar dicho estudio, se ha elegido una vivienda unifamiliar ubicada en dos zonas distintas. En una de ellas predominará la severidad climática de verano, y en la otra la de invierno. El programa empleado para la simulación del edificio es la Herramienta Unificada Líder-Calener, ya que permite obtener la calificación energética de la vivienda junto a la verificación del cumplimiento de diversas exigencias básicas de ahorro de energía. Una vez obtenido los datos se procederá a realizar un análisis detallado, modificando los factores más relevantes para conseguir una mejor eficiencia energética y cumplir con las exigencias de los requisitos básicos de ahorro de energía. Para finalizar, se hará un estudio comparativo de los resultados obtenidos según las limitaciones de los dos DB-HE y determinar el porcentaje de ahorro energético que supone este nuevo decreto.[EN] The objective of this project consists of a comparative study, relative to consumption and energy demand, between the 2013 Basic Energy Saving Document compared to 2019. To carry out this study, a single-family home located in two different areas has been chosen. In one of them the summer climate severity will predominate, and in the other the winter one. The program used for the simulation of the building is the Unified Leader-Calener Tool, since it allows obtaining the energy rating of the house together with the verification of compliance with various basic energy saving requirements. Once the data is obtained, a detailed analysis will be carried out, modifying the most relevant factors to achieve better energy efficiency and meet the requirements of the basic energy saving requirements.Finally, a comparative study of the results obtained will be made according to the limitations of the two DB-HE and determine the percentage of energy savings that this new decree represents.[CA] L'objectiu d’aquest projecte consistix en un estudi comparatiu, relatiu al consum i a la demanda energètica, entre el Documento Básico de Ahorro de Energía del 2013 enfront del de 2019. Per a realitzar l’estudi esmentat, s'ha triat una vivenda unifamiliar ubicada en dues zones distintes. En una d'elles predominarà la severitat climàtica d'estiu, i en l'altra la d'hivern. El programa empleat per a la simulació de l'edifici és la Herramienta Unificada Líder- Calener, ja que permet obtindre la qualificació energètica de la vivenda junt amb la verificació del compliment de diverses exigències bàsiques d'estalvi d'energia. Una vegada obtingut les dades es procedirà a realitzar una anàlisi detallat, modificant els factors més rellevants per a aconseguir una millor eficiència energètica i complir amb les exigències dels requisits bàsics d'estalvi d'energia. Per a finalitzar, es farà un estudi comparatiu dels resultats obtinguts segons les limitacions dels dos DB-HE i determinar el percentatge d'estalvi energètic que suposa este nou decret.Peris De La Hoz, D. (2020). Análisis de las repercusiones energéticas del cambio de aplicación del documento básico de ahorro de energía del 2013 frente al 2019 en viviendas unifamiliares. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/155042TFG

    Sermon del insigne Padre de los pobres Santo Tomas de Villanueva, que en su Colegio Mayor de la Presentacion de N. Señora

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    Sign. : [A]-C4Port. con grab. xil.Letras iniciales decoradas y frisos tip.Reclamo

    False Blister Beetles and the Expansion of Gymnosperm-Insect Pollination Modes before Angiosperm Dominance.

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    During the mid-Cretaceous, angiosperms diversified from several nondiverse lineages to their current global domination [1], replacing earlier gymnosperm lineages [2].Several hypotheses explain this extensive radiation [3], one of which involves proliferation of insect pollinator associations in the transition from gymnosperm to angiosperm dominance. However, most evidence supports gymnosperm-insect pollinator associations, buttressed by direct evidence of pollen on insect bodies, currently established for four groups: Thysanoptera (thrips), Neuroptera (lacewings), Diptera (flies), and now Coleoptera (beetles). Each group represents a distinctive pollination mode linked to a unique mouthpart type and feeding guild [4-9]. Extensive indirect evidence, based on specialized head and mouthpart morphology, is present for one of these pollinator types, the long-proboscid pollination mode [10], representing minimally ten family-level lineages of Neuroptera, Mecoptera (scorpionflies), and Diptera [8, 10, 11]. A recurring feature uniting these pollinator modes is host associations with ginkgoalean, cycad, conifer, and bennettitalean gymnosperms. Pollinator lineages bearing these pollination modes were categorized into four evolutionary cohorts during the 35-million-year-long angiosperm radiation, each defined by its host-plant associations (gymnosperm or angiosperm) and evolutionary pattern (extinction, continuation, or origination) during this interval [12]. Here, we provide the first direct evidence for one cohort, exemplified by the beetle Darwinylus marcosi, family Oedemeridae (false blister beetles), that had an earlier gymnosperm (most likely cycad) host association, later transitioning onto angiosperms [13]. This association constitutes one of four patterns explaining the plateau of family-level plant lineages generally and pollinating insects specifically during the mid-Cretaceous angiosperm radiation[12]

    Design and validation of the INCUE questionnaire: Assessment of primary healthcare Nurses’ basic training needs in palliative care

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    Many instruments have been created to measure knowledge and attitudes in palliative care. However, not only is it important to acquire knowledge, but also that this knowledge should reach patients and their relatives through application in clinical practice. This study aimed to develop and psychometrically test the INCUE questionnaire (Investigación Cuidados Enfermeros/Investigation into Nurses’ Care Understanding of End-of-Life) to assess the basic training needs of primary or home healthcare nurses in palliative care. A questionnaire was developed based on the classical theory of tests and factor analysis models. Initially, 18 experts developed 67 items in two blocks and determined content validity by two rounds of expert panels. Exploratory factor analysis and reliability testing were conducted with a non-probabilistic sample of 370 nurses. Some items were observed to have very low homogeneity indices or presented convergence problems and were eliminated. Questionnaire reliability was 0.700 in the theoretical block (KR20 Index) and 0.941 in the practical block (Cronbach’s alpha). The model converges and shows an adequate fit, specifically CFI = 0.977, TLI = 0.977 and RMSEA = 0.05. The correlation between the two factors in the model is ρ = 0.63. The questionnaire objectively evaluates primary or home healthcare nurses’ knowledge of palliative care and its practical application, thereby facilitating more efficient training plans.This questionnaire is being developed as part of a project to pinpoint the training needs of primary care nurses in the field of palliative care at the Dr Peset Health Department in Valencia (Project EAPCP19-V01)This project has received funding under the first Call for R + D Grants in Nursing 2019 (UGP-19-258), from the Fundació per al Foment de la Investigació Sanitària i Bioèdica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Fisabio).Enfermerí

    Strong mixing measures for linear operators and frequent hypercyclicity

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    We construct strongly mixing invariant measures with full support for operators on F-spaces which satisfy the Frequent Hypercyclicity Criterion. For unilateral backward shifts on sequence spaces, a slight modification shows that one can even obtain exact invariant measures. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was supported in part by MEC and FEDER, Project MTM2010-14909, and by CV, Project PROMETEO/2008/101. The first author was also supported by a grant from the FPU Program of MEC. We thank the referee whose detailed report led to an improvement in the presentation of this work.Murillo Arcila, M.; Peris Manguillot, A. (2013). Strong mixing measures for linear operators and frequent hypercyclicity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 398(2):462-465. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.08.050S462465398

    Design of a low-cost equipment for optical hyperthermia

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    [EN] A laser equipment is presented which has been specifically designed for optical hyperthermia. Such specificity in the design has allowed implementation at costs significantly lower than other options currently available in the market. The developed equipment includes a 808 nm laser whose output power is up to 500 mW. It also incorporates additional devices that help the user in calibrating the system and supervising it while functioning. The performance of a prototype is tested by running two hyperthermia experiments: one involving gold nanorods, and the other using gold nanostars. The specific set-up of this prototype has allowed laser irradiation with radiated power densities up to 4W/cm(2). (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been carried out in the context of project "Development of electronic devices and equipment for detection and actuation based on new electronic technologies. Applications in the field of biomedicine" (grant number: MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R) and in coordination with project number MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R, both of them financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness in the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2013-2016. Financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/047) and from the UPV (Erasmus Mundus EuroInkaNet project, 2013 call) are gratefully acknowledged too.Montes-Robles, R.; Hernández-Montoto, A.; Ibáñez Civera, FJ.; Masot Peris, R.; De La Torre-Paredes, C.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Garcia-Breijo, E.... (2017). Design of a low-cost equipment for optical hyperthermia. Sensors and Actuators A Physical. 255:61-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2016.12.018S617025

    Efectos de la ventilación mecánica intraoperatoria y de la ventilación de protección pulmonar en el paciente quirúrgico adulto

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    Introducción: la ventilación mecánica es esencial para un adecuado intercambio gaseoso durante la anestesia general, siendo empleada con volúmenes corrientes altos para prevenir la hipoxemia y la formación de atelectasias; pero volúmenes corrientes altos y altas presiones de meseta pueden agravar o incluso iniciar una lesión pulmonar. La ventilación de protección pulmonar consiste en el uso de un volumen corriente bajo, limitar la presión meseta para minimizar la sobredistensión y utilizar presión positiva al final de la espiración. Más recientemente se está investigando su aplicación al paciente quirúrgico con anestesia general y ventilación controlada. Objetivo: analizar la evidencia en cuanto al beneficio de la ventilación de protección pulmonar durante la cirugía con ventilación controlada bipulmonar o unipulmonar en paciente adulto. Metodología de búsqueda: búsqueda en la base de datos Pubmed-Medline 2010-2014 de artículos de revisión clínica y fisiopatológica y revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, estudios observacionales y controlados aleatorizados, incluyéndose en total 2031 artículos. Resultados: la mayoría de estudios que emplean ventilación de protección pulmonar: volumen corriente 6-8 ml/kg, presión positiva al final de la expiración 4-8 cmH2O y maniobras de reclutamiento, obtuvieron una mejoría en los parámetros fisiológicos y ventilatorios. Algunas investigaciones ofrecen resultados no homogéneos; sin embargo, clínicamente la evidencia no es tan notoria. Estudios con tamaño de muestra grande registran un aumento de la morbimortalidad respiratoria postoperatoria en pacientes en los que no se emplea esta estrategia. Conclusiones: la aplicación de estrategias de ventilación de protección pulmonar intraoperatoria podrían mejorar el pronóstico y los resultados inmediatos y diferidos -especialmente respiratorios- de los pacientes quirúrgicos normales y poblaciones especiales. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Palabras clave: Anestesia. Respiración artificial. Ventilación Unipulmonar. Cirugía. Cirugía Torácica. Introduction: artificial ventilation is essential for an adequate gas interchange during general anesthesia, it has been used with high tidal volume to prevent hypoxemia and atelectasis, but high tidal volumes and high plateau pressures might aggravate or start a lung injury. Pulmonary protective ventilation consists of use of low tidal volumes, limit plateau pressure to minimize overdistension and use positive pressure at the end of expiration and controlled ventilation. Objective: to analize the evidence on the possible benefit of protective pulmonary ventilation during surgery with bipulmonar or unipulmonar controlled ventilation. Materials and Methods: the Pubmed-Medline database was searched for years 2010-2014 for articles on clinical and pathophysiological reviews, systematic reviews, metaanalysis, observational studies, and randomized controlled trials. A total of 2031 articles were included. Results: most studies using pulmonary protective ventilation: tidal volume 6-8 ml/kg, positive end expiratory pressure 4-8 cmH2O and recruitment maneuvers,  showed improved physiologic and ventilatory parameters. Some investigations offered not homogeneous results; however, the clinical evidence of improvement is not as clear. Studies with wide sample sizes showed increased respiratory morbimortality in patients in whom this strategy was not applied. Conclusions: application of protective pulmonary ventilation strategies might improve the immediate and delayed prognostic and outcomes, specially respiratory of normal sugical patients. Special populations could benefit of these stratiegies. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Keywords: Anesthesia. Respiration, artificial. One-Lung Ventilation. Surgery. Thoracic Surgery