262 research outputs found

    Social correlation of professional educational services and labor market as a vector of successful social and economic development

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    The article provides the results of a sociological research of university graduates and employers of the Stavropol territory. The systematic study of the key groups of university services consumers' views regarding the regional labour market is substantiated. University graduates perceive their chosen professions through the prism of the delayed in time life prospects and the successful employment which is a current issue for them; only 40% of them directly link their choice to the attractiveness of the profession. Employers in the region note a significant gap between the expected and the actual wages in different types of activities and the complexities of finding employment, which are not directly dependent on the level of the wage.peer-reviewe


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    In the current context of higher education reform, there is a redistribution of academic hours, with reduced number of lectures and practical classes and increased workload for students to prepare themselves. In the training of doctors, the practical component of training remains perhaps the most important. The types of educational activities of students according to the curriculum are lectures, practical classes and students’ independent work. The latter occupies an important place in the course of teaching the discipline. In order to encourage students to gain practical experience with the patient, perform scientific work, etc., students should be encouraged to participate in the work of scientific circles at the departments. During the preparation of the meetings of the circle and its conducting, the teacher becomes more familiar with the most active and purposeful students, who seek not only to deepen their knowledge during extracurricular time, but are involved in the implementation of scientific work, participate in the Olympiad, prepare scientific papers for participation in higher education all-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works. The Student Science Circle is a full-fledged, non-classroom method of student’s training. The participation of students in the work of scientific circles promotes research activities, the formation of creative abilities, the increase of general self-esteem and self-realization of students. An important condition for the formation of quality education is the development of a creative component of a specialist with the support of their cognitive activity and independence, which supports professional growth of a future doctor.У сучасних умовах реформування вищої освіти має місце перерозподіл навчальних годин із зменшенням лекцій і практичних занять та збільшенням навантаження для самостійної підготовки студентів. У підготовці лікарів практична складова підготовки залишається чи не найбільш вагомою. Видами навчальної діяльності студентів згідно з навчальним планом є лекції, практичні заняття і самостійна робота студентів. Вагоме місце у процесі навчання дисципліни займає самостійна робота студентів. Для заохочення студентів у набутті практичного досвіду роботи із хворим, виконанні наукової роботи тощо слід запропонувати участь студентів у роботі наукових гуртків на кафедрах. Під час підготовки засідань гуртка та його проведення викладач більш глибоко знайомиться з активними та цілеспрямованими студентами, які прагнуть не тільки поглиблювати свої знання у позааудиторний час, але й залучаються до виконання наукової роботи, беруть участь у проведенні олімпіад, готують наукові роботи для участі у вузівських та всеукраїнських конкурсах наукових робіт. Студентський науковий гурток є повноцінним позааудиторним методом підготовки студентів. Участь студентів у роботі наукових гуртків сприяє науково-дослідницькій діяльності, формуванню творчих здібностей, підвищенню загальної самооцінки та самореалізації студентів. Важливою умовою формування якісної освіти є розвиток творчої складової фахівця з підтримкою в нього пізнавальної активності та самостійності, що підтримує професійний ріст майбутнього лікаря

    Appealing the diagnosis of occupational disease (clinical and expert case).

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    The article presents a clinical and expert case of appealing the diagnosis of occupational disease. Purpose: to provide an example of substantiated answer to the court action concerning the appeal of the diagnosis of occupational disease. A medical history of a patient who worked as an electric welder suffering from chronic bronchitis is described. Data on regulatory documents, acting in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine are presented. The main controversial issues that arise when linking the disease to working conditions are studied

    Appealing the diagnosis of occupational disease (clinical and expert case).

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    The article presents a clinical and expert case of appealing the diagnosis of occupational disease. Purpose: to provide an example of substantiated answer to the court action concerning the appeal of the diagnosis of occupational disease. A medical history of a patient who worked as an electric welder suffering from chronic bronchitis is described. Data on regulatory documents, acting in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine are presented. The main controversial issues that arise when linking the disease to working conditions are studied

    Activity of genes of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in the Ligamentum flavum of patients with stenosing processes in spinal canal and dural sac

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    New data have been obtained for assessing the expression of genes of metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors (MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) in the Ligamentum flavum in patients with lumbar stenosis of spinal canal and dural sac. The features of the metabolism of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were revealed, the data obtained were compared with those for previously studied candidate genes. The search for relationships with the features of the ECM metabolic characteristics was carried out.The aim. To study the expression of genes of metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in intraoperative biopsies of the Ligamentum flavum of patients with lumbar stenosis of the spinal canal and dural sac.Materials and methods. A group of 33 people (17 women, 16 men) with lumbar stenosis of the spinal canal and dural sac was studied; the average age is 45.73 ± 1.95 years. RNA was isolated from intraoperative biopsies of the Ligamentum flavum, reverse transcription was performed, and PCR using specific primers was performed.Results. In Ligamentum flavum of patients with stenosing processes of the spinal canal and dural sac, an increased activity of MMP-1 and insufficient response of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were found; the expression of MMP-1 increased synchronously with Dio2, and both genes decreased their activity with increasing age of the patient. In patients with Ligamentum flavum ossification, the MMR-8 gene was more actively expressed, and the synthesis of the mRNA of the MMR-9 gene decreased compared to the subgroup without ossification

    Activity of Parathyroid Hormone Receptor Genes in Ligamentum Flavum Biopsies of Patients with Spinal Canal and Dural Sac Stenosis at the Lumbar Level

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    Parathyroid hormone receptors PTH1R and PTH2R are poorly studied in the pathology of the vertebral column and may be involved in both ectopic ossification of the vertebral ligaments and fibrous growth of the extracellular matrix, as well as in other unknown processes occurring in the pathological focus. Aim. To study the expression of genes encoding parathyroid hormone receptors in intraoperative Ligamentum flavum samples of patients with stenosis of the spinal canal and the lumbar dural sac of the spine and to assess the correlation with the expression of other genes active in connective tissue in conditions of developing pathology.Materials and methods. Studies of the Ligamentum flavum were performed in 33 patients (17 women, 16 men) with stenotic processes of the spinal canal and dural sac of the lumbar spine. RNA was isolated from the biopsies using Qiagen reagents (Germany). Then reverse transcription was performed. cDNA was used for setting up a polymerase chain reaction (Promega Reagents, USA) using a CFX96 thermal cycler (Biorad, USA) with specially selected specific primers.Results. The expression of genes encoding parathyroid hormone receptors PTH1R and PTH2R was detected and evaluated for the first time in intraoperative Ligamentum flavum samples of patients with spinal canal and dural sac stenosis, and their relationship with the activity of genes encoding estradiol receptors (ESR1 and ESR2) and FGFR3 was revealed. For the first time, common features of PTH1R and PTH2R gene expression, as well as their differences, were revealed. It is proved that the intensity of expression of parathyroid hormone receptors in intraoperative Ligamentum flavum biopsies does not depend on age, gender, or the presence of bone and cartilage nodes according to MRI results. The interdependence of differential changes in the expression of genes of the receptor apparatus involved in the metabolism of Ligamentum flavum tissues was  revealed

    Enzyme systems activity and connective tissue metabolism as pathogenetic factors of spinal stenosis (literature review)

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    A characteristic feature of stenosis process of the spinal canal is the destruction of elastin and fibrosis of the extracellular matrix, as well as hypertrophy and ossification of the ligamentum flavum. Proven participation in these processes of genes CTGF, PDGF-BB, TGF-ß, Il-6, TNF-α, MMPs, TIMPs, etc. Potent inducer of extracellular deposition of collagen in hypertrophies ligamentum flavum is TGF-ß; GDF-5 has osteogenic effect, increases the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the expression of osteocalcin, induces mineralization; FGFR3 gene expression contributes to the closure of synchondroses and merging of centers of ossification, contributing to excess synthesis of bone tissue, etc. Local or a systemic effect on the expression of these genes may be effective to prevent progression of the disease. Predisposition to stenosis and responsiveness to therapy is genetically determined and is expressed in individual differences in metabolic status. A very important role in the pathobiochemistry of connective tissue are the processes of acetylation by regulating the expression of essential genes that affects all intracellular processes and especially in the fibrogenesis. An imbalance of acetylation may lead to excessive synthesis of collagen, accelerating the growth of connective tissue, disruption of lipid homeostasis. Therefore, it is relevant as the definition of NAT2 polymorphism and phenotypic identification of the rate of acetylation in the population, as well as finding relationships with various pathological processes. Meaningful impact on the processes of acetylation may contribute to the sanogenesis. The information presented in the review is important for the formation of a new perspective on the pathogenesis of stenosis process in the spinal canal and can contribute to the development of new approaches to treatment

    Molecular Genetic Studies of Intraoperative Ligamentum Flavum Bioptates of Patients with Spinal Canal Stenosis

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    Background. Ligamentum flavum is involved in the development of stenosis of the spinal canal and dural sac, but the mechanisms underlying degenerative-dystrophic changes have not yet been sufficiently studied. Aim. To study the expression of candidate genes potentially involved in connective tissue metabolism in intraoperative samples of Ligamentum flavum of patients with stenosis processes of spinal canal and duralsac on the lumbar spine.Materials and methods. During the surgical treatment, Ligamentum flavum biopsies were collected from 33 people with stenosis processes of spinal canal and dural sac on the lumbar spine (16 men, 17 women). RNA was isolated, then reverse transcription was performed. After that, real time PCR was performed (CFX96, Biorad) with the specific primers (RealTimePrimers.com).Results. The characteristics of the expression of candidate genes that are active in the Ligamentum flavum of  the examined patient population are given: NAT1 and NAT2 acetyltransferase genes; genes that determine the intensity of local metabolism (Dio1, Dio2 and Dio3); estradiol receptor genes ESR1 and ESR2; genes encoding receptors for growth factors and parathyroid hormone. All Ligamentum flavum samples showed activity of the NAT, ESR 2, FGFR1, FGFR3, NA20, PTH1R, and PTH2R genes. In the vast majority of samples (93.9–97.0 %), the following genes were active: PDGFA, ESR1, CALCR, and PDGFB. In 21.2–39.4 % of samples, “silence” of the Dio1, Dio2, Dio3, NAT2 and GDF5 genes was detected, and only 39.4 % of samples revealed NAT1 transcripts. The highest heterogeneity of transcript content was observed for Dio1, NAT2, and Dio2. The most stable expression in Ligamentum flavum tissue and a narrow range of fluctuations were characterized by genes with a high level of activity AANAT, ESR2, NAA20 and genes with an average level of activity FGFR1, FGFR3, PTH1R and PTH2R.Conclusions. Ligamentum flavum is a promising little-studied substrate for molecular genetic research. The revealed features of gene expression provide new information about pathogenesis, and the new fundamental knowledge obtained can provide a basis for developing methods for preventing the development of epidural fibrosis

    Hormonal type in the conditions of experimental multiple skeletal trauma

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    In experiment reproduced model of multiple skeletal trauma (fracture of bones of right forearm and lift shin) with stabilization of fragments with external fixation devices in 35 Chinchilla rabbits. All manipulations were realized, at general anesthesia. Standard treatment included anesthesia, antibiotic prophyliaxis and. infusion therapy by common method. Decrease of metabolism activity was registered in the first group of laboratory animals at the standard treatment. That's why besided strandard treatment dexamethasone and adrenaline in average recommended doses was prescripted in the second group of rabbits in postoperative period for correction of posttraumatic hypobiosis. Laboratory control in several hours after the injection confirmed stable increase of level of corticosteroids in blood but it wasn't possible to register increase of concentration of adrenaline. Correlation analysis was realize to study the connection between the contentration of endogenous hormones in blood and. metabolism activity in rabbits in conditions of multiple skeletal trauma. At the consideration data as one array we determined high-significant (р < 0,001) direct moderate correlation between the values of rectal temperature and. the concentration of free thyroxine in blood (rs = 0,414), this connection was strong on the 3rd day after trauma (rs = 0,833; р < 0,001). Also indirect moderate correlation between values of rectal temperature and. the concentration of cortisol in blood of laboratory animals was registered (rs = 0,49; р < 0,001). The results of study of influence of adrenaline and. noradrenaline on the indices of metabolism activity weren't statistically significant. Obtained data allowed to make a conclusion about importance of endocrine activity of thyroid gland in the formation of adaptation strategy

    Energy metabolism at experimental polytrauma: changes at the prescription of adrenaline and dexamethasone

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    The aim of the research was to study influence of dexamethasone and adrenaline on the concentration of energy metabolism substrates in blood of Chinchilla rabbits under the conditions of multiple skeletal trauma. We performed stabilization of the bones of right forearm and left shin in 35 animals by wire external fixation device with further osteotomy of bones of corresponding segments. We observed the decrease of activity of metabolism in rabbits on the background of standard treatment. Maintenance of normal activity of metabolism by prescription of adrenaline and dexamethasone caused more intensive use of energy resources of an organism. Imitation of hyperergic reaction of stress-realizing systems in rabbits caused the increase of concentration of glucose in blood and the decrease of concentration of triglycerides. High consumption of energy substrates was provided by more expressed catabolic reaction. The result of hypercatabolism was development of hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia and increase of the risk of fluid shift from bloodstream into the tissues with formation of organ insufficiency