40 research outputs found

    Etnobotani Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun pada Suku Baduy Luar Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to identify the types, habitus, parts/organs and processing methods of plants used as natural materials for woven cloth from the Outer Baduy  Banten tribe. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the colors produced from plants used as natural materials for the woven cloth of the Baduy Luar tribe. The research approach uses quantitative with exploratory survey methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The samples chosen were deliberately determined based on certain criteria, namely someone who understands the dyeing of woven fabric in the Baduy community and someone who understands weaving techniques in the Outer Baduy tribe. The number of samples from the Outer Baduy tribe was 5 people. The results of the research show that the natural dye plants found in the Outer Baduy tribe are 9 types of plants, consisting of 8 families, 3 habituses (trees, bushes and shrubs), 5 plant organs that are used (bark, leaves, rhizomes, stems and roots), The majority of processing methods involve boiling the parts of the organs used and then soaking them, the resulting colors are yellow, blue, brown, red and black

    Etnobotani Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun pada Suku Baduy Luar Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to identify the types, habitus, parts/organs and processing methods of plants used as natural materials for woven cloth from the Outer Baduy  Banten tribe. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the colors produced from plants used as natural materials for the woven cloth of the Baduy Luar tribe. The research approach uses quantitative with exploratory survey methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The samples chosen were deliberately determined based on certain criteria, namely someone who understands the dyeing of woven fabric in the Baduy community and someone who understands weaving techniques in the Outer Baduy tribe. The number of samples from the Outer Baduy tribe was 5 people. The results of the research show that the natural dye plants found in the Outer Baduy tribe are 9 types of plants, consisting of 8 families, 3 habituses (trees, bushes and shrubs), 5 plant organs that are used (bark, leaves, rhizomes, stems and roots), The majority of processing methods involve boiling the parts of the organs used and then soaking them, the resulting colors are yellow, blue, brown, red and black

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Belajar melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHT terhadap Hasil Belajar

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    This study was aimed to find out the difference of learning activity, the difference of learning result, and the effect of students learning activity through NHT learning model towards learning result of SMA Kartikatama Metro. This research used quasi experiment method which compared the learning result with the treatment to the object. The subjects were the second grade students of social class 2 and social class 3 which consisted of 52 students. Data collecting technique of this research were test and data analysis which used t-test and linear regression analysis. The results showed that there were the differences of students learning activity, there were the significant differences of learning result between class which was implemented the NHT model and class which was implemented conventional method, where the experiment class had higher mean of learning result than the control class. The result also showed that there was an effect of using cooperative learning model of NHT towards learning result.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan aktivitas belajar dan perbedaan hasil belajar serta pengaruh aktivitas belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT terhadap hasil belajar di SMA kartikatama Metro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu yang membandingkan hasil belajar dengan pemberian perlakuan pada suatu objek. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPS 2 dan XI IPS 3 sebanyak 52 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, analisis data yaitu uji t-tes dan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan aktivitas belajar siswa dan ada perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan pada kelas yang diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dengan kelas yang diberi perlakuan metode konvensional, dimana kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi rata-rata hasil belajarnya dari kelas kontrol, serta adanya pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT terhadap hasil belajar siswa

    Penggunaan Media Vcd Animasi dan Gambar Cetak dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas

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    This study aims to apply appropriate use of instructional media by using animation VCD media and print images and to improve the activity and student learning outcomes in geography subjects using animation VCD media and print images. The method in this study is action research that lasted for three cycles. Using test data collection and observation. Data were analyzed by looking at the classical mastery learning students ie 80% of students received a score of ≥ 70. Results showed that the use of animation VCD media and print pictures can enhance the activity and learning outcomes geography class X High School Semester Bina Mulya Dublin school year 2013-2014.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan penggunaan media pembelajaran yang tepat yaitu dengan menggunakan media VCD animasi dan gambar cetak dan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran geografi menggunakan media VCD animasi dan gambar cetak. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang berlangsung selama tiga siklus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan observasi. Data dianalisis dengan melihat ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal yaitu 80% siswa mendapat skor ≥ 70. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media VCD animasi dan gambar cetak dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X Semester Ganjil SMA Bina Mulya Bandar Lampung Tahun Pelajaran 2013-2014

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Nht dengan Menggunakan Media Peta

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    This study aimed to determine: (1) differences between the pretest experimental class and control class, (2) differences between the posttest experimental class and control class, (3) The effectiveness of NHT models using media map, (4) difference in learning achievement gain experimental class and control class. This study uses a quasi-experimental methods. Populations used were all students of class XI IPS SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. The selection of sample using purposive sampling technique, selected class XI IPS 1 as the experimental class and class XI IPS 2 as the control class.The results in this study: (1) There is no difference in pretest value between the experimental class and control class, (2) Value posttest in the experimental class is higher than the control class, (3) NHT Model using maps media is more effective than the lecture method; (4) Gain learning achievement in experimental class higher than the control class.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Perbedaan nilai pretes kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, (2) Perbedaan nilai postes kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, (3) Efektivitas model pembelajaran NHT menggunakan media peta, (4) Perbedaan gain prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu. Populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling, dipilih kelas XI IPS 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IPS 2 sebagai kelas kontrol.Hasil dalam penelitian ini: (1) Tidak ada perbedaan nilai pretes antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol; (2) Nilai postes pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol; (3) Model pembelajaran NHT menggunakan media peta lebih efektif dibandingkan metode ceramah; (4) Gain prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol

    Analysis on the Implementation of Iron Supplementation Program by Midwives at Primary Healthcare Center in South Minahasa District

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    Implementation of iron tablets supplementation program in the primary healthcare centers of SouthMinahasa district was still below the national target (78.8%) although there was a policy regardingiron supplementation program by midwives. The national target was 90%. Preliminary surveyconducted on 7 midwives showed that there were midwives who had not implemented the programaccording to the existed standard operating procedure. The objective of this study was to analyzefactors affecting the implementation of iron tablets supplementation program by midwives in theprimary healthcare centers in the area of South Minahasa district.This was an observational analytical study with cross sectional approach. Data collection wasdone through interview guided by questionnaire and direct observation to midwives when givingiron tablets in a polindes/posyandu. The number of study samples was 98 village midwives in 17 sub districts of South Minahasa district. They were selected using simple random sampling method.Univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square test, and multivariate analysis with logisticregression were applied in the data analysis.Results of the study showed that midwives had implemented the activities with good category incommunication (46.9%), resources (52%), disposition (57.1%), and structured bureaucracy (53.1%).Variable affecting the implementation of iron tablets supplementation program was bureaucracy(p= 0.24), exp â= 2.584.Suggestions for the South Minahasa district health office were to conduct socialization to midwivesregarding the benefits of using standard operating procedures of the implementation of iron tablessupplementation; to give incentive for midwives who implement the program according to thestandard and reaching the target; to provide Hb Sahli set for all midwives who work in the villageand they do not have the Hb Sahli se

    Deskripsi Pemekaran Wilayah Kecamatan Air Hitam

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    This research aims examine about division of Air Hitam subdistrict in West Lampung regency. This research used descriptive method, object this research division of Air Hitam subdistrict. Informer this research 6 officers and 10 head village in Air Hitam subdistrict. Collection data by observation, stuctured interview and documentation. Analysis data based table and percentage. Results showed (1) Air Hitam subdistrict area qualified division subdistricts with a total area 185.48 km² and be 76.23 km ², (2) population Air Hitam subdistrict qualified division subdistrict with before population 47.356 be 11.016,( 3 ) range control and accessibility Air Hitam subdistrict with long distance before 82,5 km be 39.4 km, ( 4 ) state of community economic Air Hitam subdistrict most farmers coffee with agricultural land before 9.838 Ha be 490 Ha, ( 5 ) overall facilities at Air Hitam subdistrict was good enough.Penelitian ini mengkaji pemekaran Kecamatan Air Hitam Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, Objek penelitian ini pemekaran wilayah Kecamatan Air Hitam. Informan 6 aparatur Kecamatan Air Hitam dan 10 kepala desa di Kecamatan Air Hitam. Pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data berdasarkan tabel dan persentase. Hasil penelitian (1) luas wilayah Kecamatan Air Hitam memenuhi syarat pemekaran kecamatan dengan luas wilayah awal 185,48 Km² menjadi 76,23 Km² (2) jumlah penduduk Kecamatan Air Hitam memenuhi syarat pembentukan kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk awal 47.356 jiwa menjadi 11.016 jiwa (3) rentang kendali dan aksesbilitas Kecamatan Air Hitam dari jarak kecamatan lama 82,5 Km menjadi 39,4 Km. (4) keadaan ekonomi Kecamatan Air Hitam sebagian besar petani kopi dengan luas lahan pertanian sebelum pemekaran 9.838 Ha menjadi 490 Ha (5) secara keseluruhan sarana Kecamatan Air Hitam cukup baik

    Kualitas Air Sumur Dikelurahan Telukbetung Kecamatan Telukbetung Selatan Kota Bandar Lampung

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    This study was aimed to determine the well water quality standards at Telukbetung. Research methods used experimental method. The population of this study was all wels located in the District Telukbetung and the samples which required were the three wells. There were three indicators which were used in the study, they were indicators of chemical, physical indicators and indicators of microbiological.Testing results performed on laboratory samples of chemistry and microbiologi in 2013.The results of the three sample wells (1) first samples temperature is 26.4 °C, no smell, no feel, TDS 102mg/l, clear, colorless, pH 7.0mg/l, BOD 1.1mg/l, ammonia 0.05mg/l, fecal coli 26MPM/100ml and coliform 320MPM/100ml.(2) a second samples temperature is 26.5 °C, no smell, no feel, TDS 117mg/l, is not clear, colorless, pH 7.1mg/l, BOD 1.0mg/l, ammonia 0.03mg/l, fecal coli and coliform 12MPM/100ml 189MPM/100ml.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui standar kualitas air sumur warga Kelurahan Telukbetung. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan sumur yang berlokasi di Kelurahan Telukbetung dan sampel yang dipilih yaitu tiga sumur.Indikator yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah indikator kimiawi, indikator fisik dan indikator mikrobiologi.Pengujian hasil sampel dilakukan di laboratorium kimia Universitas Lampung dan mikrobiologi tahun 2013.Hasil penelitian terhadap ketiga sampel sumur (1) Sampel pertama suhu 26.4°C, tidak berbau, tidak berasa, TDS 102mg/l, jernih, tidak berwarna, pH 7.0mg/l, BOD 1.1mg/l, amonia 0.05mg/l, fecal coli 26MPM/100ml dan coliform 320MPM/100ml. (2) Sampel kedua suhu 26.5°C, tidak berbau, tidak berasa, TDS 117mg/l, tidak jernih, tidak berwarna, pH 7.1mg/l, BOD 1.0mg/l, amonia 0.03mg/l, fecal coli 12MPM/100ml dan coliform 189MPM/100ml

    Hubungan Persepsi Siswa Tentang Kompetensi Profesional Guru dan Motivasi Belajar

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    This study aims to examine the relationship of students 'perceptions of teachers' professional competence and motivation to learn the geography of learning outcomes in SMA 1 Sukau Academic Year 2013/2014. The method used is a correlation study. The results of the research are: There was a significant positive relationship between, (1) students' perceptions about the professional competence of teachers to student outcomes. (2) learning motivation with students 'learning outcomes. (3) Students 'perceptions about the professional competence of teachers with students' motivation. (4) Students 'perceptions of teachers' professional competence and motivation of the student learning outcomes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru dan motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar geografi di SMA Negeri 1 Sukau Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasi. Hasil penelitian: Ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara, (1) Persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru dengan hasil siswa. (2) Motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa. (3) Persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru dengan motivasi belajar siswa. (4) Persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa

    Analisis Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Petani Karet Menjadi Petani Singkong di Desa Sriwijaya

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    This study aims to determined the cause of changed in the livelihood of rubber farmers to cassava farmers in Sriwijaya Blambangan Umpu Way Kanan district. The method was used descriptive method. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling technique with population of 102 head father and samples taken by 25% or 25 farmers. Technique of collecting researched data were observation technique, interviews, and documentations. The collected data was then analyzed in percentage by table. The result of the researched shows that : (1) with the same land area that cassava farmers had the highest then rubber farmers. (2) Production obtained by cassava farmers had highest than production by rubber farmers. (3) Price of cassava more high then rubber (4) The amount basic income of cassava farmers highest then basic income of rubber farmers.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab Perubahan mata pencaharian petani karet menjadi petani singkong di Desa Sriwijaya Kecamatan Blambangan Umpu Kabupaten Way Kanan.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Stratified Random Sampling dengan populasi sebanyak 102 kepala keluarga dan diambil sampel sebesar 25% atau 25 petani. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian yaitu teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dalam bentuk tabel persentase.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Dengan luas lahan yang sama petani singkong memiliki jumlah produksi lebih tinggi dibanding petani karet. (2) Produksi yang diperoleh petani singkong lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan petani karet. (3) Harga jual singkong lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan harga jual karet. (4) Besarnya rata-rata pendapatan petani singkong lebih tinggi dibanding dengan rata-rata pendapatan petani karet