28 research outputs found

    Modélisation du ruissellement en relation avec l'évolution saisonnière de la végétation (mil, arachide, jachère) au centre Sénégal

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    Sous climat soudanien caractérisé par une unique saison des pluies, les sols sont dénudés en fin de saison sèche suite au pâturage et aux travaux préparatoires au semis. Le ruissellement intense en début d'hivernage diminue progressivement avec la mise en place des couverts végétaux.L'influence du développement de la végétation sur le ruissellement est étudié au moyen des données pluie-débit de 4 parcelles (50 m2) couvertes en mil, arachide, jachère ou maintenue dénudée du centre Sénégal au cours d'une saison des pluies (1994). Un modèle analogique de ruissellement ‡ stockage de surface (BADER, 1994), dans lequel l'infiltration est une fonction croissante de la lame d'eau en surface du sol est ajusté sur les données. Le modèle présente 3 paramètres: un paramètre de transfert n, un paramètre de ruissellement Hl et un paramètre d'infiltration S. Une analyse de sensibilité menée sur les données de la parcelle de sol nu montre que le paramètre n est le plus sensible des trois.Le calage numérique des paramètres sur chaque crue au cours de l'hivernage permet d'étudier leur évolution temporelle. Cette évolution est cohérente avec l'occupation de chaque parcelle. Les paramètres n et S de la parcelle de sol nu sont invariants sur la saison tandis que ceux des parcelles en végétation s'écartent progressivement des valeurs obtenues sur sol nu. Pour les parcelles en végétation, les valeurs de S divergent de celles du sol nu lorsque l'indice radiométrique de végétation (N.D.V.I.) servant à l'estimation du couvert dépasse 0.30 - 0.35 environ. L'évolution des paramètres n et S des parcelles en végétation peut être reliée au temps écoulé depuis le semis (mil, arachide) ou le sarclage initial (jachère) et à l'état d'humectation du sol (pour S). On montre également que le paramètre Hl peut être estimé linéairement à partir d'un indice de rugosité de surface descriptif de la microtopographie.The Sudanese climate is characterized by a rainy season and a dry season (mean annual rainfall between 400 and 900 mm). At the end of the dryseason (June in the northern hemisphere), the landscape is completely bare under the effect of animal grazing or soil tillage. During the first rainfalls this leads to high runoff coefficients. These runoff coefficients decrease gradually as the amount of vegetation increases during the growing season (RODIER (1984-1985); ALBERGEL (1988)).This is particularly true in the Groundnut basin of central Senegal where millet and groundnut are cultivated every other year. As the vegetative cover increases, a system of macropores develops in the soil and preferentially induces water infiltration through mesofauna burrows and along root systems. Hence, many authors have distinguished matrix infiltration governed by the generalized Darcy's law, from preferential infiltration through macropores characterized by a strongly heterogeneous spatial distribution (GERMAN, 1990). These macropores are thought to be responsible for the proportional increase in infiltration with increase in rainfall intensity observed on several experimental plots (BOUCHARDEAU and RODIER, 1960; VALENTIN, 1985; COLLINET,1985; ALBERGEL, 1988). A more complete surface ponding or a differential distribution of the macroporosity in relation with the microtopography can contribute to this phenomenon.A conceptual runoff model accounting for surface storage, which views infiltration as a function of water depth on the ground surface, is proposed to describe the aforementioned phenomenon under three characteristic vegetative canopies of central Senegal (millet, groundnut and fallow). The model (BADER, 1994) is a distributed, three parameter model that accounts for transfer between spatial elements (parameter n), runoff (parameter Hl) and infiltration (parameter S). The model solves the equation of continuity according to an explicit scheme (forward time). The discharge exiting a spatial element is defined by a power function based on the water depth on the element. The value of the transfer parameter n (dimensionless) depends on the roughness and slope of the soil surface. Parameter Hl (meters) is equivalent to the water depth from which runoff occurs and is found in the discharge expression. Infiltration is defined as the product of the squareroot of the depth of ponded water of a plot and a S parameter (dimensionless) representing surface porosity.The experimental work took place on 4 rectangular 50m2 plots (10 m by 5 m) that were initially bare and weedy. At the beginning of the rainy season, two plots were cultivated in millet and groundnut, one left fallow and the fourth stripped by a powerful herbicide. The runoff was measured by a capacitive gauging system with each tank being equipped with a pressure transducer connected to a datalogger. A tipping bucket raingauge was also connected to the datalogger and rainfall and runoff were recorded simultaneously. The measurements were made to a precision of 4 mm in the tanks (0.16 mm uncertainty for surface runoff depth). With a total seasonal rainfall of 711 mm in 1994, the cumulative surface runoff varied between 40mm for the fallow plot to 150 mm for the bare soil plot. The cultivated groundnut and millet plots had cumulative runoff depths of 55 and 60 mm, respectively. The fallow plot would have had less runoff if it had been more than one-year old. The microtopography of each plot was evaluated using a profile meter. The surface roughness was estimated by the standard-error of measured relative elevations (GUILLOBEZ and ZOUGMORE, 1994). Measurements were taken after each significant rainfall and following tillage operations. The index of roughness varied following vigorous weeding of the groundnut plot to 5 mm for the fallow plot whose microtopography remained constant throughout the season. The development of the vegetative cover was indirectly followed by the calculation of a vegetation index (NDVI) derived from red and near infrared reflectances measured with a field radiometer. Although this index tends to saturate with full ground cover, it nevertheless remains a good indicator at the start of vegetative growth.The proposed model was used to reproduce measured runoff during several storm events. Calculations were undertaken with a 10-s time step on a 1m-long spatial element with a uniform set of parameters for each plot. A sensitivity analysis was performed for all runoff events on the bare plot. Hydrograph characteristics (runoff volume, peak discharge and time-to-peak) were particularly sensitive to variations in the transfer parameter (n) and to a lesser extent to changes in the infiltration (S) and runoff (Hl) parameters. For the 42 measured runoff hydrographs for all fourplots, the results were excellent: 70% of the simulated hydrographs had a Nash's coefficient greater than or equal to 0.90.For each plot, the seasonal chronicle of each parameter is coherent with the plot cover. The parameters for the bare plot were invariant throughout the rainy season. However, for the other plots, they varied with the vegetative cover. At the beginning of the growing season, they were similar to those obtained on bare soil and, as the vegetative cover increased, they varied until the NDVI exceeded 0.35 (approximately 20 days after seeding). The evolution of the n and S parameters for the cultivated plots was linearly extrapolated from past events (seeding for the cultivated plots and chemical weeding for the fallow plot) and for S to an antecedent precipitation index. Farming practices that modified surface roughness needed to be accounted for as well. For the transfer parameter (n) of the groundnut plot, an increase of approximately 0.4 was observed when a rainfall event followed weeding. No significant increase was seen for the millet plot. A linear relationship between the index of roughness and the roughness parameter (Hl) was also derived

    Multi-criteria assessment of the Representative Elementary Watershed approach on the Donga catchment (Benin) using a downward approach of model complexity

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    International audienceThis study is part of the AMMA – African Multidisciplinary Monsoon Analysis – project and aims at a better understanding and modelling of the Donga catchment (580 km2, Benin) behaviour. For this purpose, we applied the REW concept proposed by Reggiani et al. (1998, 1999), which allows the description of the main local processes at the sub-watershed scale. Such distributed hydrological models, which represent hydrological processes at various scales, should be evaluated not only on the discharge at the outlet but also on each of the represented processes and in several points of the catchment. This kind of multi-criteria evaluation is of importance in order to assess the global behaviour of the models. We applied such multi-criteria strategy to the Donga catchment (586 km2), in Benin. The work is supported by a strategy of observation, undertaken since 1998 consisting in a network of 20 rain gauges, an automatic meteorological station, 6 discharge stations and 18 wells. The first goal of this study is to assess the model ability to reproduce the discharge at the outlet, the water table dynamics in several points of the catchment and the vadose zone dynamics at the sub-catchment scale. We tested two spatial discretisations of increasing resolution. To test the internal structure of the model, we looked at its ability to represent also the discharge at intermediary stations. After adjustment of soil parameters, the model is shown to accurately represent discharge down to a drainage area of 100 km2, whereas poorer simulation is achieved on smaller catchments. We introduced the spatial variability of rainfall by distributing the daily rainfall over the REW and obtained a very low sensitivity of the model response to this variability. Our results suggest that processes in the unsaturated zone should first be improved, in order to better simulate soil water dynamics and represent perched water tables which were not included in this first modelling study

    Hydrological functioning of western African inland valleys explored with a critical zone model

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    Inland valleys are seasonally waterlogged headwater wetlands, widespread across western Africa. Their role in the hydrological cycle in the humid, hard-rock-dominated Sudanian savanna is not yet well understood. Thus, while in the region recurrent floods are a major issue, and hydropower has been recognized as an important development pathway, the scientific community lacks precise knowledge of streamflow (Q) generation processes and how they could be affected by the presence of inland valleys. Furthermore, inland valleys carry an important agronomic potential, and with the strong demographic rates of the region, they are highly subject to undergoing land cover changes. We address both the questions of the hydrological functioning of inland valleys in the Sudanian savanna of western Africa and the impact of land cover changes on these systems through deterministic sensitivity experiments using a physically based critical zone model (ParFlow-CLM) applied to a virtual generic catchment which comprises an inland valley. Model forcings are based on 20 years of data from the AMMA-CATCH observation service and parameters are evaluated against multiple field data (Q, evapotranspiration – ET –, soil moisture, water table levels, and water storage) acquired on a pilot elementary catchment. The hydrological model applied to the conceptual lithological/pedological model proposed in this study reproduces the main behaviours observed, which allowed those virtual experiments to be conducted. We found that yearly water budgets were highly sensitive to the vegetation distribution: average yearly ET for a tree-covered catchment (944&thinsp;mm) exceeds that of herbaceous cover (791&thinsp;mm). ET differences between the two covers vary between 12&thinsp;% and 24&thinsp;% of the precipitation of the year for the wettest and driest years, respectively. Consequently, the tree-covered catchment produces a yearly Q amount of 28&thinsp;% lower on average as compared to a herbaceous-covered catchment, ranging from 20&thinsp;% for the wettest year to 47&thinsp;% for a dry year. Trees also buffer interannual variability in ET by 26&thinsp;% (with respect to herbaceous). On the other hand, pedological features (presence – or absence – of the low-permeability layer commonly found below inland valleys, upstream and lateral contributive areas) had limited impact on yearly water budgets but marked consequences for intraseasonal hydrological processes (sustained/non-sustained baseflow in the dry season, catchment water storage redistribution). Therefore, subsurface features and vegetation cover of inland valleys have potentially significant impacts on downstream water-dependent ecosystems and water uses as hydropower generation, and should focus our attention.</p

    Observed long-term land cover vs climate impacts on the West African hydrological cycle: lessons for the future ? [P-3330-65]

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    West Africa has experienced a long lasting, severe drought as from 1970, which seems to be attenuating since 2000. It has induced major changes in living conditions and resources over the region. In the same period, marked changes of land use and land cover have been observed: land clearing for agriculture, driven by high demographic growth rates, and ecosystem evolutions driven by the rainfall deficit. Depending on the region, the combined effects of these climate and environmental changes have induced contrasted impacts on the hydrological cycle. In the Sahel, runoff and river discharges have increased despite the rainfall reduction (“less rain, more water”, the so-called "Sahelian paradox "). Soil crusting and erosion have increased the runoff capacity of the watersheds so that it outperformed the rainfall deficit. Conversely, in the more humid Guinean and Sudanian regions to the South, the opposite (and expected) “less rain, less water” behavior is observed, but the signature of land cover changes can hardly be detected in the hydrological records. These observations over the past 50 years suggest that the hydrological response to climate change can not be analyzed irrespective of other concurrent changes, and primarily ecosystem dynamics and land cover changes. There is no consensus on future rainfall trend over West Africa in IPCC projections, although a higher occurrence of extreme events (rainstorms, dry spells) is expected. An increase in the need for arable land and water resources is expected as well, driven by economic development and demographic growth. Based on past long-term observations on the AMMA-CATCH observatory, we explore in this work various future combinations of climate vs environmental drivers, and we infer the expected resulting trends on water resources, along the west African eco-climatic gradient. (Texte intégral

    Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale

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    Respectueux de l’environnement et garantissant une sécurité alimentaire soutenue par la diversification des productions et des revenus qu’ils procurent, les systèmes agroforestiers apparaissent comme un modèle prometteur d’agriculture durable dans les pays du Sud les plus vulnérables aux changements globaux. Cependant, ces systèmes agroforestiers ne peuvent être optimisés qu’à condition de mieux comprendre et de mieux maîtriser les facteurs de leurs productions. L’ouvrage présente un ensemble de connaissances récentes sur les mécanismes biophysiques et socio-économiques qui sous-tendent le fonctionnement et la dynamique des systèmes agroforestiers. Il concerne, d’une part les systèmes agroforestiers à base de cultures pérennes, telles que cacaoyers et caféiers, de régions tropicales humides en Amérique du Sud, en Afrique de l’Est et du Centre, d’autre part les parcs arborés et arbustifs à base de cultures vivrières, principalement de céréales, de la région semi-aride subsaharienne d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Il synthétise les dernières avancées acquises grâce à plusieurs projets associant le Cirad, l’IRD et leurs partenaires du Sud qui ont été conduits entre 2012 et 2016 dans ces régions. L’ensemble de ces projets s’articulent autour des dynamiques des systèmes agroforestiers et des compromis entre les services de production et les autres services socio-écosystémiques que ces systèmes fournissent

    Multi-criteria assessment of the Representative Elementary Watershed approach on the Donga catchment (Benin) using a downward approach of model complexity

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    This study is part of the AMMA - African Multidisciplinary Monsoon Analysis- project and aims at a better understanding and modelling of the Donga catchment (580 km2, Benin) behaviour in order to determine its spatially distributed water balance. For this purpose, we applied the REW concept proposed by Reggiani et al.&nbsp;(1998, 1999), which allows the description of the main local processes at the sub-watershed scale. Such distributed hydrological models, which represent hydrological processes at various scales, should be evaluated not only on the discharge at the outlet but also on each of the represented processes and in several points of the catchment. This multi-criteria approach is required in order to assess the global behaviour of hydrological models. We applied such multi-criteria strategy to the Donga catchment (586 km2), in Benin. The work was supported by an observation set up, undertaken since 1998 consisting in a network of 20 rain gauges, an automatic meteorological station, 6 discharge stations and 18 wells. The main goal of this study was to assess the model's ability to reproduce the discharge at the outlet, the water table dynamics in several points of the catchment and the vadose zone dynamics at the sub-catchment scale. We tested two spatial discretisations of increasing resolution. To test the internal structure of the model, we looked at its ability to represent also the discharge at intermediate stations. After adjustment of soil parameters, the model is shown to accurately represent discharge down to a drainage area of 100 km2, whereas poorer simulation is achieved on smaller catchments. We introduced the spatial variability of rainfall by distributing the daily rainfall over the REW and obtained a very low sensitivity of the model response to this variability. Simulation of groundwater levels was poor and our results, in conjunction with new data available at the local scale, suggest that the representation of the processes in the unsaturated zone should first be improved, in order to better simulate soil water dynamics and represent perched water tables which were not included in this first modelling study

    The contribution of MRS and resistivity methods to the interpretation of actual evapo-transpiration measurements: a case study in metamorphic context in north Benin

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    International audienceA quantitative budget estimate of actual evapo-transpiration is a key issue for enhanced hydrological modelling in northern BĂ©nin. Actual evapo-transpiration is estimated using large aperture scintillometer equipment, devoted to sensible heat flux measurements. However, a previous study reported that the actual evapo-transpiration cycle is not fully understood. Indeed, the actual evapo-transpiration depends strongly on several factors such as climate, vegetation pattern, soil water storage and human activities. The respective contributions of the aquifer and vadose zone to the actual evapo-transpiration budget are not known. When using piezometric variations of the water table, the aquifer contribution is not easy to quantify since the specific yield may vary in the investigated area, located in a metamorphic rock environment. In the present study, we investigate whether significant differences in the aquifer's specific yield could exist within the large aperture scintillometer measurement area, leading to different actual evapo-transpiration water losses. We use joint frequency electromagnetic resistivity mapping, geological surveys and magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) to delineate the effective porosity of the regolith around the scintillometre measurement area. Thirteen MRS soundings implemented in key areas reveal a clear classification of the main geological units on the basis of their water content. The MRS water content varies between 1.5-3% for amphibolite and micaschists formations to more than 12% for quartzitic fractured formations, whereas the MRS relaxation time T1 is less discriminating (150-250 ms), indicating a small variation in pore size. Then, as a first modelling exercise, we assumed that the MRS water content (the effective porosity) maximizes the specific yield. The actual evapo-transpiration budget given by a previous study (Guyot et al. 2009) is then re-interpreted using geophysical data: we found that a) the measured water table depletion can explain the actual evapo-transpiration value providing enough water for the transpiration process and b) the significant discrepancies in actual evapo-transpiration signals observed between the eastern and western parts of the watershed can be explained by the respective effective porosity of the geological units. Even if further research is needed to link MRS water content to the specific yield and to evaluate a possible role of the deep vadose zone, the hydrogeophysical mapping presented in this study highlights the role of the MRS method for providing relevant information to understand hydrological processes in this complicated geological context of north BĂ©nin

    Time-lapse electrical surveys to locate infiltration zones in weathered hard rock tropical areas

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    International audienceIn West Africa, infiltration and groundwater recharge processes in hard rock areas are depending on climatic, surface and subsurface conditions, and are poorly documented. Part of the reason is that identification, location and monitoring of these processes is still a challenge. Here, we explore the potential for time-lapse electrical surveys to bring additional information on these processes for two different climate situations: a semi-arid Sahelian site (north of Burkina and a humid Sudanian site (north of Benin), respectively focusing on indirect (localized) and direct (diffuse) recharge processes. The methodology is based on surveys in dry season and rainy season on typical pond or gully using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and frequency electromagnetic (FEM) apparent conductivity mapping. The results show that in the Sahelian zone an indirect recharge occurs as expected, but infiltration doesn't takes place at the center of the pond to the aquifer, but occurs laterally in the banks. In Sudanian zone, the ERT survey shows a direct recharge process as expected, but also a complicated behavior of groundwater dilution, as well as the role of hardpans for fast infiltration. These processes are ascertained by groundwater monitoring in adjacent observing wells. At last, FEM time lapse mapping is found to be difficult to quantitatively interpreted due to the non-uniqueness of the model, clearly evidenced comparing FEM result to auger holes monitoring. Finally, we found that time-lapse ERT can be an efficient way to track infiltration processes across ponds and gullies in both climatic conditions, the Sahelian setting providing results easier to interpret, due to significant resistivity contrasts between dry and rain seasons. Both methods can be used for efficient implementation of punctual sensors for complementary studies. However, FEM time-lapse mapping remains difficult to practice without external information that renders this method less attractive for quantitative interpretation purposes