11,682 research outputs found

    Institutional Translation Gone Wrong: The Case of Villages For Africa in Rural Tanzania

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    Why do ideas that have been successfully moved across highly different contexts subsequently fail? To answer this question, we use longitudinal data on the Dutch organization Villages for Africa that introduced ‘macro-credit’ loans to rural Tanzanians that would enable them to establish their own village enterprises. Only two years after the seemingly successful implementation of the idea, it collapsed. Our findings allow us to make two key contributions. First, we provide a process model of high-distance translation that shows how proponents can strategically introduce an idea across highly different contexts by ‘culturally detaching’ it from its institutional origins, leading to the idea being ‘culturally assimilated’ into the recipient context. But, although cultural detachment and cultural assimilation indicate the successful translation of an idea, the means of doing so can later prompt its rejection. We call this the reactance effect of translations across highly different contexts. Second, we showcase the role of history for translation theory more generally. History – particularly the historical relationship between the socio-cultural categories of the mzungu (Swahili: “foreigner”) and the villagers – influenced the way in which the macro-credit idea could be introduced to villagers and played a key role in its subsequent rejection

    The measurement of the winds near the ocean surface with a radiometer-scatterometer on Skylab

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    The author has identified the following significant results. There were a total of twenty-six passes in the ZLV mode that yielded useful data. Six were in the in-track noncontiguous mode; all others were in the cross-track noncontiguous mode. The wind speed and direction, as effectively determined in a neutral atmosphere at 19.5 m above the sea surface, were found for each cell scanned by S193. It is shown how the passive microwave measurements were used both to compute the attenuation of the radar beam and to determine those cells where the backscatter measurement was suspect. Given the direction of the wind from some independent source, with the typical accuracy of measurement by available meteorological methods, a backscatter measurement at a nadir angle of 50, 43, or 32 deg can be used to compute the speed of the wind averaged over the illuminated area

    Importance of the Doppler Effect to the Determination of the Deuteron Binding Energy

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    The deuteron binding energy extracted from the reaction 1H(n,γ)2H{}^1H(n,\gamma){}^2H is reviewed with the exact relativistic formula, where the initial kinetic energy and the Doppler effect are taken into account. We find that the negligible initial kinetic energy of the neutron could cause a significant uncertainty which is beyond the errors available up to now. Therefore, we suggest an experiment which should include the detailed informations about the initial kinetic energy and the detection angle. It could reduce discrepancies among the recently reported values about the deuteron binding energy and pin down the uncertainty due to the Doppler broadening of γ\gamma ray.Comment: 5 page

    Potential Alteration of Analogue Regolith by X-Ray Computed Tomography

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    The Mars 2020 rover mission will collect and cache samples from the martian surface for possible retrieval and subsequent return to Earth. Mars Returned Samples may provide definitive information about the presence of organic compounds that could shed light on the existence of past or present life on Mars. Post-mission analyses will depend on the development of a set of reliable sample handling and analysis procedures that cover the full range of materials which may or may not contain evidence of past or present martian life [1]