13,125 research outputs found

    Polarization dependence of the third-harmonic generation in multiband superconductors

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    In a superconductor the third-harmonic generation (THG) of a strong THz pulse is enhanced below Tc by the resonant excitation of lattice-modulated charge fluctuations (LCF), which modulate the response according to the polarization of the field. Here we compute the THG within a multiband model for the prototype NbN superconductor. We show that the non-resonant contribution coming from the instantaneous electronic response and the finite width of the pulse significantly suppress the polarization dependence of the signal, challenging its observation in real systems.Comment: Final version, as publishe

    A spectroscopically confirmed z=1.327 galaxy-scale deflector magnifying a z~8 Lyman-Break galaxy in the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies survey

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    We present a detailed analysis of an individual case of gravitational lensing of a z∌8z\sim8 Lyman-Break galaxy (LBG) in a blank field, identified in Hubble Space Telescope imaging obtained as part of the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies survey. To investigate the close proximity of the bright (mAB=25.8m_{AB}=25.8) Y098Y_{098}-dropout to a small group of foreground galaxies, we obtained deep spectroscopy of the dropout and two foreground galaxies using VLT/X-Shooter. We detect H-α\alpha, H-ÎČ\beta, [OIII] and [OII] emission in the brightest two foreground galaxies (unresolved at the natural seeing of 0.80.8 arcsec), placing the pair at z=1.327z=1.327. We can rule out emission lines contributing all of the observed broadband flux in H160H_{160} band at 70σ70\sigma, allowing us to exclude the z∌8z\sim8 candidate as a low redshift interloper with broadband photometry dominated by strong emission lines. The foreground galaxy pair lies at the peak of the luminosity, redshift and separation distributions for deflectors of strongly lensed z∌8z\sim8 objects, and we make a marginal detection of a demagnified secondary image in the deepest (J125J_{125}) filter. We show that the configuration can be accurately modelled by a singular isothermal ellipsoidal deflector and a S\'{e}rsic source magnified by a factor of ÎŒ=4.3±0.2\mu=4.3\pm0.2. The reconstructed source in the best-fitting model is consistent with luminosities and morphologies of z∌8z\sim8 LBGs in the literature. The lens model yields a group mass of 9.62±0.31×1011M⊙9.62\pm0.31\times10^{11} M_{\odot} and a stellar mass-to-light ratio for the brightest deflector galaxy of M⋆/LB=2.3−0.6+0.8M⊙/L⊙M_{\star}/L_{B}=2.3^{+0.8}_{-0.6} M_{\odot}/L_{\odot} within its effective radius. The foreground galaxies' redshifts would make this one of the few strong lensing deflectors discovered at z>1z>1.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot between two superconductor leads

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    We consider a quantum dot coupled to two BCS superconductors with same gap energies Δ\Delta. The transport properties are investigated by means of infinite-UU noncrossing approximation. In equilibrium density of states, Kondo effect shows up as two sharp peaks around the gap bounds. Application of a finite voltage bias leads these peaks to split, leaving suppressed peaks near the edges of energy gap of each lead. The clearest signatures of the Kondo effect in transport are three peaks in the nonlinear differential conductance: one around zero bias, another two at biases ±2Δ\pm 2\Delta. This result is consistent with recent experiment. We also predict that with decreasing temperature, the differential conductances at biases ±2Δ\pm 2\Delta anomalously increase, while the linear conductance descends.Comment: replaced with revised versio

    Double-Spin Transverse Asymmetries in Drell-Yan Processes

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    We calculate the double-spin transverse asymmetries for the Drell-Yan lepton pair production in p-p and p-anti p collisions. We assume the transverse and the longitudinal polarization densities to be equal at a very small scale, as it is suggested by confinement model results. Using a global fit for the longitudinal distributions, we find transverse asymmetries of order of 10^-2 at most, in the accessible kinematic regions.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX, 6 figures included as file figures.tar.g

    The Impact of Strong Gravitational Lensing on Observed Lyman-Break Galaxy Numbers at 4<z<8 in the GOODS and the XDF Blank Fields

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    Detection of Lyman-Break Galaxies (LBGs) at high-redshift can be affected by gravitational lensing induced by foreground deflectors not only in galaxy clusters, but also in blank fields. We quantify the impact of strong magnification in the samples of BB, VV, ii, zz &\& YY LBGs (4â‰Čzâ‰Č84\lesssim z \lesssim8) observed in the XDF and GOODS/CANDELS fields, by investigating the proximity of dropouts to foreground objects. We find that ∌6%\sim6\% of bright LBGs (mH1602m_{H_{160}}2) by foreground objects. This fraction decreases from ∌3.5%\sim 3.5\% at z∌6z\sim6 to ∌1.5%\sim1.5\% at z∌4z\sim4. Since the observed fraction of strongly lensed galaxies is a function of the shape of the luminosity function (LF), it can be used to derive Schechter parameters, α\alpha and M⋆M_{\star}, independently from galaxy number counts. Our magnification bias analysis yields Schechter-function parameters in close agreement with those determined from galaxy counts albeit with larger uncertainties. Extrapolation of our analysis to z≳8z\gtrsim 8 suggests that future surveys with JSWT, WFIRST and EUCLID should find excess LBGs at the bright-end, even if there is an intrinsic exponential cutoff of number counts. Finally, we highlight how the magnification bias measurement near the detection limit can be used as probe of the population of galaxies too faint to be detected. Preliminary results using this novel idea suggest that the magnification bias at MUV∌−18M_{UV}\sim -18 is not as strong as expected if αâ‰Č−1.7\alpha\lesssim -1.7 extends well below the current detection limits in the XDF. At face value this implies a flattening of the LF at MUV≳−16.5M_{UV}\gtrsim-16.5. However, selection effects and completeness estimates are difficult to quantify precisely. Thus, we do not rule out a steep LF extending to MUV≳−15M_{UV}\gtrsim -15.Comment: Submitted to ApJ on 18/12/201

    Nonlinear resonant behavior of the dispersive readout scheme for a superconducting flux qubit

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    A nonlinear resonant circuit comprising a SQUID magnetometer and a parallel capacitor is studied as a readout scheme for a persistent-current (PC) qubit. The flux state of the qubit is detected as a change in the Josephson inductance of the SQUID magnetometer, which in turn mediates a shift in the resonance frequency of the readout circuit. The nonlinearity and resulting hysteresis in the resonant behavior are characterized as a function of the power of both the input drive and the associated resonance peak response. Numerical simulations based on a phenomenological circuit model are presented which display the features of the observed nonlinearity.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Control of Multi-level Voltage States in a Hysteretic SQUID Ring-Resonator System

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    In this paper we study numerical solutions to the quasi-classical equations of motion for a SQUID ring-radio frequency (rf) resonator system in the regime where the ring is highly hysteretic. In line with experiment, we show that for a suitable choice of of ring circuit parameters the solutions to these equations of motion comprise sets of levels in the rf voltage-current dynamics of the coupled system. We further demonstrate that transitions, both up and down, between these levels can be controlled by voltage pulses applied to the system, thus opening up the possibility of high order (e.g. 10 state), multi-level logic and memory.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Adapting to the digital age: a narrative approach

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    The article adopts a narrative inquiry approach to foreground informal learning and exposes a collection of stories from tutors about how they adapted comfortably to the digital age. We were concerned that despite substantial evidence that bringing about changes in pedagogic practices can be difficult, there is a gap in convincing approaches to help in this respect. In this context, this project takes a “bottom-up” approach and synthesises several life-stories into a single persuasive narrative to support the process of adapting to digital change. The project foregrounds the small, every-day motivating moments, cultural features and environmental factors in people's diverse lives which may have contributed to their positive dispositions towards change in relation to technology enhanced learning. We expect that such narrative approaches could serve to support colleagues in other institutions to warm up to ever-changing technological advances

    Are violations to temporal Bell inequalities there when somebody looks?

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    The possibility of observing violations of temporal Bell inequalities, originally proposed by Leggett as a mean of testing the quantum mechanical delocalization of suitably chosen macroscopic bodies, is discussed by taking into account the effect of the measurement process. A general criterion quantifying this possibility is defined and shown not to be fulfilled by the various experimental configurations proposed so far to test inequalities of different forms.Comment: 7 pages, 1 eps figure, needs europhys.sty and euromacr.tex, enclosed in the .tar.gz file; accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Anomalous transport in biased ac-driven Josephson junctions: Negative conductances

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    We investigate classical anomalous electrical transport in a driven, resistively and capacitively shunted Josephson junction device. Novel transport phenomena are identified in chaotic regimes when the junction is subjected to both, a time periodic (ac) and a constant, biasing (dc) current. The dependence of the voltage across the junction on the dc-current exhibits a rich diversity of anomalous transport characteristics: In particular, depending on the chosen parameter regime we can identify so termed absolute negative conductance around zero dc-bias, the occurrence of negative differential conductance and, after crossing a zero conductance, the emergence of a negative nonlinear conductance in the non-equilibrium response regime remote from zero dc-bias.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
