14,305 research outputs found

    Wali Nikah dalam Pemikiran Fuqaha dan Muhadditsin Kontemporer

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    This article deals with wali nikah (relative legally responsible for a bride) as a requirement in a wedding process. Majority of Islamic scholars (fuqaha), and also Indonesian Islamic law, always refers to male relative when they talk about wali nikah. On the other hand, contemporary Islamic scholars even give a bride a freedom to get married without a wali nikah. While the first opinion may lead to gender inequality and injustice, the latter opinion is very dangerous. From historical approach, the opinion that wali nikah always refers to male relative can be traced from Islamic legislation prescribed in the Qur\u27an and hadits. Referring to some contemporary Islamic scholars and muhadditsin, the writer contends that wali nikah is not an obligatory rule (rukun) of a marriage, but only serves as a monitoring apparatus. Suppose wali nikah must exist, it does not necessarily come from a bride side, but may come from a bridegroom side. Moreover, the order of wali nikah may differ from what is compiled in Islamic legal thought (fiqh)

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Model Kooperatif dengan mengintegrasikan budaya Lokal Masyarakat Wakatobi

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    Pembelajaran dengan mengintegrasikan budaya memungkinkan berinteraktif dengan aktif berdasarkan budaya yang sudah mereka kenal, sehingga dapat diperoleh proses dan pengertian materi yang terinternalisasi dengan ditunjukkan dengan hasil belajar yang optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) mendeskripsikan konsep kegiatan guru dan siswa dalam perangkat pembelaran koperatif tipe Student Achiefment Division (STAD) terintegrasi budaya kearifan lokal masyarakat wakatobi, (2) umendeskripsikan proses dan hasil pengembangann perangkat pembelajaran matematika model koperatif STAD terintegrasi kearifan budaya local masyarakat Wakatobi yang baik dan sistematis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan atau Reseach and Development (R & D) dengan modifikasi model 4-D yang terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu: define, design, develop. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Tomia. Penenlitian ini menghasilkan   (1)deskripsi konsep kegiatan dalam perangkat pembelaran koperatif tipe Student Achiefment Division (STAD) terintegrasi budaya kearifan lokal masyarakat wakatobi yang diuraikan kedalam kegiatan guru dan siswa (2) serangkaian proses pengembangan yang sistematis dan hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika model kooperatifif tipe STAD terintegrasi kearifan budaya lokal Wakatobi yang baik yakni memenuhi kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifa


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    Kecelakaan kerja pada sektor apapun termasuk sektor  tidak dapat dihindari namun sebenarnya dapat kendalikan atau diminimalkan kejadiannya. Penyakit dan kecelakaan akibat pekerjaan pada bidang konstruksi dapat mempengaruhi tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja sebagai akibat dari berkurangnya sumber daya tenaga kerja. Dalam upaya mengendalikan dan meminimalkan kecelakaan kerja, maka dilakukan penyuluhan K3 konstruksi dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pekerja bangunan tentang K3 dalam pekerjaan konstruksi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi terkait materi K3 bidang konstruksi utamanya yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan konstruksi, dimana penyampaian materi dilakukan menggunakan infokus diselingi dengan penjelasan-penjelasan yang diberikan secara oral. Dari kegiatan pengabdian diketahui bahwa sebelum dilakukannya kegiatan ini rata-rata masyarakat Desa Lamaninggara tidak mengetahui tentang K3, dan setelah dilakukannya kegiatan pengabdian maka pengetahuan K3 utamanya bidang konstruksi telah diketahui dan dipahaminyang menandakan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat utamanya para pekerja konstruksi di Desa Lamaninggara yang mana ditunjukkan dengan adanya kesadaran diri dari pekerja bangunan  yang ada di Desa Lamaninggara untuk menerapkan K3 utamanya pada pekerjaan-pekerjaan konstruksi yang dilakukan

    Moluccas Local Wisdom in the Role of Marriage Arbitrator for Preventing Domestic Violence

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    This research aims to reveal the Moluccas local wisdom through the existence of marriage arbitrators among Muslim community in Salahutu, Leihitu, and West Leihitu, Central Maluku. The data were collected through observation and interviews with community leaders, marriage arbitrators and their married sisters and then analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The research results showed that the marriage arbitrators come from a male distant relative who was appointed by custom as a part of the marriage custom. The appointment aims to strengthen the family relationship between the bride (married sister) and the arbitrator in which they can help each other. Traditionally, an arbitrator serves to help the bride in both material and non-material aspects, particularly in preventing domestic violence. He can become a mediator, peacemaker, and helper of the economic hardship as well as preventing the married sister from psychological domestic violence. Furthermore, he can also provide protection for his married sister from the threat of her husband’s physical violence. This research found that the role of marriage arbitrators as peacemakers in preventing husband’s violence against their married sisters is relevant to hakamain concept in Islamic law as well as the provisions of "safe houses by the community," in Law No. 23/2004.(Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan peran kearifan lokal saudara kawin  pada masyarakat Muslim di Kecamatan Salahutu, Leihitu dan Leihitu Barat Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara kepada tokoh masyarakat, saudara kawin dan saudari kawin kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa saudara kawin adalah laki-laki dari kerabat jauh yang diangkat secara adat sebagai bagian dari adat perkawinan. Hal itu bertujuan untuk mempererat hubungan kekeluargaan antara saudara kawin dengan saudari kawinnya di mana keduanya bias saling membantu. Secara adat, saudara kawin bertugas membantu mempelai perempuan (istri) dalam hal material maupun non-material, utamanya untuk mencegah tindak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga si saudari kawin. Saudara kawin bisa berperan sebagai penengah, juru damai, sekaligus membantu kesulitan ekonomi keluarga saudari kawinnya, termasuk mencegah terjadinya kekerasan psikis saudari kawinnya. Lebih jauh, saudara kawin juga bisa berperan melindungi saudari kawinnya dari ancaman kekerasan fisik suaminya. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran saudara kawin sebagai juru damai yang mencegah kekerasan suami kepada istri relevan dengan konsep hakamain dalam hukum Islam serta ketentuan ”rumah aman oleh masyarakat,” dalam Undang-undang RI Nomor 23 Tahun 2004


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    This article copes with the issue of ‘azl from Islamic perspective. Generally, ‘azl is the prevention of pregnancy by releasing the sperm out of vagina. In modern context, this practise is analogous with the family planning. The only difference is that the modern family planning uses medicines. Islamic scholars, basing their respective arguments on some hadits of the prophet, have different opinion on the issue: some of them permit the practise of ‘azl, while some others prohibit it. This study reveals that the hadits used by Islamic scholars who forbid the practise of ‘azl is dha’if. Therefore, the practise of ‘azl is actually permitted, with the permission of wife, and without permission if applied to slave


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    This article discusses the perception of Palakka people toward the existence of Petta Betta’e grave. Based on the research, the vast majority of Palakka people believe that spirit of Petta Betta’e still exist and may influence people’s life. This resulted in strongly appreciating and positioning the grave as the noble one among the others. This belief is truly inherited for a number of generations. This tradition illustrates that visiting this grave can further color people’s life before they die. This research aims at providing the people views of point about this historical tradition. This employs qualitative research as an alternative approach to interpret this phenomena. In gaining datas, the author conducts interview, observation and document collection. The research suggests that through strong education in terms of religious understanding, Palakka people will realize the importance of remembering the death people especially their heritage

    Photo-induced reduction of graphene oxide coating on optical waveguide and consequent optical intermodulation

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    Increased absorption of transverse-magnetic (TM) - polarised light by a graphene-oxide (GO) coated polymer waveguide has been observed in the presence of transverse-electric (TE) - polarised light. The GO-coated waveguide exhibits very strong photo-absorption of TE-polarised light - and acts as a TM-pass waveguide polariser. The absorbed TE-polarised light causes a significant temperature increase in the GO film and induces thermal reduction of the GO, resulting in an increase in optical-frequency conductivity and consequently increased optical propagation loss. This behaviour in a GO-coated waveguide gives the action of an inverted optical switch/modulator. By varying the incident TE-polarised light power, a maximum modulation efficiency of 72% was measured, with application of an incident optical power level of 57 mW. The GO-coated waveguide was able to respond clearly to modulated TE-polarised light with a pulse duration of as little as 100 μs. In addition, no wavelength dependence was observed in the response of either the modulation (TE-polarised light) or the signal (TM-polarised light)

    Coupling strength control in photonic crystal/photonic wire multiple cavity devices

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    Resonance splitting has been demonstrated for two coupled micro-cavities with control of the free spectral range between the resonance peaks, together with a normalised transmission level of approximately 60%. Coupled micro-cavity-based structures that were separated by two closely spaced in-line coupler sections between the two micro-cavities have also been successfully fabricated and measured. The coupling strength of the two cavities was controlled via the use of hole tapering in the middle section between the two cavities. 2D finite-difference time-domain simulation shows close agreement with the results of measurements