781 research outputs found

    Hypersonic blunt body computations including real gas effects

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    The recently developed second-order explicit and implicit total variation diminishing (TVD) shock-capturing methods of the Harten and Yee, Yee, and van Leer types in conjunction with a generalized Roe's approximate Riemann solver of Vinokur and the generalized flux-vector splittings of Vinokur and Montagne for two-dimensional hypersonic real gas flows are studied. A previous study on one-dimensional unsteady problems indicated that these schemes produce good shock-capturing capability and that the state equation does not have a large effect on the general behavior of these methods for a wide range of flow conditions for equilibrium air. The objective of this paper is to investigate the applicability and shock resolution of these schemes for two-dimensional steady-state hypersonic blunt body flows. The main contribution of this paper is to identify some of the elements and parameters which can affect the convergence rate for high Mach numbers or real gases but have negligible effect for low Mach number cases for steady-state inviscid blunt body flows

    Spatial and temporal adaptations that accompany increasing catching performance during learning.

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    The authors studied changes in performance and kinematics during the acquisition of a 1-handed catch. Participants were 8 women who took an intensive 2-week training program during which they evolved from poor catchers to subexpert catchers. An increased temporal consistency, shift in spatial location of ball-hand contact away from the body, and higher peak velocity of the transport of the hand toward the ball accompanied their improvement in catching performance. Moreover, novice catchers first adjusted spatial characteristics of the catch to the task constraints and fine-tuned temporal features only later during learning. A principal components analysis on a large set of kinematic variables indicated that a successful catch depends on (a) forward displacement of the hand and (b) the dynamics of the hand closure, thereby providing a kinematic underpinning for the traditional transport-manipulation dissociation in the grasping and catching literature. Copyright © 2007 Heldref Publications

    High- Resolution Shock-Capturing Schemes for Inviscid and Viscous Hypersonic Flows

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    A class of high-resolution implicit total variation diminishing (TVD) type algorithms suitable for transonic multidimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes equations has been extended to hypersonic computations. The improved conservative shock-capturing schemes are spatially second- and third-order and are fully implicit. They can be first- or second-order accurate in time and are suitable for either steady or unsteady calculations. Enhancement of stability and convergence rate for hypersonic flows is discussed. With the proper choice of the temporal discretization and implicit linearization, these schemes are fairly efficient and accurate for very complex two-dimensional hypersonic in viscid and viscous shock interactions. This study is complemented by a variety of steady and unsteady viscous and inviscid hypersonic blunt body flow computations. Due to the inherent stiffness of viscous flow problems, numerical experiments indicated that the convergence rate is in general slower for viscous flows than for inviscid steady flows

    Seismic entangled patterns analyzed via multiresolution decomposition

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    This article explores a method for distinguishing entangled coherent structures embedded in geophysical images. The original image is decomposed in a series of j-scale-images using multiresolution decomposition. To improve the image processing analysis each j-image is divided in l-spacial regions generating set of (j, l)-regions. At each (j, l)-region we apply a continuous wavelet transform to evaluate <i>E</i><sub>ν</sub>, the spectrum of energy. <i>E</i><sub>ν</sub> has two maxima in the original data. Otherwise, at each scale <i>E</i><sub>ν</sub> hast typically one peak. The localization of the peaks changes according to the (j, l)-region. The intensity of the peaks is linked with the presence of coherent structures, or patterns, at the respective (j, l)-region. The method is successfully applied to distinguish, in scale and region, the ground roll noise from the relevant geologic information in the signal

    Spatiotemporal Chaos, Localized Structures and Synchronization in the Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    We study the spatiotemporal dynamics, in one and two spatial dimensions, of two complex fields which are the two components of a vector field satisfying a vector form of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. We find synchronization and generalized synchronization of the spatiotemporally chaotic dynamics. The two kinds of synchronization can coexist simultaneously in different regions of the space, and they are mediated by localized structures. A quantitative characterization of the degree of synchronization is given in terms of mutual information measures.Comment: 6 pages, using bifchaos.sty (included). 7 figures. Related material, including higher quality figures, could be found at http://www.imedea.uib.es/PhysDept/publicationsDB/date.html . To appear in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (1999

    When Madagascar produced natural rubber: a brief, forgotten yet informative history.

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    From 1891 to 1914, Madagascar, like other western African countries, was a production zone for forest rubber destined for export to Europe when Asian plantations where not yet sufficiently developed . Numerous species endemic to the forests of the three major Malagasy ecosystems were exploited, often with a view to maximising short term productivity without any consideration for the sustainable management of the resource. This episode represents one of the first cases of industrial exploitation of Madagascar's biological resources. Although Madagascar occupies a modest position on the world rubber market at that time, the exploitation of rubber bore major consequences for the island's forestry resources and, moreover, influenced the vision and discourse of scientists and politicians concerning their management. It was one of the factors triggering awareness of the value of Madagascar's biodiversity and the threat to which it might be exposed through poorly-controlled human activity. As a result, highly repressive and forcible legislation was introduced aimed at containing the activity practiced by local populations considered to be mostly to blame. But from the early days of French colonial rule, naturalists judged the outcomes of political decisions too weak to offer any guarantee of an effective defence. They responded by adopting an intentionally alarmist and catastrophist discourse with the object of provoking a reaction from the politicians, considered too lax. This discourse, in fact, took an about-turn from 1942-45 when the war effort led to a revitalisation of the Malagasy rubber sector as Asian production was mainly out of reach. A second consequence came in 1927 with the creation of a network of protected areas managed by naturalists, making Madagascar at that time, a pioneer in Africa. There was a simultaneous flurry of activity to promote the domestication of Malagasy rubber species, combined with the introduction of new species with high potential (Hevea brasiliensis, Castilloa elastica). However, with the emergence of far more profitable Asian rubber, all attempts at cultivation in Madagascar were abandoned when exploitation ceased to be profitable, and thus the Malagasy forests were redeemed. This episode demonstrates how it was in fact economic reality, by condemning an unprofitable sector, that was the real vehicle by which the survival of Malagasy rubber species was secured, and not the naturalists' discourse, nor the creation of protected zones, nor the promulgation of repressive legislations. This case study is of more than purely historical interest, in that it still has currency where, for example, the exploitation of Prunus africana is concerned
