787 research outputs found

    GAMES: A new Scenario for Software and Knowledge Reuse

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    Games are a well-known test bed for testing search algorithms and learning methods, and many authors have presented numerous reasons for the research in this area. Nevertheless, they have not received the attention they deserve as software projects. In this paper, we analyze the applicability of software and knowledge reuse in the games domain. In spite of the need to find a good evaluation function, search algorithms and interface design can be said to be the primary concerns. In addition, we will discuss the current state of the main statistical learning methods and how they can be addressed from a software engineering point of view. So, this paper proposes a reliable environment and adequate tools, necessary in order to achieve high levels of reuse in the games domain

    Gell-Mann and Low formula for degenerate unperturbed states

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    The Gell-Mann and Low switching allows to transform eigenstates of an unperturbed Hamiltonian H0H_0 into eigenstates of the modified Hamiltonian H0+VH_0 + V. This switching can be performed when the initial eigenstate is not degenerate, under some gap conditions with the remainder of the spectrum. We show here how to extend this approach to the case when the ground state of the unperturbed Hamiltonian is degenerate. More precisely, we prove that the switching procedure can still be performed when the initial states are eigenstates of the finite rank self-adjoint operator \cP_0 V \cP_0, where \cP_0 is the projection onto a degenerate eigenspace of H0H_0

    Integrated study of factors affecting fetal weight in singleton pregnancies. Nomogram and development of basic and advanced fetal growth customized models

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    We have performed a multivariate analysis to explore the influence on birth and ultrasound fetal weight estimation of traditional factors as biochemical data and maternal characteristics in combination with non- traditionally explored predictors as paternal height, Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), single umbilical artery or Free-beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (fß- HCG). The study was performed for a Spanish population (region of Aragon) in singleton pregnancies at term (37-42 weeks). Also, we have created a nomogram and in order to predict the occurrence of SGA (small for gestational age) and LGA (large for gestational age) cases we provide a multivariate predictive model of fetal weight that have been compared with other models in the prediction of ultrasound and birth weights. After study we have created a software application for automated calculation of percentile fetal weight, adjusting the variables when they were significant

    Seabed morphology and bottom water masses related to benthic habitats at the Cristóbal Colón diapir (NW of the Guadalquivir ridge, Gulf of Cádiz)

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    The seabed morphology and the sub-superficial characteristics of the Cristóbal Colón diapir located on the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz have been analysed from data obtained in the framework of the LIFE+INDEMARES/CHICA project. The aim of this study is to recognize the morphological features and the geological processes generated by the bottom water masses and their influence on the habitats and associated benthic communities. The NACW affects the generation of morphological features on the summit, revealing that different oceanographic conditions favoured the carbonate mound growth in the past. The interface between the NACW and the MOW sweeps the bottom from the SE to the NW and the presence of benthic communities dominated by filter feeders on the contouritic drift indicates that this current is strong enough to favour the availability of nutrients and organic particles and to develop both the contouritic deposits on the SE flank and the moats on the N and W flanks.Versión del edito

    Adubação mineral de Pinus oocarpa schiede

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    O presente ensaio refere-se à adubação de Pinus oocarpa Schiede. Foi instalado em solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Distrófico originalmente sob vegetação de cerrado, no município de Assis, São Paulo. Através de medições periódicos de altura e DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito) das árvores, foram verificados os efeitos da adubação NPK, calagem, S, B e Zn sob delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Pela análise estatística dos últimos dados de altura e diâmetro, quando as plantas estavam com 3 anos, conclui-se que: a adubação NPK proporcionou um aumento significativo no desenvolvimento das plantas em altura e diâmetro; a adubação NPK + calagem aumentou significativamente a altura; a adubação NPK + calagem + S aumentou significativamente o diâmetro e a aplicação de B e Zn não apresentou efeitos significativos.The present work deals with the mineral fertilization of Pinus oocarpa Schiede. The experiment took place in a Distrophic Dark-Red Latosol, formerly under "cerrado" vegetation in Assis, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The height and D.B.C. (diameter breast height) of the trees were periodically measured in order to check the effects of NPK, liming, S, B and Zn fertilization under experimental delineation of randomized blocks with four repetitions . By means of statistical analysis of the last height and diameter data on three year-old plants, we can conclude that: NPK fertilization significantly increased the height and diameter of the plants; NPK + liming treatment significantly increased the plants height; NPK + liming + S treatment significantly increased the plants diameter and the application of B and Zn did not exert any effect

    Seafloor geomorphology of the Passage of Lanzarote (West Africa Margin): Influences of the oceanographic processes

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    The seafloor morphology of the Passage of Lanzarote has been analysed with the aim to know the active processes on the bottom surface related to the oceanographic context. Multibeam bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic profiles obtained in the SUBVENT2 cruise have been used. Five main morphological groups have been analysed: (a) Volcanic or diapiric submarine hills; (b) Tectonic features on the continental slope (linear scarps and a rhombohedral depression) related to normal faults; (c) Submarine venting at top of diapirs initially triggered circular depressions; (d) Sedimentary instabilities (gullies, canyons, mass transport deposits) are present specially on the Fuerteventura-Lanzarote ridge; and (e) Contouritic bottom features both erosive (central valley, marginal valleys) and depositional (plastered drifts) are on the central part of the passage, and are generated by the interaction of MW and the interface MW-AAIW with seafloor.Versión del edito