10,767 research outputs found

    Keplerian discs around post-AGB stars: a common phenomenon?

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    Aims: We aim at showing that the broad-band SED characteristics of our sample of post-AGB stars are best interpreted, assuming the circumstellar dust is stored in Keplerian rotating passive discs. Methods: We present a homogeneous and systematic study of the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of a sample of 51 post-AGB objects. The selection criteria to define the whole sample were tuned to cover the broad-band characteristics of known binary post-AGB stars. The whole sample includes 20 dusty RV Tauri stars from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS). We supplemented our own Geneva optical photometry with literature data to cover a broad range of fluxes from the UV to the far-IR. Results: All the SEDs display very similar characteristics: a large IR excess with a dust excess starting near the sublimation temperature, irrespective of the effective temperature of the central star. Moreover, when available, the long wavelength fluxes show a black-body slope indicative of the presence of a component of large mm sized grains. Conclusions: We argue that in all systems, gravitationally bound dusty discs are present. The discs must be puffed-up to cover a large opening angle for the central star and we argue that the discs have some similarity with the passive discs detected around young stellar objects. We interpret the presence of a disc to be a signature for binarity of the central object, but this will need confirmation by long-term monitoring of the radial velocities. We argue that dusty RV Tauri stars are those binaries which happen to be in the Population II instability strip.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Infant cortex responds to other humans from shortly after birth

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    A significant feature of the adult human brain is its ability to selectively process information about conspecifics. Much debate has centred on whether this specialization is primarily a result of phylogenetic adaptation, or whether the brain acquires expertise in processing social stimuli as a result of its being born into an intensely social environment. Here we study the haemodynamic response in cortical areas of newborns (1–5 days old) while they passively viewed dynamic human or mechanical action videos. We observed activation selective to a dynamic face stimulus over bilateral posterior temporal cortex, but no activation in response to a moving human arm. This selective activation to the social stimulus correlated with age in hours over the first few days post partum. Thus, even very limited experience of face-to-face interaction with other humans may be sufficient to elicit social stimulus activation of relevant cortical regions

    Experimental Quantum Private Queries with linear optics

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    The Quantum Private Query is a quantum cryptographic protocol to recover information from a database, preserving both user and data privacy: the user can test whether someone has retained information on which query was asked, and the database provider can test the quantity of information released. Here we introduce a new variant Quantum Private Query algorithm which admits a simple linear optical implementation: it employs the photon's momentum (or time slot) as address qubits and its polarization as bus qubit. A proof-of-principle experimental realization is implemented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A Denotational Semantics for First-Order Logic

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    In Apt and Bezem [AB99] (see cs.LO/9811017) we provided a computational interpretation of first-order formulas over arbitrary interpretations. Here we complement this work by introducing a denotational semantics for first-order logic. Additionally, by allowing an assignment of a non-ground term to a variable we introduce in this framework logical variables. The semantics combines a number of well-known ideas from the areas of semantics of imperative programming languages and logic programming. In the resulting computational view conjunction corresponds to sequential composition, disjunction to ``don't know'' nondeterminism, existential quantification to declaration of a local variable, and negation to the ``negation as finite failure'' rule. The soundness result shows correctness of the semantics with respect to the notion of truth. The proof resembles in some aspects the proof of the soundness of the SLDNF-resolution.Comment: 17 pages. Invited talk at the Computational Logic Conference (CL 2000). To appear in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Scienc

    Fitness, Friendship, and Fun: University Sponsored Community PE Program

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    This paper describes a University-sponsored community physical education program and the feedback received about it from teachers, children, and the college students who oversaw it. The program, called Fitness, Friendship, and Fun, was staffed by 65 first-year student interns from the University of Dayton; four graduate assistants; and two university professors. It began with 65 male and female elementary students, primarily from the fifth and sixth grades at a nearby elementary school

    Outlier Edge Detection Using Random Graph Generation Models and Applications

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    Outliers are samples that are generated by different mechanisms from other normal data samples. Graphs, in particular social network graphs, may contain nodes and edges that are made by scammers, malicious programs or mistakenly by normal users. Detecting outlier nodes and edges is important for data mining and graph analytics. However, previous research in the field has merely focused on detecting outlier nodes. In this article, we study the properties of edges and propose outlier edge detection algorithms using two random graph generation models. We found that the edge-ego-network, which can be defined as the induced graph that contains two end nodes of an edge, their neighboring nodes and the edges that link these nodes, contains critical information to detect outlier edges. We evaluated the proposed algorithms by injecting outlier edges into some real-world graph data. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithms can effectively detect outlier edges. In particular, the algorithm based on the Preferential Attachment Random Graph Generation model consistently gives good performance regardless of the test graph data. Further more, the proposed algorithms are not limited in the area of outlier edge detection. We demonstrate three different applications that benefit from the proposed algorithms: 1) a preprocessing tool that improves the performance of graph clustering algorithms; 2) an outlier node detection algorithm; and 3) a novel noisy data clustering algorithm. These applications show the great potential of the proposed outlier edge detection techniques.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, journal pape

    Strong dust processing in circumstellar discs around 6 RV Tauri stars. Are dusty RV Tauri stars all binaries?

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    We present extended Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of seven classical RV Tauri stars, using newly obtained submillimetre continuum measurements and Geneva optical photometry supplemented with literature data. The broad-band SEDs show a large IR excess with a black-body slope at long wavelengths in six of the seven stars, R Sct being the noticeable exception. This long wavelength slope is best explained assuming the presence of a dust component of large grains in the circumstellar material. We show that the most likely distribution of the circumstellar dust around the six systems is that the dust resides in a disc. Moreover, very small outflow velocities are needed to explain the presence of dust near the sublimation temperature and we speculate that the discs are Keplerian. The structure and evolution of these compact discs are as yet not understood but a likely prerequisite for their formation is that the dusty RV Tauri stars are binaries.Comment: 10 pages, will be published in A&

    A Formalization of the Theorem of Existence of First-Order Most General Unifiers

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    This work presents a formalization of the theorem of existence of most general unifiers in first-order signatures in the higher-order proof assistant PVS. The distinguishing feature of this formalization is that it remains close to the textbook proofs that are based on proving the correctness of the well-known Robinson's first-order unification algorithm. The formalization was applied inside a PVS development for term rewriting systems that provides a complete formalization of the Knuth-Bendix Critical Pair theorem, among other relevant theorems of the theory of rewriting. In addition, the formalization methodology has been proved of practical use in order to verify the correctness of unification algorithms in the style of the original Robinson's unification algorithm.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2011, arXiv:1203.542

    Coinductive soundness of corecursive type class resolution

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    This work has been supported by the EPSRC grant “Coalgebraic Logic Programming for Type Inference” EP/K031864/1-2, EU Horizon 2020 grant “RePhrase: Refactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach” (ICT-644235), and by COST Action IC1202 (TACLe), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)Horn clauses and first-order resolution are commonly used to implement type classes in Haskell. Several corecursive extensions to type class resolution have recently been proposed, with the goal of allowing (co)recursive dictionary construction where resolution does not terminate. This paper shows, for the first time, that corecursive type class resolution and its extensions are coinductively sound with respect to the greatest Herbrand models of logic programs and that they are inductively unsound with respect to the least Herbrand models. We establish incompleteness results for various fragments of the proof system.Postprin