5,533 research outputs found

    Evaluation of proposed Skylab and SSP soap products

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    Three personal hygiene cleansing agents and one laundry detergent (sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate), which are all candidates for use on long-duration space missions, were evaluated in terms of dermatological effects on human subjects and effects on microbiological species. None of the four materials exhibited adverse dermatological effects from either skin patch tests of two weeks duration or a simulated Skylab personal hygiene regimen of up to four weeks duration. No significant alterations in skin microflora during the use regimen were found. None of the four materials were found to serve as microbiological support media for the species tested, but a species of air-borne mold was observed to grow rapidly in a neutralized aqueous solution. None of the candidate agents was found to be strongly biocidal

    Reflections on a coaching pilot project in healthcare settings

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    This paper draws on personal reflection of coaching experiences and learning as a coach to consider the relevance of these approaches in a management context with a group of four healthcare staff who participated in a pilot coaching project. It explores their understanding of coaching techniques applied in management settings via their reflections on using coaching approaches and coaching applications as healthcare managers. Coaching approaches can enhance a manager’s skill portfolio and offer the potential benefits in terms of successful goal achievement, growth, mutual learning and development for both themselves and staff they work with in task focused scenarios

    Protection of Works of Art From Atmospheric Ozone

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    Assesses the colorfastness of organic colorants and watercolor pigments tested in atmospheric ozone. A summary of a full report of the Environmental Quality Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

    The Specific Globular Cluster Frequencies of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope

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    The specific globular cluster frequencies (S_N) for 24 dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters and the Leo Group imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope are presented. Combining all available data, we find that for nucleated dEs --- which are spatially distributed like giant ellipticals in galaxy clusters --- S_N(dE,N)=6.5 +- 1.2 and S_N increases with M_V, while for non-nucleated dEs --- which are distributed like late-type galaxies --- S_N(dE,noN)=3.1 +- 0.5 and there is little or no trend with M_V. The S_N values for dE galaxies are thus on average significantly higher than those for late-type galaxies, which have S_N < 1. This suggests that dE galaxies are more akin to giant Es than to late-type galaxies. If there are dormant or stripped irregulars hiding among the dE population, they are likely to be among the non-nucleated dEs. Furthermore, the similarities in the properties of the globular clusters and in the spatial distributions of dE,Ns and giant Es suggest that neither galaxy mass or galaxy metallicity is responsible for high values of S_N. Instead, most metal-poor GCs may have formed in dwarf-sized fragments that merged into larger galaxies.Comment: 12 pages (uses aaspp4.sty), 2 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Qualitative evaluation of a flush air data system at transonic speeds and high angles of attack

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    Flight tests were performed on an F-14 aircraft to evaluate the use of flush pressure orifices on the nose section for obtaining air data at transonic speeds over a large range of flow angles. This program was part of a flight test and wind tunnel program to assess the accuracies of such systems for general use on aircraft. It also provided data to validate algorithms developed for the shuttle entry air data system designed at NASA Langley. Data were obtained for Mach numbers between 0.60 and 1.60, for angles of attack up to 26.0 deg, and for sideslip angles up to 11.0 deg. With careful calibration, a flush air data system with all flush orifices can provide accurate air data information over a large range of flow angles. Several orificies on the nose cap were found to be suitable for determination of stagnation pressure. Other orifices on the nose section aft of the nose cap were shown to be suitable for determination of static pressure. Pairs of orifices on the nose cap provided the most sensitive measurements for determining angles of attack and sideslip, although orifices located farther aft on the nose section could also be used

    The Star Cluster Population of M51: II. Age distribution and relations among the derived parameters

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    We use archival {\it Hubble Space Telescope} observations of broad-band images from the ultraviolet (F255W-filter) through the near infrared (NICMOS F160W-filter) to study the star cluster population of the interacting spiral galaxy M51. We obtain age, mass, extinction, and effective radius estimates for 1152 star clusters in a region of 7.3×8.1\sim 7.3 \times 8.1 kpc centered on the nucleus and extending into the outer spiral arms. In this paper we present the data set and exploit it to determine the age distribution and relationships among the fundamental parameters (i.e. age, mass, effective radius). Using this dataset we find: {\it i}) that the cluster formation rate seems to have had a large increase \sim 50-70 Myr ago, which is coincident with the suggested {\it second passage} of its companion, NGC 5195, {\it ii}) a large number of extremely young (<< 10 Myr) star clusters, which we interpret as a population of unbound clusters of which a large majority will disrupt within the next \sim10 Myr, and {\it iii)} that the distribution of cluster sizescan be well approximated by a power-law with exponent, η=2.2±0.2 -\eta = -2.2 \pm 0.2, which is very similar to that of Galactic globular clusters, indicating that cluster disruption is largely independent of cluster radius. In addition, we have used this dataset to search for correlations among the derived parameters. In particular, we do not find any strong trends between the age and mass, mass and effective radius, nor between the galactocentric distance and effective radius. There is, however, a strong correlation between the age of a cluster and its extinction, with younger clusters being more heavily reddened than older clusters.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures, accepted A&

    The mid-UV population of the nucleus and the bulk of the post-merger NGC 3610

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    The very center of NGC~3610, a clearly disturbed giant elliptical generally assumed to be a post-merger remnant, appears dominated in the mid-UV (2500-3200 A spectral region) by a stellar population markedly different from that dominating the bulk of its stellar body. I want here to make use of the mid-UV spectra of NGC~3610 as seen through tiny (\sim1") and large (10"×\times20") apertures as a diagnostic population tool. I compare archive IUE/LWP large aperture and HST/FOS UV data of NGC 3610. The strength of mid-UV triplet (dominated by the turnoff population) shows a remarkable drop when switching from the galaxy central arcsec (FOS aperture) to an aperture size comparable to \sim0.5 re_e (IUE). The sub-arsec (mid)-UV properties of this galaxy involved in a past merger reveal a central metal enrichment which left intact the bulk of its pre-existing population.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in astronomy and Astrophysic

    Evidence for Environmentally Dependent Cluster Disruption in M83

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    Using multi-wavelength imaging from the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope we study the stellar cluster populations of two adjacent fields in the nearby face-on spiral galaxy, M83. The observations cover the galactic centre and reach out to ~6 kpc, thereby spanning a large range of environmental conditions, ideal for testing empirical laws of cluster disruption. The clusters are selected by visual inspection to be centrally concentrated, symmetric, and resolved on the images. We find that a large fraction of objects detected by automated algorithms (e.g. SExtractor or Daofind) are not clusters, but rather are associations. These are likely to disperse into the field on timescales of tens of Myr due to their lower stellar densities and not due to gas expulsion (i.e. they were never gravitationally bound). We split the sample into two discrete fields (inner and outer regions of the galaxy) and search for evidence of environmentally dependent cluster disruption. Colour-colour diagrams of the clusters, when compared to simple stellar population models, already indicate that a much larger fraction of the clusters in the outer field are older by tens of Myr than in the inner field. This impression is quantified by estimating each cluster's properties (age, mass, and extinction) and comparing the age/mass distributions between the two fields. Our results are inconsistent with "universal" age and mass distributions of clusters, and instead show that the ambient environment strongly affects the observed populations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Outstanding problems in the phenomenology of hard diffractive scattering

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    This paper is a summary of the discussion within the Diffractive and Low-x Physics Working Group at the 1999 Durham Collider Workshop of the interpretation of the Tevatron and HERA measurements of inclusive hard diffraction.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Talks and discussions from the UK Phenomenology Workshop on Collider Physics, Durham, September 199