10 research outputs found

    6lo Internet-Draft Intended status: Standards Track

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    IPv6 mapping to non-IP protocols draft-rizzo-6lo-6legacy-01 IPv6 is an important enabler of the Internet of Things, since it provides an addressing space large enough to encompass a vast and ubiquitous set of sensors and devices, allowing them to interconnect and interact seamlessly. To date, an important fraction of those devices is based on networking technologies other than IP. An important problem to solve in order to include them into an IPv6-based Internet of Things, is to define a mechanism for assigning an IPv6 address to each of them, in a way which avoids conflicts and protocol aliasing. The only existing proposal for such a mapping leaves many problems unsolved and it is nowadays inadequate to cope with the new scenarios which the Internet of Things presents. This document defines a mechanism, 6TONon-IP, for assigning automatically an IPv6 address to devices which do not support IPv6 or IPv4, in a way which minimizes the chances of address conflicts, and of frequent configuration changes due to instability of connection among devices. Such a mapping mechanism enables stateless autoconfiguration for legacy technology devices, allowing them to interconnect through the Internet and to fully integrate into a world wide scale, IPv6-based IoT

    The diverse stakeholder roles to involve in standardization of emerging and future self-managing networks

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    This paper discusses some of the key points related to Standardization that need to be noted and discussed in the wide ICT community, to help understand the implication and impact of emerging and future network technologies on the various stakeholders of the global ICT ecosystems. The implication of emerging and future network technologies is that it is now the time to involve every key stakeholder in shaping, reviewing and contributing to the evolution of standards as well as the processes involved in making standards. The success to attaining quality and stability of emerging and future standards hinges on the engagements of the various key stakeholders and roles discussed in this paper. This paper is aimed at helping various stakeholders identify where they fit in the changing landscape of standardization, and promoting further discussions and debates along the topic, since the necessary discussions are not taking place at the pace expected by the global ICT communit y. We look at the key aspects requiring continued discussions and consideration so as to help accelerate standards development processes and adoption of standards, to help facilitate innovation and new technologies that dramatically bring about changes to the global economy and improve the lives of citizens across the globe. Therefore, it is very important to understand that Future Network Research directions must be aligned with newly launched activities in standardization of emerging and future network technologies

    Toward a lightweight authentication and authorization framework for smart objects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the current technology revolution that is intended to transform the current environment into a more pervasive and ubiquitous world. In this emerging ecosystem, the application of standard security technologies has to cope with the inherent nature of constrained physical devices, which are seamlessly integrated into the Internet infrastructure. This work proposes a set of lightweight authentication and authorization mechanisms in order to support smart objects during their life cycle. Furthermore, such mechanisms are framed within a proposed security framework, which is compliant with the Architectural Reference Model, recently presented by the EU FP7 IoT-A project. The resulting architecture is intended to provide a holistic security approach to be leveraged in the design of novel and lightweight security protocols for IoT constrained environments

    Testbeds for the Implementation of 5G in the European Union: The Innovative Case of the 5G-DRIVE Project

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    An essential part of the actual EU policy towards promoting and validating 5G applications and of related solutions is via the establishment of an explicit plan and of a detailed roadmap for trials, tests and experimental activities though dedicated testbeds, in parallel with the current research and development activities coming from the 5G-PPP framework. The present paper discusses the fundamental role of the proposed trials' initiatives within the broader European framework for the establishment and the promotion of 5G and also analyses the corresponding streams as indispensable parts of the 5G-PPP context, aiming to support innovation and growth. In addition, as part of the broader initiative for trial actions we identify the case of the 5G-DRIVE project that aims to realise 5G deployment scenarios (i.e., enhanced Mobile Broadband and Vehicle-to-Everything communications), between the EU and China, by discussing the fundamental features of the respective trials sites. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2019