238 research outputs found

    Branching of negative streamers in free flight

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    We recently have shown that a negative streamer in a sufficiently high homogeneous field can branch spontaneously due to a Laplacian instability, rather than approach a stationary mode of propagation with fixed radius. In our previous simulations, the streamer started from a wide initial ionization seed on the cathode. We here demonstrate in improved simulations that a streamer emerging from a single electron branches in the same way. In fact, though the evolving streamer is much more narrow, it branches after an even shorter propagation distance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Integrating virtual reality and gis tools for geological mapping, data collection and analysis: An example from the metaxa mine, santorini (Greece)

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    In the present work we highlight the effectiveness of integrating different techniques and tools for better surveying, mapping and collecting data in volcanic areas. We use an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) approach for data collection, integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis in a well-known volcanological site in Santorini (Metaxa mine), a site where volcanic processes influenced the island’s industrial development, especially with regard to pumice mining. Specifically, we have focused on: (i) three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution IVR scenario building, based on Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) modeling; (ii) subsequent geological survey, mapping and data collection using IVR; (iii) data analysis, e.g., calculation of extracted volumes, as well as production of new maps in a GIS environment using input data directly from the IVR survey; and finally, (iv) presentation of new outcomes that highlight the importance of the Metaxa Mine as a key geological and volcanological geosite

    Stability of negative ionization fronts: regularization by electric screening?

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    We recently have proposed that a reduced interfacial model for streamer propagation is able to explain spontaneous branching. Such models require regularization. In the present paper we investigate how transversal Fourier modes of a planar ionization front are regularized by the electric screening length. For a fixed value of the electric field ahead of the front we calculate the dispersion relation numerically. These results guide the derivation of analytical asymptotes for arbitrary fields: for small wave-vector k, the growth rate s(k) grows linearly with k, for large k, it saturates at some positive plateau value. We give a physical interpretation of these results.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Streamer Propagation as a Pattern Formation Problem: Planar Fronts

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    Streamers often constitute the first stage of dielectric breakdown in strong electric fields: a nonlinear ionization wave transforms a non-ionized medium into a weakly ionized nonequilibrium plasma. New understanding of this old phenomenon can be gained through modern concepts of (interfacial) pattern formation. As a first step towards an effective interface description, we determine the front width, solve the selection problem for planar fronts and calculate their properties. Our results are in good agreement with many features of recent three-dimensional numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 3 ps file

    A moving boundary problem motivated by electric breakdown: I. Spectrum of linear perturbations

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    An interfacial approximation of the streamer stage in the evolution of sparks and lightning can be written as a Laplacian growth model regularized by a `kinetic undercooling' boundary condition. We study the linear stability of uniformly translating circles that solve the problem in two dimensions. In a space of smooth perturbations of the circular shape, the stability operator is found to have a pure point spectrum. Except for the zero eigenvalue for infinitesimal translations, all eigenvalues are shown to have negative real part. Therefore perturbations decay exponentially in time. We calculate the spectrum through a combination of asymptotic and series evaluation. In the limit of vanishing regularization parameter, all eigenvalues are found to approach zero in a singular fashion, and this asymptotic behavior is worked out in detail. A consideration of the eigenfunctions indicates that a strong intermediate growth may occur for generic initial perturbations. Both the linear and the nonlinear initial value problem are considered in a second paper.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures, revised for Physica

    General relativistic radiation hydrodynamics of accretion flows. I: Bondi-Hoyle accretion

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    We present a new code for performing general-relativistic radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of accretion flows onto black holes. The radiation field is treated in the optically-thick approximation, with the opacity contributed by Thomson scattering and thermal bremsstrahlung. Our analysis is concentrated on a detailed numerical investigation of hot two-dimensional, Bondi-Hoyle accretion flows with various Mach numbers. We find significant differences with respect to purely hydrodynamical evolutions. In particular, once the system relaxes to a radiation-pressure dominated regime, the accretion rates become about two orders of magnitude smaller than in the purely hydrodynamical case, remaining however super-Eddington as are the luminosities. Furthermore, when increasing the Mach number of the inflowing gas, the accretion rates become smaller because of the smaller cross section of the black hole, but the luminosities increase as a result a stronger emission in the shocked regions. Overall, our approach provides the first self-consistent calculation of the Bondi-Hoyle luminosity, most of which is emitted within r~100 M from the black hole, with typical values L/L_Edd ~ 1-7, and corresponding energy efficiencies eta_BH ~ 0.09-0.5. The possibility of computing luminosities self-consistently has also allowed us to compare with the bremsstrahlung luminosity often used in modelling the electromagnetic counterparts to supermassive black-hole binaries, to find that in the optically-thick regime these more crude estimates are about 20 times larger than our radiation-hydrodynamics results.Comment: With updated bibliographyc informatio
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