696 research outputs found

    First measurements of 15N fractionation in N2H+ toward high-mass star forming cores

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    We report on the first measurements of the isotopic ratio 14N/15N in N2H+ toward a statistically significant sample of high-mass star forming cores. The sources belong to the three main evolutionary categories of the high-mass star formation process: high-mass starless cores, high-mass protostellar objects, and ultracompact HII regions. Simultaneous measurements of 14N/15N in CN have been made. The 14N/15N ratios derived from N2H+ show a large spread (from ~180 up to ~1300), while those derived from CN are in between the value measured in the terrestrial atmosphere (~270) and that of the proto-Solar nebula (~440) for the large majority of the sources within the errors. However, this different spread might be due to the fact that the sources detected in the N2H+ isotopologues are more than those detected in the CN ones. The 14N/15N ratio does not change significantly with the source evolutionary stage, which indicates that time seems to be irrelevant for the fractionation of nitrogen. We also find a possible anticorrelation between the 14N/15N (as derived from N2H+) and the H/D isotopic ratios. This suggests that 15N enrichment could not be linked to the parameters that cause D enrichment, in agreement with the prediction by recent chemical models. These models, however, are not able to reproduce the observed large spread in 14N/15N, pointing out that some important routes of nitrogen fractionation could be still missing in the models.Comment: 2 Figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Influencia del contexto en el uso e interpretación de medidas de centralización afectadas por valores atípicos

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    En esta investigación estamos interesados en analizar hasta qué punto el uso e interpretación de las medidas de centralización están influidas por el contexto en el que se formulan los datos y si la presencia de valores atípicos entre ellos influye en la elección del mejor representante del conjunto de datos proporcionados. Se analizan las respuestas de los estudiantes a un cuestionario de problemas desde el punto de vista de su dificultad y de la influencia que tienen el contexto y los valores atípicos sobre su resolución

    Transitional dispersive scenarios driven by mesoscale flows on complex terrain under strong dry convective conditions

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    By experimentation and modelling, this paper analyses the atmospheric dispersion of the SO<sub>2</sub> emissions from a power plant on complex terrain under strong convective conditions, describing the main dispersion features as an ensemble of "stationary dispersive scenarios" and reformulating some "classical" dispersive concepts to deal with the systematically monitored summer dispersive scenarios in inland Spain. The results and discussions presented arise from a statistically representative study of the physical processes associated with the multimodal distribution of pollutants aloft and around a 343-m-tall chimney under strong dry convective conditions in the Iberian Peninsula. This paper analyses the importance of the identification and physical implications of transitional periods for air quality applications. The indetermination of a transversal plume to the preferred transport direction during these transitional periods implies a small (or null) physical significance of the classical definition of horizontal standard deviation of the concentration distribution

    Concatenated non-stationary dispersive scenarios on complex terrain under summer conditions

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    International audienceThe results and discussions presented in this paper arise from a statistically representative study of the physical processes associated with the multimodal distribution of pollutants aloft and around a 343-m-tall chimney under summer conditions in the Iberian Peninsula. The indetermination of a transversal plume to the preferred transport direction during transitional periods implies a small (or null) physical significance of the classical definition of horizontal standard deviation of the concentration distribution. By experimentation and modelling, this paper analyses the atmospheric dispersion of the SO2 emissions from a power plant on complex terrain, describing the main dispersion features as an ensemble of "stationary dispersive scenarios" and reformulating some "classical" dispersive concepts to deal with the systematically monitored summer dispersive scenarios in inland Spain

    A search for water maser emission toward obscured post-AGB star and planetary nebula candidates

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    Water maser emission at 22 GHz is a useful probe to study the transition between the nearly spherical mass-loss in the AGB to a collimated one in the post-AGB phase. In their turn, collimated jets in the post-AGB phase could determine the shape of planetary nebulae (PNe) once photoionization starts. We intend to find new cases of post-AGB stars and PNe with water maser emission, including water fountains or water-maser-emitting PNe. We observed water maser emission in a sample of 133 objects, with a significant fraction being post-AGB and young PN candidate sources with strong obscuration. We detected this emission in 15 of them, of which seven are reported here for the first time. We identified three water fountain candidates: IRAS 17291-2147, with a total velocity spread of ~96 km/s in its water maser components and two sources (IRAS 17021-3109 and IRAS 17348-2906) that show water maser emission outside the velocity range covered by OH masers. We have also identified IRAS 17393-2727 as a possible new water-maser-emitting PN. The detection rate is higher in obscured objects (14%) than in those with optical counterparts (7%), consistent with previous results. Water maser emission seems to be common in objects that are bipolar in the near-IR (43% detection rate). The water maser spectra of water fountain candidates like IRAS 17291-2147 show significantly less maser components than others (e.g., IRAS 18113-2503). We speculate that most post-AGBs may show water maser emission with wide enough velocity spread (> 100 km/s) when observed with enough sensitivity and/or for long enough periods of time. Therefore, it may be necessary to single out a special group of "water fountains", probably defined by their high maser luminosities. We also suggest that the presence of both water and OH masers in a PN is a better tracer of its youth, rather than the presence of just one of these species.Comment: To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 16 pages, 1 figure (spanning 5 pages). This version includes some minor language corrections and fixes some errors in Table

    A proto brown dwarf candidate in Taurus

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    Aims. We search for brown dwarfs at the Class 0/I evolutionary stage, or proto brown dwarfs. Methods. We present a multi wavelength study, ranging from optical at 0.8 μm to radio wavelengths at 6 cm, of a cool, very faint, and red multiple object, SSTB213 J041757, detected by Spitzer toward the Barnard 213 dark cloud, in Taurus. Results. The SED of SSTB213 J041757 displays a clear excess at long wavelengths resembling that of a Class I object. The mid-IR source has two possible counterparts, A and B, in the near-IR and optical images, and the 350 μm observations detect clear extended emission, presumably from an envelope around the two sources. The position of A & B in the (Ic− J) versus (J − [3.6]) colour-colour diagram is consistent with them being Galactic sources and not extragalactic contaminants. A proper-motion study confirms this result for A, while it is inconclusive for B. The temperature and mass of the two possible central objects, according to COND evolutionary models, range between 1550−1750 K and 3−4 M_(Jupiter), and 950−1300 K and 1−2 M_(Jupiter), for A and B, respectively. The integrated SED provides bolometric temperatures and luminosities of 280 K and 0.0034 L_⊙, assuming that the emission at wavelengths > 5 μm is associated with component A, and 150 K and 0.0033 L_⊙, assuming that the emission at wavelengths > 5 μm is associated with component B, which would imply the SSTB213 J041757 object has a luminosity well below the luminosity of other very low luminosity objects discovered up to date. Conclusions. With these characteristics, SSTB213 J041757 seems to be a promising, and perhaps double, proto brown dwarf candidate

    Burst detection in water networks using principal component anlysis

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    The following work presents a multivariate statistical technique applied to the control of water inflows into district metering areas (DMAs) of urban networks. This technique, called principal-component analysis (PCA), allows for a sensitive and quick analysis of the inflows into a DMA without hassling mathematical algorithms. The PCA technique simplifies the original set of flow rate data recorded by the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, synthesizing the most significant information into a statistical model that is able to explain most of the behavior of the water distribution network. The PCA technique also allows for the establishment of control charts that help system operators in the identification of anomalous behaviors regarding water use, bursts, or illegal connections. The described technique has been proven to offer high detection sensitivity to bursts or other unexpected consumptions.Palau Estevan, CV.; Arregui De La Cruz, F.; Carlos Alberola, MDM. (2012). Burst detection in water networks using principal component anlysis. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 138(1):47-54. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000147S4754138

    A study of dispersion in complex terrain under winter conditions using high-resolution mesoscale and Lagrangian particle models

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    A mesoscale model (MM5), a dispersive Langrangian particle model (FLEXPART), and intensive meteorological and COrrelation SPECtrometer (COSPEC) measurements from a field campaign are used to examine the advection and turbulent diffusion patterns associated with interactions and forcings between topography, synoptic atmospheric flows and thermally-driven circulations. This study describes the atmospheric dispersion of emissions from a power plant with a 343-m tall chimney, situated on very complex terrain in the North-East of Spain, under winter conditions. During the field campaign, the plume was transported with low transversal dispersion and deformed essentially due to the effect of mechanical turbulence. The main surface impacts appeared at long distances from the emission source (more than 30 km). The results show that the coupled models (MM5 and FLEXPART) are able to predict the plume integral advection from the power plant on very complex terrain. Integral advection and turbulent dispersion are derived from the dispersive Lagrangian model output for three consecutive days so that a direct quantitative comparison has been made between the temporal evolution of the predicted three-dimensional dispersive conditions and the COSPEC measurements. Comparison between experimental and simulated transversal dispersion shows an index of agreement between 80% and 90%, within distance ranges from 6 to 33 km from the stack. Linked to the orographic features, the simulated plume impacts on the ground more than 30 km away from the stack, because of the lee waves simulated by MM5
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