65 research outputs found

    Evaluation of internal markers as determinants of fecal dry matter output and digestibility in feedlot sheep.

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    Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the fecal recovery of the internal markers indigestible dry matter (iDM), indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF), and indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF) and to compare them as estimators of the fecal dry matter output (FDMO) and digestibility of the dry matter (DM) with values observed in total feces collection in trials with feedlot sheep. For this, 82 sampling units from two experiments were evaluated. Internal markers were quantified in the feed supplied, orts, and feces. The recovery of the markers was determined by the comparison of the amount of marker consumed and excreted. Fecal dry matter output and digestibility were determined based on the amount of marker consumed and on its concentration in the feces through individual collections directly from the rectum of the animals, with values compared with those observed in the total feces collection from orthogonal contrasts. The mean bias, the concordance correlation coefficient, and the mean squared prediction error were also evaluated. For all statistical procedures, the critical level of probability for type-I error was fixed at 0.05. The marker iDM showed complete fecal recovery (100.03%) and was efficient in estimating FDMO (482.9 g day-1) and DM digestibility (542 g kg-1) as compared with the values observed in the total feces collection (454.7 g day-1 and 561 g kg-1 for FDMO and DM digestibility, respectively). The iNDF and iADF markers did not show complete recovery in the feces and were not effective in the estimate of FDMO and DM digestibility

    Complicações da via transfemoral no tratamento do descolamento assético de artroplastias da anca

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    A via transfemoral é um procedimento com reconhecido valor na cirurgia de recolocações de artroplastias da anca. Todavia, poucas são as publicações que estudam as complicações que podem surgir a médio ou longo prazo. O objetivo central deste trabalho inclui a análise do tipo e frequência de complicações relacionadas com a via transfemoral, usada no tratamento de 61 descolamentos asséticos de artroplastias da anca com um recuo médio de 39 meses (min. 12 meses, max. 132 meses), implantando em todos os casos uma haste de revisão cónica Conelock®. Entre janeiro de 2006 e Março de 2011 foram realizadas no Serviço 445 revisões de artroplastias da anca: 181 recolocações acetabulares, 8 recolocações de hastes femorais, 230 recolocações bipolares, 15 recolocações da cabeça/colo da haste e 11 artroplastias de ressecção. A via transfemoral foi usada em 108 situações . Neste período e respeitando os critérios acima referidos identificou‐se de modo aleatório uma série de 61 recolocações de hastes femorais, implantadas em 22 doentes do género feminino e 38 do masculino, com idade média 71 anos (máx. 87; min 45 ). Em 94% dos casos houve uma consolidação da osteotomia. Como complicações relacionadas com a via transfemoral registou‐se: Não‐união trocantérica (2); migração proximal do fragmento ósseo femoral (1); fraturas tardias do fragmento trocantérico-femoral (3); infeção superficial (1); infeção periprotética (4), osteólises relacionadas com cabos metálicos (1), descolamento assético precoce (1); afundamento da haste femoral (1); No total obteve‐se uma taxa de complicação de 23%, que está em consonância os resultados obtidos na literatura internacional que ronda os 24%. Em 8 casos foi necessária uma ou mais revisões motivadas pelas complicações acima descritas. A complicação maior foi a infeção periprotética que levou à excisão artroplástica em uma situação. Os casos de fraturas do fragmento trocantérico-femoral foram tratadas de forma conservadora. Contrariamente à situação que acontecia quando o fragmento trocantérico-femoral era fixado, de forma não rígida, com fios de sutura não reabsorvíveis, a baixa frequência de migrações proximais do fragmento ósseo janela pode ser explicada pelo uso, para a sua estabilização mecânica, de pelo menos 2 cabos metálicos. Por sua vez, as osteólises relacionadas com os cabos metálicos não tiveram repercussões funcionais significativas. Os aloenxertos esponjosos desempenharam o seu papel biológico no processo de consolidação da osteotomia. De salientar a idade elevada dos pacientes, assim como a incontornável frequência de co-morbilidades. Apesar de facilitar a técnica de recolocação das hastes femorais, a via transfemoral pode estar na origem de uma frequência significativa de complicações e, por isso, deve ser indicada em casos seleccionados de recolocações das artroplastias da anca por descolamento assético

    Defining the uniqueness of monovarietal wines from native portuguese varieties of Vitis vinifera

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    Studies have been carried out on red and white monovarietal wines vinified during the 1995, 1996 and 1997 harvests. The essential aim being to evaluate sensory quality, correlate it with chemical analytical data and relate these to the various winemaking options available. Hence selective native varieties from the Douro, Dao, Bairrada and Vinhos Verdes regions have been studied and the analytical / sensorial data correlated to such factors as grape maturation and maceration regime. Results are presented illustrating the quality effects of variety / winemaking practice combinations, both in terms of analytical data (sensory and chemical) and taster preferences

    Industry/University collaboration in product focussed œnological research in Portugal - the SOGRAPE / UCP ESB partnership 1995 - 1998

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    A innovative model of collaboration between a wine company and a university research group is presented. A protocol was established as a response to the perceived need to, on the part of the university, (i) focus research on specific scientific bottlenecks which would have a real impact in the producing industry and, on the part of the company, (ii) to have access to the scientific capacity to conduct in-depth studies to approach specific technical challenges. A closely managed programme was jointly established and the major characteristics are presented here together with the main results obtained during the first 2 and a half years of operation

    Prospective evaluation of glutamine and phospholipids levels in first degree relatives of patients with Type 1 Diabetes from a multiethnic population

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    A dysregulation in the metabolism of lipids may be an early marker of autoimmunity in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). It would be of general importance to identify metabolic patterns that would predict the risk for T1D later in life. The aim of this study was to perform a prospective evaluation of glutamine and phospholipids levels in Brazilian first degree relatives (FDR) of patients with T1D in a mean interval of 5 years

    My mother or father: person, metaperson, and transcendence in ethnographic theory

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    How do humans, who are materially composed biological constructs, come to transcend, that is, to see themselves as present in the world? This paper sustains that, in order to understand transcendence in personhood, we have to see the latter as a product of dividual not individual participation, as initially proposed by Lévy-Bruhl and recently developed by a number of phenomenologically inspired cognitive scientists. Personal ontogeny is what explains the relation between essence and existence in the case of metapersons (ghosts, deities, ancestors, some animals, etc.). In order to explore this problem, I discuss a minor occurrence that took place in my presence without my noticing it at the time when I was visiting an Afro-Brazilian temple compound in coastal Bahia (NE Brazil) in July 2011

    Modification of the activity of an \u3b1-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis by several surfactants

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    The influence of different commercial surfactants on the enzymatic activity of a commercial \u3b1-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis (Termamyl 300 L) has been studied. As non-ionic surfactants, alkyl polyglycosides (Glucopon\uae 215, Glucopon\uae 600 and Glucopon\uae 650) were studied, as were fatty alcohol ethoxylates (Findet 1214N/23 and Findet 10/15), and nonyl phenol ethoxylate (Findet 9Q/21.5NF). Also, an anionic surfactant, linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) was assayed. In general, none of the non-ionic surfactants studied, except Findet 10/15, vary substantially the enzymatic activity. Findet 10/15 has the strongest hydrophobic character and reduces the enzymatic activity more significantly the greater its concentration. Regarding LAS, this surfactant significantly depressed enzymatic activity, presumably due to the electrostatic interactions caused by its anionic character

    Modes of Participation

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    This paper focuses on the notion of ‘participation’ as it has been used in the social sciences throughout the twentieth century. It proposes that there are two main traditions of use—a ‘poorer’ and a ‘richer’ one—and it argues in favour of the second. It does this by examining how Simmel and Goffman, on the one hand, and Lévy-Bruhl and Durkheim, on the other, defined participation. Developed by Lucien Lévy-Bruhl in the first part of last century, ‘participation’ in the richer sense is today being given new live by sociocultural anthropologists such as Marshall Sahlins and phenomenologically inclined cognitive scientists such as Shaun Gallagher. The paper addresses the roots of the concept in Scholastic theology and proposes to show how central it can come to be to a sociocultural anthropology that is willing to take on frontally the challenges presently being posed by embodied cognition