148 research outputs found

    The Ensemble Photometric Variability of ~25000 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Using a sample of over 25000 spectroscopically confirmed quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we show how quasar variability in the rest frame optical/UV regime depends upon rest frame time lag, luminosity, rest wavelength, redshift, the presence of radio and X-ray emission, and the presence of broad absorption line systems. The time dependence of variability (the structure function) is well-fit by a single power law on timescales from days to years. There is an anti-correlation of variability amplitude with rest wavelength, and quasars are systematically bluer when brighter at all redshifts. There is a strong anti-correlation of variability with quasar luminosity. There is also a significant positive correlation of variability amplitude with redshift, indicating evolution of the quasar population or the variability mechanism. We parameterize all of these relationships. Quasars with RASS X-ray detections are significantly more variable (at optical/UV wavelengths) than those without, and radio loud quasars are marginally more variable than their radio weak counterparts. We find no significant difference in the variability of quasars with and without broad absorption line troughs. Models involving multiple discrete events or gravitational microlensing are unlikely by themselves to account for the data. So-called accretion disk instability models are promising, but more quantitative predictions are needed.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures, AASTeX, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer Calibrator Catalog

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    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) archive of observations between 1998 and 2005 is examined for objects appropriate for calibration of optical long-baseline interferometer observations - stars that are predictably point-like and single. Approximately 1,400 nights of data on 1,800 objects were examined for this investigation. We compare those observations to an intensively studied object that is a suitable calibrator, HD217014, and statistically compare each candidate calibrator to that object by computing both a Mahalanobis distance and a Principal Component Analysis. Our hypothesis is that the frequency distribution of visibility data associated with calibrator stars differs from non-calibrator stars such as binary stars. Spectroscopic binaries resolved by PTI, objects known to be unsuitable for calibrator use, are similarly tested to establish detection limits of this approach. From this investigation, we find more than 350 observed stars suitable for use as calibrators (with an additional 140\approx 140 being rejected), corresponding to 95\gtrsim 95% sky coverage for PTI. This approach is noteworthy in that it rigorously establishes calibration sources through a traceable, empirical methodology, leveraging the predictions of spectral energy distribution modeling but also verifying it with the rich body of PTI's on-sky observations.Comment: 100 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables; to appear in the May 2008ApJS, v176n

    Measurement of \Omega_m, \Omega_{\Lambda} from a blind analysis of Type Ia supernovae with CMAGIC: Using color information to verify the acceleration of the Universe

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    We present measurements of \Omega_m and \Omega_{\Lambda} from a blind analysis of 21 high-redshift supernovae using a new technique (CMAGIC) for fitting the multi-color lightcurves of Type Ia supernovae, first introduced in Wang et al. (2003). CMAGIC takes advantage of the remarkably simple behavior of Type Ia supernovae on color-magnitude diagrams, and has several advantages over current techniques based on maximum magnitudes. Among these are a reduced sensitivity to host galaxy dust extinction, a shallower luminosity-width relation, and the relative simplicity of the fitting procedure. This allows us to provide a cross check of previous supernova cosmology results, despite the fact that current data sets were not observed in a manner optimized for CMAGIC. We describe the details of our novel blindness procedure, which is designed to prevent experimenter bias. The data are broadly consistent with the picture of an accelerating Universe, and agree with a flat Universe within 1.7\sigma, including systematics. We also compare the CMAGIC results directly with those of a maximum magnitude fit to the same SNe, finding that CMAGIC favors more acceleration at the 1.6\sigma level, including systematics and the correlation between the two measurements. A fit for w assuming a flat Universe yields a value which is consistent with a cosmological constant within 1.2\sigma.Comment: 53 pages, 15 figures, published in the Astrophysical Journal. Minor (spelling and grammatical) changes to bring in line with published versio

    On the cosmic evolution of the scaling relations between black holes and their host galaxies: Broad Line AGN in the zCOSMOS survey

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    (Abriged) We report on the measurement of the rest frame K-band luminosity and total stellar mass of the hosts of 89 broad line Active Galactic Nuclei detected in the zCOSMOS survey in the redshift range 1<z<2.2. The unprecedented multiwavelength coverage of the survey field allows us to disentangle the emission of the host galaxy from that of the nuclear black hole in their Spectral Energy Distributions. We derive an estimate of black hole masses through the analysis of the broad Mg II emission lines observed in the medium-resolution spectra taken with VIMOS/VLT as part of the zCOSMOS project. We found that, as compared to the local value, the average black hole to host galaxy mass ratio appears to evolve positively with redshift, with a best fit evolution of the form (1+z)^{0.68 \pm0.12 +0.6 -0.3}, where the large asymmetric systematic errors stem from the uncertainties in the choice of IMF, in the calibration of the virial relation used to estimate BH masses and in the mean QSO SED adopted. A thorough analysis of observational biases induced by intrinsic scatter in the scaling relations reinforces the conclusion that an evolution of the MBH-M* relation must ensue for actively growing black holes at early times: either its overall normalization, or its intrinsic scatter (or both) appear to increase with redshift. This can be interpreted as signature of either a more rapid growth of supermassive black holes at high redshift, a change of structural properties of AGN hosts at earlier times, or a significant mismatch between the typical growth times of nuclear black holes and host galaxies.Comment: 47 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    New Constraints on ΩM\Omega_M, ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda, and w from an Independent Set of Eleven High-Redshift Supernovae Observed with HST

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    We report measurements of ΩM\Omega_M, ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda, and w from eleven supernovae at z=0.36-0.86 with high-quality lightcurves measured using WFPC-2 on the HST. This is an independent set of high-redshift supernovae that confirms previous supernova evidence for an accelerating Universe. Combined with earlier Supernova Cosmology Project data, the new supernovae yield a flat-universe measurement of the mass density ΩM=0.250.06+0.07\Omega_M=0.25^{+0.07}_{-0.06} (statistical) ±0.04\pm0.04 (identified systematics), or equivalently, a cosmological constant of ΩΛ=0.750.07+0.06\Omega_\Lambda=0.75^{+0.06}_{-0.07} (statistical) ±0.04\pm0.04 (identified systematics). When the supernova results are combined with independent flat-universe measurements of ΩM\Omega_M from CMB and galaxy redshift distortion data, they provide a measurement of w=1.050.20+0.15w=-1.05^{+0.15}_{-0.20} (statistical) ±0.09\pm0.09 (identified systematic), if w is assumed to be constant in time. The new data offer greatly improved color measurements of the high-redshift supernovae, and hence improved host-galaxy extinction estimates. These extinction measurements show no anomalous negative E(B-V) at high redshift. The precision of the measurements is such that it is possible to perform a host-galaxy extinction correction directly for individual supernovae without any assumptions or priors on the parent E(B-V) distribution. Our cosmological fits using full extinction corrections confirm that dark energy is required with P(ΩΛ>0)>0.99P(\Omega_\Lambda>0)>0.99, a result consistent with previous and current supernova analyses which rely upon the identification of a low-extinction subset or prior assumptions concerning the intrinsic extinction distribution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal; For data tables and full-resolution figures, see http://supernova.lbl.go

    Potential Gains from Mergers in Local Public Transport: An Efficiency Analysis Applied to Germany

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    We analyze potential gains from hypothetical mergers in local public transport using the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis with bias corrections by means of bootstrapping. Our sample consists of 41 public transport companies from Germany's most densely populated region, North Rhine-Westphalia. We merge them into geographically meaningful, larger units that operate partially on a joint tram network. Merger gains are then decomposed into individual technical efficiency, synergy and size effects following the methodology of Bogetoft and Wang [Bogetoft, P., Wang, D., 2005. Estimating the Potential Gains from Mergers. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 23(2), 145-171]. Our empirical findings suggest that substantial gains up to 16 percent of factor inputs are present, mainly resulting from synergy effects

    The expansion field: The value of H_0

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    Any calibration of the present value of the Hubble constant requires recession velocities and distances of galaxies. While the conversion of observed velocities into true recession velocities has only a small effect on the result, the derivation of unbiased distances which rest on a solid zero point and cover a useful range of about 4-30 Mpc is crucial. A list of 279 such galaxy distances within v<2000 km/s is given which are derived from the tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB), from Cepheids, and from supernovae of type Ia (SNe Ia). Their random errors are not more than 0.15 mag as shown by intercomparison. They trace a linear expansion field within narrow margins from v=250 to at least 2000 km/s. Additional 62 distant SNe Ia confirm the linearity to at least 20,000 km/s. The dispersion about the Hubble line is dominated by random peculiar velocities, amounting locally to <100 km/s but increasing outwards. Due to the linearity of the expansion field the Hubble constant H_0 can be found at any distance >4.5 Mpc. RR Lyr star-calibrated TRGB distances of 78 galaxies above this limit give H_0=63.0+/-1.6 at an effective distance of 6 Mpc. They compensate the effect of peculiar motions by their large number. Support for this result comes from 28 independently calibrated Cepheids that give H_0=63.4+/-1.7 at 15 Mpc. This agrees also with the large-scale value of H_0=61.2+/-0.5 from the distant, Cepheid-calibrated SNe Ia. A mean value of H_0=62.3+/-1.3 is adopted. Because the value depends on two independent zero points of the distance scale its systematic error is estimated to be 6%. Typical errors of H_0 come from the use of a universal, yet unjustified P-L relation of Cepheids, the neglect of selection bias in magnitude-limited samples, or they are inherent to the adopted models.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronony and Astrophysics Review 15

    Blood Parasites in Owls with Conservation Implications for the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis)

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    The three subspecies of Spotted Owl (Northern, Strix occidentalis caurina; California, S. o. occidentalis; and Mexican, S. o. lucida) are all threatened by habitat loss and range expansion of the Barred Owl (S. varia). An unaddressed threat is whether Barred Owls could be a source of novel strains of disease such as avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) or other blood parasites potentially harmful for Spotted Owls. Although Barred Owls commonly harbor Plasmodium infections, these parasites have not been documented in the Spotted Owl. We screened 111 Spotted Owls, 44 Barred Owls, and 387 owls of nine other species for haemosporidian parasites (Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, and Haemoproteus spp.). California Spotted Owls had the greatest number of simultaneous multi-species infections (44%). Additionally, sequencing results revealed that the Northern and California Spotted Owl subspecies together had the highest number of Leucocytozoon parasite lineages (n = 17) and unique lineages (n = 12). This high level of sequence diversity is significant because only one Leucocytozoon species (L. danilewskyi) has been accepted as valid among all owls, suggesting that L. danilewskyi is a cryptic species. Furthermore, a Plasmodium parasite was documented in a Northern Spotted Owl for the first time. West Coast Barred Owls had a lower prevalence of infection (15%) when compared to sympatric Spotted Owls (S. o. caurina 52%, S. o. occidentalis 79%) and Barred Owls from the historic range (61%). Consequently, Barred Owls on the West Coast may have a competitive advantage over the potentially immune compromised Spotted Owls

    New near-infrared period-luminosity-metallicity relations for RR Lyrae stars and the outlook for GAIA

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    We present results of the analysis of 70 RR Lyrae stars located in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Combining the spectroscopically determined metallicity of these stars from the literature with precise periods from the OGLE III catalog and multi-epoch Ks photometry from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system, we derive a new near-infrared period-luminosity-metallicity (PLKsZ) relation for RR Lyrae variables. In order to fit the relation we use a fitting method developed specifically for this study. The zero-point of the relation is estimated two different ways: by assuming the value of the distance to the LMC and by using Hubble Space Telescope parallaxes of five RR Lyrae stars in the Milky Way (MW). The difference in distance moduli derived by applying these two approaches is ~0.2 mag. To investigate this point further we derive the PLKsZ relation based on 23 MW RR Lyrae stars that had been analyzed in Baade-Wesselink studies. We compared the derived PLKsZ relations for RR Lyrae stars in the MW and LMC. Slopes and zero-points are different, but still consistent within the errors. The shallow slope of the metallicity term is confirmed by both LMC and MW variables. The astrometric space mission Gaia is expected to provide a huge contribution to the determination of the RR Lyrae PLKsZ relation; however, calculating an absolute magnitude from the trigonometric parallax of each star and fitting a PLKsZ relation directly to period and absolute magnitude leads to biased results. We present a tool to achieve an unbiased solution by modeling the data and inferring the slope and zero-point of the relation via statistical methods.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio