342 research outputs found

    Testing a simple recipe for estimating galaxy masses from minimal observational data

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    The accuracy and robustness of a simple method to estimate the total mass profile of a galaxy is tested using a sample of 65 cosmological zoom-simulations of individual galaxies. The method only requires information on the optical surface brightness and the projected velocity dispersion profiles and therefore can be applied even in case of poor observational data. In the simulated sample massive galaxies (σ200400\sigma \simeq 200-400 \kms) at redshift z=0z=0 have almost isothermal rotation curves for broad range of radii (RMS 5\simeq 5% for the circular speed deviations from a constant value over 0.5Reff<r<3Reff0.5R_{\rm eff} < r < 3R_{\rm eff}). For such galaxies the method recovers the unbiased value of the circular speed. The sample averaged deviation from the true circular speed is less than 1\sim 1% with the scatter of 58\simeq 5-8% (RMS) up to R5ReffR \simeq 5R_{\rm eff}. Circular speed estimates of massive non-rotating simulated galaxies at higher redshifts (z=1z=1 and z=2z=2) are also almost unbiased and with the same scatter. For the least massive galaxies in the sample (σ<150\sigma < 150 \kms) at z=0z=0 the RMS deviation is 79\simeq 7-9% and the mean deviation is biased low by about 121-2%. We also derive the circular velocity profile from the hydrostatic equilibrium (HE) equation for hot gas in the simulated galaxies. The accuracy of this estimate is about RMS 45\simeq 4-5% for massive objects (M>6.5×1012MM > 6.5\times 10^{12} M_\odot) and the HE estimate is biased low by 34\simeq 3-4%, which can be traced to the presence of gas motions. This implies that the simple mass estimate can be used to determine the mass of observed massive elliptical galaxies to an accuracy of 585-8 % and can be very useful for galaxy surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of diseases in the newborn

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    ДЕТСКИЕ БОЛЕЗНИДИАГНОСТИКА ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙНОВОРОЖДЕННЫЙ, БОЛЕЗНИПЕДИАТРИЯВ пособии освещены вопросы патогенеза, диагностики и лечения болезней новорожденных


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    This study elucidates the main clinical results achieved with epoxy-treated (ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether) porcine valve bioprostheses. New technologies of biomaterial modifi cation and an innovative design of bioprosthetic valves are presented. The ways of further artifi cial valve development are discussed.  В настоящей работе освещены основные клинические результаты использования ксеноаортальных биопротезов клапанов сердца, консервированных эпоксидным соединением (диглицидиловым эфиром этиленгликоля). Дано теоретическое обоснование инновационных технологий модификации биоматериала и новых конструкций клапанных биопротезов. Дискутируются пути дальнейшего развития данного направления на ближайшие годы.

    X-ray line formation in the spectrum of SS 433

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    The mechanisms for the formation of X-ray lines in the spectrum of SS 433 are investigated by taking into account the radiative transfer inside the jets. The results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations are presented. The effect of a decrease in line intensity due to scattering inside the jet turns out to be pronounced, but it does not exceed 60% in magnitude on the entire grid of parameters. The line broadening due to scattering, nutational motion, and the contribution of satellites can lead to overestimates of the jet opening angle Θ\Theta from the line widths in Chandra X-ray observations. The fine structure of the lines turns out to be very sensitive to the scattering effects. This makes its investigation by planned X-ray observatories equipped with high-resolution spectrometers (primarily Astro-H) a powerful tool for diagnosing the parameters of the jets in SS 433.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Astronomy Letters, v. 38, n. 7, p. 443 (2012

    Considerations and strategies in L2 vocabulary acquisition among Japanese 1st year university students.

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    This article proposes a framework of strategies1) for L2 vocabulary acquisition among low-to-mid level L2 learners in their first year at Kansai University. The framework relies upon considerations posited by Kudo (1999), as well as, Hunt and Beglar’s (2005) model for developing EFL reading vocabulary, although the objective for our target learners is tofacilitate vocabulary acquisition in a learner-centered communicative context, where possible. This paper firstly underlines the critical role of vocabulary in second language acquisition, while raising awareness of the surrounding pedagogic climate in Japanese secondary education.研究ノー


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    ABSTRAKBerkembangnya pariwisata di tengah masyarakat membawa pengaruh terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya. Pariwisata selalu mempertemukan dua atau lebih kebudayaan yang akan menghasilkan berbagai proses perubahan seperti akulturasi, dominasi, asimilasi, adopsi, adaptasi dan sebagainya. Wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke Lhoknga telah membawa pengaruh terhadap masyarakat lokal di daerah sekitar objek wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pariwisata terhadap perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat dan mengetahui bentuk perubahan sosial budaya yang terjadi pada masyarakat Lhoknga akibat perkembangan pariwisata di Mukim Lhoknga. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model studi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya perubahan sosial budaya pada masyarakat lokal di Mukim Lhoknga, Kecamatan Lhoknga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Namun perubahan yang dimaksud masih dikategorikan perubahan secara mikro, karena tidak membawa pengaruh yang mendalam pada kehidupan masyarakat lokal. Dampak pariwisata terhadap perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat dapat dipilah menjadi dua yaitu dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Dampak positifnya yaitu dengan adanya pariwisata telah membuka lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat lokal yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi, mampu menguasai bahasa asing, seperti bahasa Inggris, Jepang. Terbukanya akses bagi masyarakat lokal ke jaringan yang lebih luas, memperlihatkan keindahan alam dan budaya yang tak lepas dari rasa untuk meningkatkan persaudaraan dalam lingkungan nasional dan internasional Sedangkan dampak negatif yaitu, lunturnya budaya lokal (tradisional) akibat masuknya budaya luar (modern). Adapun bentuk-bentuk perubahan dapat dilihat dari dua segi yaitu perubahan segi sosial dan perubahan dari segi budaya. Bentuk perubahan dari segi sosial yaitu terjadinya perubahan struktur sosial masyarakat lokal dengan beralihnya sektor pekerjaan dari petani atau nelayan ke sektor industri, Meningkatnya keinginan untuk berpendidikan tinggi, sedangkan perubahan dari segi budaya yaitu terjadinya perkawinan dari dua unsur budaya yang berbeda, perubahan pada penggunaan bahasa, perubahan cara berpakaian dan perubahan perilaku dalam keluarga.Kata Kunci : Pariwisata, Wisatawan Asing, Perubahan Sosial, Perubahan Budaya.Banda Ace

    Formalization of sustainable innovative development process in the model of innovations diffusion

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reseved. The relevance of the study is reasoned by the fact that the sustainability of innovative development cannot be fully estimated by using the parameters which are traditionally observed by the official statistical bodies, so it suggests the need to improve methodological solutions and technology economic interpretation as well as scaling of indicators’ values in this field. At the macro level there is a small number of indicators on the basis of which we can conclude about the stability of innovative development of economic systems at the meso-and macro level. In this regard, this article aims to formalize the process of sustainable innovation development on the basis of the parameters’ set formation of the innovations’ diffusion model and diagnosis of major economic systems’ development level. The leading method is the parameters’ set formalization of the quantitative model to estimate the level of economic systems’ innovative development based on managerial interpretation of descriptive statistics’ indicators of innovation activity in the framework of economic activities. Aset of quantitative parameters of 9 parametric model of economic systems’ innovative development level is formalized in the article, allowing to diagnose the impact of cyclical factors and the institutional environment that are not fully implemented in the existing macro- systems assessing the level of economic systems’ innovative development; methods of diagnosis and economic interpretation of the relevant indices and indicators’ levels are proposed. The material of this paper is of practical value for enterprises’ innovative activities regulators and monitoring agencies, for regional innovation infrastructure and transfer technology entities, for innovation-active enterprises, because on the basis of the obtained model the optimal solutions in the development of strategies for the upgrading of industries, regions, macro-economic system as a whole are possible

    Formalization of sustainable innovative development process in the model of innovations diffusion

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reseved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the fact that the sustainability of innovative development cannot be fully estimated by using the parameters which are traditionally observed by the official statistical bodies, so it suggests the need to improve methodological solutions and technology economic interpretation as well as scaling of indicators’ values in this field. At the macro level there is a small number of indicators on the basis of which we can conclude about the stability of innovative development of economic systems at the meso-and macro level. In this regard, this article aims to formalize the process of sustainable innovation development on the basis of the parameters’ set formation of the innovations’ diffusion model and diagnosis of major economic systems’ development level. The leading method is the parameters’ set formalization of the quantitative model to estimate the level of economic systems’ innovative development based on managerial interpretation of descriptive statistics’ indicators of innovation activity in the framework of economic activities. Aset of quantitative parameters of 9 parametric model of economic systems’ innovative development level is formalized in the article, allowing to diagnose the impact of cyclical factors and the institutional environment that are not fully implemented in the existing macro- systems assessing the level of economic systems’ innovative development; methods of diagnosis and economic interpretation of the relevant indices and indicators’ levels are proposed. The material of this paper is of practical value for enterprises’ innovative activities regulators and monitoring agencies, for regional innovation infrastructure and transfer technology entities, for innovation-active enterprises, because on the basis of the obtained model the optimal solutions in the development of strategies for the upgrading of industries, regions, macro-economic system as a whole are possible

    Formalization of sustainable innovative development process in the model of innovations diffusion

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reseved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the fact that the sustainability of innovative development cannot be fully estimated by using the parameters which are traditionally observed by the official statistical bodies, so it suggests the need to improve methodological solutions and technology economic interpretation as well as scaling of indicators’ values in this field. At the macro level there is a small number of indicators on the basis of which we can conclude about the stability of innovative development of economic systems at the meso-and macro level. In this regard, this article aims to formalize the process of sustainable innovation development on the basis of the parameters’ set formation of the innovations’ diffusion model and diagnosis of major economic systems’ development level. The leading method is the parameters’ set formalization of the quantitative model to estimate the level of economic systems’ innovative development based on managerial interpretation of descriptive statistics’ indicators of innovation activity in the framework of economic activities. Aset of quantitative parameters of 9 parametric model of economic systems’ innovative development level is formalized in the article, allowing to diagnose the impact of cyclical factors and the institutional environment that are not fully implemented in the existing macro- systems assessing the level of economic systems’ innovative development; methods of diagnosis and economic interpretation of the relevant indices and indicators’ levels are proposed. The material of this paper is of practical value for enterprises’ innovative activities regulators and monitoring agencies, for regional innovation infrastructure and transfer technology entities, for innovation-active enterprises, because on the basis of the obtained model the optimal solutions in the development of strategies for the upgrading of industries, regions, macro-economic system as a whole are possible

    Mycophenolate Mofetil and Clostridium difficile-associated Colitis

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    Aim. A clinical observation of colitis conditioned by mycophenolate mofetil intake and concomitant Clostridium difficile-associated disease.Key points. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is an active immunosuppressant with side effects affecting gastrointestinal tract (GIT). A 37-yo male patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus was admitted at a gastroenterology unit with clinical signs of diarrhoea with haematochezia. A history of diabetic nephropathy and related-donor pre-dialysis kidney transplantation in 2012, since when MMF intake was 2000 mg daily. Catarrhal ulcerative colitis in colonoscopy, C. difficile toxins in pathogen stool panel. Ulcerative, ischaemic colitises and the graft-versus-host disease were ruled out in examination. A positive clinical and endoscopic trend was observed upon MMF withdrawn and start of vancomycin.Conclusion. The case presented illustrates the clinical picture and diagnostic algorithm in MMF-associated colitis. The case-distinctive is association with C. difficile infection