276 research outputs found

    Design and development of a fast scan infrared detection and measurement instrument

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    Infrared microscope instrument measures and plots the infrared profile of semiconductor chips, transistors and integrated circuits. Infrared analyses yields information on electrical and physical properties, enabling manufacturing improvements in semiconductor performance and reliability. Operational performance and main sections of the instrument are given

    Significant effects in bread-making quality associated with the gene cluster Glu-D3/Gli-D1 from the bread wheat cultivar Prointa GuazĂș

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    Seed storage proteins (gliadins and glutenins) play a key role in the determination of dough and bread-making quality in bread wheat. This is due to the interaction between high and low molecular weight glutenins subunits and gliadins, via complex inter- and intramolecular bondings. In contrast to high molecular weight glutenins, low molecular weight glutenins and gliadins analysis is difficult due to the large number of expressed subunits and coding genes. For these reasons the role of individual proteins/subunits in the determination of wheat quality is less clear. In this work we studied the effect of gene clusters Glu-A3/Gli-A1 and Glu-D3/Gli-D1 in bread-making quality parameters using 20 F4-6 families from the cross Prointa GuazĂș × Prointa Oasis, both cultivars carrying identical high molecular weight glutenins subunits composition and presence of 1BL/1RS wheat-rye translocation, but differing in Glu-A3/Glu-D3 low molecular weight glutenins subunits and Gli-A1/Gli-D1 gliadins patterns. ANCOVA analysis showed a significant contribution of the Glu-D3/Gli-D1 gene cluster provided by Prointa GuazĂș to gluten strength explained by mixograph parameters MDS and PW, and Zeleny Test. Markers tagging Prointa GuazĂș Glu-D3/Gli-D1 alleles are available for strong gluten selection in breeding programs

    Excitons and electron-hole plasma in ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum wells

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    We report the results of pump and probe transmission and magneto- stimulated emission experiments performed in ZnCdSe/ZnSe multiple quantum wells of different well width and composition. The pumping conditions for the excitonic bleaching and the stimulated emission are directly correlated to the exciton stability in different samples. A transition from excitonic to free carrier lasing is observed by finely tuning the injection rate around the exciton ionization threshold.© (1994) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Functionalization of Indium Oxide for Empowered Detection of CO2 over an Extra-Wide Range of Concentrations

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    Carbon capture, storage, and utilization have becomefamiliar termswhen discussing climate change mitigation actions. Such endeavorsdemand the availability of smart and inexpensive devices for CO2 monitoring. To date, CO2 detection relies on opticalproperties and there is a lack of devices based on solid-state gassensors, which can be miniaturized and easily made compatible withInternet of Things platforms. With this purpose, we present an innovativesemiconductor as a functional material for CO2 detection.A nanostructured In2O3 film, functionalizedby Na, proves to enhance the surface reactivity of pristine oxideand promote the chemisorption of even rather an inert molecule asCO(2). An advanced operando equipment basedon surface-sensitive diffuse infrared Fourier transform is used toinvestigate its improved surface reactivity. The role of sodium isto increase the concentration of active sites such as oxygen vacanciesand, in turn, to strengthen CO2 adsorption and reactionat the surface. It results in a change in film conductivity, i.e.,in transduction of a concentration of CO2. The films exhibitexcellent sensitivity and selectivity to CO2 over an extra-widerange of concentrations (250-5000 ppm), which covers most indoorand outdoor applications due to the marginal influence by environmentalhumidity

    Registration of ‘BIOINTA 2004’ Wheat

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    'BIOINTA 2004' (Reg. No. CV-1030, PI 655312) is a hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) developed and released by the Marcos Juårez Experimental Station from the National Wheat Breeding Program of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Argentina. BIOINTA 2004, previously designated R4001, was selected for its excellent grain yield potential, resistance to leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks.) conferred mainly by the Lr47 gene selected by marker assisted selection (MAS), and its good bread-making quality. © Crop Science Society of America

    A New Way to Link Development to Institutions, Policies and Geography

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    The paper aims to examine the role of institutions relative to economic policy and geography in explaining the differential level of development across countries over time. To that end, it attempts to construct a Development Quality Index (DQI) and an Institutional Quality Index (IQI) by using multivariate statistical method of principal components. It shows that (i) higher level of IQI along with economic policy and geography factors lead to a positive improvement in the level of DQI; and (ii) results remain robust for IQI and relatively robust for economic policy and geography even when it is compared across cross-section and panel data estimation for a set of 102 countries over 1980 to 2004. The results strongly indicate that institutions matter in the context of specific economic policy mixes and geography related factors illustrated by disease burden, etc. It demonstrates that relative influence of institutions varies across stages of development

    Über die Konstitution des Olivils aus Olivenharz

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    Ricerche nel comune di Bonorva (SS)

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    Attività di scavo in convenzione tra l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma e il Comune di Bonorva (SS) e in collaborazione scientifica con la Soprintendenza archeologica di Sassari e Nuoro. Secondo ciclo di interventi, su 2 distinte situazioni: a) Pala ‘e Sulzaga, tomba di giganti del Bronzo recente - finale; b) Sa Pala Larga, necropoli a domus de janas del Neolitico tardo - Eneolitico inizial

    Su alcune esperienze di diffusione

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