9 research outputs found

    Modelling the emergence of whisker barrels

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    Brain development relies on an interplay between genetic specification and self-organization. Striking examples of this relationship can be found in the somatosensory brainstem, thalamus, and cortex of rats and mice, where the arrangement of the facial whiskers is preserved in the arrangement of cell aggregates to form precise somatotopic maps. We show in simulation how realistic whisker maps can self-organize, by assuming that information is exchanged between adjacent cells only, under the guidance of gene expression gradients. The resulting model provides a simple account of how patterns of gene expression can constrain spontaneous pattern formation to faithfully reproduce functional maps in subsequent brain structures

    Limit cycle dynamics can guide the evolution of gene regulatory networks towards point attractors

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    Developmental dynamics in Boolean models of gene networks self-organize, either into point attractors (stable repeating patterns of gene expression) or limit cycles (stable repeating sequences of patterns), depending on the network interactions specified by a genome of evolvable bits. Genome specifications for dynamics that can map specific gene expression patterns in early development onto specific point attractor patterns in later development are essentially impossible to discover by chance mutation alone, even for small networks. We show that selection for approximate mappings, dynamically maintained in the states comprising limit cycles, can accelerate evolution by at least an order of magnitude. These results suggest that self-organizing dynamics that occur within lifetimes can, in principle, guide natural selection across lifetimes

    Comparing the development of cortex-wide gene expression patterns between two species in a common reference frame

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    Advances in sequencing techniques have made comparative studies of gene expression a current focus for understanding evolutionary and developmental processes. However, insights into the spatial expression of genes have been limited by a lack of robust methodology. To overcome this obstacle, we developed methods and software tools for quantifying and comparing tissue-wide spatial patterns of gene expression within and between species. Here, we compare cortex-wide expression of RZRβ and Id2 mRNA across early postnatal development in mice and voles. We show that patterns of RZRβ expression in neocortical layer 4 are highly conserved between species but develop rapidly in voles and much more gradually in mice, who show a marked expansion in the relative size of the putative primary visual area across the first postnatal week. Patterns of Id2 expression, by contrast, emerge in a dynamic and layer-specific sequence that is consistent between the two species. We suggest that these differences in the development of neocortical patterning reflect the independent evolution of brains, bodies, and sensory systems in the 35 million years since their last common ancestor

    The somatosensory thalamus of monkeys: Cortical connections and a redefinition of nuclei in marmosets

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    Thalamic connections of three subdivisions of somatosensory cortex in marmosets were determined by placing wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent dyes as tracers into electrophysiologically identified sites in S‐I (area 3b), S‐II, and the parietal ventral area, PV. The relation of the resulting patterns of transported label to the cytoarchitecture and cytochrome oxidase architecture of the thalamus lead to three major conclusions. 1) The region traditionally described as the ventroposterior nucleus (VP) is a composite of VP proper and parts of the ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPi). Much of the VP region consists of groups of densely stained, closely packed neurons that project to S‐I. VPi includes a ventral oval of pale, less densely packed neurons and finger‐like protrusions that extend into VP proper and separate clusters of VP neurons related to different body parts. Neurons in both parts of VPi project to S‐II rather than S‐I. Connection patterns indicate that the proper and the embedded parts of VPi combine to form a body representation paralleling that in VP. 2) VPi also provides the major thalamic input into PV. 3) In architecture, location, and cortical connections, the region traditionally described as the anterior pulvinar (AP) of monkeys resembles the medial posterior nucleus, Pom, of other mammals and we propose that all or most of AP is homologous to Pom. AP caps VP dorsomedially, has neurons that are moderately dense in Nissl staining, and reacts moderately in CO preparations. AP neurons project to S‐I, S‐II, and PV in somatotopic patterns. © 1992 Wiley‐Liss, Inc

    Connections of somatosensory cortex in megachiropteran bats: The evolution of cortical fields in mammals

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    The cortical connections of the primary somatosensory area (SI or 3b), a caudal somatosensory field (area 1/2), the second somatosensory area (SII), the parietal ventral area (PV), the ventral somatosensory area (VS), and the lateral parietal area (LP) were investigated in grey headed flying foxes by injecting anatomical tracers into electrophysiologically identified locations in these fields. The receptive fields for clusters of neurons were mapped with sufficient density for injection sites to be related to the boundaries of fields, and to representations of specific body parts within the fields. In all cases, cortex was flattened and sectioned parallel to the cortical surface. Sections were stained for myelin and architectonic features of cortex were related to physiological mapping and connection patterns. We found patterns of topographic and nontopographic connections between 3b and adjacent anterior parietal fields 3a and 1/2, and fields caudolateral to 3b (SII and PV). Area 1/2 had both topographic and nontopographic connections with 3b, PP, and SII. Connections of SII and PV with areas 3b, 3a, and 1/2 were roughly topographic, although there was clear evidence for nontopographic connections between these fields. SII was most densely connected with area 1/2, while PV was most densely connected with 3b. SII had additional connections with fields in lateral parietal cortex and with subdivisions of motor cortex. Other connections of PV were with subdivisions of motor cortex and pyriform cortex. Laminar differences in connection patterns of SII and PV with surrounding cortex were also observed. Injections in the ventral somatosensory area revealed connections with SII, PV, area 1/2, auditory cortex, entorhinal cortex, and pyriform cortex. Finally, the lateral parietal field had very dense connections with posterior parietal cortex, caudal temporal cortex, and with subdivisions of motor cortex. Our results indicate that the 3b region is not homogeneous, but is composed of myelin dense and light regions, associated with 3b proper and invaginations of area 1/2, respectively. Connections of myelin dense 3b were different from invaginating portions of myelin light area 1/2. Our findings that 3b is densely interconnected with PV and moderately to lightly interconnected with SII supports the notion that SII and PV have been confused across mammals and across studies. Our connectional evidence provides further support for our hypothesis that area 1/2 is partially incorporated in 3b and has led to theories of the evolution of cortical fields in mammals

    Organization of visual cortex in the northern quoll, Dasyurus hallucatus: evidence for a homologue of the second visual area in marsupials.

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    Two visual areas, V1 and V2 (first and second visual areas), appear to be present in the posterior neocortex of all eutherian mammals investigated so far. However, previous studies have not established whether an area homologous to V2 also exists in metatherian mammals (marsupials). Using electrophysiological techniques, we mapped the visual receptive fields of neurons in the striate and peristriate cortices of the northern quoll, an Australian marsupial. We found that neurons in a 2-mm-wide strip of cortex rostrolateral to V1 form a single, relatively simple representation of the complete contralateral hemifield. This area resembles V2 of eutherians in several respects: (i) neurons in the medial half of the peristriate area represent the lower visual quadrant, whereas those in the lateral half represent the upper visual quadrant; (ii) the vertical meridian of the visual field is represented adjacent to V1, while the visual field periphery is represented along the lateral and rostrolateral borders of the peristriate area; (iii) there is a marked anisotropy in the representation, with a larger magnification factor parallel to the V1 border than perpendicular to this border; and (iv) receptive fields of multiunit clusters in the peristriate cortex are much larger than those of cells in V1 at comparable eccentricities. The cortex immediately rostral and lateral to V2 did not respond to visual stimulation under our recording conditions. These results suggest that V1 and V2 together form a 'core' of homologous visual areas, likely to exist in all therian mammals

    Photic preference of the short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica)

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    The gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) is a nocturnal South American marsupial that has been gaining popularity as a laboratory animal. However, compared to traditional laboratory animals like rats, very little is known about its behavior, either in the wild or in a laboratory setting. Here we investigated the photic preference of the short-tailed opossum. Opossums were placed in a circular testing arena and allowed to move freely between dark (0 lux) and light (~1.4, 40, or 400 lux) sides of the arena. In each of these conditions opossums spent significantly more time in the dark than in the illuminated side and a greater proportion of time in the dark than would be expected by chance. In the high-contrast (~400 lux) illumination condition, the mean bout length (i.e., duration of one trip on the light or dark side) was significantly longer on the dark side than on the light side. When we examined the number of bouts greater than 30 and 60 sec in duration, we found a significant difference between the light and dark sides in all light contrast conditions. These data indicate that the short-tailed opossum prefers the dark to the light, and can also detect very slight differences in light intensity. We conclude that although rats and opossums share many similar characteristics, including ecological niche, their divergent evolutionary heritage results in vastly different behavioral capabilities. Only by observing the behavioral capabilities and preferences of opossums will we be able to manipulate the experimental environment to best elicit and elucidate their behavior and alterations in behavior that can arise from experimental manipulations

    Trends in the anatomical organization and functional significance of the mammalian thalamus

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