46 research outputs found

    Second and third season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra

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    We report results from the second and third seasons of observation with the QUaD experiment. Angular power spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background are derived for both temperature and polarization at both 100 GHz and 150 GHz, and as cross frequency spectra. All spectra are subjected to an extensive set of jackknife tests to probe for possible systematic contamination. For the implemented data cuts and processing technique such contamination is undetectable. We analyze the difference map formed between the 100 and 150 GHz bands and find no evidence of foreground contamination in polarization. The spectra are then combined to form a single set of results which are shown to be consistent with the prevailing LCDM model. The sensitivity of the polarization results is considerably better than that of any previous experiment -- for the first time multiple acoustic peaks are detected in the E-mode power spectrum at high significance.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figures, updated to reflect published versio

    First season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra

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    QUaD is a bolometric CMB polarimeter sited at the South Pole, operating at frequencies of 100 and 150 GHz. In this paper we report preliminary results from the first season of operation (austral winter 2005). All six CMB power spectra are presented derived as cross spectra between the 100 and 150 GHz maps using 67 days of observation in a low foreground region of approximately 60 deg^2. These data are a small fraction of the data acquired to date. The measured spectra are consistent with the ΛCDM cosmological model. We perform jackknife tests that indicate that the observed signal has negligible contamination from instrumental systematics. In addition, by using a frequency jackknife we find no evidence for foreground contamination

    QUaD: A High-Resolution Cosmic Microwave Background Polarimeter

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    We describe the QUaD experiment, a millimeter-wavelength polarimeter designed to observe the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from a site at the South Pole. The experiment comprises a 2.64 m Cassegrain telescope equipped with a cryogenically cooled receiver containing an array of 62 polarization-sensitive bolometers. The focal plane contains pixels at two different frequency bands, 100 GHz and 150 GHz, with angular resolutions of 5 arcmin and 3.5 arcmin, respectively. The high angular resolution allows observation of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies over a wide range of scales. The instrument commenced operation in early 2005 and collected science data during three successive Austral winter seasons of observation.Comment: 23 pages, author list and text updated to reflect published versio

    Characterization of the Millimeter-Wave Polarization of Centaurus A with QUaD

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    Centaurus (Cen) A represents one of the best candidates for an isolated, compact, highly polarized source that is bright at typical cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment frequencies. We present measurements of the 4 degree by 2 degree region centered on Cen A with QUaD, a CMB polarimeter whose absolute polarization angle is known to 0.5 degrees. Simulations are performed to assess the effect of misestimation of the instrumental parameters on the final measurement and systematic errors due to the field's background structure and temporal variability from Cen A's nuclear region are determined. The total (Q, U) of the inner lobe region is (1.00 +/- 0.07 (stat.) +/- 0.04 (sys.), -1.72 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.05) Jy at 100 GHz and (0.80 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.06, -1.40 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.08) Jy at 150 GHz, leading to polarization angles and total errors of -30.0 +/- 1.1 degrees and -29.1 +/- 1.7 degrees. These measurements will allow the use of Cen A as a polarized calibration source for future millimeter experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, v2 matches version published in Ap

    Parameter Estimation from Improved Measurements of the CMB from QUaD

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    We evaluate the contribution of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization spectra to cosmological parameter constraints. We produce cosmological parameters using high-quality CMB polarization data from the ground-based QUaD experiment and demonstrate for the majority of parameters that there is significant improvement on the constraints obtained from satellite CMB polarization data. We split a multi-experiment CMB dataset into temperature and polarization subsets and show that the best-fit confidence regions for the LCDM 6-parameter cosmological model are consistent with each other, and that polarization data reduces the confidence regions on all parameters. We provide the best limits on parameters from QUaD EE/BB polarization data and we find best-fit parameters from the multi-experiment CMB dataset using the optimal pivot scale of k_p=0.013 Mpc-1 to be {omch2, ombh2, H_0, A_s, n_s, tau}= {0.113, 0.0224, 70.6, 2.29 times 10^-9, 0.960, 0.086}.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, updated to reflect published version, minor changes to spelling and forma

    Scientific optimization of a ground-based CMB polarization experiment

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    We investigate the science goals achievable with the upcoming generation of ground-based Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiments and calculate the optimal sky coverage for such an experiment including the effects of foregrounds. We find that with current technology an E-mode measurement will be sample-limited, while a B-mode measurement will be detector-noise-limited. We conclude that a 300 sq deg survey is an optimal compromise for a two-year experiment to measure both E and B-modes, and that ground-based polarization experiments can make an important contribution to B-mode surveys. Focusing on one particular experiment, QUaD, a proposed bolometric polarimeter operating from the South Pole, we find that a ground-based experiment can make a high significance measurement of the acoustic peaks in the E-mode spectrum, and will be able to detect the gravitational lensing signal in the B-mode spectrum. Such an experiment could also directly detect the gravitational wave component of the B-mode spectrum if the amplitude of the signal is close to current upper limits. We also investigate how a ground-based experiment can improve constraints on the cosmological parameters. We estimate that by combining two years of QUaD data with the four-year WMAP data, an optimized ground-based polarization experiment can improve constraints on cosmological parameters by a factor of two. If the foreground contamination can be reduced, the measurement of the tensor-to-scalar ratio can be improved by up to a factor of six over that obtainable from WMAP alone.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures replaced with version accepted by MNRA

    Probing the last scattering surface through the recent and future CMB observations

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    We have constrained the extended (delayed and accelerated) models of hydrogen recombination, by investigating associated changes of the position and the width of the last scattering surface. Using the recent CMB and SDSS data, we find that the recent data constraints favor the accelerated recombination model, though the other models (standard, delayed recombination) are not ruled out at 1-σ\sigma confidence level. If the accelerated recombination had actually occurred in our early Universe, baryonic clustering on small-scales is likely to be the cause of it. By comparing the ionization history of baryonic cloud models with that of the best-fit accelerated recombination model, we find that some portion of our early Universe has baryonic underdensity. We have made the forecast on the PLANCK data constraint, which shows that we will be able to rule out the standard or delayed recombination models, if the recombination in our early Universe had proceeded with ϵα0.01\epsilon_\alpha\sim-0.01 or lower, and residual foregrounds and systematic effects are negligible.Comment: v2: matched with the accepted version (conclusions unchanged

    Thermal history of the plasma and high-frequency gravitons

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    Possible deviations from a radiation-dominated evolution, occurring prior the synthesis of light nuclei, impacted on the spectral energy density of high-frequency gravitons. For a systematic scrutiny of this situation, the Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm must be complemented by (at least two) physical parameters describing, respectively, a threshold frequency and a slope. The supplementary frequency scale sets the lower border of a high-frequency domain where the spectral energy grows with a slope which depends, predominantly, upon the total sound speed of the plasma right after inflation. While the infra-red region of the graviton energy spectrum is nearly scale-invariant, the expected signals for typical frequencies larger than 0.01 nHz are hereby analyzed in a model-independent framework by requiring that the total sound speed of the post-inflationary plasma be smaller than the speed of light. Current (e.g. low-frequency) upper limits on the tensor power spectra (determined from the combined analysis of the three large-scale data sets) are shown to be compatible with a detectable signal in the frequency range of wide-band interferometers. In the present context, the scrutiny of the early evolution of the sound speed of the plasma can then be mapped onto a reliable strategy of parameter extraction including not only the well established cosmological observables but also the forthcoming data from wide band interferometers.Comment: 47 pages, 31 included figures, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Improved measurements of the temperature and polarization of the CMB from QUaD

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    We present an improved analysis of the final dataset from the QUaD experiment. Using an improved technique to remove ground contamination, we double the effective sky area and hence increase the precision of our CMB power spectrum measurements by ~30% versus that previously reported. In addition, we have improved our modeling of the instrument beams and have reduced our absolute calibration uncertainty from 5% to 3.5% in temperature. The robustness of our results is confirmed through extensive jackknife tests and by way of the agreement we find between our two fully independent analysis pipelines. For the standard 6-parameter LCDM model, the addition of QUaD data marginally improves the constraints on a number of cosmological parameters over those obtained from the WMAP experiment alone. The impact of QUaD data is significantly greater for a model extended to include either a running in the scalar spectral index, or a possible tensor component, or both. Adding both the QUaD data and the results from the ACBAR experiment, the uncertainty in the spectral index running is reduced by ~25% compared to WMAP alone, while the upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is reduced from r < 0.48 to r < 0.33 (95% c.l). This is the strongest limit on tensors to date from the CMB alone. We also use our polarization measurements to place constraints on parity violating interactions to the surface of last scattering, constraining the energy scale of Lorentz violating interactions to < 1.5 x 10^{-43} GeV (68% c.l.). Finally, we place a robust upper limit on the strength of the lensing B-mode signal. Assuming a single flat band power between l = 200 and l = 2000, we constrain the amplitude of B-modes to be < 0.57 micro-K^2 (95% c.l.).Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, updated to reflect published versio