1,268 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the criteria for the interpretation of the oral glucose tolerance test in the National Mother-Child Teaching Hospital ‘‘San Bartolome’’

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder that causes chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and alterations in microcirculation. We evaluate the criteria for the interpretation of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in the Hospital Nacional Docente Madre-Ni˜no ‘‘San Bartolomé’’ in Lima, Peru, and determine the percentages of pre-diabetic patients, diabetics that should not be included in the test, and those with alterations in their glucose curve during the biochemical determinations. To this purpose, a non-experimental, prospective cross-sectional analytic study was performed in 1271 patients, included in the study to comply with the guidelines and recommendations of the ADA and the CLSI POCT12-A3 guide, which were processed in the Biochemical Autoanalyzer Biosystems A25. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0 statistical analyzer, and respecting ethical diabetics. The main results are 1.97% diabetic and 13.85% pre-diabetic. The LJ phenomenon occurred with 6.45% (alteration in glucose curve after oral load decreases plasma glucose concentration determination after 60 min and returns at relatively higher than the basal concentration levels at 180 min) and 5.19% were poorly studied, including a >110 mg/dl baseline (p = <0.05). We determined a high rate of pre-diabetic patients and a reduced rate of diabetes coincident with Qiao et al. We highlight the usefulness of the OGTT, which must be rigorously evaluated, and reaffirm the importance of the LJ phenomenon as it may interfere with the final results of unsolved events, and evidence the importance of interindividual biological variability

    Active inference and robot control: a case study.

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    Active inference is a general framework for perception and action that is gaining prominence in computational and systems neuroscience but is less known outside these fields. Here, we discuss a proof-of-principle implementation of the active inference scheme for the control or the 7-DoF arm of a (simulated) PR2 robot. By manipulating visual and proprioceptive noise levels, we show under which conditions robot control under the active inference scheme is accurate. Besides accurate control, our analysis of the internal system dynamics (e.g. the dynamics of the hidden states that are inferred during the inference) sheds light on key aspects of the framework such as the quintessentially multimodal nature of control and the differential roles of proprioception and vision. In the discussion, we consider the potential importance of being able to implement active inference in robots. In particular, we briefly review the opportunities for modelling psychophysiological phenomena such as sensory attenuation and related failures of gain control, of the sort seen in Parkinson's disease. We also consider the fundamental difference between active inference and optimal control formulations, showing that in the former the heavy lifting shifts from solving a dynamical inverse problem to creating deep forward or generative models with dynamics, whose attracting sets prescribe desired behaviours

    Establecimiento de baños de las aguas sulfurado-sódicas de Bouzas de Rivadelago, Zamora : noticia de la topografia médica del establecimiento, acciones fisiologica, curativa ... de sus aguas

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    Marcas: Sello de la Biblioteca Provincial de LeónCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2010-2011Enc. hol

    Comparison of the qCON and qNOX indices for the assessment of unconsciousness level and noxious stimulation response during surgery

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    The objective of this work is to compare the performances of two electroencephalogram based indices for detecting loss of consciousness and loss of response to nociceptive stimulation. Specifically, their behaviour after drug induction and during recovery of consciousness was pointed out. Data was recorded from 140 patients scheduled for general anaesthesia with a combination of propofol and remifentanil. The qCON 2000 monitor (Quantium Medical, Barcelona, Spain) was used to calculate the qCON and qNOX. Loss of response to verbal command and loss of eye-lash reflex were assessed during the transition from awake to anesthetized, defining the state of loss of consciousness. Movement as a response to laryngeal mask (LMA) insertion was interpreted as the response to the nociceptive stimuli. The patients were classified as movers or non-movers. The values of qCON and qNOX were statistically compared. Their fall times and rise times defined at the start and at the end of the surgery were calculated and compared. The results showed that the qCON was able to predict loss of consciousness such as loss of verbal command and eyelash reflex better than qNOX, while the qNOX has a better predictive value for response to noxious stimulation such as LMA insertion. From the analysis of the fall and rise times, it was found that the qNOX fall time (median: 217 s) was significantly longer (p value <0.05) than the qCON fall time (median: 150 s). At the end of the surgery, the qNOX started to increase in median at 45 s before the first annotation related to response to stimuli or recovery of consciousness, while the qCON at 88 s after the first annotation related to response to stimuli or recovery of consciousness (p value <0.05). The indices qCON and qNOX showed different performances in the detection of loss of consciousness and loss of response to stimuli during induction and recovery of consciousness. Furthermore, the qCON showed faster decrease during induction. This behaviour is associated with the hypothesis that the loss of response to stimuli (analgesic effect) might be reached after the loss of consciousness (hypnotic effect). On the contrary, the qNOX showed a faster increase at the end of the surgery, associated with the hypothesis that a higher probability of response to stimuli might be reached before the recovery of consciousness.Postprint (author's final draft

    On the Mechanical Energy Involved in the Catastrophic Rupture of Liquid Hydrogen Tanks

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    Hydrogen can play a central role in the energy transition thanks to its unique properties. However, its low density is one of the main drawbacks. The liquefaction process can drastically increase its density up to virtually 71 kg m-3 at atmospheric pressure and -253°C (NIST, 2019). The safety knowledge gap on physical explosions is still broad in the case of liquid hydrogen (LH2). For instance, it is unclear what are the consequences yields as well as the probabilities of a catastrophic rupture of an LH2 tank. A boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE) might arise after this top event. In this case, the expansion of the compressed gaseous phase is followed by the flashing of a fraction of the liquid. Moreover, combustion may occur for hydrogen since it is highly flammable. This complex phenomenon was not widely explored for LH2 yet. This study focused on the physical explosion by also considering the combustion process. Many integral models were adopted to estimate the mechanical energy developed by the explosion. The tank pressure prior to the rupture was considered below the critical one (1.298 MPa (NIST, 2019)). It was assumed that both liquid and gaseous phases are present inside the tank. The influences of the filling degree of the tank (liquid level) and the temperatures of the liquid and gaseous phases on the explosion energy were analysed. The results were compared with the ones of a previous study where similar models were employed to estimate the mechanical energy of an LH2 tank with different initial conditions (Ustolin et al., 2020a). In particular, the effect of the combustion process on the explosion energy and shock wave overpressure was not accounted for. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparison between different models and assess which are the most and the least conservative. The outcomes of this work provide critical suggestions on the consequence analysis of cryogenic liquefied gas vessels explosions

    Pengaruh Audit Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Pada PT. Sanggar Laut Manado

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    . In Running an enterprise activity need to make an assessment (evaluation) of the implementation of programs that have been developed human resources in achieving overall corporate objectives to ensure that the functions of the human resources (HR) has been running and contributing to better achievement in the company\u27s success. Therefore, companies require an audit to assess whether the management of the programs and activities of the HR function is in conformity with the effort in achieving corporate goals. This study aims to determine, describe and explain the Influence of Human Resource Audit on Employee Performance at PT. Sanggar Laut Manado. Variables examined in this study are the Human Resource Audit as Independent Variables and Employee Performance as a Dependent Variable. In this study involving all employees who are 40 employees as respondents. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained from the questionnaires and interviews. For Audit Human Resources on Employee Performance, the author uses descriptive quantitative method, Spearman rank correlation, coefficient of determination analysis, and test results is done manually and using SPSS. Based on the statistical analysis of the results are as follows: Hypothesis Testing results indicate that the Human Resource Audit influence on employee performance. of these findings it can be concluded that the study results were declared "Human Resource Audit Significant effect on Employee Performance at PT. Sanggar Laut Manado "acceptable

    Multiplicação in vitro de amoreira-preta cultivar Brazos.

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    A micropropagação da amoreira-preta pode gerar plantas livres de vírus e em curto espaço de tempo. Com o objetivo de aprimorar técnicas de micropropagação de amoreira-preta cultivar Brazos (Rubus idaeus L.), segmentos nodais, oriundos de plântulas preestabelecidas in vitro foram excisados e inoculados em meio WPM (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200%), suplementado com diferentes concentrações de BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 e 4,0 mg L-1). Após a inoculação, os explantes foram transferidos para sala de crescimento a 27±1ºC, irradiância de 35 mmol m 2 s 1 e fotoperíodo de 16 horas, onde permaneceram por 60 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, utilizando-se de quatro repetições com quatro explantes cada. Maior número de brotos foi proporcionado com 1,0 mg L-1 de BAP associado a 100% de meio WPM e maior comprimento médio dos brotos após 60 dias foi verificado em 1,0 mg L-1 de BAP associado a 200% de meio WPM. Maior peso de matéria seca da parte aérea foi obtido em meio WPM 200% acrescido de 0,5 mg L-1 de BAP