1,111 research outputs found

    The Religious Persecution of Christians

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    The thesis project addressed the religious persecution of Christians in Kenya, East Africa, and the United States. The problem is that Christians deny Christ to avoid persecution. There is a need for a proposed solution that emphasizes the need to believe that persecution is a reality, and that every believer should anticipate and prepare for it. Furthermore, the proposed solution should emphasize that God has a purpose for allowing Christians to face persecution. The methodology used for this project was qualitative analysis. The researcher applied the content analysis approach towards interpreting the data that was collected from thirty-one participants completing the questionnaire. The content analysis approach revealed five themes instrumental in developing a proposed solution to the problem. The proposed solution is intended to encourage Christians to have a proper mindset related to God’s Word, recognize the importance of spiritual growth, and maintain a focus on eternal rewards. The proposed solution will help Christians maintain a focus on God before, during, and after periods of persecution

    Implementasi Pengawasan dan Pengamatan terhadap Pelaksanaan Putusan Pengadilan oleh Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat (Studi di Pengadilan Negeri Kota Malang)

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    SIPada skripsi ini, penulis membahas tentang pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan yang dilakukan oleh Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat di Pengadilan Negeri Kota Malang. Pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan perlu diawasi dan diamati, sehingga lahirnya lembaga Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat dalam Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP). Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa implementasi tugas Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat didasarkan pada Pasal 277-283 KUHAP, dengan aturan pelaksanaannya Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung (SEMA) No.7 Tahun 1985. Dalam pelaksanaan tugas Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat, masih terdapat hambatan-hambatan, antara lain masalah kesibukan hakim, waktu kunjungan yang tidak tepat, dana, kurangnya pertemuan antara pihak Pengadilan dengan Kejaksaan dan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan, dan beberapa ketentuan Undang-undang yang tidak dilaksanakan

    Conditional cash transfers, female bargaining power and parental labour supply

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    Recent empirical evidence shows that conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes do not have an aggregate effect on the adult labour supply. However, little attention has been paid to the role of other intrahousehold dynamics. This paper examines how the parental labour supply response to CCT programmes varies with the bargaining power structure of households. We analyse a randomized experimental CCT design from rural areas of Honduras (PRAF) and found that women with more bargaining power in the household are four percentage points less likely to be employed than other women

    Mechanisms for AAA and QoS Interaction

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    Proceedings of Third IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, ASWN 2003. Bern, Switzerland, July 2-4, 2003.The interaction between Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) systems and the Quality of Service (QoS) infrastructure is to become a must in the near future. This interaction will allow rich control and management of both users and networks. DIAMETER and DiffServ are likely to turn into the future standards in AAA and QoS systems, but they are not designed to interact with each other. To face this, we propose a new Diameter-Diffserv interaction model and describe the Application Specific Module (ASM) implemented to allow this interaction. The ASM has been implemented and tested in a complete AAA-QoS IPv6 scenario

    Los criptopĂłrticos en los foros hispanorromanos: ÂżUna arquitectura necesaria?

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    We analyse here the presence of criptoportica in the Hispano‐Roman forum architecture, considering the different sites where it is possible to see these structures. Through these cases, we are going to try to establish if they fit the typological models proposed by E. M. Luschin. We are also going to study how the topography has an impact on the construction of these ensembles, and to establish if it was a necessary architecture for the development of the Hispano‐Roman fora. In addition, we are going to analyse which sort of buildings were situated in the upper stage of the substructure, in order to establish parallelisms between the different ensembles.Se analiza la presencia de criptopĂłrticos en la arquitectura forense hispanorromana viendo los diferentes lugares donde se dan este tipo de estructuras. A travĂ©s de estos casos se va a tratar de establecer si se ajustan a los modelos tipolĂłgicos propuestos por E. M. Luschin. Vamos a ver cĂłmo la topografĂ­a del terreno influye en la construcciĂłn de estos conjuntos y ver si fue una arquitectura necesaria para el desarrollo de los foros hispanorromanos. Asimismo se va a estudiar quĂ© tipo de edificios habĂ­a ubicados en la planta alta de la subestructura para poder ver semejanzas entre los diferentes conjuntos

    Los foros hispanorromanos del conuentus Caesaraugustanus

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    El presente trabajo estudia los foros hispanorromanos del conuentus Caesaraugustanus desde una doble perspectiva cronolĂłgica y estructural. Se trata de establecer patrones constructivos homogĂ©neos entre los diversos fora y vinculaciones de estos en cuanto a planta y estructura con modelos de otros foros del Imperio. Asimismo se estudian diferentes elementos de los foros como plazas, pĂłrticos, basĂ­licas, curias o templos de forma comparativa respecto a otros paralelos hispanos y del resto del Imperio. This paper studies Hispano‐Roman’s fora of conuentus Caesaraugustanus from a dual perspective: chronological and structural. It consists on establishing homogeneous constructive patterns between the different fora and linkages of these in what concerns to plant and structure with models of other Empire’s fora. We also study some elements of fora such as squares, porticos, basilicas, curiae or temples comparatively to other Hispanic parallels and elements from the rest of the Empire.

    The MobyDick Project: A Mobile Heterogeneous All-IP Architecture

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    Proceedings of Advanced Technologies, Applications and Market Strategies for 3G (ATAMS 2001). Cracow, Poland: 17-20 June, 2001.This paper presents the current stage of an IP-based architecture for heterogeneous environments, covering UMTS-like W-CDMA wireless access technology, wireless and wired LANs, that is being developed under the aegis of the IST Moby Dick project. This architecture treats all transmission capabilities as basic physical and data-link layers, and attempts to replace all higher-level tasks by IP-based strategies. The proposed architecture incorporates aspects of mobile-IPv6, fast handover, AAA-control, and Quality of Service. The architecture allows for an optimised control on the radio link layer resources. The Moby dick architecture is currently under refinement for implementation on field trials. The services planned for trials are data transfer and voice-over-IP.Publicad

    Evolution on a Rugged Landscape:Pinning and Aging

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    Population dynamics on a rugged landscape is studied analytically and numerically within a simple discrete model for evolution of N individuals in one-dimensional fitness space. We reduce the set of master equations to a single Fokker-Plank equation which allows us to describe the dynamics of the population in terms of thermo-activated Langevin diffusion of a single particle in a specific random potential. We found that the randomness in the mutation rate leads to pinning of the population and on average to a logarithmic slowdown of the evolution, resembling aging phenomenon in spin glass systems. In contrast, the randomness in the replication rate turns out to be irrelevant for evolution in the long-time limit as it is smoothed out by increasing ``evolution temperature''. The analytic results are in a good agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Combustion Modeling Approach for the Optimization of a Temperature Controlled Reactivity Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Iso-Octane

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    In this study, an innovative Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) system named Temperature Controlled Reactivity Compression Ignition (TCRCI) is presented, and a numerical optimization of the hardware and the operating parameters is proposed. The studied combustion system aims to reduce the complexity of the Reaction Controlled Compression Ignition engine (RCCI), replacing the direct injection of high reactivity fuel with a heated injection of low reactivity fuel. The combustion system at the actual state of development is presented, and its characteristics are discussed. Hence, it is clear that the performances are highly limited by the actual diesel-derived hardware, and a dedicated model must be designed to progress in the development of this technology. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model suitable for the simulation of this type of combustion is proposed, and it is validated with the available experimental operating conditions. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm was integrated with the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software to optimize the engine combustion system by means of computational simulation. The operating condition considered has a relatively high load with a fixed fuel mass and compression ratio. The parameters to optimize are the piston bowl geometry, injection parameters and the boosting pressure. The achieved system configuration is characterized by a wider piston bowl and injection angle, and it is able to increase the net efficiency of 3% and to significantly reduce CO emissions from 0.407 to 0.136 mg
