549 research outputs found

    Aplicación y comparación de 4 métodos de evaluación visual de riesgo en el arbolado urbano

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    91 p.En el presente estudio se compararon las metodologías de evaluación visual de riesgo para el arbolado urbano: Sampaio, US Forest, ISA e ISA 2013. Los métodos se aplicaron a 30 árboles ubicados en la ciudad de Talca. El criterio de selección de los árboles se basó en la constatación de algún indicador de riesgo contenido en las metodologías. El objetivo principal fue identificar diferencias y similitudes basadas en los índices de riesgo entregados por los métodos. El análisis estadístico de los resultados se realizó mediante la prueba de varianza no paramétrica de Kruskal – Wallis y la prueba de comparación múltiple de Duncan. Se evidenciaron diferencias significativas en tres grupos homogéneos, el primero método Sampaio y US Forest, el segundo ISA y US Forest y el tercero ISA 2013, ordenándolos en niveles de valoración: alto, medio y bajo. Las diferencias en los valores obtenidos se atribuyen a las estructuras de calificación final de cada método, los que a pesar de identificar y evaluar factores e indicadores de riesgo similares, el parámetro final de la evaluación del riesgo, para cada uno de los métodos, es por lo general distinto, lo que se evidencia en la aplicación del método estadístico. El método que se recomienda a usar es el ISA 2013 porque se considera el más apropiado a las condiciones urbanas que presenta nuestro país./ABSTRACT:In this study it will be compared four methodologies in urban tree risk evaluation: Sampaio, US Forest, ISA and ISA 2013. These methodologies were applied to 30 trees located in Talca city. The selection criteria were based on the evidence of any risk indicator included in these methodologies.The objective of this study was to identify differences and similarities in these methodologies based in the rating of visual risk.The statistical analysis of the results was made using a Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric variance test and Duncan's multiple range test. Was observed significative differences in three homogeneous groups, the first Sampaio and US Forest methods, the second ISA and US Forest and third ISA 2013, which are grouped into valuation levels: high, medium and low. The differences in the values obtained with each method was a result of the differences between the structure of the classification in each, this because although all methods, generally, identify and assess these risk factors, while the final evaluation parameter was different in each one. This was evident in the application of statistical method. The recommended method is to use the ISA 2013 because it is considered the most appropriate to our country's own urban conditions

    Estrategias de comercialización para fortalecer los productos financieros y no financieros de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “San Jorge”, de la ciudad de Riobamba

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tuvo por objeto el diseño de Estrategias de Comercialización para fortalecer los productos financieros y no financieros de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “San Jorge” de la ciudad de Riobamba, la finalidad de dichas estrategias está encaminada a mejorar el posicionamiento de los productos que oferta la entidad financiera en el mercado. En el desarrollo del trabajo investigativo se emplearon varias técnicas de investigación, pues mediante la encuesta a los socios de la entidad, la entrevista a la gerente de la institución y la observación directa se pudo recopilar información sobre la problemática que rodea al tema de estudio. Dando como resultado un elevado porcentaje de los encuestados indica tener un conocimiento bajo sobre los productos que oferta la institución, por tal motivo los asociados acuden a las dependencias de la entidad financiera para solicitar información sobre los productos que guarda relación con las líneas crediticias. La propuesta contiene un Plan de Marketing diseñado para garantizar el éxito de las actividades financieras de la institución, promocionar los diferentes productos y/o servicio mediante el sistema Telemarket, ubicar stands promocionales de los productos de la entidad financiera. La Cooperativa, deberá aplicar las estrategias de comercialización diseñadas con la finalidad de garantizar el éxito de las actividades financieras, así como también para la consecución de sus objetivos propuestosThe purpose of this thesis project was to design Marketing Strategies to strengthen the financial and non-financial products of the Savings and Credit Cooperative "San Jorge" of the city of Riobamba, these strategies are aimed at improving the products positioning in the market offered by the financial institution. In the development of this research work, several investigative techniques were used, since through the survey of the entity business partners, the interview with the manager of the institution and direct observation, information could be gathered about the problems surrounding the study topic. As a result, a high percentage of the surveyed people have indicated that they have poor knowledge on how the products are offered by the institution, for this reason the partners attend the financial institution offices to request information about the products related to the credit lines. The proposal contains a Marketing Plan that has been designed to guarantee the success of the financial activities of the institution, promoting this way the different products and / or service through the Telemarket system, to locate promotional stands for the financial institution's products. The Credit union must apply marketing strategies designed to ensure the financial activities success, as well as to pursue their proposed objective

    Postcopulatory sexual selection favors fertilization success of restocking hybrid quails over native Common quails (Coturnix coturnix)

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection plays an important role in the reproductive success of males in many species. Differences in fertilization success could affect rates of admixture and genetic introgression between divergent lineages. We investigated sperm precedence in matings in captivity involving Common quails (Coturnix coturnix) and farm quails of hybrid origin (C. coturnix × domestic Japanese quail, C. japonica), the last used in restocking practices to increase hunting bags. These inter-specific matings in natural conditions are claimed to represent an important threat to the conservation of native Common quail populations. Results showed that fertilization success of each male depended on (1) the time it spent with the female, (2) the presence of sperm from a previous male in the female oviduct, (3) the time that the previous partner had been copulating with the female, and, most importantly, (4) the genetic origin of the male (wild or farm). Farm hybrid males showed higher fertilization success than wild Common males, and they required less time with the female to fertilize the same proportion of eggs. The presence of sperm from another male in the female oviduct reduced the percentage of fertilized eggs by a male. However, this reduction was higher for wild males when the precedent mate was a farm male. In summary, the sperm of farm hybrid males may outcompete the sperm of native males and this could be favoring the introgression of domestic Japanese alleles into the Common quail population, thus constituting a severe conservation threat to wild Common quail populations.[GER]In vielen Arten spielt die postkopulative sexuelle Selektion für den Fortpflanzungserfolg von Männchen eine große Rolle. Unterschiede im Befruchtungserfolg können Einfluss haben auf die Rate der genetische Introgression und Vermischung zwischen verschiedenen Abstammungslinien. Um Unterschiede in der Spermienwettbewerbsstärke zwischen wilden Wachteln (Coturnix coturnix) und Japanischen Wirtschaftswachtelaus stammenden Hybridwachteln (C. coturnix × C. japonica), die für die Aufstockung von Beständen zur Jagd genutzt wurden, zu untersuchen, haben wir Verpaarungen in der Gefangenschaft durchgeführt. Es wird vermutet, dass solche zwischenartlichen Verpaarungen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ein Risiko für den Erhalt des Artbestandes von Wachteln darstellen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der Fortpflanzungserfolg eines Männchen davon beeinflusst wurde (1) wie viel Zeit es mit dem Weibchen verbrachte, (2) ob bereits Spermien eines anderen Männchen im Ovidukt waren, (3) wie lange ein vorheriger Partner mit dem Weibchen kopuliert hatte, und vor allem (4) welchen genetischen Hintergrund das Männchen (Wildtier oder Wirtschaftswachtel) hatte. Hybride Wirtschaftswachteln hatten den höchsten Fortpflanzungserfolg und befruchteten die gleiche Anzahl Eier eines Weibchens schneller. Wenn bereits Spermien eines anderen Männchens im Ovidukt waren, verringerte dies den prozentualen Anteil erfolgreicher Befruchtungen des nächsten Männchen. Dieser Effekt war am stärksten für wilde Männchen, wenn der vorherige Partner eine Wirtschaftswachtel war. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Spermien von Hybridmännchen wettbewerbsstärker zu sein scheinen als Spermien frei lebender Wachteln. Dies mag die Introgression der Allele von Japanischen Wirtschaftswachteln in die Wildpopulation unterstützen und eine ernste Bedrohung für den Erhalt wilder Wachtelpopulationen darstellen.Peer reviewe

    Enhancing the Antibiotic Antibacterial Effect by Sub Lethal Tellurite Concentrations: Tellurite and Cefotaxime Act Synergistically in Escherichia coli

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    The emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria during the last decades has become a public health concern worldwide. Aiming to explore new alternatives to treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria and given that the tellurium oxyanion tellurite is highly toxic for most microorganisms, we evaluated the ability of sub lethal tellurite concentrations to strengthen the effect of several antibiotics. Tellurite, at nM or µM concentrations, increased importantly the toxicity of defined antibacterials. This was observed with both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria, irrespective of the antibiotic or tellurite tolerance of the particular microorganism. The tellurite-mediated antibiotic-potentiating effect occurs in laboratory and clinical, uropathogenic Escherichia coli, especially with antibiotics disturbing the cell wall (ampicillin, cefotaxime) or protein synthesis (tetracycline, chloramphenicol, gentamicin). In particular, the effect of tellurite on the activity of the clinically-relevant, third-generation cephalosporin (cefotaxime), was evaluated. Cell viability assays showed that tellurite and cefotaxime act synergistically against E. coli. In conclusion, using tellurite like an adjuvant could be of great help to cope with several multi-resistant pathogens

    Plasmas Granulares

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    Los plasmas granulares son gases total o parcialmente ionizados que, además de iones electrones y átomos neutros, contienen partículas sólidas con carga eléctrica. Dichas partículas cargadas, de tamaño mesoscópico, dan lugar a nuevos fenómenos colectivos con una dinámica característica. Este tipo de plasmas aparecen en sistemas físicos tan diversos como son los reactores de fusión por confinamiento magnético, los sistemas de procesado de semiconductores o en medios astrofísicos. Se presenta una breve introducción divulgativa a esta nueva rama de la física de plasmas que ha tenido un desarrollo espectacular en los últimos años, haciendo énfasis en su carácter multidisciplina

    Stability of stationary solutions of the Schrodinger-Langevin equation

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    The stability properties of a class of dissipative quantum mechanical systems are investigated. The nonlinear stability and asymptotic stability of stationary states (with zero and nonzero dissipation respectively) is investigated by Liapunov's direct method. The results are demonstrated by numerical calculations on the example of the damped harmonic oscillator.Comment: revised, 12 pages, 7 figure

    Postcopulatory sexual selection favors fertilization success of restocking hybrid quails over native Common quails (Coturnix coturnix)

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection plays an important role in the reproductive success of males in many species. Differences in fertilization success could affect rates of admixture and genetic introgression between divergent lineages. We investigated sperm precedence in matings in captivity involving Common quails (Coturnix coturnix) and farm quails of hybrid origin (C. coturnix × domestic Japanese quail, C. japonica), the last used in restocking practices to increase hunting bags. These inter-specific matings in natural conditions are claimed to represent an important threat to the conservation of native Common quail populations. Results showed that fertilization success of each male depended on (1) the time it spent with the female, (2) the presence of sperm from a previous male in the female oviduct, (3) the time that the previous partner had been copulating with the female, and, most importantly, (4) the genetic origin of the male (wild or farm). Farm hybrid males showed higher fertilization success than wild Common males, and they required less time with the female to fertilize the same proportion of eggs. The presence of sperm from another male in the female oviduct reduced the percentage of fertilized eggs by a male. However, this reduction was higher for wild males when the precedent mate was a farm male. In summary, the sperm of farm hybrid males may outcompete the sperm of native males and this could be favoring the introgression of domestic Japanese alleles into the Common quail population, thus constituting a severe conservation threat to wild Common quail populations